Forms :: Open Attachment In Unbound List?

Jun 10, 2014

I have an unbound listbox in my details section of my form and it will display items from the database that I have selected. There are 19 in all. If I double click the row, the edit form pops up. If I right click I can sort the columns. I want to have a single click that allows the user to open the attachment in that list. I am not sure how to code this.

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Forms :: Open Query Results In Unbound Subform

Oct 28, 2014

I have a main form (start_protocol) with an unbound subform (placeholderform).

Using a button in mainform I open a search form (search_protocol) inside the unbound form, by the code:
[placeholderform1].Visible = False
[placeholderform].Visible = True
Me.placeholderform.SourceObject = "SEARCH_PROTOCOL"
The search form (has a run query button) is build from a query named: search_protocol.

I want to be able, as soon as I pass the button, to have the results (from the query) inside the unbound subform, of the main form (Start_protocol).

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Forms :: Checkbox / List Box And Unbound Keyword Search

Aug 7, 2013

I'm relatively new to Access 2010. I have an excel spreadsheet that I've converted into an access table for the purposes of creating a user friendly form for the end user to search for relevant criteria to retrieve a list of records that fit the requests. There are two main search functions: unbound keyword search (90+ keywords), and either a series of checkboxes or one list box that lists specific countries/regions matched in a column (columns, as I will get to shortly). The region selection is bound by a selection of 15 countries.

The key is each record can correspond to more than one country. This, one record can have "Belgium, Germany, brazil" and the next record can just have "brazil". Thus if someone selects brazil, the query must retrieve the Belgium Germany brazil record in addition to the record that covers just brazil. I've tried to do this with a concatenated column that list all countries and a text box search, I've tried to do this with individual checkbox columns for each country with checkboxes in the search form...and I can't get it to work. I don't fully understand the criteria to set for checkboxes or list boxes. What would be the best way to build this form, an how?

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Forms :: How To Distinguish Text Displayed In Unbound List Box

Jul 24, 2015

i have a form contains unbound listbox , that accumulates values of a field in that form "SalName" , when i move between records of this form i want the value that is in the current record is distinguished in the Listbox ( only where the SalID=SalID).distinguish by A special colour ,Font,undeline.

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Forms :: Unbound Combobox - Sorting List Of Files

May 19, 2014

I have a BackUp and Restrore from BackUp procedure in my my database.

I can backup to a spreadsheet and the spreadsheets are renamed to include the date of the backup.

When I restore from the backup an unbound combo is populated

Code : Set SourceFolder = FSO.GetFolder("c:GPandDetectionDogTrainingLogBackUp")

This all works, the only issue being, is that I want the most recent backup to be at the top of the list, at the the moment its at the bottom.

is there a way of implementing a sort order, bearing in mind that its an unbound combobox.

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Forms :: Unbound Text Box Equals List Box Column

Mar 11, 2013

why =listboxname.column(0) in the control source of a textbox will give me the value "#name?" ? I've used it successfully on another form..but for some reason its not working for me.

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Forms :: Unbound Combo Box - Lookup List Of Numbers Through Query

Oct 2, 2013

I have an unbound combo box that looks up a list of numbers through a query but on the drop down list it does not go all the way down to the bottom of the numbers. For instance the combo box will only go down to the number 27453 but I know there are more numbers than that in the table. I can even type in a number and get the info but it still doesn't show up in the list...

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Forms :: Add Record To Table From A Form Using Unbound List And Text Boxes?

May 14, 2013

I have a form with 1 unbound listbox as drop down list (entypolst), an unbound text box(entypotxt) and a command button. The list box reads items from a table. I want to change a value (text) on listbox, input a text on textbox so pressing the button add a new record in a table (Table1 fields Category,Product) showing in my form as subform (SFTable1) in datasheet view. For that reason a made the following code:

Private Sub AddBtn_Click()
Dim ans As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control


I take the error msg for 0 items selected in listbox and exit the sub.

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Can Someone Open My Attachment Using Access 2003?

Feb 6, 2008


I posted a question the other day about not being able to open an Access 2003 database in Access 2007. It was asking for a password when I hadn't set one.

I gave up on that, started from scratch at home on Access 2007 last night and then saved the database in Access 2003 format. Took it to work on my USB drive today - where we use Access 2003 SP3 - tried to open it and had a message pop up saying that the database was an unrecognised format, or words to that effect. This is bugging the heck outta me!

