Forms :: PivotChart Blank When Dragging Fields To Drop Zones

Sep 20, 2013

As soon as I try to create a PivotChart, the form screen goes blank or the dropzones vanishes.

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Pivot Table View - Drop Zones

May 12, 2006


For some reason I cant see the drop zones when I am pivot table view. Does anyone know maybe why I cant see this?

When I try to use the 'Add To' box in the Field List Box, the option is grey'd out so I cant click it.

I'm using version 2002.

Can anyone help?


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Forms :: Blank Out Name Last Typed By User In A Drop Down Box?

Apr 3, 2015

Access 2010 leaves the last name that a user typed in after he has done and update. All of the other fields on the form are blanked except the dropdown box . This seems to confuse my users and they would prefer that the last name is blanked out after an update like all of the other fields. I told them that it is a reminder to them of the last person they updated.

The drop down box has a list of all the clients in the database and the user selects which one they want.

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Forms :: Dragging Existing Form Onto Tab Control

May 2, 2013

I have read where you can drag fields onto the tab pages to create a form or you can place a subform onto a tab page, but can you drag an existing form onto a tab page?

I have done it and it is working, but I just wanted to know if this is ok to do or would it lead to problems.

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PivotChart - Catagory Fields

Dec 31, 2006

When I drop my catagory field in place on my Pivot Chart I get only the ID 'numbers' instead of the field information. Can anyone say why this may be.


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Forms :: How To Auto Populate Fields After Using 3 Drop Down Menus

Jul 24, 2014

I have made a database. I have gotten to the point where I use a form to get the information. I am trying to get the information to auto populate fields after using 3 drop menus. They are department name, shop and shift. All of the information comes out of tbl department name, tbl shop and tbl shift.

I also have a table with department name, shop, shift, line, employee total, shift leader total, ratio of shift leaders per line and total employees off. I am trying to figure out once use the 3 drop down how can I Auto populate the remaining fields. Also I am trying to figure out where and how to put in the code.

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Blank Fields In Forms

Oct 26, 2005

I am setting up a form with a few tables in it.

I want each table to relate to the form.

When the Next button at the bottom of the page is clicked I want all the values of each table recorded even if there were no values put in the boxes.

For example if there is no value added to the field boxes in say half the tables I want the default value to be recorded as blank or zero so that each table has the same Autonumber associated with the other tables in the form.

What is the best way to do this?


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Forms :: How To Populate Subform Fields When Drop Down Selected In Main Form

Mar 12, 2013

I have built a form that holds details of training records. What I want is when a drop down is selected in the main form, that it will populate some of the fields in the subform. I have this working at the moment, that for example, when a certain course is selected, that their modules will appear in the subform. Where my problem arises is that I have a relationship between two tables that I want to appear on the subform, so that details can be filled in on the subform against the list of modules that automatically appear.

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Forms :: DLookup - Using Two Fields (number And Drop Down Text) To Query Table For Data

May 29, 2015

DLookup function. (this is for a stamp collection database).

On my form ("InventoryInput") I have a text box called "Catalog" for a numeric entry and a text combo box for selecting a "Country" in drop down list.

I want to query a table called "CatNameList" to get the "StampName" of the item (based on the entries of Catalog and Country) and populate that name in the text box. The fields in this table are called "StampName", "CatNumb" & "CName" respectively.

I have successfully placed the following expression in the control source of that textbox and able to populate the StampName I need based solely on the catalog number alone.

That express is :
=DLookUp("StampName", "CatNameList", "CatNumb = Form![Catalog]")

So it will populate the "StampName" data to match the "Catalog" number entry just fine.

However, I need to add a second layer to incorporate the Country.

Example : There is a catalog "1" for "USA", and a catalog "1" for "Canada" but both have different "StampName".

I have been attempting to get that second piece added with no success. Here is the expression I have been trying to get to work :

=DLookUp("StampName", "CatNameList", "[CatNumb] = " & [Catalog] & " And CName = '" & [Country] & "'")

Right now, the text box is just blank with the above expression. I thought it may be because there was no match found, but I have triple checked to ensure I have the spelling correct on the country name in both places.

Basically, I just need the dlookup to take the "catalog" and "country" off the form and match it to the "CatNameList" table fields of "CatNumb" and "CName" to give me "StampName" field back on the form.

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Forms :: Open A Form Which Contains A Subform With Blank Fields?

Sep 7, 2013

I have a [Order Central table] that compiles products from four different categories that employees can order from.

Employees using the database will select from four categories on buttons which opens up the order form EX: [Category 1 form].

