I have a database of books. I have a combobox listing 3 different status W M R.
W is for Whats next to read, M is for more books too read and R for books read or reading now. I can enter a new book by calling up the add a book form from any of those 3 forms.
If I forget to enter a letter in the combo box then the book is lost to those 3 forms as what they see depends on that status letter and I have to go to the table and enter a letter from there.
I want to know if I can auto populate the field (W M R) depending on which form opened the add a book form.
I have a Lost/Found property database which we use to keep record of the lost/found property and its working fine.
The database has one table and two forms.
One form (LostFoundForm) is visible to the user in which they enter data, this form has two sections; Item(s) & Finder's details and the second section is about Restoring details.
However the second form (ClaimReceiptForm) is hidden to the users (for manual data entry) and has only one section which is exactly the same as the first form's first section, i.e., Item(s) & Finder's details. This second form takes the data automatically from the first form because the table behind them is same and fields are same (please see attachment). Up to here it's all working fine.
I would like to introduce a Checkbox or a CommandButton in the LostFoundForm which when we click should pull up a msgbox asking "Do you want to print the receipt for this item(s)?" with a Yes/No option. On clicking "No" it should, obviously, settle down but on clicking "Yes" it should print the "corresponding record" from the ClaimReceiptForm.
I have 2 forms which are based on separate tables. When I open Form2 from a command button on Form1, I would like the common boxes on the Form2 (name, ID #, ets.) to automatically copy the info from the boxes on Form1 with the same names. How can I do this? TIA
I have an Account form (Form1) and it displays account information along with their many addresses for the account (in a datagrid embedded form). I hit "update or add address" button to launch form2 (Address Form). From this point I want to query the Address and AddressAccountLink table with a passed in Global Variable (AccountID) from Form 1 so that just the Addresses pertaining to that Account show up, instead of all the Addresses for all accounts.
How do I do this? I've tried a String Query in the Private Sub Form_Load() but it gives me errors, here that is: sSQLQueryAddr = "SELECT tblLinkAccAdd.AccountID, tblLinkAccAdd.AddressID, tblAddress.* FROM tblAddress INNER JOIN tblLinkAccAdd ON tblAddress.AddressID = tblLinkAccAdd.AddressID WHERE (((tblLinkAccAdd.AccountID)=" & v_accountid & "))" (it's on one line in the code) followed by:
Any ideas? Am I on the right track? Do I move this query elsewhere? The address form is made from a query -- querying the Address and address/account link table.
Oh, the v_accountid does have the correct value passed to it...
I have a form where a different form opens up when a user clicks a certain button. What I’m trying to do is assign a field value from form1's subform to a field on form2 and it’s telling me "Run-time error ‘-2147352567 (80020009)’, You can’t assign a value to this object." I'm new to VBA, but think I'm on the right track. Could someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong.
The code I'm using is: Me.txtStoreNo = [Forms]![frmCDRData4REF]![sfrmCDRData4REF].Form!txtStoreNo
I need to make a query work so that when someone enters info into a master form, it will pull the data for that job onto other forms when the job # is entered. Thanks for any help.
I have 2 form, form1 and form 2 (picture attached)
In Form 1 (main form) there are "reference" field with key pressed event then call form 2 (list of reference that user can choose)
In form 2 the problem is, when "enter" key pressed (keypress event), selection will move to next record so the data that transferred to form 1 is wrong (next record)
The question is : how to save current record in form 2 before enter and send the data to form 1
I'm developing a simple sporting records db. I have a 'Competitor' table listing competitors as follows: CompetitorPK, Name, Division, Club. I have a 'Contest' table listing contests as follows: ContestPK, Competitor1_FK, Competitor2_FK, Winner_FK, Score etc. My question is have I modelled tables correctly i.e. CompetitorPK will appear in three columns of Contest table. How do I define this relationship? What alternative is there to what I have done.I intend to use forms to populate both tables (independantly obviously).
I have two tables in my Db: tblMaster & tblAddresses. They are joined with a one-to-many relationship, with the addresses being the "one" side. Many entries in tblMaster have the same address.
I use a form, based on a query, to add records which creates the new vendor in tblMaster, and (if I have contact details), a record in tblAddresses. The problem is that while the PK is created in tblAddresses once I add the address info, the related FK field in tblMaster is not populated with that #.
i have made two tables with data from an excel sheet. The excel sheet has many duplicates and im trying to eliminate this. The tables are:
tblTasks and tblTeam. Both have autoincrementing primary keys, and the tblTasks table has the TeamID (primary key from tblTeam) as a foreign key.
My question is, how do i populate the TeamID field via perhaps a query, as it is blank on all records. I have over 5000 tasks so a manual approach is what im trying to avoid. A sample of the fields in the tables is as follows:
TaskID - PK Task Name Team ID - FK
tblTeam TeamID - PK Team Name
there's also a Staff table. tblTeam has a one to many relationship with the Staff table. tblTeam also has a one to many relationship with the tblTasks table.
