Now, I have created a main form based on student table and a subform based on studentCourse table. However, because I needed to populate the courseName and CourseDescription in the subform I changed its record source to a query (stID, courseID, courseName, courseDescription) so that when I move between the subform records the courseName and courseDescription still show in the subform.
To populate the courseName and courseDescription in the subform I changed the courseID to a combobox so that it brings the courseName and courseDescription from the course table and show it in the subform.
Everything is working fine so far BUT when I choose to input a courseID manually into the combobox, it does not populate the courseName and courseDescription as it does when I choose the courseID from the combobox.
In my database table I have a MainMember_Tbl which contains address fields. I also have a related table (via a field called Member_ID) called JointMember_Tbl which also contains address fields. For any particular member, mostly there is no joint member, but when there is a joint member the address fields are often the same as for the main member, but not always.
In the case when they are the same, I would like to use a button within the data input form for the joint member to 'duplicate' the address fields saved in the MainMember_Tbl - For example ....
I deal with freight carriers and each one is assigned a code. There are over 30,000 carriers so I don't want them all in my carriers table.
I have them all in a CarrierCodes table. I would like to open a form that would allow the user to search for the appropriate carrier and when they choose it would populate that data to my Carriers table.
I have a form based on a table named <Staff>. The fields in the form are StaffID, Surname, Name, Grade. What I am trying to achieve is that when a particular StaffID is selected, the other corresponding fields (Surname, Name, Grade) are filled up automatically. Could anyone assist? Thanks.John.
I am trying to create the form so when the first field (Start Date) has a date selected, it limits the following field (Report Date) to the matching available data, and same with the third field (Production Division) on the previous two.
I also need the form to allow new dates / production division combinations, but not duplicate.
I starting working with a cascade function but got confused and not sure if that is where I should be headed.
I have attached 2 different formats of the same sample data.
Sorry for posting into another thread about this, but here's my problem:
Hello All. Finally getting my pride out of the way and asking this. I've searched and this is the closest question pertaining to the problem I'm having. I have created a form to populate a table in Access. I've created Lookup fields for parts of the table that will get data from another table/tables. I want a certain part of the form to auto-populate data based off of the last name I put in the initial Drop-down box. Say, I have a person with a last name (and there are several with the same last names), I want the remainder of that line in the form/report to populate with his/her data needed for the form letter. Unfortunately right now, I have it where we have to select each from a drop down menu, for both last names, first names and other data needed. I've tore my brain up trying to figure out how to link the data in each one of the combo boxes to the first combo box. Any help would be appreciated. These are driving me nuts as I should be able to figure this out and it's just escaping my vision I guess. Thanks in advance for the help.
i want a have a button that on click will ask for the password. if the password is correct then proceed to open the for else tell them they are not authorized.
i know i would need an if statement but thats as far as i got.. can some one provide me with some sample code?
I have a Form in a datasheet view and i would like to be able to double click on a record (ideally any part of the record but if not, on the name at least) and have it open up a form to that record details.
Picture 1 is the table with the records in.
Picture 2 is the form i want it to open and populate.
I have a form and I am not sure of the best way to populate the multiple fields on it.
The form consists of a textbox to select a date (txtDate) and then once this date is selected I want the multiple textboxes on the form to be populated from data I have in a table.
The name of each textbox is a concatenation of "txt" the number of the person which is a number from 1 to 4 and then a time eg for 12 Noon it would be 1200 so the textboxes are from txt10800 to txt42000 i.e. each person has textboxes from 8.00am to 8.00pm in half hour intervals.
I need to use two tables to populate these textboxes as in the main table there are codes that have a relationship to fields within another table that holds attributes for that code. (eg code 123 could equal Service A in the second Table but 123 is what is held on the main table) Also in the main table I have a calculated field that creates the name of the relevant textboxes on the form.
If there is a textbox that will not be populated as there is nothing in that time period then I would like this to be left blank or Null.
Am I best creating a query and binding the form to this query or to leave it unbounded and use a recordset within VBA
In the Contacts Table there are two fields, the unique Contact ID key field numeric and the Contact Name. Like this:
Contact_ID; Name 1; Tom 2; Dick 3; Harry
In a form named "Selection" there is a Combo box that references the Contact table, and lists just the three names in the drop down (showing the Contact_ID is optional - I'm fine either way):
Tom Dick Harry
When the selection is made it will populate the field Contact_Ref the table called SelectedName.
