Forms :: Path Not Found - When Passing Arg Value

Aug 22, 2014

The code is a mix of someone else's and mine. Essentially the form is like a document library, based on the parameters in the form, it takes the original document that is selected by the user, then copies the file over to a central repository. When I don't pass a value over from another form using the following:

Me!AssociatedFeedback = Me.OpenArgs

Then everything works fine. Doesn't matter where I put this line of code (form open, after update, etc.) I get an MS Access error that says "Path Not Found" when you execute the "cmdSave" button.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim strFilePathFrom As String
Dim strFileFrom As String
Dim strFilePathTo As String
Dim strFileTo As String
Dim strFileDeskTop As String


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Save Reports To Defined Path In Path Field

May 26, 2014

Till now I managed to publish and save all in C:Reports. What I'm trying to do is Save to path specified in Path. DB attached.

Private Sub PrintAll_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFileName As String

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Msg Box For Record Not Found

Sep 30, 2013

I have created a pop-up search form with the search criteria being one unbound field. When I populate the field and click search I want it to search the records and if there is a matching record, I want it to open the data entry form with the complete record showing and available to view/edit/delete. If there is no matching record, I want a message box to appear stating that a record was not found and when you click 'ok' it opens a blank data entry form to complete a new record. I also want it to automatically close the search pop-up form.The following works great... except that the MsgBox pops up even if the record was found.

Private Sub Search_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Search_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "MgrData"


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Forms :: Identifier Cannot Be Found

Mar 3, 2015

I have a database with several tabs. On each tab is a form in datasheet view. I have a field that when clicked, will open the corresponding form in a dialog. The code used to open the dialog is: =IIf(IsNull([SalesOps_ID]),"(New)","Open") This creates an underlined Open link which, when clicked, opens the dialog.

An embedded macro is attached to this code, telling it which dialog form to open...and a bunch of other stuff I really can't explain (I'm great at stealing shamelessly from other similar projects but don't completely know what the heck I'm doing).

That said, all the other dialog forms work splendidly using this same type of embedded macro, except one very stubborn dialog form that is giving me fits! Interestingly enough, this form has a subform (all the other forms don't). The form opens, I can edit data on the main part of the form, but if I enter data in the subform, when moving to the next record, I get the error message: The identifier [Tasks].[Project ID] could not be found.

Interestingly enough, I don't have any tables, forms, queries, macros or fields that contain anything like [Tasks] or [Project ID]. If I move off the main record, then return to the record, the data in the subform does not display (however, it is in the table - just not displaying). As if that isn't interesting enough, when I open the dialog form on its own, without using the Embedded Macro from the datasheet form, all that data shows just fine and the form works like it's supposed to.I wish there was a way to simply copy all the text from the macro here, but I can't seem to figure out how in Access 2013.

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Forms :: Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Jun 9, 2015

I have a continuous form that I would like to filter with a combo-box in the forms header. The combo box is populated with the table's primary field [ID] which is an Autonumber. When I click the caret on the combo box, it provides a list of ID's but when I select one, I get this error message "Run-time error 3709, the search key was not found in any record". The code is:

Private Sub Combo 31_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Combo31 & ""<> "" Then
Me.Filter = "[ID]= '"& Me.Combo31 & "'"
Me.Filter = ""
End If
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

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Forms :: Adding Image Path For Web

Oct 19, 2013

I have in a form this code but i need to add image path for HTML to export the FinalTable to Web "HTML" format

Specially my point in

rstInsert(RTrim(rst![Attacking])) = "<img src=Attack.png>"

The full code is :-

Option Compare Database
Private Sub CreateCrosstab_Click()
Dim dbs As dao.Database, rst As Recordset, rstInsert As dao.Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Call DeleteTable("FinalTable")

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Dates Found To Be Displayed In A List Box

Sep 30, 2013

I'm new to Access VBA and I am having a bit of trouble. I want to find the dates between 2 dates(both inputted into textboxes), when I press a button I want them dates found to be displayed in a listbox.

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Forms :: Method Or Data Member Not Found?

Jun 11, 2013

I am receiving the Method or data member not found error message when I attempt to add a new record in form view. I have been working in an old 2002-2003 version of Access until last week when it was converted to 2007. The old version allowed for additions just fine but now after the conversion something is wrong. The code is below. I underlined the line throwing the error message (FindFirst). Code is not my strong suit.

'Open form to new record
gstrCallingForm = Me.Name
strDocName = "frmNewApplicant"


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Forms :: Picture Path - On Click Set Value To Field

Jul 18, 2013

I need a code to clean txt field for the picture path.

So a button on my frm must write the value

BEGINNERSGELUKdpsAdminFoto.jpg when I click on it. the field he need to write it in is in [tblLeerling] en the field name is [Fotopad]...

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Forms :: Relative Folder On Image Path

Jul 10, 2013

I am trying to link an images (.png) onto a form. I have a folder of all the images I want but I want the path to be relative. So that if I move the access file and the images folder to a new location, it will still work.

In the properties for the image, It works fine as C:UsersjohnDesktopimage1.png but what I am looking for is the ability to use "imagesimage1.png" as the file will always be in that relative folder to the db.

