Forms :: Modifying Charts With VBA

May 6, 2013

I have a bunch of charts in my forms, and my boss wants to be able to adjust axes. I have added a context menu that brings up a little form and takes values that are then thrown into the graph by way of a function. URL....Here's the current code:

Public Function AdjustTREFAxis()
'See form fTREFaxis
Dim objChart1 As Object
Dim objAxis1 As Object


-ignore the global vars, they are a temporary measure.
-"Graph19" I know, not good. I never expected to call it in code though , I'll fix it later
-the while loop keeps the rest of the code from running until the axes have been submitted.

Ok, so this code works for the x and y1 axes. I assumed that Axes(3) would iterate to the Y2 axis, it does not...I also found that after you change the axis the changes are persistent for the graph even upon repaint/requerying it. This is problematic and I need a way to set an On Load event that resets the graph to "autoscale"

Lacking that, how to access the Y2 axis, or how to reset the axes to autoscale that would be keen.

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Forms :: Updating Date When Modifying Data

Nov 20, 2013

I want to update my date field in my database everytime when the record is changed. I do not want to do this by using a macro and I cannot make it word by using the before update function. In the before update I have tried the following without success (nothing happens):

Private Sub Modified_Date_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me![Modified Date] = Now()
End Sub

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Access 2010 - Modifying Forms In Split Database

May 11, 2012

I have a access 2010 split database and i need to modify one form on the front end (it is an accde file). However, when i open the Front end, i cannot find the possibility to go into the form design mode.

How do i need to do it? do i need to restart from the unsplit database?

The both the front end and the back end are password protected.

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Forms :: Pie Charts Not Showing Up On Frontend Computer

Jun 19, 2014

I have a database that I have developed on my computer that works well. This database is split and has a number of pie charts and listboxes in a couple of different forms based on data from the back end. This data is basically showing statistics, such as number of customers, type of customers and % of customers with issues. The pie charts show up correctly on my computer.

When I copy the back end on a server and the front end on another computer and link them together then the pie charts do not show up (image 1). The listboxes, which use the same data show up just fine, but the pie chart area is simply a grey box. If I double-click on this box then I can see the chart in a sort of "edit mode?" (image 2) meaning the chart shows up on the screen with a small data sheet underneath. Oddly enough the data in this sheet can actually be edited! which I do not know what effects it may have on the actual data.

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Forms :: Access 2002 - Modifying Properties Of Subform Fields

Feb 2, 2014

I have a Form with embedded Subform, everything works well as far as moving through records. Scrolling through records on main table via Form brings up correct records of child table on Subform, so the link between the 2 tables is done properly.

I use this logic to lock/unlock a field in the subform.

Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull(Me.Parent!Spec2) Then
Me!Value2.BorderStyle = Transparent
Me!Value2.SpecialEffect = Flat
Me!Value2.BackStyle = Transparent

[Code] ...

I confirmed with debug that the logic does set the properties properly. They are updated once and that's that. Any further passes through the logic do not update on the form. They do pass through correctly, changes are just ignored.

It doesn't matter if I use the logic from the Form and refer down, or in the Subform and refer up, the Subform never gets updated. I tried Repaint, Refresh, Requery, nothing works. I cannot count the permutations I've tried.

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Modifying A Replica

Jul 21, 2005

I am still new to Access and am loving the learning process. I am stuck on a problem though. I have serached the forums here and various other places and haven't found the info I am looking for. I was wondering if there is a way to have a relpica (or a seperate database that can syncronize) that has a modied design. I want the main one to have everything on it, reports/forms/ add/delete/ect, but I want another one that is simply a data entry form, with only the option to input data. I would love to do this and avoid system security measures with usernames and passwords. From my reading it doesn't seem like I can do this, but I still hold in my heart a glimmer of hope. Please help, and if you can explain the process to me, all the better (its how I'm learning).

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Modifying Projects - See Example

Sep 8, 2006

Hello, So far you guys have been helping me through my database that i am building. Thanks so far!But at the moment i need help on one more aspect of this Database Job. Currently i have a database that supports and holds records for jobs that are under contract. That means we have certain numbers and statistics of Jobs and there properties.what i have right now is a table with a couple fields. (there are more than this but this is just for example) project number "primary key" aerial units buried units planning units ICGS unitsThat part works fine with the current table. But since jobs are under contract the number of units might change further on during the design and construction. There may be more than one mod.Now the part that im stuck on is the most important. I need a table/query/form/report that i can input the changes to particular units. Like i said before there might be more than 1 mod. So i need to make it show ALL the mods ive done to a project.This is a huge part, and any help would be very much appriciated. ~Thanks so muchJon

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Modifying Security Using Sql

Jan 16, 2006

Is it possible in access to modify user permissions with SQL?