Question: When the user selects the name I'd like the data populated in the SelectedName table to be the Contact_ID Value, and not the Name, so if Harry is selected the Value "3" would be saved.
I'm using a combo box to pull data from a table to auto populate the fields on my form. But for some reason, it stops inserting the data after city (column(6) and I can't figure out what's going on. When I run the query the data is there, if I change the order of the columns, the data shows. Here's the code:
I've got a button on a form that opens another form - nothing unusual, but it would be preferable if this second form was password protected i.e. the user clicks the button to open the form and is immediately prompted to enter a password. I've looked at user-level security wizards but that confused me even more.
The database is networked and is used by 25+ people by the way.
I've been trying to populate a field in a form with information, but only if the field is blank.
What I am trying to do is this.
I have a continuous form displaying all of our principals, however when our principals are on leave I want to populate the field with the "acting principal". I have set it up so the field grabs the acting principal first but it is blank for several schools. For these schools where there there is no "acting principal" I want it to grab the substantive principal automatically and populate the field.
I have tried Is Null, Is Not Null, NZ, IF, Where and Then statements but to no avail.
So I have a continuous form and I have a button that is pressed when a job is released and it record a date in a field. I wanted to turn that button to disabled after pressed but after lots of reading found that it couldn't be done in a continuous form due to it disabling all buttons . So I decided to just make the code populate the field only if it was a null value so that it wouldn't overwrite a value if someone pressed it more than once. Well the null is my downfall in all this. I cannot make it compare and populate the date when the button is pressed. I have tried all I can find on the net and all I can think of.
The main issue I'm having is trying to populate a text box based on a combo box selection. I've found threads on that - the twist that is throwing me for a loop is that I'm dealing with two different forms.
I have a main/welcome form with two combo boxes on it. Based on the user's selections in these two combo boxes, two different forms are opened for data entry. For instance, box 1 has A, B, C and box 2 has x, y, z. If a user chooses B and z, then form B and form z are opened. What I want is for a text box to be populated on one of the opened forms, not the same (main/welcome) form. In other words, when B and z are chosen, I would like there to be a textbox autofilled with "z" on form z.
Thanks to some of the threads here, I have managed to automate inputting form data from a record into bookmarks in a word document template (a letter). What I am trying to do is to lock the letter allowing modification only to the form fields in that template. If the original template is locked (allowing entry only in the fields), the data does not flow through. So I was trying to accomplish this through the "ProtectedForForms" property. However, it does not work. The letter gets locked before the information flows through. Here's the code I am trying to use (borrowed from one of the users here):
Private Sub cmd_letWarn_Click()
' Check for empty fields and unsaved record. If IsNull(occupant) Then MsgBox "Occupant Name cannot be empty" Me.occupant.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If IsNull(propad_no) Then MsgBox "Building Number cannot be empty" Me.propad_no.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If IsNull(prop_ZIP) Then MsgBox "ZIP Code cannot be empty" Me.prop_ZIP.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
If Me.Dirty Then If MsgBox("Record has not been saved. " & Chr(13) & _ "Do you want to save it?", vbInformation + vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord Else Exit Sub End If End If
' Create a Word document from template. Dim WordApp As Word.Application Dim strTemplateLocation As String
' Specify location of template strTemplateLocation = "T:PlanningPlanningEnforcementLogsuppfiles emp"
On Error Resume Next Set WordApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") End If On Error GoTo ErrHandler
I am looking to populate fields of one form based on another table with about 100 records.
Information Table Name: 1) StaticInfo 2) Data
Form Name: EntryForm (Based on the Data table)
I want to be able to select a value in a combo box in the EntryForm and have certain fields populated in that form based on the StaticInfo table.
Want to use all of the fields in StaticInfo to populate the same fields in Data. Historical data in the Data table needs to remain intact, meaning that if something is changed in the StaticInfo table, the historical records will remain unchanged in the Data table.
So, if I am able to select a department in a combo box in the EntryForm and have the fields populated in this form based on the StaticInfo table, will the records in the Data table change or not change if there are changes made to the fields in the StaticInfo table?
