Forms :: Prevent Duplication In Form Entry

Jul 7, 2014

I've been trying to use some code I've found to prevent a user from entering a duplicate ID. I've tried this:

Dim Answer As Variant Answer = DLookup("[SAR_ID]", "Request", "[SAR_ID] = '" & Me.SAR_ID & "'")
If Not IsNull(Answer) Then MsgBox "Duplicate SAR ID Found" & vbCrLf & "Please enter again.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1, "Duplicate"

Cancel = True Me.SAR_ID.Undo
End If

but it displays the message even if I don't enter a duplicate.

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Tables :: Prevent Duplication In Table

Jun 11, 2015

i have a table called tbl1. in this table i have field month, year, or trainee. is it possible that above mentioned three field found same data table automatically delte those rows. so i found only unique data. or their is another way to make this possible.

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Forms :: Prevent Record Entry With Information Missing

Feb 18, 2014

I have a form and was wondering if it was possible to set it so that a user is not able to click the submit [Submitcmd] unless certain text boxes are filled (however SampleOuttxt needs to be able to remain blank).

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Forms :: Prevent User Navigating From A Field If Entry Is Invalid

Mar 5, 2013

I need to ensure that the data entered into a field on a form is correct. The field contains an email address and I have a function to check if the format is correct.

If the format is incorrect I need the cursor to return to the field in that record. The form is continuous.

What event should I use?

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Prevent User From Skipping Records In Continuous Form During Data Entry

Nov 21, 2006

I have a main form with several continuous subforms. Each subform consists of several listbox controls. I would like to require the user to select an item from the listbox before being allowed to move to the next record in the subform, and upon reaching the last record in that continuous subform, to require an entry there in order to move to the first record in the next cont. subform.

As an added bonus, it would be nice, though not necessary, to automatically jump the focus from one record to the next after data is entered. But my basic goal is to avoid skipping records.

Caveat: I cannot use the "required" option in the field to which the control is bound because that field has a default value previously entered using an append query. (The default value basically means "not yet entered" and is not one of the options in the listbox. I am using this because this field is a foreign key in the table, thus it must have a value in order to have a record with which to populate the subform.)

My apologies if this has been asked and answered elsewhere, but I've searched and, while I found a few related threads, they don't quite answer my question. Here they are for reference:

Thanks for any help! Also, if you are going to recommend VB code, could you be specific about how and where I should use it? I'm not afraid of code, but I'm definitely new to it...

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Prevent Duplicate First & Last Name Entry

Feb 28, 2005

Have read through all the threads related to this topic and can't find anything to help. Just want a message box to pop up after entry of first and last names in a form if the string already exists in the database. DLookup works wonderfully for validating on one field, but adding the second field is driving me crazy - Can I use DLookup to check more than one field? The following code gives me the error: "Run time error '2001' - You canceled the previous operation."

Private Sub LastName_AfterUpdate()

Dim x As Variant

x = DLookup("[txtLastName]", "[tblVolunteerInfo]", "[txtLast Name]= '" & Me![LastName] & "'" & " And " & "[txtFirstName] = " & Me![FirstName])

On Error GoTo CustID_Err

If Not IsNull(x) Then
MsgBox "This name already exists in the database. Please check that you are not entering a duplicate person before continuing.", vbOKOnly, "Duplicate Value"
Cancel = True
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume CustID_Exit

End Sub



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Prevent Entry Of Duplicate Records

Apr 17, 2008

I am using a data entry form to enter new data into one of the tables.How can we prevent entry of duplicate records? Duplicacy shall be checked on the first two fields only.
Please help.

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Prevent Duplicate Entry In Records

Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to prevent a user entering duplicates of date and time in an appointments table for the same do I do this?

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Queries :: 2nd Query Prevent Data Entry

Apr 17, 2014

I have a query based on two other queries

If I create a form based on the fields in my query the form will not allow me to edit any fields - no matter what.

All fields are unique however I am stumped as to why I can't edit the data. Even adding in the second query immediately stops data entry even without linking.

