Forms :: Multiple Field Combobox - Association?

Jul 18, 2013

I have a form with a combobox whose rowsource is a table that contains training course's title (CourseName) and the course's ID number.

The form is based on a training record table that is going to record which employees took what course when. This table includes both the Coursename and ID Number.

My question is: How do I have the associated course ID number automatically populate in the training record form when the user selects the coursename from the combobox?

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Forms :: Displaying One Field In Combobox In Multiple Columns

Jul 17, 2013

I have a multiple select combobox which shows up in many forms- SubCategories. The user can pick from a list of 154 SubCategories.

Everything is working properly however it is difficult for the user to scroll through the entire list.

My question: Is there a way to represent this ONE field in multiple columns in the combobox?

I know how to add columns for multiple fields to my combobox, but this is one field.

Maybe there is a better way to represent the data... a subform would have the same issue.

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Forms :: ComboBox And Lookups With Multiple IDs

Oct 22, 2013

I have a DB for clients that contains all kinds of info. It is getting bigger and harder to keep track of things by their ID number. The problem I am running into is that ComboBoxes and Lookups can only bind 1 column. My DB is based on Categories, then Sub-Categories, then Sub-Sub-Categories. I have done this because there is multiple criteria for each customer.

For Example, I have a Customer = ID; Location = Location_ID; Employee = Employee_ID so everything is tied to the ID, but on my phone list I need to have a list of Employee's that show the name that is tied to ID and Employee_ID.

ID is unique to each customer but I have duplicate Employee_ID for example Customer 1 has Employee 1 and Customer 2 has Employee 1, so when I use the ComboBoxes or Lookups I get Customer 1 - Employee 1 for Customer 2 - Employee 1 if I bind to Employee_ID, if I switch that to ID it is completely messed up. Now I don't care if the table stores a number, but I would like the form to display the name.

I am trying to get my forms to display a name and not an ID number and when you enter new information you can select a name and not a number.

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Word Doc Association.

May 23, 2005

i've a question.

is there a way to associate a word document to a table entry?

i would like to create a database of microsoft word files where you can search for a certain keyword that is linked to a word document. is there a way to do this?

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Forms :: Multiple Default Values In ComboBox?

Aug 21, 2014

how I can set multiple default values in a ComboBox in a form. The ComboBox is based on a table and my main table also uses the ComboBox.


Main table has a column "Brands". The ComboBox is based on another table which includes the following items (and thus the ComboBox also shows them):

- CocaCola
- Fanta
- Sprite

The form has the same ComboBox which is linked to the main table.

Now, if a user creates a new form entry, all ComboBox items should be preselected (checked). It does work with one item over the standard "Default" property.

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Forms :: Populate Text Box After MULTIPLE Combobox Selection

Apr 1, 2013

I have a form based on a query.On the form I have 4 comboboxes.The combo boxes filter eachother without a problem (based on custom select query).Now I want after the fourth combobox value is selected, I want to populate a text field with a value from a different column from the master query (after the 4 selections only 1 value should be possible)I try to say this easy.Master query contains 5 columns:

- group
- type
- job
- insurance
- charge

combo1 selects group (and filters records)
combo2 selects type (from remaining records and filters again)
combo3 selects job (from remaining records and filters again)
combo4 selects insurance (from remaining records and filters again)


This works great and the dropbox only shows 1 OF EACH DIFFERENT record...If I add a text box and want to see the "charge" value, that I thought I could use the ME.text-code. But in order to do this, I have to add the charge column into the query of Combo4.the dropbox for insurance gives me multiple values that are the same. Is there any way to make this work?

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Forms :: Populate Textbox After MULTIPLE Combobox Selection

Apr 1, 2013

Got a bit stuck in a database. I have a form based on a query. On the form I have 4 comboboxes.

The combo boxes filter eachother without a problem (based on custom select query)

Now I want after the fourth combobox value is selected, I want to populate a text field with a value from a different column from the master query (after the 4 selections only 1 value should be possible)

Master query contains 5 columns:
- group
- type
- job
- insurance
- charge

combo1 selects group (and filters records)
combo2 selects type (from remaining records and filters again)
combo3 selects job (from remaining records and filters again)
combo4 selects insurance (from remaining records and filters again)

Combo4 is based on following query:
Total=Group by
Criteria [forms]![name].[combo]

This works great and the dropbox only shows 1 OF EACH DIFFERENT record

If I add a text box and want to see the "charge" value, that I thought I could use the ME.text-code. But in order to do this, I have to add the charge column into the query of Combo4.

