Forms Not Updated

Feb 24, 2005

Hi.. I am trying to add data to the table. Is there any way that if i add data to the table the forms associated with it get updated automatically.
It seems that when I update the form it works fine with table ,but if its the other way around it doesnt work.
Any solutions..


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Forms :: Field On Subform Cannot Be Updated

Jan 25, 2014

I have created tables to capture information from a form (see attachment for relationship diagram).

I have created a form with a subform based directly on the tables. Entering data in the main form works fine but when I try to add a record on the subform I receive the error: "Field cannot be updated". Clearly I have made a mistake creating the table relationships.

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Records In Different Forms Cannot Be Saved And Updated

Aug 24, 2014

I have 2 Linked forms :


Several of the fields in frmINVOICE are supposed to be repeated in frmINSURANCE, example Field name such as [Invoice No], [Invoice Date], [Description] etc. are identical in both forms.

My problem : After update of the fields frmINVOICE, the linked record will not update in frmINSURANCE.

I have manipulated by adding the below controls/commands to the field event and/or current form of both forms but nothing works :
- DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70
- Refresh macro
- Requery
- Me.Dirty = False

Nonetheless, I noticed following outcomes :
1) if I tap between the forms twice, the field record from frmINVOICE will be updated automatically in frmINSURANCE
2) when I close and open frmINSURANCE, no change occurs
3) after I manually save frmINVOICE, then the field record from frmINVOICE will be updated in frmINSURANCE

What should I do now ?

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Forms :: Show Last Record Updated In Table

Jul 12, 2015

I have created a form with two subforms within it.

The TOP subform enables the user to view a specific record (not change it)

The BOTTOM subform enables users to view a datasheet form of all the records and amend them where necessary.

I want the TOP subform to automatically go to the last updated record, meaning that if the user changes the data of a record in the BOTTOM subform it will automatically display the last record on TOP that was updated in the table.

I've looked at the macros available and it only allows me to 'GoToRecord' to either Last, Previous, New etc... Is there any way to go to 'Last modified in the table'??

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Forms :: Adding New Record - Field Cannot Be Updated

Aug 31, 2013

I have a form based on a mysql table. There is a button in the footer to add a new record.

The pertinent vba code: DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

It adds the new record and properly places the cursor in the first field. Immediately after the first letter is typed, the error message "Field cannot be updated" pops up. I can click ok and the message goes away and I am able to continue filling in the fields. The same thing happens if I add the record by use of the record selectors.

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Forms :: Check Box Checked - Field Cannot Be Updated

Sep 27, 2013

I have created a user form that contains check boxes for various fields, and on this form, when the box is checked, I get a prompt that the field cannot be updated. I have several other forms that use these same yes/no fields, and I am not having the same problem on these forms. I checked the property sheet row source for the form and I don't see anything wrong with the select statement (that I know of).

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Forms :: Date Last Updated Field In A Form

Apr 6, 2013

I have an Access 2007 database. I have added in a LastUpdated field into my form, which will update when the record is altered. After searching around I was able to find this VBA:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me![LastUpdated].Value = Now()
End Sub

This VBA works, however my problem is that when I try and switch records, using a combo box (which I made from the combo box wizard selecting the "Find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my combo box") I get Run-Time error 2448.

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Linking Attachments To Forms That Are Being Updated Outside Of Access

Jul 31, 2015

I need to add attachments (pdfs, Word documents, JPEGs) that will automatically update to my form when revisions are made to them in their outside folders (not within Access). For example, I have op sketches that are being edited outside of Access and saved under the same name, so I need to make sure that these newly edited documents are automatically being linked and uploaded to my Access form to see. These attachments were added to a field in one of my tables, and I can pull it up in the form. My problem is that the attachments that I pull up are not the currect version; they are the original version that I added into the table. I tried making the Default Picture Type as "Linked" instead of "Embedded", but this isn't working. What can I do so that the current revisions are being shown without having to edit each attachment within the table?

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Forms :: Update Other Fields With Specific Words After Another Has Been Updated

Apr 9, 2013

I now want to update one field (what I type into it is irrelevant) but if this field is updated, it means quite a few others become Not Applicable and I would like that to be populated once I updated this one field. After Update is what I am looking for.I know it is simple (but will mean entering each field name) but it would save me truckloads of time.

