Forms :: Put Command Buttons In Page Header

Sep 2, 2014

I want to put command buttons in the Page Header, however the page header is not visible from form view?

What is the purpose of Page headers?

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Forms :: Copying Command Button Appearance Properties To Other Command Buttons

Dec 17, 2013

I am rewriting an old Access 2003 database in Access 2010. When creating new command buttons, the current theme gives them a default appearance. I need to apply this appearance to old command buttons. I know there is a way to select the default button and apply its properties to others quickly. I have done it before but didn't write the process down .

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Forms :: Page Header Not Appearing?

May 28, 2014

I made a blank form, created everything on my form then added a header to put the title etc in and tried to view it using form view and the header isn't appearing. What do I need to change?

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Forms :: Labels In Page Header With Continuous Default View

Apr 8, 2015

I created a form with a continuous default view and created labels in the page header of the form. When I view the form, I can see the data from the form detail, but the lables in the page header do not appear. Why can't I see the labes in the page header ?

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Section Header At Bottom Of Page And Detail Lines On Next Page

Nov 22, 2004

I have a report that lists states and cities within the states. When a state name happens to be at the end of the page the individual cities appear on the next page with no State heading. I solved the second page problem by setting the "repeatSection = Yes" in the Section Header (though I haven't shown that in the example below).

But the previous page (which just shows the State Name and no cities looks dumb. Is there some sort of solution.??
(Actually I would also like any State that continues to a next page to not just have the state name but something like
" Colorado (Continued)" Is there anything I can do in VB to make a page break if the section is going to print but therer isn't enough room for one detail line?

This is what I currently see

Prudo Bay


------------------------Page Break ---------------------------------
Colorado Springs



Thanks !

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Reports :: Page Header - Don't Display If No Detail Records - On Last Page

Jun 13, 2015

If I have a report and it has controls (labels representing column titles) in the page header. Now when I print the report - if it happens that the last page has no detail records - but there is text boxes and so forth in the report footer. Is there a way to not display the page header on the last page?

I have a report where the last page shows the page header - and the field/column labels on the page header - but for which there is no detail records left to display - on the last page. There is report footer information that should display. It just looks weird because the field/column labels show at the top of the page - but there is no data remaining to print under them on that last page.

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Putting Command Buttons On Forms

Aug 4, 2005

I ma going to sound a complete idiot with this question, but I have been working on a database for some time now, successfully putting buttons on forms with the wizard, jumping from form to form, form to report, basically the button wizard used to work now it doesn't and I don't think I have done anything stupid. (I hope). The wizard was brilliant, I'm lost without it. How do you restore it?

Thanks in advance guys. :confused:

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Executing Command Buttons On Other Forms

Sep 20, 2004


I have a Visible form and an Invisible (visible=false) form open at the same time. Is it possible to use a button on the visible form to execute the code behind a button in the invisible form. The subroutine on the invisible form is Public. I tried DoCmd.RunCommand and a macro with RunCode but... nada...

(There is a valid reason for this approach but i will spare you the boring explanation. I can think of a work around where I can bypass this need, but this way is cleaner (there are cases where the invisible form is visible and used directly, the form has data which is sent to a report to create a label). I have done everything else with VBA code but for some reason can't get this to work, so now i am obsessed)

Thanks, this forum is really a gem!

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Forms :: Pictures (BMP) In Command Buttons

Nov 3, 2014

I am trying to create command buttons with a picture (bmp) on it, and centering the label and the pictures in the middle. I selected bottom position for the label, but it seems to keep the pictures always aligned on the left.

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VBA Coding For Forms And Command Buttons?

May 31, 2012

I have an initial start up page where someone in any division can go and select their division from a combo box. What I want them then to be able to do is click one of the forms (New Entry,Edit Entry,.....).

For the form New entry I am looking to open the form with the division name to filled into a text box. I also would like to have that box that box also correspond to a field in a the table for a new entry.

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Forms :: Command Buttons For Access 2003?

Mar 16, 2013

I am making a database for some people I work with, I'm having trouble with making a button to work. I want a button to go to the next tab on the tab control, but still in the same record. I prefer not to use the vba, but if I need to use it

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Forms :: Command Buttons Are Not Displaying Properly?

Jul 10, 2013

Access 2013 People,where the command buttons are not displaying properly?Notice the words and images are nice and centered in the buttons. The buttons are all the same size.Now look at the same DB in Access 2013:

See how the buttons look bloated and the images and wording are not centered anymore. And working on it in design view is a nightmare! When you try to move the command button part of it is left behind every time to try to move it.You can turn the themes property to "Off" but I like the themes.

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Forms :: Rename Command Buttons From A Table?

May 4, 2015

I made a Point of sale using a form with different sub-forms which have command buttons on it. They basically run a append query from tblStockMain to table cash and on to transactions. That works all fine no problem.

The one missing thing to make it sweet is to rename the command buttons automatically from tblStockMain. With other words, if I change a product in the table it would change the name on the button and the picture if possible with it.

Is there a way to do it?

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Forms :: Command Buttons On Form That Go To Two Separate Tables

Jun 18, 2013

I have two command add buttons on my form that go to two separate tables. I also have a go to next record button as well. Is there a way that I can put all three commands under one command button? They are already coded in VBA and all work properly individually, I just want to make it smoother if possible ..