They enter their order info on [Category 1 form] into a subform sourced from [Category 1 Table] called [Category 1 subform].

Is there a way that they could select the "Category 1" button, which would run a macro opening [Category 1 form] with the [Category 1 subform] having a where condition of 1=0 (or just so that the subform appears blank)?

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Forms :: Creating Duplicate Record With Specific Fields Blank

Jul 21, 2014

I'm working on a form with almost a hundred various fields (it's what my employer needs). He wants to be able to create new records with much of the same information as the old ones by clicking on a button that will copy the information to a new record, then clear certain specific fields (or some process that will safely create the same result). I don't need specifics on how to write the same line of code for each and every field I wish to clear.

Say I have a form with 5 fields: part_number, part_owner, procedure, file_name, and date.

How could I copy the record to keep the fields part_owner and procedure the same, but clear part_number, file_name, and date?

All of the fields are from the same table (no, it's not normalized...).

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Forms :: Manage MsgBox With Blank Required Fields By Function In A Module

May 11, 2013

I created this function to manage a MsgBox containing all required fields with no data:

Function FormValidation(TheForm As Form) As Boolean
Dim boolResponse As Boolean
Dim strError As Variant
Dim ctl As Control
boolResponse = True
strError = Null


Then, I have a Form_BeforeUpdate event, where I wanna place the function, which contains also some VBA code to manage duplicates records:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, dbs As DAO.Database, strICAO As String
Dim ctl As Control, txtMsg As String


Now, how to add the function in this event to get these two results:

1. if required fields are blank and I press OK on the MsgBox, the routine must stop;
2. the focus must go in the first required blank control.

I tried some options but I get different kind of malfunctions: no custom message for duplicate records but only the access default one, "go to next record" feature with tab key not working and so on.

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Forms :: Subforms Randomly Adding Blank Records Not Clearing Fields

Sep 18, 2013

My subforms are randomly adding blank records and one subform I would like to stay blank repopulates with data, though not necessarily the most recently added record. Both of these seem to happen when I navigate to other main records in the database and then return to this page.Using Access 2013, I have a large form with 10 pages. On one of the pages, I have two subforms. This is set up to gather many-to-one data. The top subform is my data entry form with three fields (two combo and a text) and a command button. The bottom subform is a datasheet displaying the three fields.

The two combo boxes are cascading, and they work great. The text box is there to collect additional info for each selection.
The command button works to

1) save the record,
2) requery both subforms in order to display the new data on the datasheet,
3) clear the combo and text boxes, and 4) set focus back to the initial combo box. It all works!

But then when I leave that main record, the horror begins: blank records (from the "many" table) show up on the datasheet and the data entry fields do not stay blank. I suspect my problem is in the command button. I added this code to the OnClick for the command button:


Private Sub addMinistryItems_Click()
'save record
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
'requery both subforms
Forms![BCD MAIN 2013]!Child572.Form.Requery
Forms![BCD MAIN 2013]!Ministries1.Form.Requery


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Update 3 Fields From One Drop Down Box

Apr 27, 2005

Is it possible to update 3 fields from one drop down box? the drop down box's sql is as follows:

SELECT [tblCurrentRoute].[KFC ID], [tblCurrentRoute].[PERIOD/MONTH], [tblCurrentRoute].[PK ID] FROM [tblCurrentRoute]

I would like to update the following fields on tblMasterEvaluations:

tblCurrentRoute.KFC ID = tblMasterEvaluations.StoreID
tblCurrentRoute.Period/Month = tblMasterEvaluations.Period
tblCurrentRoute.PK ID = tblMasterEvaluations.PKID

I have the drop down showing the correct information, and it stores the Store ID correctly; however, I would like to use that selection to update other fields in my table this possible? Thanks!

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Forms :: Way To Continue To Blank Form After Entering Information Into Previous Blank Form?

Mar 25, 2013

When entering information into a blank form, I would like to be able to continue entering information to another additional blank form after my last entry. Is there a way to continue to a blank form after entering information into the previous blank form? I would just like to continue without having to close the entire form and then reopening another form.

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Creating Custom PivotChart

Jun 28, 2005

I am trying to make a special kind of blob chart. It has to mimic the charts I have attached. I have a high number and a low number for everything that someone might want to put on the axes. The eventual goal is to have a form were the user selects what goes on each axis, and have a few other possible choices to limit how much is displayed. What I am making doesn't have to be as fancy, flexablity is more important. Can Access make this kind of graph or am I on my own, making shapes in VBA?