I'm really beginning to suspect there is a problem with Access at work. Our IT guy downloaded the hotfix suggested by Moniker, but I can't see if it made any difference.

I've taken a fresh copy of my A2007 database, saved it in A2003 format again and attached it as zipped file below. Can someone just please see if it opens properly on their PC? It's very rough and ready as I only spent about an hour on it last night, but I just need someone to tell me if they can see the tables, forms etc.

- If you CAN open it, then I've got some evidence that there's a problem at work and can maybe talk our IT dept into a reinstall (or a new PC)

- If you CAN'T open it, then I must be doing somethnig wrong here and I'd really appreciate further advice.

Thank you very much for your help.

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General :: Use Buttons To Navigate And Open Current Attachment

Apr 3, 2013

Is it possible to use buttons to navigate/open attachment? I have two tables (itemTbl and ItemcomponentTbl) and a form.

Inside formare itemtbl field names (w/c include the attachment) and a componenttbl subform.

Here is my DB.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Send Attachment From Current Open Record

Nov 18, 2013

What I'm try to do is attach any files from the attachment field from the current open record to email i have some code i have manage to get files from the open record to save to destination /temp folder to work so outlook can attach the files but outlook is not opening or putting them in to email also have problem's that i have highlighted in the code in red.

Private Sub cmdEmail2_Click()
Dim outlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim outlookNamespace As NameSpace
Dim objMailItem As MailItem
Dim objFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim strAttachementPath As String

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Email Hyperlink / Attachment To Open Access File?

May 15, 2015

I have created an action log database that sends an email when a new action is entered. I would like to launch the database using a hyperlink in the email, but can't seem to get it to work. All users have a copy of the front end on their desktop, so whatever I add to the email needs to launch the front end for any user signed on to their own desktop.

This is what I have and it sends a hyperlink but I click it, I get an error saying it can't find the file. I don't know how to word the path name for any user?

With obMsg
.subject = "New action request for " & team
.To = people


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Forms :: Open Form And Show First Record In A List

Oct 20, 2013

On a form I have a listbox that allows me to navigate around my records. The listbox is filtered and I get the redords that I waqnt from the table.My problem is that when I open the form the record that is showing is one from the table but not one that is in my listbox. I want it to show the first record in the listbox...This is the command I have on open:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acFirst

which is where the fault lies, but I dont know what I should put in its place. The list is List273 and the form is frm_Profile

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Forms :: Cannot Open Form By Double Clicking List Box

May 3, 2014

When double click the entries given in the attached database I cannot open the correct form. it gives parameter value.

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Forms :: Use List Box To Open Forms?

Apr 3, 2015

I'd like to populate a list box with my forms and be able to double click a row and have that form open.

I'll need a table so I can use aliases for the formn names.

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Forms :: Open Different Forms From List Box?

Apr 21, 2014

I have issue opening different forms from the contents of list box. is it possible to open different forms by double clicking list box entry..

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Forms :: Open Form From (Edit List Items) Option In Data Entry Mode

Feb 4, 2014

I have several comboboxes in my database from which users select values. However, in most cases, I do want to give them the option to add an item that does not appear while simultaneously updating the underlying table which stores those dropdown values. I have made use of the builtin "allow edit list items" feature of Access 2007 but the form always opens on the first record of the form on which they are to add the new item. Is there a way to specify that it should open in Data Entry view apart from using VBA?

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List Box Unbound Records

Aug 18, 2015

I have an unbound listbox and some unbound text boxes.I am attempting to create code that will fill in the text boxes depending on which record I select within the list box.The listbox does not have multi select on, only single select is possible.I found listBox.Value which gives me the primary key which is nice, its something.

I have attempted several ways of things I have found online with no luck on how to get the remaining information into the other text boxes.I have seen a for loop to find the one that is selected then using the listboxControl.Column(intColumn,intRow) but I obviously don't understand how to implement it.The other option is to use a query but I am apparently doing that incorrect as well.The query:

"SELECT [Student].[firstName] WHERE [Student].[SSID] = studentList.Value;"
I think this is the correct query but I cant seem to implement it either.

I know you don't want people saying "tell me how to do it." So if you have any resources I am good reading up further on it, I just cant find a place that I can get the required info.

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Sort Order Of Unbound List

Sep 15, 2006

I need to manage a list of, in this case "medications", with this list the most common "meds" are on the top of the list. there will be at times new "meds" added that should be at the top of the list. I want to create a unbound box that will let me drag the "meds" up or down in the list. The best emample i know of is the way you can set the "Tab" fields on a form to move the tabs stops.