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Weird Error Message On Prevent Duplicate Name Entry

Mar 7, 2005

So now, I'm using the code below to prevent duplicate name entry and it is working great - EXCEPT when I enter a first or last name which contains a ' (ie, O'Tool, O'Malley, O'Hern)...anyone got any ideas for me on how to make this not happen?

The error I get is:

Run Time error '3075'

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '[Last Name]='O'Hern' And [First Name]='Lori'.

The code i'm using is:

Private Sub Last_Name_AfterUpdate()

'Check for duplicate first and last name using DCount

If DCount("*", "[Constituents]", "[Last Name]= '" & Me![Last Name] & "' And [First Name] = '" & Me![First Name] & "'") > 0 Then
MsgBox "This first and last name already exists in the database. Please check that you are not entering a duplicate constituent before continuing.", vbOKOnly, "Duplicate Value"
Cancel = True
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume CustID_Exit

End Sub

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Tables :: More Than One Unique Values - Prevent Entry Of Duplicate Combination Of Fields

Nov 4, 2014

1. I have a database (see attached) with three tables all of them with the same fields. The first three are numbers (InCo_No, Proto_No, Year_No). Each of these fields (numbers) can be the same in the other table(eg. Year_No), but the combination of the three cannot be.

How can I prevent the entry of a duplicate combination of these three fields?

2. I want to have a form to fill the three tables separately, depending the values in the other fields.

How can I do this?

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Records From A Form?

Nov 12, 2013

Im trying to prevent duplicate records based on a PO # (RA_PO_Nbr), entered from a form. I'm trying to throw a 3022 error when the user attempts to enter a record that already exists, but I dont necessarily have to do it this way.

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdSubmit_Click_Error
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "CompanyPOTable"


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Forms :: Way To Stop Automatic Duplication

Dec 17, 2014

Everytime I change the picture of an image, a duplicate is made. I can see this in the "Insert Image" menu. It this moment, I have over 6000 duplicates which slow my form down alot. I know that you can delete these duplicates by accessing the system tables, but is there a way to stop this automatic duplication? An example is a button that makes an arrow change direction. Every time you click the button, a duplicate of the picture gets saved.

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Duplication Of Records From A Form

Mar 28, 2006

Hi there,

I have a form with information on it relating to several linked tables. I would like this information to be duplicated in the tables and a new autonumber assigned.

Is there a way that I can do this by clicking one button and the autonumber will automatically generate a new number keeping the rest of the information in the form and updating the tables with a new record?.

Thanks for you help

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Entries Of Field On Input Form

Nov 24, 2014

I have recently started working for a new company and have inherited a nightmare of a system!

I have basic knowledge of Access and have been asked to stop duplicate entries under the same PO Number.

I have tried using DLookups by looking at other posts on the forum with no success.

The input form is called Purchase Order Entry, with the field called PO_No. The table is called Orders, with the field called Purchase Order Number.

I have tried to make the Purchase Order Number in the Orders table, the primary key but an error that it cannot contain a null value appears.

The Purchase orders may not be entered into the database in numerical order also.

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Forms :: Prevent Bound Form From Updating Records Before Clicking On Save Button

Oct 31, 2014

I am working on a web database with a form which is bound to an underlying web table where the submissions occur.My challenge is that the fields on the form get submitted to the table even before the submit button is clicked regardless of whether the form was completely filled.

My request is that I want the form to only submit to the submission table only when the submit button is clicked.When I searched on the net, the only solutions I got are VBA written code but my web database cannot use VBA code.

VBA code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private blnGood As Boolean
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
blnGood = True
Call DoCmd.RunCommand(acCmdSaveRecord)
blnGood = False
End Sub


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Forms :: Combo Box To Verify With Last Entry And Display Other Options Than Last Entry

Sep 8, 2013

I am working on creating an access database for tracking physical assets linked to locations. I need to make a combo box list to show items other than the current location of the asset. Basically I need it to refer to last enery of the user and define the new possible entries. so we have a unique relationship between location and asset. The assets and location will always remain fixed and there is never going to be any addition. I am creating a web form so that it can be uploaded into sharepoint.