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Why On Earth Is My Access PivotChart Doing This?

Sep 16, 2005

I've written a couple queries in Access that create a BOM for components that we sell in our company. The data is withdrawn from our company system into a pyramid structure (MACOLA). Basically, all I did was recreate the "Indented Bill of Materials" report from our system.

However, when I try to run the data through a PivotChart Form, it truncates all the data (i.e. if I need 16 of one component to make another, the chart will display 16 as it should, but if I need 4.75, it will display 4). The data in the final query where the report is drawn from is correct. It displays numbers both whole and decimal.

I've looked everywhere in the properties to try to eliminate the problem, but I haven't found anything. How do I fix this?

P.S. I've developed other PivotCharts that don't have this problem. I've even rewritten the queries using a different approach with the same results. Any Ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Pivotchart Report First Record Only

Sep 20, 2005

I am trying to follow this Microsoft Tutorial and it worked when I put the subform (pivotchart) into a form but not when I put it into a report. The report shows the pivotchart correctly filtered for the first record but the chart is blank for the rest of the records.

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Pivotchart With Series On Different Scale Axes

Jan 18, 2007

Hello all. My client has decided they like the pivotchart format better than the regular chart format, especially for its dynamic quality ( it can expand and contract with form adjustments.

One chart I am having trouble replicating in pivotchart format is one that plots two data series. One series is made of columns representing large numbers, generally several hundred or thousand, and the other data series needs to be a line which usually ranges between 0-10.

Obviously they cannot be represented on a y-axis with the same scale. This is simple to handle in MS Chart.

Is there a way to make a pivotchart with a dual-scaled y-axis, and map a data series to each one?

Thanks in advance.

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Using PivotChart To Display Survey Data

Oct 31, 2007

I have this pivot chart (please see attached screenshot) that I was hoping to use to display results of a survey that was conducted by our nonprofit organization. I have it filtering by a few demographics (age, gender, parental status), and then the results of a few other questions below it. My problem is that I'm not sure what results I'm looking at -- whether they're totals of all the responses, just the "true" responses, or...?

The survey asked questions similar to what you see in the field list. Each question is a column header in my table. Then the row headers are each respondent. The choices for answers were "true", "false", or nothing. So in all the cells, i entered t, f, or nothing accordingly.

I'm not sure if I'm not using the pivot chart correctly, or if I didn't design the table for the data correctly.

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PivotChart Category(x Axis) As Variable

Jun 24, 2006

Hi all, I want to create a pivotchart from a query, embed it in a form and use a combobox in the main form to allow the user to select the x axis value. So in a query with fields city, state, country, etc the user would be able to chose one of those fields as the category(x axis across the bottom) to display data. Is this even possible? If it is, how do I do it? As it is now I can add multiple categories to my chart- but it just makes a big mess of the chart. I can embed a chart in a form and use a combobox- but it allows me to choose from within a field- but not from among fields. Also- how do I access the code to manipulate the chart? Thanx in advance

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How To Update 2 Data Fields From A Drop Down List

Oct 22, 2004

I am an Ms Access newbie and need some help on how to update 2 fields from a drop down list.

The drop down list has 5 columns. The first column is the partname that is bound and updates the table with that partname. I want to take the
listprice which is the 5th column and update a field in the table with the listprice that corresponds to the part name.

Thank you.

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Select From Drop Down To Populate Three Fields In A Table?

Nov 6, 2012

I would like to be able to select a value from a drop-down and by doing so be able to populate three fields in a table.

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Blank Fields

Jan 19, 2006

Hi - I have what maybe a relatively easy problem to solve.

I have a list of locations each with a unique id. I also have another table with location details in it. There is a relationship setup between the two tables. However in the first table I have some locations that do not have a match in the second table. Therefore that field is left blank. When create a query to show information from the two tables, any records that have a blank location match field do not get shown in the output. Is there anyway to display records with blank fields?



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Blank Out Certain Fields

Mar 21, 2006

In an Input form, how can I blank out certain fields such that the field data is shown, but grayed out, and other fields are shown normally?

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Tables :: Auto Fill Fields With Drop Down List

Nov 9, 2012

I have a Table named TBLBookings...on one of the fields I have a Lookup wizard thats linked to a Table named TBLVehicles which includes

Car Reg
Car Type

When I run the TBLBooking and click the drop down list it shows up

Car Reg
Car Type

but once the field is clicked all it shows in the records is the REG where in a form id like to see what vehicle it is location it possible to have extra fields in the form named Car Type and Location and once the registration is chosen it automatically fills in the correct details for them?

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