Forms :: Multi Select Field Locks Out Users

Dec 17, 2013

I have a form that uses a multi select combo boxes. When more than one person is in the database, if a user is updating any of the multi select combo boxes, it locks out other users from making changes to those fields on different records. Looking for solution so that every user in the database can make changes to those multi select fields on their own specific records?

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Forms :: Null Field Values In Multi-select Listbox

Jun 15, 2014

I have a multi-select listbox (called PotentialItems) which behaves perfectly unless one of the fields has a null value in it, in which case I get an error 13, "Type mismatch" in the following code. It is valid business-wise for column 9 to be null.

Dim varItem As Variant
Dim dblTargetPrice As Double
With Me.PotentialItems
For Each varItem In .ItemsSelected
If Not IsNull(varItem) Then
dblTargetPrice = Nz(.Column(9, varItem), 0) '<----- Error here
End If
End With

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Data Locks/Record Locks? Question

Feb 12, 2007

I have a database that is used in a retail environment. I cant figure out what causes the locks of data.

I have an invoice (form) that it is filled out at point of sale(customer table). The middle section of the invoice (subform) gets the data from an inventory table.

The issue that i have is that often the subform locks up and does not allow the user to enter new data or make changes? It generally happens when they disconnect from the remote server, or loose connectivity???.

We use remote servers, using remote desktop connections.

The way i fix it is I take a backup database and move the tables out of the locked database into the new one. I just cant figure out what to do about this....>??

When you open an invoice at point of sale if the record is locked No line shows up on the subform to fill in. See image below.
When its fine the line will appear to take in entries.

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Populating Multi-select Items To A Text Field

Nov 27, 2005

I'm new to access. Hope someone can offer some help!

I have created a simple database to better organise some day-to-day office data management. For instance, I have a form (just) to record event attended by staff. The data would then be output as a brief report on overall office activities. Since it's event-oriented, staff attendance is just one complementary information. I went through most of the post re multi-select. I understand that it may not be a good idea to return values from multi-select list boxes into a text field, as it would be problematic for using data-analysis in the future.

In my case, I just need to have a text box, neatly (and easy for user, too) shows who attended. As suggested in one of the posting, I follow the instruction of;en-us;210203. But it doesn't seem working. I attach my databsae (sorry, it's very simple, as I want to test whether the multi-select work).

Your help would be greatly appr:confused: :confused: :confused: ciate!

Also, what about if I group option button, will it allow multiple return by the way?


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Queries :: Multi-Select List Box As Filter For Query Field

May 16, 2013

On [Form1] I have a Multi-Select Listbox[List1] which shows Job Numbers [WBS] (The job numbers displaying are a result of a separate query filtered by the Fiscal Year combobox). When I click [CMD1] I want [Query1] results to only be selected [WBS] from the form.What is the best way to code this? I'm a beginner when it comes to VBA.

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Forms :: Multi Select List Box In A Form

Mar 6, 2013

I have a form which contains a multi select list box of team leaders. Unbound getting source from tl table. Based on one or more selection from user I want to run query that brings up those team leaders. When I have multi select to none in list box and select one to the query works fine. When I change it to simple or expanded it shows nothing. I have query criteria to get data from form list box.

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Forms :: Multi-select Box On A Form In Access 2010

Jul 25, 2013

I am very new to Access (I started two weeks ago). One problem I am having is I have a multiselect box on a form in Access 2010 and I want to base the value of a text box on the user's selection. However I would like the textbox to just be based on one of the choices and to allow the user to select any other of the choices along side this selection. How would I input this into the code?The line of code I am interested in looks like:

If Me.Reasons_For_Choosing_Physics.Column(2) = "No other ideas" Then..Could I add something like "No other ideas" + "(*)" to allow other selections alongside "No other ideas"?

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Forms :: Multi-Select Listbox Will Not Clear Selected Lines

Apr 7, 2013

I have a multi select listbox that I rebuild as I index thru some products in another listbox. This listbox then gives me the ingredients I can use. Works well, but the ghost selections in the listbox stay hilighted even after the rebuild.

I can select and de-select at will if there are actual items in the list box, but the ghosts remain.

Here is the code to clear the listbox

Dim _
ctlSource As Control, _
varSelected As Variant, _
intListCount As Integer
Set ctlSource = Forms.frm_select_UPC_LoinGrade!lstBox_ColdStorage
For intListCount = 0 To ctlSource.ListCount
ctlSource.Selected(intListCount) = False
Next intListCount

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Forms :: Multi List To Select Reports Send By Email

Mar 13, 2015

I am trying to create a Multi list to select reports to send by email. I am able to select one report to send but when I change the list box to multi select it doesn't work.