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Open Filtered Form From Unbound Switchboard

Feb 3, 2005

I get the feeling I'm really missing something glaringly obvious here but I'm struggling.....

I have a combo box on my switchboard that looks up field txtOfficer in a query and then want it to open up a new form containing only those records relating to the officer name selectedtxtOfficer

The rowsource for the combo is:

SELECT DISTINCTROW [qryMain].[txtName] FROM [qryMain];

and the on click event is:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmFiltered", , , "[txtName] = " & Me.cmbOfficer.Column(0), acFormEdit

When I select a name from the combo I get a parameter box and have to type in the name to open up the filtered records form. How can I get rid of it so the selection is one seamless process? :confused:

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Reports :: Set Unbound Check Box To False On Open Not Working

Dec 3, 2013

I have a report with an unbound checkbox which has a null (greyed out value) when printed. I'm just trying to set it to false when the report opens.I have

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.CheckNotPaid = False
End Sub

but it just says 'Runtime Error -214..You can't assign a value to this object'

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Forms :: Open Report Button To Select Data From 7 List Boxes And Present In A Report?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a form with 7 List boxes linked to 7 Query's which in turn are linked to a table. Each list box if for a particular trade.

I am trying to select a person or persons from each List box and then have them sent to a report. I have Code to do one list box, but do not know how to link all boxes with code to a 'Open report' button.

The code I am using is as follows:-

Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made


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Modules & VBA :: Open Report With Subreport Based On Unbound Form

Apr 14, 2015

I am trying to open a report (rptGMX-IRG) that includes a sub-report (srptRG) based on criteria that is set with two unbound fields on a form (frmGMXbook). This form has two dropdown boxes (cboGMX_No & cboMachSize) and a command button. The first dropdown box includes data located in the main form and the second dropdown includes data that is part of the sub-report.

I can get the report to open properly when I enter data into both fields on frmGMXbook.

However, the problem I am having is the inability to have one or both fields be "Like '*'" and show all associated records.

Here is the code I have on the command button.

Private Sub GMX_Preview_Click()
Dim strCriteria As String
If IsNull(Me.cboGMX_No) Then
strCriteria = "[cboGMX_No] Like '*'"
strCriteria = "[GMX_No] ='" & Me.cboGMX_No.Value & "'"

[Code] ....

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Reports :: A2007 On Win7 - Unbound Report Does Not Open - OK On XP / 2007

Aug 8, 2013

I have an unbound report - which is actually a form for the user to print out if they need one. There is no data on the form.

Here is the code that is run when the Button is Clicked:

'First, I reenable the Access menus so that they can use those to print

DoCmd.OpenReport "TransitionSurveyPaperFormLEA", acViewPreview

When I open the report on XP/Access 2007, it works just fine.

When I open the exact same accdb with a Win7/A2007 machine, the report does not open. If I debug and display the error, a msgbox appears
"The OpenReport action was canceled."

I have other bound reports and those open with XP/A2007 or Win7/A2007 just fine.

It makes me VERY nervous that the same exact ACCDB in A2007 runs differently on different OSs (XP vs Win7).

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General :: Unbound Main Form - Manage Items In A List Box

Feb 20, 2014

I have a list box on an unbound main form, which contains a rowsource consisting of files in a certain folder. The listbox is unbound

when I change an item in a subform, the listbox should update to show different items from the same folder.

Now it is updating correctly, so the rowsource appears to be correct, , but then the listbox behaves strangely - with the first item being sort of permanently selected - or at any rate - strange selection behaviour

out of interest, changed it to a combo box and it works correctly. so there must be some difference between the two?

After investigation, it might be this : [URL] ....

The appearance is similar to what is described in the thread.

although I have played with the strings to get them shorter without getting it work correctly. very strange

if I run the code to update the listbox from the subform, either directly, or by running as sub IN the main form, it produces this strange behaviour. If I run exactly the same code directly IN the main form, it seems to work properly.

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Modules & VBA :: Click Event To Open A Form And Select Record Corresponding To Value In Unbound Text Box

Oct 29, 2013

I have some code for a button on click event to open a form and select the record which corresponds to a value in an unbound text box. The code is:

Private Sub Command25_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command25_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "frmOpenPatientRecord"

[Code] ....

This works fine when I put in a 10 digit NHS number but opens a blank record when I enter a four digit or six character/digit PatientNumber. Both patient number and NHS number are text fields in the underlying table.

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