Forms :: Preview PDF File Within A Form

May 19, 2014

Is there anyway to preview a pdf file within a form ?

the sample db is what im looking for , but in the preview window have it show what file to show, pending on what is selected.

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Forms :: Single Form Entry To Report Preview

May 26, 2015

I have 1 table, 1 form and 1 report. I am trying to get the report to display just one entry on the table at a time, so I can preview it, then print or create a pdf from it.

I am stumped when it comes to coding - a complete newbie to it if I may also add - but I am sure there is a way of just displaying the record that is currently open in the form, as the report.

And is there a way to get the report to just display and print one entry rather than the whole bunch!!

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Forms :: Storing File Location And Opening File From A Form

Dec 5, 2014

i had a database that allowed me from a form to store a file location for a record on a form, so i any time i could access the record, and then open the file, usually a pdf, it wasnt stored as a hyperlink, but as long text

i made the mistake of not copying the files for safe keeping when i got a permanent position..i am now back self employed, i need to recreate the database.

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Forms :: Want Report View To Look Like Print Preview

Mar 13, 2013

I have the following code in the On Format Event of the report. It is used to hide duplicates which result from very loose Where parameters when I run Docmd.OpenReport. With tighter Where parameters there are no Duplicates.

I am aware that the On Format event does not fire and I am to use the On Paint event. However, the On Paint Event seems very limited. It does not have a Cancel and most code that i tried does not work.

Private strLastGen As String 'Report Module Variable
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
'If a duplicate Generator
If Me.GeneratorNumber & Me.GeneratorName = strLastGen Then
Cancel = True
End If
' Save the Gen Num of this record
strLastGen = Me.GeneratorNumber & Me.GeneratorName

End Sub

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Report Preview On A Form

Aug 8, 2005

just a thought i have just come up with, is is possible to have a print preview of a report on a form?

I was just wondering if it was possible to have record information on one side of the from and then a screen shot/ scaled down view of a report on the other. Would it involve the bound property object? Haven't done any research on the matter, just something that crossed my mind.
Any ideas wlecome

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Print Preview On A Form????

Feb 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have never done this and not sure if it is possible but thought I would ask.

Is it possible to show within a window maybe, a print preview of a report on a Form?

I am going to assume that the answer is no? But I could be wrong?

Look forward to anyones input on this one.:p


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Forms :: Unbound Textbox Print Preview - Display New Value On Each Page?

Sep 6, 2013

I am working on a change control database where the users can enter a new version for the software they just released and send out a notification to the appropriate persons. I have a form where the user can select a combobox to pick the software version, which is bound to my "Releases" table. From the software version I use a DLookup in VBA to change the value of a another unbound text box using:

Me.Release_Type = DLookup("[Release_Type_ID_FK]", "Releases", "Release_ID_PK = " & Me.Release_ID)

This all works fine when I'm entering data in the form, but if I want to print the form, the unbound text box on each page is only calculated from the first record. The same thing happens if I build a report with the same fields and code.

For example: In print preview the text box on page 1 should say "Cat" based on the current record and the text box on page 2 should say "Dog". However, they both say "Cat"

How do I get the text box to display the new value on each page?

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Forms :: Print Preview Of Currently Entered Information Without Saving To Database First?

Nov 5, 2014

If you are using a form as a sort of user interface and you've got a user entering in information into the form, is there any way possible to print a preview of the currently entered form information without saving it to the database first?

I'm thinking a kind of validation thing. Like, "Click here and preview what you've entered. Sure this is what you want?" type of thing.

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Forms :: Show Report Print Preview As Display In Subform

Jun 19, 2013

I would like to show a report's print preview in a sub form. Is there any possible way? I don't want the user to see the datasheet view of the table so I decided to put on a report.

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Making Command Button Flash/Preview Form

Feb 2, 2007

I. The two issues I am trying to address is to see if there is simple code that can be used to make a command button flash.

II. I need to show in a small pop-up box users that have expired licences. When the main License form is first called to open, I would like a smaller pop up box or preview form to open up(without operators except for the close button). The pop-up box will be based on a query that already exists to show those with expired license. Can the form be similar to the pop-up calendar found in Access already?

Thank you:o :)

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Reports :: Print Preview Sometimes Printing Background Form

Apr 22, 2015

I have a form that that contains a button that opens a report. The code I use to open said report is:

Code : DoCmd.OpenReport "Comp and NB Targets Q4", acViewPreview, , strWhere

The issue is that occasionally when the user prints from that preview, it can instead print out the form in the background that was used to open the report.