If I do this, the dropbox for insurance gives me multiple values that are the same. Is there any way to make this work?

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Forms :: Passing Multiple Values Based On ComboBox

Jul 10, 2014

I have a form where the user will choose a contact name or names from a multivalue combobox and I want the email address field to update with the corresponding emails separated by "; ".

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Forms :: Single Column Combobox To List Values From Multiple Fields

Apr 8, 2013

I have a data base with names, email IDs, phone numbers of 5 types(example quality, security, IT,finance etc) of person from ten different project teams. I created a basic form for the end user to enter values and created fields for each of the person's name, email ID etc based on the personal type( liek quality, IT, finance etc) on each team. The background table contains records of almost 200 people now.

All of these people will be trained for one task and some will be trained for multiple tasks. I know how to make the combo box allow multiple values/selections but, i cannot list out all 200 personal names in the combobox's rowsource/value list. Is it possible to combine all different name fields and list out all personal(of one team), so that the end user can just select multiple names for that team who have been trained and so on. i need to set the rowsource of the combobox to the values of all personal from one team so the team leader can just go select who has been trained and who has not.

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Register A Student To Multiple Classes (forms, Combobox, Checkbox, Listbox, Query)

Oct 7, 2005

Hello everyone,

I tried to post this yesterday but it didn't go through for some reasons.

I've attached my database that contains student, classes, and couple other tables. I also created couples of forms and I wanted to register a single student to multiple classes at once.

For example: There're 3 classes (Math, English, History) on 1/3/2006. Student A wants to register 2 classes, Math and English. I should be able to check those two and submit and I'm done.

Currently, I have to select Math and assigns to student A, then select English. That's not good at all. What if there're 10 classes in one day and a student just want to register 8 classes? I have to do eight times.

It'd be great if you could help me. Thank you in advance.

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Forms :: Change ComboBox Drop Down Menu From Displaying Checkboxes For Multiple Values

Oct 14, 2013

I have an issue with a couple of my combo boxes. When in form mode the drop down menu displays a list of options (taken from my source table), this is fine, but the problem is that it allows the user to select more than one of the options in the form of checkboxes. This is not what I intended.

I've attached to pictures to demonstrate the problem. The first is ComboBoxQuery (the one with the problem) and the second is ComboBoxQueryWorkign (the one without a problem).

I'm not sure why this is happening and I've tried comparing all the properties of both these combo boxes and changing some of them to see if I can eliminate the problem without any joy.

I use a very standard SELECT statement to pull the data for the combo box:

SELECT CountryID, CountryName FROM tblCountryInfo ORDER By CountryName

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Forms :: Combobox To Lookup Any Part Of Field

Jun 6, 2013

I am using a combobox to lookup contact names.

The rowsource is taken from a field in a contact table that contains the contact's First name and then Last name.
You could use the dropdown to pick the name or type the First name into the combobox.

The problem is that the combobox matches only the beginning part of the field as you type. So if you start typing the person's last name, the combobox would not display anything.

Is there an easy way to allow the combobox to lookup any part of the field that matches the text being typed?

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Forms :: Populate Field When Select A Value From Combobox On The Form

Apr 24, 2013

In my quality control database QC techs will be entering in test results. Each quality control entry they put in will have a product and lot number it is related too.

My question is about making data entry easier for the QC techs. When two jobs are being run at once, the techs may have to alternate between which jobs they enter, meaning a different product and lot number. It would be frustrating for the QC techs to enter in a product code and lot number for every entry they make.

Can the lot number field be automatically populated when the tech selects a product? Basically, if the tech selects product A, can the last lot number value for product A automatically populate the field in the new entry?

Edit: Currently I have the "solution" of making two instances of the entry form with each lot number entered on the different one. This allows the QC Techs to use the CTRL+ ' to populate the last record, allowing them to quickly enter the product code, lot number, and date of the job they are working on.

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Forms :: Log History Of Inputs - Using ComboBox To Update Memo Field

Jun 25, 2013

I am currently using the column history to log the history of inputs into a memo field.

But i now need to swap how my database runs and now require a combo box to have the same history function, as this is for a status updates and i require users to only input certain status's.

I no that I cant use the columnhistory command with a combo box.

When selecting a status from the combo box it automatically update the memo field (which will be hidden on the form) so the column history function works.