What is the correct syntax for this? putting image1.png in the same directory and just using image1.png works, but this won't be very tidy with 100+ images.

I have tried:


With PictureType set as linked.

I know from searching it is possible through VBA by getting the root directory of the folder and appending the filename. Don't really want to go this root. I also don't particularly want to create a table to store the images or links.

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Forms :: Hide A Button When A Record Is Found In Database

Jun 24, 2015

I want to show/hide a button on my form.The button is for entering a new record in the table of the database.Now when i Load the form, i want to check if there are already records in the table for a specific lanID. When there are no records, the butten has to be displayed. When there are already records for that lanID the button has to be hidden.

I have found some code to tackle that, but When i use the rs.MoveLast it hides the button when there are records, but when there are no records it gives an error that there are no records found. I almost forgot to say that i use Access 2010..Here is the code that i use:


Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim SQL As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim landmeterID As String
landmeterID = [Forms]![MainForm]![LanIDTxt]
SQL = "select * from dbo_Lan_Opleiding where Id_landmeter ='" & landmeterID & "'"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)


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Forms :: Open Form With Where Condition - No Record Found

Apr 16, 2013

I try this code and it's not working

no record found

Private Sub openForm_but_Click()
Dim whr As String
whr = "get_date = #" & Me.gDate & "#"
DoCmd.OpenForm "searchResult_form", acNormal, "", whr, acFormPropertySettings, acDialog
End Sub

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Forms :: DataType Mismatch Or No Records Found Error

Apr 28, 2014

Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[OwnerID] = '" & Me![lstUsers] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark <---- error is here for the datatype mismatch or No record found

OwnerID is a string.

I have tried

rs.FindFirst "[OwnerID] = '" & Me.lstUsers & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

I have tried

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[OwnerID] = " & Me![lstUsers]
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

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Forms :: Full Path To Images Are Stored As JPG In ClientTable Not As OLE

Sep 27, 2013

I have several text boxes which I can populate using the DLookup.I have images I want to display for individual records.I use a search (textbox) to input client name and this populates all other textboxes. I am trying to get the relevant image to display also using this search box. I have also disabled record selectors just tidy up the form. I have tried coding the image control on the AfterUpdate event of the search box. Full path to images are stored as JPG in my ClientTable not as OLE.

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Forms :: Allow User To Browse Path And Select File?

Jan 8, 2014

In my database i wanna use the DoCmd.CopyObject command with a button like as

DoCmd.CopyObject "Destination path can be browse and select file", "AcInformation", acTable, "AcInformation"

Image of the plane:

how can do this?

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Forms :: Find Button - Message Box To Display No Results Found

Sep 26, 2013

I am not sure where to start or go about creating message box that would display "No results found" if my queries return no results. My search of the forums hasn't been fruitful.

I have created one form that has a text box and a button that works as a search function to run through the tables and displays the applicable queries. Currently, if no results are returned nothing happens. Preferably I would like a message box to display stating that there were "No results found". I would assume that the code would be associated with the "Find" button. Here is the VBA code as it stands, again, I haven't even attempted to add code for a message box.

Private Sub Find_Click()
On Error GoTo Find_Click_Err

If DCount("Heading", "Service Desk Manual Query") > 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Service Desk Manual Query", acViewNormal, acReadOnly
End If

[Code] .....

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume Find_Click_Exit

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Forms :: Total On Report - Count Of Records Found For Each Group

Sep 20, 2014

I have a report which gives me a count of records found for each group

group 1 - 10
group 2 - 13
group 4 - 82

what i want is a total below this - ive looked at calculated controls however cant seem to get it what soever - I've tried likes of =sum([counts])

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Forms :: Error (Method Or Data Member Not Found) On Requery

Sep 19, 2014

I have a form (frmTimecardsDataEntry3*) that needs to requery combo boxes to narrow down the selections offered in the dropdown of each combo box.

It is a data entry form. I.e. Dataentry is set to yes.

The ClientName combo box has an after update event which requeries the matter combo box, so that the MatterName combo box dropdown only shows the matters relating to that client. This works just fine.

The MatterName combo box has an after update event which requeries the Rate combo box so that in the Rate combo box dropdown only the hourly charge rates relating to that matter are shown. That works too. So far so good.

I then tried adding another after update event to the MatterName combo box, so that another combo box, Application, was requeried too, so with the Private Sub it looked like:


But this resulted in the error in the title to this post and the debugger highlighted in red the word Requery in the phrase Application.Requery.

I thought maybe Access does not allow two requeries resulting from one after update event, so instead I took Application.Requery out and placed it as an after update event in another combo box which did not have any other after update events to run.

However, this resulted in the same error.So the error appears to have something to do with trying to requery the Application combo box but I cannot see what is causing the error.

The Application combo box SQL is:

SELECT Applications.ApplicationID, [ApplicationDate] & " " & [ApplicationName] AS ApplicationDisplay, Applications.ApplicationDate, Applications.ApplicationName, Applications.MatterName
FROM Applications
WHERE (((Applications.MatterName)=[Forms]![frmTimecardsDataEntry3*]![MatterName]))
ORDER BY Applications.ApplicationDate, Applications.ApplicationName;

This is the same arrangement of SQL that I am using on the other requeried combo boxes that work. When I take the WHERE statement out of the Application SQL and run it the query returns all of the applications.