On the mainform [frm1930Census] I have a couple of subforms [sbf1930CenHeader & sbf1930CenDep]
The primary key [FTMID] has passed from the mainform to the 1st subform [sbf1930CenHeader] correctly. Using the one to many relationship attached by the [FTMID] field.
The problem is the primary key [1930CenHdrID] from the subform[sbf1930CenHeader] should then travel to [sbf1930CenDep] which it does not. The relationship between the two subforms are one to many focusing on the [1930CenHdrID] field/
I am using the following code:
Private Sub Ctl1930CenHdrID_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) Me.1930CenHdrID = Forms![frm1930Census]![sbf1930CenHeader].[Form]![1930CenHdrID] End Sub
I have two tables tblPatients (pkUMRN) and tblAdmissions (pkAdmissionID, fkUMRNAdmission). pkUMRN is not auto-number, but is an 8-digit alphanumeric code unique to each tblPatients record. I have set up a one-to-many relationship between tblPatients_pkUMRN and tblAdmissions_fkUMRNAdmissions (each patient can have multiple admissions).
Is it possible to allow the entry of a new tblAdmissions_fkUMRNAdmissions to create a new tblPatients_pkUMRN? IE can you create a new primary key from a new foreign key?
Along a similar line, if the primary key already exists, how would you autofill a form with data from tblPatients when the tblAdmissions_fkUMRNAdmissions is entered in to the table?
I have created a form "PAYMENTS" that include a sub form "PAYMENT DETAILS".
In the sub form control Policy Id is defined as combo box, and retrieving the list from Policies and Payments where Policies.Client=Payments.Client the query of Combo Box is as follows:
Only first time Combo Box display the Policy Ids according to the Client, but when I change the client and always displays the previous clients Policy Ids.
how to retrieve correct list of Policy Ids according to the Input Client in Payments.Client control
I am trying to model my database to create relationships between different tables in my database. During the process of doing so I ended up having one primary key in table A linked with to foreign keys in two different tables ( table B & table C) and both of those two table are junction tables to break out many to many between many other tables
Now for some reason!!! I feel that there is something wrong with my logic mapping and modeling of the relationships between tables due the fact of having one primary key linked to two foreign keys in two different tables :(
Is my intuition is right? should such case be considered as indicative of wrong modeling of relationships between tables in a single database And if so what is the disadvantages of that link (talking down the road) when the database if fully populated? :confused:
By the way I am new member and new to database, so please take it easy on me :o
Right now, I have 4 related tables. There's a table with companies, one with people involved with companies, a table linking the two by having foreign keys of the company number and people names, and a table that indicates directors and their alternates.
Since there's a one-to-many relationship for companies/people to company-peopleID (A person can run multiple companies, a company has multiple directors, it's easier this way), a person's name can appear multiple times, as can a company, within that table.
In a company, a director may or may not have 1 and only 1 alternate director to him/herself. So, I thought the easiest way was to put an autonumber in the Company-personID table and have a table (alternates) that had two fields, "alternate" and "director", both using that autonumber to link them. However, it appears as though I can't link the same primary key twice to two foreign keys of the same table.
I have an infopath form, which people in my company can fill out to order parts. The form is linked to an Access database. The primary keys for the database are the Order Number and the Line Number (where the specific part info is in the system). The form also takes info about who entered the order, when they entered it, etc.
My problem is that while the form will be used for only one order, it may be used to order multiple parts. So the infopath form has a repeating section with a table where they can enter multiple line numbers and part names, etc.If I use the form to enter just one part, everything works great. But when I use the repeating section to add multiple parts, the information specific to the repeating section is added to the database but the rest of the information (who entered, when the entered, etc) isn't.
My intial idea was that since the first part is entered correctly and the subsequent parts are missing some information which is already in another line in the database. Maybe if there was a way to pull the information from another line into the lines with missing info within access would solve my problem. So basically automatically populating the rows with matching Order Numbers with the information that is missing.
Is it possible for the primary key of one table to act as the foreign key in another table for more than one columns? What I'm trying to do is create a table for a Committee which will have 1 student and 5 professors! So Can I import the faculty ID for each of the 5 faculty members?When I try creating the second relationship, access automatically creates a new Faculty table for the relationship!
Basically I have a form, and inside that form there is the "Total Cost" field which is a field in the "tbl_Transactions" table; to display some values from a subform inside of the "Total Cost" field i changed the control source of the "Total Cost" text box to the fowllowing expression:
But obviously because of the fact that the control source has been changed these values brought up by the expression are not put into the table so the "Total Cost" column in the transactions table (tbl_Transactions) is just blank.
Is there any way I can make it so that the values drawn up by the expression will also be entered into the " Total Cost" field in the transactions table as well as being displayed on the form?
Hi, I am new to access XP. Pls. can someone tell me how can a spreadsheet control on an access form be linked to a table for retrieving data onto it. I tried export/import with a .csv/txt file but can there be a better way? Thanks in advance.