This seems to happen at random and I have not yet found a pattern or solution to the problem.

Is there a reason this could be happening and is there anyway to stop it?

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Forms :: Unable To Get Preview Selected Record Function To Pull UniqueID Field

Aug 22, 2014

I am attaching a picture of what I am talking about as this is going to get least it is for me.

I have a Navigation Form that holds 7 tabs that pull reports or data entry forms.

I am trying to get the Preview Selected Record function to pull the UniqueID field from the Data Entry Form and generate a report for printing.

I can search by UniqueID in the data entry form with no problem, it is linked to two subforms with no problem.

Here is the code I have used most successfully:

DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt1", acViewPreview,, "UniqueID =" & Forms!MainForm!NavigationSubform.Form.UniqueID

This actually works, but every time the print preview is closed, it crashes Access. I have researched this particular issue, and some of the solutions I have read and tried lead to "that method is not allowed or supported" errors or Run-Time 438 errors.

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Save Record And Create Print Preview With Same Button On A Form?

Apr 8, 2014

In Access I have created a button to print a preview prior to printing document it is entitle "NoVeteranMain" which works fine. Except I want it to save my document prior to printing preview how would I do it. If not after I edit it I have to re-save it prior to hitting button which generates print preview.

This is code that is generate upon click

Private Sub NoVet_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "NoVeteranMain", acViewPreview, , "ClientID = " & Me.ClientID
End Sub

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How To Create A Form With A Listbox That Lets U Choose Reports And Preview Or Print

Sep 15, 2004


Does anyone know how to create a form with a listbox that lets u choose reports and preview or print at the click of a button. I know you can do it wil tables and queries but I need it to do it for reports.


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General :: Button On Form To Print Current Record - Open Preview Before Printing?

Sep 11, 2013

I have a button on a FORM to print the current record with the following code:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection

But what I need is that before printing, open the preview to set the margins and page size ... or at least to pre-configure so that when you press the button, and comes preformatted.

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Modules & VBA :: Print Preview Button On Main Form That Previews Current Record In A Separate Report

Jan 25, 2014

I have VBA code for a Print Preview button on the main form that previews the current record in a separate Report using this code:

Private Sub cmdPrintRecord_Click()
Dim strWhere As String

If Me.Dirty Then 'Save any edits.
Me.Dirty = False
End If


I use this Print Preview code on a Button in the Form Header. The Main form lists head of household information. I also have a tabbed control with three tabs that have SubForms for Address, Children and Contact details. The problem I have is that if any of the subforms are left blank I get a Run-Time Error '3021': No Current Record. If I Debug (press the button), it takes me straight to this line:

varAge = DateDiff("yyyy", varBirthDate, Now)

highlighted in Yellow.Anyone on my database must have an address, should have contact details and could have children. If any one of these is blank then the print preview will not work.I would like to know how to stop this error happening for blank records in my subforms.

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Forms :: Show Only Form When Opening File

Dec 31, 2014

I enclose a part of my project. I've taken out the table, query and so on.Only the form.What i want to do is to view only the form when entering the app. But if you open the file you could see a flash of the app before minimizing it. Very few, but you can see it. I've deleted some more code in the opening form that made the flashing a little bit longer.My code for entering is the following:


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdAppMinimize
Call fSetAccessWindow(0)
End sub

And then in another module:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Global Const SW_HIDE = 0
Global Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1


how can I avoid this flashing at start?

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Forms :: Form Indicator If A Specific File Exist

Feb 7, 2014

I have a form with more records lines. For each record I have a button what will open a specific file if exist.

Dim strFoldername As String
strFoldername = Me.Scan
If Dir("M:Applications AccessCredit autorisationsDocuments" & strFoldername, vbDirectory) = "" Then
MsgBox "Missing document"
FollowHyperlink "M:Applications AccessCredit autorisationsDocuments" & strFoldername
End If

To verify if the file exist, instate to press the button, I like to indicate on a new field [Ctrl_Doc], the presence of respective file. (Ex: True or False). I tried this, but doesnt work:

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Len(Dir("M:Applications AccessCredit autorisationsDocuments" & strFoldername, vbDirectory) >0) Then
[Ctrl_Doc]= True
[Ctrl_Doc]= False
End If

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Forms :: Insert Hyperlink Into Form Pointing To File?