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Forms :: Table Updated But New Records Not Showing In Form

Jul 15, 2014

When I add new records to the form and close the form, the tables are updated with the new records, but the new records don't show in the form (navigation).

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Forms :: Update Parent Form After Subform Updated?

Mar 30, 2015

Parent form/table, with a subform (separate table, 1:M link on "ID") The parent form data stays fairly constant (occasional change/update), with multiple entries in the subform for each parent record which are added to more frequently The master table has a field "last interaction" which I need to update whenever a new entry is made in the subform/subtable It updates fine when I change an entry in the parent table/form, but not when I add a new subentry for that parent

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Forms :: How To Get Dates To Show In Last Updated And Last Viewed Fields

Mar 18, 2013

how can I get dates to show in last updated and last viewed fields..I did get last updated working but for some reason when I tried to do last viewed, last updated vanished :/

I did try writing code (but im a novice lol, I think that's why last updated vanished).I have got 2 unbound fields called HiddenLastViewed and HiddenLastUpdated thought I might need them.

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Forms :: Timestamp Record When Field In Subform Updated

Jun 16, 2014

I have a form and a subform based off a query, I am trying to run a SQL update statement from one of the fields in my subform. I know what fields in my table i want to update but the Where part of the statement is what i am having a issue with.

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE [Daily Work] SET [Daily Work].QC_Start_Date = Date(),
[Daily Work].QC_Start_Time = Time() WHERE ((([Daily Work].CUS)=[Forms]![QC_Queue_Qry Subform]![CUS])
AND (([Daily Work].LN)=[Forms]![QC_Queue_Qry Subform]![LN]) AND (([Daily Work].Note_Date)=[Forms]!
[QC_Queue_Qry subform]![Note_Date])))"

What this is trying to do is once the the field is updated i want to set the date and time of that record in my table, basically I am trying to time stamp the record when the field in my subform in updated.

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Forms :: Perform Calculations After Text Boxes Updated

Mar 14, 2013

I have a subform based on a query. That query contains a couple of calculations that end up in textboxes on the subform. The problem is that the calculations require me to enter 2 dates that are on the subform. If these are not entered before the calculation is performed I get a "Cannot update record" error message and then #error in both Lease cost and Discount Cost textboxes.

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Forms :: Requery List Box In The Form After Combo Box Updated

Jul 11, 2015

How do I requery the list box in the form after the combobox is updated? the name of the combo box is txtFilterClassName.

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Forms :: Refresh Image After Text Box Control Updated?

Oct 14, 2013

One of the fields in my database stores a path of an image that I want to display on my form. I used the following code in the "On Current" event of my form to achieve this effect:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If IsNull(Me.text1) Then
Me.ImgPic.Picture = "C:UsersharrDesktopCupCake.jpg"
Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.text1
End If
End Sub

It works great with the exception that the image doesn't update when the path is changed. If I update the path, I have to navigate to the next record and then back again in order to see the new image. I've tried a couple of things to try to requery the image after the text control is updated, but so far none have worked. This is my most recent attempt on the after update event of my text box:

Private Sub text1_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

How I can refresh the image after the text box control is updated?

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Forms :: Recording Date And Time A Form Was Last Updated

Jul 29, 2014

Displaying the 'Last Modified' dates and time on a form. How to go about doing what I want to do.

I would like to display on a form in one single field the date & time that any of the fields on that form were changed and. I would like to display it in such a way that it cannot be altered by anyone. If it is possible to capture and display on the form in a separate field which user account accessed and changed the record then all the better. Obviously if nothing is updated then the date and time stays the same.

I will have to create two new fields in the table that relates to the form and this I have done - one of format Date/Time and one of format Text.

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Forms :: Subform Doesn't Update After Values Being Updated By Another Form

Feb 27, 2015

I'm running into an issue with my forms. I have a form that contains a subform, that contains a list of projects. This list is read-only. To update a record, you can double click on it, which opens another form filtered on this record, and which contains the fields in the first form as well as some others.

I have a command button on that last form to "Save and close", which fires up a macro that saves the record and closes the window.

Now, the issue that I'm having is that, when the window closes and I'm once again in front of the first form with the list of projects, the values of the record I changed are not updated and when I click on another record, Access tells me there's a conflict in the values and asks me if I want to keep the changes, discard them or copy to the clipboard.

It seems to consider the old values from the first form as a change, and thus asks me which to keep between these, and the actual (proper) changes I made in the dedicated form.