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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Page Header For A Table

Sep 18, 2007


Is there any way I can put a page header on a table in Access - so that when it gets printer in Data View I can identify who's work it is

(sorry this is needed for a ICT class)

At the moment the only way I can think to do it is to rename the table with the student name in it e.g. Table1 John

Any help would be great


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Modules & VBA :: Add Page Number To Header?

May 16, 2015

I'm using VBA to insert the page number in a header. It's working, exept for a couple of things. I want it to insert the page number at the current position, and restart numbering at each section. I increment the section # with the variable x. Currently, it's inserting the page number at top-left of header. I want it to insert the page number after the word "Page" followed by 2 lines breaks.

Here's snippet of my code:

'Create Header
With ActiveDocument.Sections(x)
.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).LinkToPrevious = False
.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Font.Size = 9
.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = "Session: [" & rst!SessionNum & "] " & rst!SessionTitle & _
Chr(13) & "Presenter: " & rst!Full_Name & Chr(13) & "Page " & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
.Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).PageNumbers.Add pagenumberalignment:=wdAlignPageNumberLeft, FirstPage:=True
End With

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Reports :: Repeat Header On Every Page Of Report?

Aug 1, 2014

Any way to repeat the Report Header on every page?

I had my header in the Page Header so that it would repeat on every page, but it did not have the CanShrink option so I put it in the Report Header so it shrinks when I want it to, but now it doesn't repeat. I was hoping there was some kind of code I could implement that would let me repeat the Report Header on every page.

Or is there a way that I could get the CanShrink property in the Page Header?

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Reports :: Repeat Page Header On Multiple Columns

Aug 24, 2013

I have a report, a phone list, which has two columns, see the attached file for a screen shot.

The Employee Name, Mobile Phone and Desk Phone text is in the "Page Header". The Data fields that retrieve from the table are in the "Detail" section. The whole report is 8.89cm wide. The two columns fit perfectly across a portrait A4 sheet.

When I run the report to Print Preview, I get the two columns fine, but the Employee Name, Mobile Phone and Desk Phone text doesn't repeat at the top of the second column. Is there some way of achieving this? I want the part I have circled in RED to appear over the top of the second column as well.

I would have thought there would be a simple check box somehwere that would be something like : "Repeat Page Header on multiple columns", or something as equally useful. Strange that this is so difficult to do, as am sure that this sort of thing is something that lots of people would want to do?

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Reports :: Hiding A Field In Page Header Based On A Variable

Oct 6, 2013

I have a report where I number pages based on the Store (muliple stores in report but page numbering resets when Store changes) I do this by manipulating the page number field on the report by code in the report sections to reset it and to increment it.


Private Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = 0
End Sub
Private Sub PageFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = Me!PageNum + 1
End Sub
Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = 0
End Sub

The report has a Page Header with various fields and labels and that's been fine however I've had a request to hide a field on subsequent pages (i.e. print it on the 1st page of each store then hide it).

So I added the following code to various sections, but can't get it to work correctly. The fields (label and text box) appear on Page 1 for the first store then get hidden but never return even though when I step through the code it is functioning 'correctly'. The GroupHeader code is performed but the fields don't get displayed on the report. I think is isn't re-painting that section but adding code to the Paint event does nothing, and in fact doesn't actually get run, so not sure when that event is triggered.


Private Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me!PageNum = 0
lblMemberNo.Visible = True
MemberNo.Visible = True

[Code] ....

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Command Buttons

Mar 24, 2006

I am a newbie at Access and I am currently learning it for my job...I have a database going and I am wanting to do two things and I can not figure it out for the life of me.

Little background, the database I made is a continuous form. I am wanting a command button that when pushed will put it in data entry mode, and when pressed again will put back in a 'view all' state. I know it is a simple If Then, but I don't know VBA very well =

Other thing, is I wanting to be able have button that when pressed will output to an excel sheet, right now I have it when it is pressed it asks me what kind of format I want outputted, and I want it automated to just go straight to excel.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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Command Buttons

May 18, 2007

How do I make the command buttons on my form actually do something, the only one that attempts to work is "DELETE RECORD" the others dont do anything at all

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Need Help On Command Buttons

Mar 1, 2006

I want to create a new database which has a startup form that has 4 command buttons.. My problem is that I want that every click of the command buttons will take me to the main switchboard of the other/different database.. How am I going to link those buttons to different databases?:confused:

anyone help me?:(

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Command Buttons, Is This Possible?

Apr 5, 2006

I know how to change the color of the font of the command button, but saw nothing in properties on how to change the color of the button... is this at all possible. If you need a reason, it is for designing preference really.

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Command Buttons

Apr 27, 2006

hey, i have a form which uses one table only which is for purchases. it has 4 fields:


and then it has a button - "Add Another Purchase" which confirms the purchase.

However, I want the stock number in tblProducts to decrease by the quantity whenever that button is pressed. I have tried using MS visual basics to enter a code but i dont think he "Stock number" is recognised, as it is in a different table to the one i used for my form. (i have linked the two tables, however)

any solutions????????

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