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Forms :: Using ComboBox To Look-up A Multivalued Field And Select Items In Listbox?

Jul 21, 2014

I'm creating a Form called Pharmacy where I can select a [Diagnosis] from a combo box in the form. This combo box source references a table called tblDiagnosis where each Diagnosis also has a multi-valued field called [Indications].

The Pharmacy form also has a multi-select listbox with all possible Indications. I would like to write a VBA code such that when a Diagnosis is selected, the Indications for that Diagnosis are automatically selected/highlighted in the listbox on the form as well.

As such, by selecting a Diagnosis, all the indications attached to that Diagnosis will automatically be selected; however, if additional indications are needed, they can still be selected afterward.

I know that there is a function Me!Listbox.Selected(i) = True, where i is the row of the entry in the listbox. However, the i in the listbox does not correspond to the ID of the Indication. I think that if there is a way to select listbox items by name, that would be much more efficient.

The reason I have a listbox, is because this listbox of Indications then references another table called tblDrugs where all drugs that are approved for the selected indications selected are filtered and displayed.

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Forms :: Combo Box Works In A Form But Not Updating Field Using Combobox Value

Jul 24, 2014

This DLookUP works correctly...

=DLookUp("[First Name]","Contacts","[Combo378]='" & [Forms]![PROFILE]![Combo378] & "'")

but when a I want to close the form, display the error:

You must enter a value in the Profile.First Name

I junt need the way to update the field in the new table...

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Forms :: Copy Record From Previous Field If No Specific Combobox Value

Oct 30, 2013

I have an access form that needs filling in daily by various people.

It's to document changes to a website and I currently have a combobox box set up for the various sections to state whether they are AMENDS, REVERTS or NO CHANGE.

I have set conditional formatting to then highlight these sections but am also trying to get it to work so that if the user chooses "NO CHANGE" then the data for that field copies over from the previous record.

I have set this up in the AfterUpdate code for the combobox, but nothing is happening, not even an error....

Private Sub COMBOBOX1_AfterUpdate()
If Me.COMBOBOX1 = 3 Then
Me.[FIELD_TO_CHANGE] = DLookup("[FIELD_TO_CHANGE]", "tb_TABLE", "[ID]=Forms![form_FORM]![ID]-1")
End If
End Sub

(Where 3 is the value of NO CHANGE in the combobox, and FIELD_TO_CHANGE, tb_TABLE and form_FORM being the names of the various elements)...

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Forms :: Combobox In A Form To List Values Of A Field In A Table - Rowsource

Apr 14, 2014

So I have a combobox in a form that lists the values of a field in a table. The rowsource is this:

SELECT [Estes Training Modules].[Training Module], [Estes Training Modules].[Period] FROM [Estes Training Modules] ORDER BY [Period];

The problem is that ALL values on that field show up, including repeated values. I only need each different value to show up once. How can I do that?

For example, what I get in the combobox is: Annual, 2-Year, Annual, Annual, 2-Year, 3-Year,...

What I need is: Annual, 2-Year, 3-Year,...

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Forms :: Update Row-source Of Combobox Based On Value Selected On Another ComboBox?

Apr 26, 2015

I am trying to use a combobox called Manufacturer to select which table the combobox called Model gets it's rowsource from using the code below.


Private Sub Manufacturer_AfterUpdate()
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Siemens") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SeimensTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SeimensTable"
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Samsung") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SamsungTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SamsungTable"
End If
End If
End Sub

But when I run the form and select Manufacturer. Combobox Model remains empty. tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Preventing Multiple Records Or Using ComboBox

Feb 22, 2005

Hello everyone.
It has been many years since I played with this stuff and I probably wouldn't be now, if not for an emergency.
I know there is probably an example here that all ready explains what I need, but honestly, I am not real familiar with the terms and wouldn't know where to begin looking for it.

I am old and don't intend to make a career out of this, I just need to fix a database. We had a bookkeeper at our small business who, for years, maintained our mailing list. It was her own design, though she knew nothing about it and learned as she went along. We never interfered because she did her job flawlessly in her own little, confussing round-a-bout way.
She is gone now and we have to make heads or tails of this. We decided the quickest and easiest way was to blow the old db away, use as much of the basic fields that we could sacrifice and start over. It's just a simple mailing list, but it contains over 9000 records.

Her method of entering records was from the table view. Yep, starting a new line at the bottom of the table and then entering the 94 fields of information that applied to the new record.
I have created a form today that does this now and simplifies this process.
Her method of preventing multiple records, was to scroll down the table and see if she had already entered the record previously. This is my question.