For the proper changes to be applied, I need to select "Drop changes".

I tried to requery the first form, also undo the changes to it after closing the window, but none of that worked.

I'm actually basing this on one of the templates, which does exactly what I want and which obviously works...

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Forms :: Reference Table Being Updated When Launch Edit Routine

May 18, 2015

Currently running Access 2010.

I have a small database where we enter audit log data. In my add add screen from the switchboard, one of the fields is the user the audit is assigned to. So that our group wouldn't be typing their names a bunch of different ways I created a reference table called "Ref Data 005 - Contact Name". So i pre-populate the Contact Names such that they will be more consistent.

The add works perfectly. I built all my screens using the forms wizards.

Now for the modify routine. If the user wants to go in an modify one of the other data elements, I force them in the wizard to do this modify by choosing thier name. Therefore, when i built this screen using the wizard I reference the "ref table" mentioned above. I then throw open another form displaying all of the fields based on the records that it finds for that user when they choose the name from the Ref data 005 table. Hope that makes sense. Ie.. they choose the records they want to possibly modify by first choosing their name from the ref table.

It correctly pulls the records for whatever user you choose. However, when you make the update and save, it is changing the Ref table name as well.

So for example if three users were in my ref as :

And you launch the form, lets say joe shows up in the list, when i change it to bill to retrieve bill's records , it will do that but when i make the change, then Joe is changed to bill in the reference table.

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Field Can Not Be Updated

Apr 13, 2005

I have a form based on a query I built that calculates time worked. you select the worker in a combo box which I created from a query that lists all active employees and their clock no. with clock no being the bound column. The drop down shows the workers last name, first name. When I choose a worker it always gives me a warning the the "Field can not be updated" but after i hit okay it stores everything in the correct field. Why am I getting this error? I tried using just my query and it works perfectly but when I try to use my form is where i run into problems. If you need more info let me know.

Thanks, :confused:

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Last Updated Field

Aug 11, 2005

Is there any way to make a date change to the current date/time whenever something on a report is edited? I have a "Last Updated" field but I want it to automatically update itself.

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Find Out What Was Updated

Aug 28, 2005


I want to be able to find out what record was updated and I need to then log some details to another table. If I use the Form_BeforeUpdate event to detect that the recored will be updated,
then How do I find out what record was updated.


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Identifying Updated Records

Oct 23, 2006


I have my table set up to add today's date as a "date last updated" field. this works for all new records but I need to flag instances where a user has amended any existing records, so that on a daily basis I can filter out anything new based on the "date last updated".

Any ideas how I can flag changes to existing records?

Apologies if this is a straight forward question I'm fairly new to Access

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Updated By User Field

Feb 19, 2008

Access 2000:

There is probabily a simple function that can do this, but I'm stuck to find any explanation so I was hoping someone could help. I've tried the forum search but I guess I'm looking for the wrong thing.

I have managed access to the databse using the users/groups facility. So everyone who accesses the database has to effectively log in.

Users will be creating a record in only one table. When they save this record I need Access to automatically populate a designated field with the Users Log On name.

My question is how?

Thanks in advance for your time.

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Keep 5 Similar Tables Updated

Apr 2, 2008

I have 5 tables which comes from different departments in our company.
All of them have the same key "project no" but hold different information in other colums.
As a starting point I have secured that they all have same no. of records meaning all "project no" are in all tables but some table might not contain other information in that record than the project no.
I have put them into a quirie and on a form I am able to look at all data from all 5 tables.
I have linked them one to one and it works fine untill I add a record to one of the tables. Afterwards I am not able to write into fields from other tables because there is no automatic creation of the record in the other tables.
Please How would this be best/easiest to make for me. ?
The reason why I have to keep the 5 tables is that regular updates are avaiable form any of them.

Appricate any comments which can make me any progress.

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Record Not Updated In Table

Jul 2, 2007

New member, so forgive me if this has been covered before:

Trying to build a Business database (more for the exercise than any desire to run a business) and have the following problem -

Have a Purchase Ordler Line table and an Item table - the item in the PO line is a lookup from the Item table - I want the PO line price to default in from the the item table.

Created the query and generated the form & subform - on screen, the substitution works, the PO line price does get picked up from the Item table, but the PO Line table does not update with this value.

Is there a soltion to this?

Any assistance gratefully accepted

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