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Modifying A Query

Jan 10, 2007

I'm far from being an Access expert, so forgive me if I don't make perfect sense. I have a database where questions and pages are entered on a daily basis. I have a table with three columns: data, pages, and questions. I have a query where I can sumarize the data by Month. (I created a query by using the wizard and I chose to summarize by Month). This returns all of the data, summarized by Month. I want to limit it further by year, so that it would return 12 months of data. I am at a loss! I've tried typing [Type Year] but I get no responses. I was able to create a limiting one where I type in the month and year [Type Month and Year] that works great, but it doesn't translate into the year only.

Thanks for any help you can lend!

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Jan 6, 2005

Hi all,

I want to create a 100% stacked column chart (as can be used in Excel) into a report in my database, however I cannot find it anywhere to use.

Does anyone know if it is possible to use this type of chart in Access and if so, how to do this?

Again, help would be greatly appreciated.


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Modifying Error Messages

Mar 14, 2006

Hi to all. I need to modify some existing error messages in my form so that I can create messages that will be more user friendly. I know that it is possible but searching for this issue was a bit confusing. How do I do this?

Thanks in advance

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Modifying An Icon's Properties

Mar 21, 2006

I have an Access database split into FE/BE. For the front end, each user has his own directory on the lan. The directory is named with the UserName.

I've created an installation program in Access. It basically installs the icon on the user's desktop using Environ("UserName"). It also installs an Excel file the program needs on the hard drive.

Here's the problem...Right now, the installation program grabs the shortcut off the lan and installs it, but that shortcut has one user's UserName hard coded as the target. That one piece of information needs to change for each person. Is there a way for the program to modify the target based on the username of the person running the installation program? Without this piece, I need to visit every user after he runs the installation program and modify the properties of the new icon to point to his specific directory.

Thanks for any help you can provide!!

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Help Modifying Export To Excel.

Sep 1, 2007

Hi guys, me again. Have a few functions that I would like to put into action.
I currently have the following code that exports multiple queries to excel. All works great I am happy to say. Currently the date criteria are hard coded into the queries. Well now my users would like to enter date ranges instead. Currently when I click on my toggle button, the users are asked if they are sure they want to start export to excel. I still want that to happen, but how can I change my code to prompt for startdate and enddate before running the export. I would rather use an input boxes to enter the date range instead of using a form. Would this be possible?

Right now excel is displayed on the screen while the export is in process, how can I hide excel and then have it appear after its done with export. If the user clicks within excel during export, it sometimes freezes. And how can I apply my module for the progress bar to display the progress of the export. I have provided the code of the progress bar that I am using, that I found on this forum.

Many thanks for any suggestions.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function ExportDataExcel()
Dim strFilePath As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFileTemplate As String
Dim strMacroName As String

If (MsgBox("You are about to generate the LAR Monthly Report. Are you sure you wish to continue? You cannot cancel this procedure once started.", vbOKCancel) = vbCancel) Then
Exit Function
End If

'''''''''''''UPDATE THIS DATA WITH YOURS''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'Fill in the following with your files and path
strFilePath = "R:Call CenterCall Center DepartmentsMortgage DeptMortgage Statistics & Tracking"
strFileName = "BigLarOutput.xls"
strFileTemplate = "BigLarTemplate.xls"
strMacroName = "DeleteBlank"
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''

'This deletes the old file
Kill strFilePath & strFileName
'This recreates your file with the template
FileCopy strFilePath & strFileTemplate, strFilePath & strFileName

'This is a custom function I built to set Excel as an object and you can access/export
'to a workbook programmatically. 'openexcel' is stored in a module called Functions.
'This will open the new file that was created previously

openexcel strFilePath & strFileName

'''''''''''''UPDATE THIS DATA WITH YOURS''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'Export data is another function that will export your data.
'Update the query Names to your real Query Names
'Update the Sheet Names accordingly, with the Query it is assiged to
ExportData "qryHoeqDotApproved", "HOEQ DOT APPROVED"
ExportData "qryHoeqDotReceived", "HOEQ DOT RECEIVED"
ExportData "qryHoeqDotDenied", "HOEQ DOT DENIED"

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''

'The Application.Run will run the Macro(s) that you saved in your spreadsheet
xl.Application.Run "'" & strFileName & "'!" & strMacroName

'Uncomment/Comment these to close out the workbook

Set xl = Nothing

End Function

Private Function ExportData(strQuery As String, strSheet As String)
Dim intR As Integer
Dim rs As Recordset

'After you open that Object/Workbook, you refer to that workbook now as 'xl'. You will
'use it later, but now you have to access your queries through this code and to do so
'you need to use a recordset.