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Forms :: Choose Next In Sequence Via Form Entry

Mar 20, 2013

Any way to automatically choose next in sequence via form entry in Access 2007.We currently have an excel spreadsheet tracking who attends review meetings for new products. There are 12 people who are eligible to attend the meeting, and the next person in the sequence should be chosen when a new meeting is scheduled. I'll be adding this to an existing database with an "associate" table- where each associate name is assigned a numeric value, if this can even be done.

The problem is that the logical order may not always be followed. Associate 8 might be up next but be on vacation, so Associate 9 is sent in their place. We can't skip over Assoc. 8 completely so we'll go back to them once they're back in the office, but we don't want 9 being sent to the next one after that again. Or the manager might determine one associate has more knowledge in the area of the new product being presented and send them out of order. In Excel it's easy to see who is up or who has been skipped, but in single-form data entry in Access the pattern won't be visible.

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Forms :: Update Combo Box For Entry In Another Form?

Feb 3, 2014

I can't work out how to update the selections available in a combo box as follows: I use a combo box in a main form to select a record (yacht) If it's a new yacht then I use an event linked to a button to call another form to add the new Yacht On exiting the Yacht Maintenance form I return to the main form The combo box in the main form doesn't list the yacht i just added unless I exit and re-load the form

I'm not sure of the best way to refresh the combo box selections or main form without exiting.

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Forms :: Combo Box In A Form For Data Entry

Jun 3, 2015

I want a combo box in a form for data entry. Is the best method in doing this creating a new combo box in the form and linking it to a table, or using a lookup field in my table?

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Forms :: How To Make Form To Always Open To New Entry Only

Jul 15, 2013

Is there any setting that I can use that will make a form always open to a new entry?

I don't want people to be able to edit the form.

On the form I have created a New form button and a Save and clear button, but i would prefer it to be that when they open the form its always a new entry and when they hit save it just save and clears and comes back to a new entry form.

These are my buttons.

Private Sub Command103_Click()
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew
End Sub

Private Sub Command90_Click()
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End Sub

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Forms :: Create A Form To Be Used For Data Entry

Apr 5, 2015

I have created a form to be used for data entry, Where i have identified standard data, I have set the Combo Box on the form to be a "Value List" so as to standardise the data entry.This creates two problems for me.

1. When Using the form, instead of saving the text value to my table it is entering a numerical character?

2. On two of my combo boxes, whilst they have been configured the same, when i try to select an option for the list, it does not accept it? when i try to type the same option into the field of the form it tells me that the option is not in the list?

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Forms :: Combo Box On Data Entry Form

Oct 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a Data Entry only form based on a small table called tblProject.

It consist of the fields Project_ID, Artist_ID, Project_Name, and Project_Notes.

I used the wizard to get me started and i know how to change the form to data entry only, but the problem is the vague data in the Artist_ID control. It shows up as a number, because it is an FK to another table (tblArtist) where more details on the artist are held. (including Band_Name)

I want to be able to make it a combobox with a list of the Band_Names from the tblArtist table. This would make creating "a new project" much easier.

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Forms :: Form Entry With Multiple Tables?

Jul 19, 2013

I am currently working on a form that involves several linked tables. Since our personnel got so used to a certain form format, I have scanned the form and imported into an access form as a background and have laid corresponding fields on top.(I have attached a snapshot of the form). This works great for a view only form, but I can't seem to add/edit records using this form because of the table relationship. I have done some research, and found that one way to get around this problem is to use subforms, but that would kill the form format. Another way I have seen (which I am not sure how to do) is to have a temporary field and once you hit the submit button it will then fill out the tables.

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Forms :: Data Entry Into Database Though Form

Jun 18, 2013

I've just finished model of DB and it looks like this ( ERM.png )

Now I would like to insert some data into database though form, but if I for example add New contractor ( first name, last name ) with his location , it doesnt connect in table User-Location ... so it is not matched ...

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Forms :: Data Entry In Continuous Form

Aug 5, 2013

I have a continuous form that is populated from a query. The header has data entry text box for NCR#. I want to run a update query to have the header update each record found in the query.

I've tried a number of things and the closet thing I've got is the header entry updating every record. Something is wrong with my criteria but I'm not sure what.

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