The codes I have been using are;

Private Sub Command2_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim sAddr As String, sSubj As String, sFor As String
If IsNull(ReportList) Then Exit Sub

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Multi Select List Boxes And Parameter Queries

Apr 16, 2013

I am creating an absenteeism database which has the following tables:

tblEmp - PK - auto number, EmpId, First Name, Last name
tblFunction - PK - FID (autonumber) has departments
tblTL - PK TLID (autonumber) has list of team leaders
tblRelated - pK - Id (auto), EmpId, TLID, FId as long integeres
tblCodes - CodeId (auto), list of absenteeism codes like late, mia, etc
EmpLeave - pk - autonumber, empid, codeid, hours, date of absenteeism

I have a Qry_Master which just joins all the information together as it gets updated on a monthly basis

Now, I am trying to create a form where the user has option to select one or more tls and one or more codes and when they hit the button, it should come up with all emps that have those codes and report to the team leader selected.

In my form, I have made both my list boxes as multiselect and i have Qry_frm that is a parameter query but when i run the button nothing happens and i cant seem to figure it out. I have attached the sample database to this thread.

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Forms :: Multi-Select List Boxes To Filter Subform

Oct 6, 2014

I have 7 multi-select list boxes, which I want the user to be able to select multiple items and have it filter a subform by what is selected. The subform will not be visible.

Here is the code I tried for filtering my subform (which is throwing an error when I call it).

Private Function MasterSearch()
On Error GoTo Error_MasterSearch

Dim StrgSQL As String
Dim WhereClause As String
StrgSQL = "SELECT * FROM MasterTbl"

[Code] ...

The above code was to test just 1 of the 7 listboxes. When I call it on click for the command button, it throws an error about the "Call MasterSearch".

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Forms :: Multi-select Listbox To Display Distinct Values From Table

Jul 1, 2013

I am currently trying to make a form which will generate a report for the users. Currently the form has 3 combo boxes where users select which fields they want displayed from the table in the report. They also have sorting options next to them (Asc or Desc). I am now trying to put in a multi select list box under each combo box to allow users to filter the report to their liking. Currently I am trying to pull distinct values from the specific field of the table and display them in the listbox for users to select.

I have tried using vba to set me.filter1.rowsource = SELECT DISTINCT me.combo1 FROM EVAP_Database, but this doesnt seem to work. I have also tried a few other codes and still no luck.

Table: EVAP Database
Combo: Combo1
Filter Listbox: Filter1

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Modules & VBA :: Programmatically Find And Select Item In Multi Select List Box

Apr 23, 2015

I have a multi slect list box (simple) and I need to find and select an item using vba - e.g., the bound column is the ID field and I need to select a specific ID (which will be different each time) as opposed to selecting the 100th record for example. How do I do this?

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List Box One Click Select/deselect With Multi Select

Aug 28, 2004

is there any (reasonably simple) way to select or deselect multiple items from the List Box with individual clicks without using Ctrl key. Eg first click on an item would select it leaving all other items as they are, subsequent click on the already selected item would deselect it etc. I hope this is not too confusing and I would appreciate some help.

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Select Values In Multi Select Listbox

Aug 19, 2005

i have a multiselect listbox in my form.
The multiselectlistbox contains the names of different persons from tblUsers.
it's allready possible to write the id's of the names to another table (tblPresent).

But what I can't manage to do is re-select the values in another multiselect listbox. This multiselectlistbox is located on my editform.
I can display the values using a valuelistbox, but i need to see the non-selected items too..

hope someone can help me out

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Multi Users In Access

Apr 19, 2007

Hi guys,

I'm having some issues with a database that I have created. All this time only one user would be in the database. But now I have 2 to 3 people at a time in the database. I get an error and its not letting the users put any information in.

I have it split into a FE and BE. I have it set to share. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks a lot!

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How Do I Log Out On Users On A Multi-user System?

May 27, 2005

I run a multi-user system of over 200 users. The only facility I have for advising an office-wide logout is required is the email system. However, staff either don't read their email or forget so I have to run around like a headless chicken trying to get everyone to get out/stay out of the system while I perform maintenance etc. Is there a way to enforce a logout and keep users logged out until a requested time without spending a fortune on new software?
Any advice would save me a lot of hair pulling (not mine :)).