I am not sure what the error code is trying to tell me about the attempt to requery the Application combo box.

I have a yes/no box in the form and when the firm is first opened it has a small square dot in it, but as soon as any data is entered in the form the dot clears and leaves the usual empty tick box that you would expect to see.

Also, another possible symptom is that I had another version of this form previously working quite well except that when I did several data entries all at once, so I had several forms filled in with different data (before refreshing and thus entering the data in the table), when I scrolled between the forms I kept losing the MatterName data when I scrolled back, and then when I re-entered the ClientName data the correct MatterName data returned without me having to use the dropdown to select it.

I have had an earlier simpler version of this form working for some time, with ClientName requerying MatterName and MatterName requerying Rate, and I am using the same SQL structures in the new form but getting the error in the title to this post and the other isues just described.

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Forms :: Hiding Ribbon In Access 2007 - Variable Not Found Error

Apr 2, 2013

Code : DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo

Should hide the ribbon. Instead I get a 'Variable Not Found' error.

This should be simple.

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Forms :: Multiple Field Screen Search - MSG Box Not Coming Up If No Records Found

Aug 18, 2015

I have created a multiple field search screen. The script is attached.

I would like to add a MSG Box "No records found" when the user types in information in any field where no records are available.

Just cannot get this working.

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Forms :: Method Or Data Member Not Found When Inserting Values To A Table

May 13, 2013

I am getting method of data member not found for the following code when inserting values to a table. Form has three frames. Add/Insert is on OnClick Event.

MsgBox "First Value, " & Me.txt_FSNo
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO BackchargeLog (BC_FSNo, BC_FContract, BC_FPurchaseOrder, BC_FProjectArea, " & _
" BC_FTitle, BC_FDetailDescription, BC_FSupplierToBeCharged, BC_FSupToBeChargedNumber, BC_FSTBCContactName, BC_FSTBCContactNumber, " & _
" BC_FSTBCContactEmail, BC_FIncidentReportedDate, BC_FInitiatedDate, BC_FEstimateAvailable,

[Code] .....

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Passing Values Between Forms Using Vba

Aug 7, 2005

I have one dialog form which can receive values from multiple forms.
For each form i can build a popup dialog version but that's to much time in administration later on.

The best thing is if i Can declare a variable from the source form and pass it to the target control box in the dialog form.
I tried many ways but currently it's not working.

Maybe you've got example code for me.

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Passing Data Through Forms

Feb 24, 2006

I know there are other threads on this but I have tried all the solutions and none have worked.

I currently have 2 forms, a customer form and a customer health form.

I want to pass the membershipNo from the customer form to a newly opened customer health form.

this is the code I am using but it isnt working, actually it is, but when i delete all the current customer entries and enter new ones it doesnt pick up the details and all the controls on the customer health form are greyed out.

Private Sub cmdCustHealth_Click()

DoCmd.OpenForm "CustomerHealth", , , "[MembershipNo] = " & Forms!CustomerForm!membershipNo, , acDialog

End Sub

The control source on the text box on the customer health form is "membershipNo" where am I Going wrong?

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Passing Variable Between Forms

Aug 8, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to pass a variable called MyFilter between forms but am having problems. I have created a Module and declared MyFilter as a public string.

The original code in my first form is:

Private Sub Command65_Click()
Dim MyFilter As String
If Me.Filter = "" Then
MsgBox "Please apply a filter to the form first."
ElseIf Me.Dirty Then
' Make sure the record is saved
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
MyFilter = Me.Filter
DoCmd.OpenReport "Temp", acViewPreview, , MyFilter

End If
End Sub

How to I change this so that it now stores the value in the Public variable instead of the Private one which it is doing above?


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Passing Values Between Forms

Nov 25, 2006

Ok this is probably easy for you guys but my knowledge of access is limited.

I have two forms - Find Job and Notes
On the Find Job form I have a text box called 'Job No' and a combo box called 'Status' that I have coded to open Notes if certain conditions are met. The code is

Private Sub Status_AfterUpdate()
If Status.Value = "WIP - Snagged" Or Status.Value = "WIP - Suspended" Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Notes", , , acFormAdd
End If

What I need is to be able to pass the value of the 'Job no' text box on the Find Job form to the 'Job No' text box on the Notes form.

Many thanks in advance


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Forms :: Passing A Value To Pop Up Form

Jul 22, 2015

I have a form and in the subform for that I have a button that opens a pop up form. I want to pass the value [ACB ID] to an unbound text box in the popup form but I am having trouble. My code for the button in the subform is:

DoCmd.OpenForm "addPartNumberMod", acNormal, , "ACB = " & Me.[ACB ID], WindowMode:=acDialog

Currently when I press the button it asks me to enter the acb value instead of carrying it over. Also, when i do type in a number into the dialog, when the form opens, the text box is blank.

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