Also, could someone provide a method as to how I would go about populating these fields from table to form.
I wasn't sure where I should have posted this question so please feel free to move it if necessary.
I am not even sure this is possible and I didn't know where to begin but these forums have always been extremely helpful.
What I would like to do is export data directly from Access (via form, table or query) and populate it directly to an existing, external webpage.
A little background. My company orders cars an for certain manufacturers, Toyota for example, we order via a secure website. All of the other manufacturers have their order directly transmitted to them. The orders for Toyota take 3-4 times longer to place and I was hoping to speed the process by exporting existing order information directly to the webpage.
Please let me know if it seems like I am smoking something and I will gladly step away from the pipe....=)
I have search the forum but dont seem to be able to find the solution i am looking for. I am hoping its because it has a simple solution .......
I have a database which records grant applications for the current year. What i also have is a table which stores all the grant applications from last year and i have a search form which the user can search to see if the applicant applied last year. What i want the user to be able to do is if the applicant did apply last year - to be able to double click on the particular applicant on the search form and populate the fields in the new applicant table, show on the new applicant form, and delete the applicant from last years table. This would save the user time because they would not have to retype name, address etc. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I seem to have a mental blank with this one.
I posted a few days ago about how I am using a combo box for selecting/entering a name on a form. Once the name is chosen for 'txtEventLeader' it updates the query so the next record shows that name as an option for selection in the combobox.
What I want to do now is also have a field called 'txtEventFacilitator' which would also update the query and update the combobox (regardless if one is choosing the Event Leader or Event Facilitator). I think I need to make a one column query which puts all of the names in one column, regardless if they were the Event Leader or Event Facilitator.
I've been working on this issue for quite sometime. I've tried different methods, such as the DLookup function, but I think I'm doing something wrong. Let me explain what I'm trying to do:
This is a Work Order, the user will Select a Customer (Table Customer: Contains CustomerID and Customer Name, address, etc) from a drop down box. When they do this, I have another textbox which is designated for the Address. I would like the address to automatically populate. but its not quite working. I've tried it with the DLookup function (I entered it into the control source of the textbox). I entered the following syntax:
It keeps coming up with an error. I have no idea why.
Now this is just the first half. The second half I have a subform on the same main form, which lists the equipment they have on their site. The database has a number of customers with many equipment for each of them. How do I make sure that the subform only populates equipment associated with the Customer that was selected on the main form?
I have Two tables one table has a Master list of products (ProductMaster) with a Unique product code (ProductMaster.UQ_ID). The second Table has Order data. The Second table (OrderTable) is where I will enter the product code (UQ_ID) which is the unique Identifier which is also in the ProductMaster. As soon as I enter the Prodt code in the OrderTable I should have all the related fields filled in from the Product Master.
Columns in The ProductMaster = Product_ID, Product_Manucaturer, Product_Weight, Product_Color, Product_Size
Columns in The OrderTable = Product_ID, Product_Manucaturer, Product_Weight, Product_Color, Product_Size, Order_Date, Ordered_By
The columns marked in red are the ones that will have to be automatically fetched from ProductMaster
The data in the second table should be populated from the ProductMaster as soon as I enter the Product_Code. The rest of the details Can be filled manually filled in.
Is it possible to do this with Access. I have tried different expressions in the Fields without much use. The Documentation from Microsoft is very weak. If someone knows a solution or where the documentation is, please help.
I have a database that keeps track of inspection records. What I want to be able to do is open the form Inspection, and select a part # in a dropdown. When I do that I want it to fill in all of the critical item/dimension boxes on that same form for that part number that I selected above. I tried to figure it out from the sample database example on here, but I just cannot figure it out. Any help is greatly appreciated. A copie of my database is attached.
Been having trouble setting up a combo box in a form that displays data from the same line in the table into a text box.
I am trying this with a memo field without any luck. I am using a 2 column query for the combo box, the first column contains the name and the second contains the requirements (memo).
I have put in the after update code:
Private Sub CustName_AfterUpdate()
Me!CustReq = Me![CustName].Column(2)
End Sub
Can anyone please shed light on what I'm doing wrong?