'strQuery is the name of the Query that you passed with the Function. You can also
'use an SQL string.
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQuery)
rs.MoveLast 'moves to the last record
rs.MoveFirst 'moves back to the first record

'You can use record count to make sure there are records in your Query/Recordset
If rs.RecordCount < 1 Then
'There are no records
MsgBox "There are no records for " & strQuery
'There are 1 or more records. Now Select the sheet that you will be exporting to

'Now you need to loop through the records. 'intR' was dimmed at beginning of this
'function and will now use it to create a loop or 'For, Next'

'Starts with record 1 and gets the count of records in the recordset so it knows where
'to stop.
For intR = 1 To rs.RecordCount
'Now we need to export the recordset/query to the workbook/object we opened earlier.
'Remember 'rs' refers to the recordset & 'xl' refers to the workbook

'xl.cells(ROW,COLUMN).VALUE = rs.fields(INDEX).
'This is how you will fill in the value of a cell on the workbook. For the ROW you
'will want to add + 1 if you have Headings on your sheet. The INDEX for rs.fields
'refers to the columns of the recordset/query. The first column of the recordset
'starts with the index of zero.

xl.cells(intR + 3, 1).Value = rs.Fields(0)
xl.cells(intR + 3, 2).Value = rs.Fields(1)
xl.cells(intR + 3, 3).Value = rs.Fields(2)
xl.cells(intR + 3, 4).Value = rs.Fields(3)
xl.cells(intR + 3, 5).Value = rs.Fields(4)
xl.cells(intR + 3, 6).Value = rs.Fields(5)

'If there are more columns to add than this just follow what I have above

'Moves to the next record
Next intR 'Loops back to For and enters data for the next row

'Once the export is done, this just puts the cursor to A1 on each sheet

'Clears the recordset
Set rs = Nothing

End If

End Function

' Code inside progressbar module

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Function RunProgressBar(lLth As Long)

If IsLoaded("frmSplash") Then
Forms!frmSplash!Box20.Width = lLth
End If

End Function

Function IsLoaded(ByVal strFormName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_IsLoaded

Const conObjStateClosed = 0
Const conDesignView = 0

If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, strFormName) <> conObjStateClosed Then
If Forms(strFormName).CurrentView <> conDesignView Then
IsLoaded = True
End If
End If

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description, , " Service Operations"
Resume Exit_IsLoaded

End Function

Public Function Pause(NumberOfSeconds As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err_Pause

Dim PauseTime As Variant, Start As Variant

PauseTime = NumberOfSeconds
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + PauseTime

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Pause

End Function

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Modifying Report Changes Information...

Mar 16, 2008

I have a report I am generating with the design wizard. It uses 1 Query and all the information I want and order is correct when its finished. However, there is more information then what I want to display (I choose it to sum up everything, but I want to get rid of the thing that says 'summary of blah : 3 records) and I want to move the sum label to the far right and change it to total.

However I am finding out that any attempt to modifying the report in any way is changing my information. When its correct and working the report is 24 pages, each client has 3 sub types that come up and shows totals. However, if I make something invisible, move a label, change the text in a label or ANYTHING, then my report is completly screwed up, it drops to 3 pages, and loses all but 5 clients and only 1 sub type appears.

Why is modifying the report doing this?

Edit: its access 2003

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Cusum Charts And SPC Add-ins

Aug 7, 2006

Hi everyone

I would like to create a statistical cusum chart in my db, I can do it in Excel but it's quite difficult to do in Access. Does anyone know how to do one, or know of any SPC add ons for Access (there are loads for Excel)?


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Charts In A Report

Jan 4, 2008

I would like to create a report from one of my existing queries. I would like this report to have a pie chart on it showing results from a field called concerns in the querie.

I would like the chart to break down the amount of each concern listed i.e. 4 of this 3 of that 5 of those etc.

i use the chart wizard to pull in the field data and when I click finish, it gives me basically nothing. Any ideas?

thanks in advance.

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Filtering Charts

Aug 25, 2006

I solved one problem only to hit another.
I have several charts that work off of a query.
The several charts all compare various variables to year.
I created the charts and they all work great. However, the user now wants to be able to select or compare various years as opposed to seeing them all in every chart. I made the year an integer. I then tested the query that all the charts are based on to see if it filters properly.

In the query's date filed I have the criteria Like [Enter the desired year]
This works fine if I am just looking at the query.
However, if I pull up the chart that the query is based on I get the error message, "The microsoft jet database engine does not recognize '[Enter the desired year]'as a valid field name or expression."

I have wasted an enormous amount of time simply trying to filter my charts by year. A single field in my table that is an integer with 0 decimal places. All the dates are entered as a 4 digit number. Ex 2006.