My first approach to resolving this issue in my new form, was to create a ComboBox on the form to do a lookup using Last and FirstName. Due to the fact that this ComboBox will need additional fine tuning that I don't understand, when I use it, it does auto-complete the last name "Anderson" as I type it and it highlights the first "Anderson" record in the db, but It doesn't do any sorts in this same ComboBox to bring the rest of the "Anderson" records to the top so I can then check for a matching FirstName. I'm sure this requires changes in the property of the ComboBox that I don't understand.
Or, maybe I shouldn't even be using the ComboBox.

Actually, I would bet there is a way that I can alter my table so that it would not allow me to put in a duplicate record and therefore, eliminating the need to even look anything up.

Any ideas or direction with this would be greatly appreciated. Since I am only the person creating this and not the person(s) that will actually be using it, I should find a method for this that will be simple for anyone adding records.
Hopefully, in a day or so, I can be done with this and get back to my real job here as a mechanic, not a programmer. :eek:

Thanks again in advance.

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Selecting Multiple Items On Combobox

Nov 23, 2006

Hello to all .

Have you got any idea ?

I have a List Box in a table and it is set to permit multiple items selection
from it .

The fact is I can select, as I wanted, multiple items from it through
the Form but when I go to the correspondent table to see the results
the selected data from the List Box isn't there .

Note all data selected from the List Box is visible trough the Form but
not the table .

Has this problem anything to do with mismatch in data type configuration on the table ?

Lots of thanks in advance


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What Happens When A Combobox Search Has Multiple Results

Jan 22, 2007

When you put a combo box to search the values in a form what happens if there are more than one (in my case) name that matches the criteria. ie: if you search for Smith and there are 10 people with the surname of Smith it brings up the first record. is there a way of doing adding a "search again' function so you can look for another Smith?

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Maintaining A Field Entry Over Multiple Forms

Jul 17, 2006

I have a form with a "WorkerID" field. Once the worker enters his ID once, I want the same ID to show up for all the subsequent records so that he doesn't have to type it over and over again. Is there any way to do this? Sorry if I sound totally new to this (I am)!

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Forms :: How To Prevent Multiple Lines In Field

Apr 13, 2015

Ive had a recurring problem with one of my databases

ive got a form with a subtable on it, the subtable is very important as much of the DB's data is entered in there.

every once and a while one of the users will be doing data entry and on a certain field (a short text field if that makes any difference) theyll push enter instead of tab, to move on to the next field, enter creates a new line instead of moving to the next field, when a new line is created the user will either assume the field is blank and retype the data or ignore it entirely and move on

the trouble is one of my queries completely fails to work when there are multiple lines in this field (comes with a data type mismatch error)

is there a way to prevent the field from being able to contain multiple lines (like a property setting or some VB code?)

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Modules & VBA :: Multiple Value Combobox Linked To Form

Oct 16, 2013

I have a Multiple Value Combobox that I have linked to one of my forms and I am trying to write some vba code that will allow on update, "if a certain item is clicked open up a different form".

Here is the Multiple Value Combobox Multiple value combobox3.JPG

Here is the formFormaccess.JPG.

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Filling Multiple Columns In A Table From One Combobox?

Oct 22, 2014

I know how to have multiple columns fill a lookup in a combobox both from a table and a query. But I need to have the other fields that aren't saved by the combobox saved in the neighboring columns. So, my primary table is a master list of chemicals to be analyzed along with their respective registry numbers. I know what most of the programmers say about repetitive data being bad form etc. These names and registry numbers will NEVER change, so I'm not worried about a change causing problems later. I'm trying to build a separate tables that will have specific chemicals and the methods that they are analyzed under that effectively copy from the master list, but add their own quality control criteria. Further more, not all of my clients need all of the chemicals that are available for every method. It should be noted that not all chemicals are analyzed by the same methods and that some methods will have some of the same chemicals as others. I need the registry numbers because this is what the analysis software uses to uniquely identify each chemical and I need the name because names are easier for me. Long story short, I need both of these pieces together. It was suggested to have a macro copy the remaining columns from the dropbox in the table to the other columns in my table, but I'm not sure how to do this (I'm still very new to Access and my VB is very rusty). I understand how to do this for a form, but when client reporting lists become involved later on, this will make my database very bloated to have a form to populate each respective table.

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