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Access With Multi-users : Concept

Nov 23, 2007

Hi everyone,

I just want to have information about the concept of using an Access application with different users at the same time.

Thank you for help,


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Single-user To Multi-users

Jan 7, 2004


I have a database originally was created for 1 person to use. Now, this database has to be shared by various people in the company over a network. Some are only allowed to view reports while others are allowed to make changes to it. How can I convert this database to a multi-users one, and maintaining its data integrity? I can possibly restrict 1 person to use the database at any one time. I know it's not going to be easy, but with the help of you guys I am sure it can be done.

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Forms :: Multi Select Listbox Access 2003 Code Gives Syntax Error In MS Access 2010

Oct 24, 2013

I've been using the following code successfully in Access 2003 & now I need to migrate to Access 2010. The purpose of the code is to use the items that the user selects in the list box to build the criteria of a query. Access 2010 keeps giving me a syntax error when I try to run the query & I don't know why:

My code is:

On Error GoTo Err_Command151_Click

' Declare variables
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] .....

The syntax error I get in Access 2010 is:

Syntax Error in query expression 'SELECT * FROM
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK WHERE
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK.Rep ortableName IN('Adbri
Masonry NSW');'

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Forms :: Dynamic Row Source For Listbox From Multi-select Listbox

Jun 10, 2015

I am using the selections made of the form to generate a query for the user.

I have a CITIES listbox that is populated with values from a stored query.

I would like to make it multi-select and populate a LOCATIONS list box and a NAMES list box based upon the CITIES that are selected.

I have the locations currently populated from a stored query that reads the City selection from the Form. It looks like this


FROM t_location INNER JOIN t_asset_master ON t_location.LOCATION_PHY_ID = t_asset_master.LOCATION
WHERE (((t_location.CITY)=[Forms]![MasterQueryGenerator]![CityList]));

I also want multi-select so that is you can un-select all and get the results for all cities.

Here is my half thought approach.


Private Sub CityList_AfterUpdate()
'Dim LocQryStr As String
'Dim r As Integer
'Dim ctl9 As Control
'LocQryStr = "SELECT DISTINCT (t_location.LOCATION) " & _

[Code] ...

I intended to have the variable LocQryStr as the row source but I abandoned the idea of having multi-select when I saw that .Selected(I) never returned true. Its like the values aren't read in this subroutine.

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Multi Users Issues W/MS 2003 Server

Jul 10, 2007

Our company recently switched over to a Microsoft 2003 server and I
noticed in our database, before several employees could work in our access database. Now only 1 person at a time can enter the database.
I splited the database and added shortcuts of the front end on each
individual's desk but again only 1 person at a time can make entries. We all share a M drive. How do I fix it so we all can work in the database at the same time?

Before the upgrade, we had the 2000 server and everything worked fine
w/ the access database; we all could work in the database; however, w/
the new 2003 server we are having problems as I explained above.

What can I do to fix this problem? Thnaks.

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General :: Multi Users Access Database Gets Inactive

Nov 13, 2013

I have a multiuser data entry form which on using somtimes gets inactive, means the button stop working and we have to close the form and open again to avoid.

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Access 2010 Database - Multi Users - Same Record Prevention

Jan 12, 2013

I am the administrator for a 2010 Access Client Database that consists of many clients with their information and we have three users whom go in and edit-add information to this Database and it hasn't been a problem until two users have tried to edit the same client record at the same time and then we have had some issues...

So, not sure this is even possible, but can one prevent more than one user being on the same client record? Is there a way to have a message come and say this record is in use?

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Forms :: Subform With A Multi-value Field

Jul 1, 2013

Every time I mentioned multi-value fields I get the same input, don't use them. So I am trying to replace this field with a junction table. This will have multiple records for each record in the original subform. The only problem is that the original subform is set to continuous view and now I get the error that "you can't view a form as a continuous form if it contains a subform".

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General :: Split Database - Multi-Users Causing Records To Lock

Apr 16, 2013

I've got a database in Access 2007 that keeps track of client data for work. It's been working fine for about a month, and suddenly today other users can't change any information because the records are suddenly locked when accessed from their accounts.

I've already checked that they can't update forms, tables, nothing.

I've checked the database properties, it defaults to shared with no locks.

I've checked the properties of my forms - no locks.

I've double checked the permissions to the folder that the database is in - no restrictions.

The database is split.

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