Any help / suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

My end desire is to have a form with two text boxed named "start" and "end" in addition to a number of butons each corresponding to one of the charts. My user will enter two dates, one in each of the text boxes "start" and "end"
When he/she presses one of the chart butons, the corresponding chart will open up showing only the two (or) one selected years' data. This would be filtered by the query that all of the charts are based on that has a set criteria, "Like [forms].[charts].[start] or like [forms].[charts].[end]"

As I mentioned earlier, I already have this all set up. The query works fine based on all of the above. However, if I click the butons or try to open a chart I get the message stated above.

Thanks again to all here at the forum for your invaluable help.

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Best Practice For Charts?

Jan 3, 2007

Deal All

I've got some simple charts to do in Access. They are working fine - except for the Legends.

The problem is that my table (on which the charts are based) is fed by Combo boxes which populate the table with codes, rather than a descriptor.

For example, the combo box on the input form displays two columns

5 | Excellent
4 | Very Good
3 | Average
2 | Not good
1 | Poor
0 | Don't know

..but populates the table only with the numbers 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0.

Consequently, the legend in my graph only displays the numbers - when I would really like the Words.

What's the best way round this?


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Modifying Data In A CrossTab Query

Mar 17, 2006

Is it possible to modify data values in a cross tab query?

I tried and it won't let me delete or type anything.


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Need Assistance Modifying Date Query

Nov 19, 2006

I have a query that is based off of a union query

SELECT clvpertech.clvtech1 AS Technician, Sum(clvpertech.CLVCode) AS CLVs
FROM clvpertech
GROUP BY clvpertech.clvtech1;

This is returning a sum of all the procedures a technician does for the entire database.
This is working.

I need to break this down by day, week , month, and year base off of the datecomp1 or datecomp2 or datecomp3 or datecomp4 fields having a date in them.

I made this query to get the daily results and it works
SELECT clvpertech2.clvtech1 AS Technician, Sum(clvpertech2.CLVCode) AS CLVs
FROM clvpertech2
WHERE (((clvpertech2.datecomp1)=Date$())) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp2)=Date$())) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp3)=Date$())) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp4)=Date$()))
GROUP BY clvpertech2.clvtech1;

How can I add different queries to get the results by breaking down the date field for year, week, and month?

I tried this for the month but I get Invalid Procedure Call when I try to run it???

SELECT clvpertech2.clvtech1 AS Technician, Sum(clvpertech2.CLVCode) AS CLVs
FROM clvpertech2
WHERE (((clvpertech2.datecomp1)=DatePart("mmm",[datecomp1]))) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp2)=DatePart("mmm",[datecomp2]))) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp3)=DatePart("mmm",[datecomp3]))) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp4)=DatePart("mmm",[datecomp4])))
GROUP BY clvpertech2.clvtech1;

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Modifying Database From Excel File

Nov 4, 2004

I have a a database with a large number of email addresses in it.
I also have a list of email addresses stored in an excel file.

I would like to take the excel file and use it to check for the same email addresses in the access database and if they are present in the database add content to another field in the database to flag it.

Can anyone help?


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Tables :: Modifying Data Using Another Table

Aug 19, 2014

I have a table that has a field that holds a total. Through historic reasons the total in a (relatively) small number of cases is wrong. I have analysed and worked out what the difference should be and have created a table with the value that is missing. I basically want to add the 2 together.

So I have

Table1 Field1 Value1
Table2 Field2 Value2

I want table 1 to be

Table1 Field1 (Value1+Value2)

Programming wise I would just have
Value1 = Value1 + Value2

How do I go about doing this in a query or some other whizzy way?

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Queries :: Modifying Query Output

Feb 13, 2014

I am trying to modify the output to only show discontinued items. While the query is in datasheet view, the text is read as "YES" or "NO" under discounted items. So, I tried entering "YES" in criteria while in design view, but keep getting an error message stating, "Data type mismatch in criteria expression".

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Query Execution And Record Modifying

Dec 8, 2014

whenever I run/execute a query in Access it is modifying the first record on the table in which it is calling the data from.For example if the first record might contain the following:

Record A: John Doe, Oct, 2014, Account is Active

And lets say I am running a query to pulling records from Nov 2014.The Month and Year Fields in the above example for Record A gets modified to the query search parameters for Nov.Is there some of of record lock or controls that I need to adjust to prevent this from occurring?

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Anyone Try Tracking Org Charts In Access???

Jul 6, 2006

I'm trying to set up a database to track a huge group of corporations. There is the parent company, then a bunch of subsidiaries below it. Some subsidiaries have another layer of multiple subsidiaries below it, some have none. Any thoughts as to how to do it???

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Charts In Switchboard? Any Issues?

Jan 24, 2007


I am adding a chart to my switchboard page which comes from a query...does anyone know if this is ok to do or if its not recommended. The Chart takes the database and summarizes its contents..

Didnt know if performance issues would come into play...

Thanks for any opinions.

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