Dec 19, 2013

i have a table of calls, with a field called "link to file".

i have a form where staff fill in their calls and when they have completed the call there is an option to insert a hyperlink to where the file is stored.

i previosuly had an attachemnt there but the database would just grow and grow so now its prefered there is a link to where the files are kept.

i just dont know how to set it up, i have tried adding in a text field and setting it to hyperlink which does work but on the form the user has to right click the button and edit hyperlink to place it in - is there an easier way of just clicking the button and it brings up a folder location where you select the file and it saves it as a hyperlink into the table under linked to file?

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Forms :: Searchable Form - Export Results Into Excel File

Jun 14, 2013

I have a table having fields, Group, Subgroup, Emails.

I want to make a searchable form that asks user to select Group and select sub group. And click on some Export button to export the results in to excel file.

As per my data in table, There are some subgroups in group and many emails in subgroups.

How this can be done in ms access 2010.

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Forms :: (Upload File) Button Stopped Showing All File Types

Oct 7, 2013

I recently upgraded a DB from 2003 to 2013 and ran into the following problem.

I have a button that opens a file dialog box and allows the user to upload a file to a predetermined location (and store the address as a hyperlink). I borrowed this code from someone else on here and modified it slightly.

In any case, the button still works, but now when it opens it doesn't have an option for "All files" under file types. So I can upload MS Office files, text files, etc., but not PDF files which are by far the most common types my users upload.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim dd As Integer
Dim fileDump As FileDialog
Set fileDump = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
dd = fileDump.Show
Dim Yourroute As String
Dim yourrouteName
Yourroute = fileDump.SelectedItems(1)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Yourroute)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Mid(yourrouteName, 1, InStr(yourrouteName, "") - 1))
FileCopy Yourroute, "us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
Me.Drawing_Link = yourrouteName & " # us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
End Sub

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General :: Forms And Queries In One ACCDB File - Path Setting To Linked Table File

Oct 5, 2014

I've got the forms and queries in one .accdb file and my tables in a separate .accdb file. The forms file links to the tables in the tables file. The tables file resides in a folder called simply enough C:acc_tables and thats where i browsed to (obviously) when i set up the linkage.

One of the users does not wish (for whatever goddamn reason) to create a C:acc_tables file to stick the tables file in , and wants the tables file in some other folder.. Unfortunately this user does not have the skills to delete the existing links and re-link to the tables file after putting it in the folder he wants.

Where in the file that holds the forms and and queries do i find the path setting to the tables linked file? Can it be changed without deleting links and then re-linking?

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Forms :: Data Entry Form To Add New Records To Access Database File

Sep 30, 2013

I have a data entry form to add new records to an Access database file called Claims. An auto-incrementing sequence number (SeqNbr) needs to be kept PER YEAR. If the user enters a date the sequence number pertaining to the year of this date needs to be incremented. The first record within a new year of course takes value 1.Records can be added at random for different years.

A simple SQL-statement can be made to determine the new sequence number:SELECT max(Claims.SeqNbr) + 1 from Claims where year(this.value) = year(Claims.EventDate)...this.value meaning the value of the date control in which the user entered the date.I need to return the new sequence number to another field on the form in which also the COMPANY CODE, YYYY and MM from the EventDate, the new sequence number and the USER INITIALS are concatenated.

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Forms :: Filtering Records Which Form Will Initially Display From Header File

May 30, 2015

I have a header/detail form working well. I use a Dsum to update a TOTAL field in the header - based on all the detail records for that Header.

However, I want to 'filter' or condition the records which the form will initially display from the Header file. I have a conditioning field (Invoice date) in the header which should 'block' it from display on the form. I may also desire to SORT the selected Headers record into a different sequence before display...

Looks like any "filtering" I try on the header table makes it difficult to go back and update the TOTAL in the Header?

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Forms :: Open A Form For Saving Results Of Query To A Text File On Desktop

May 6, 2015

I have a BE database, that when opened, opens a form for saving the results of a query to a text file on the desktop. It works fine, if the full path is entered.

The problem is, I want this saved on any users' desktop. I did some digging and found the %userprofile% variable, which when used, gives me the error.

I understand this should work in both Windows XP and Windows 7, which are the environments the full DB will operate in. So far the "EXPORT" button on the form has the following for the code:

Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", "C:UsersMark N. McAllisterDesktopPubComExp.txt"
End Sub

When I tried this:

Private Sub BTN_Export_Click()
Dim strPath As String
strPath ="%userprofile%desktopPubComExp.txt"
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "QRY_ExportPublicComment", strPath
End Sub

the error occurs.

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Forms :: Converting Accde File To A Normal File

Apr 22, 2013

I saved my database as ACCDE file which is executable now the problem i am facing is i can't edit my database since i can not view it into design view.

How can i change it to its normal file format

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