Forms :: Query Def Always Asking For Parameter

Apr 17, 2013

I have a form called "frmManageACF", query called "qryACFFill".

On frmManageACF I have a combo box (name cmbACFFill) which has three cols. col1 = SiteID, col2 = Site code, and col 3 = SiteName. The combo box Bound column is set to 1.

In qryACFFill, results are selected where SiteID=[Forms]![frmManageACF]!cmbACFFill

The query when I hit refresh always gives me the 'Enter Parameter Value' dialogue box. I have used this method of dynamically updating a query def before so not sure why it isn't working now.

Why the Parameter dialogue box is always coming up??

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Forms :: Using Combo Box Parameter Query

Apr 17, 2013

I encountered an error with my form when I used a combo box to get the set of data that I need. the combo box is from the look up value from a table, then I made a main form and attached a subform which is made from a query, after I put them together the form looks great not until I switch to another supplier or click refresh to get the new data.

One of my record is mixing to another supplier and when I checked the table where the data is recorded it was also change, so if I use this form and clicked on supplier1 the data is good, then switch to supplier2 and then click refresh or if I alt tabbed the data is there and its supplier is also changed.

I tried to delete it and retyped it but still the error sticks, also I tried to delete it permanently but still one of the data is mixing on a different supplier and its supplier in the main table is also changed. I'm using access 2007 and also a friend of mine tested it in access 2010 but the output is different it reflects the correct data.

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Forms :: Parameter Query Using A Combo Box In A Form

Apr 23, 2013

I have a form with a main form and a subform, main form's function is to filter the data's inside the sub form using a combo box, right now I have one combo box which filters the data according to their control no so the output if I use say CtrlNo 1 in the combo box the data that will reflect in the subform would be the data's of CtrlNo 1 but now I'm planning to add another combo box that will filter who supplied that CtrlNo.

What I did is I used the same method from my first form that filters the CtrlNo but in this form I replaced the CtrlNo combo box to Supplier Combo box it worked great but now what it made me think is it possible to put this two filters in just one form?combo box 1 is for CtrlNo combo box 2 is for Supplier.

When I tried to create this it failed, when I filtered only the CtrlNo subform doesn't reflect any data this goes the same for the Supplier combo box but when I tried to choose a filter for both combo box say CtrlNo 1 and its Supplier this works fine but what I want is to have both filters to work even if I did not use both parameters is there any way to achieve this?

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Queries :: Parameter Query Prompt Twice In Forms

Aug 27, 2014

it also prompts twice when i try printing or try to save the current page as a pdf and also when i switch record? i think its a problem with the subform as it always is trying to fetch data. would there be a way to make it so that the subform and the form are linked so that the parameter query prompts once and the information stays there rather then having to prompt again when printing or saving as pdf?Two more things - on my total value box i wish to be able to always show 2 decimal places

The code already in place is :

Net : =Sum([TotalValue])
VAT: =Sum([TotalValue])*0.2
Gross: =[Text8]+[Text10]

(Net is Text8 and VAT is Text10)

i have already specified that the decimal place value is 2 instead of auto but it still doesnt work - if the number is a whole number i still wish to see .00 at the end of the field.One last thing - Would their be a way to carry over the information from my delivery note to my invoice note? which would save a lot of time retyping the parameter query.

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Forms :: Display Query Parameter Value In Message Box?

Sep 10, 2014

I have a few update queries that will check X number of items, based on what the user inputs.

What I want to do (if possible), is return the number of items selected based on what they type in a message box.

I have set all warnings to false for update queries.


User runs the "Check Items By Location" query via the form, then receives a message stating "[Total Selected] Items Have Been Selected from [Location]."

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Forms :: Combobox Autopopulate - Query Parameter Is Not Popping Up

Oct 22, 2013

My database has comboboxes to autopopulate fields. These comboboxes have parametered queries for row sources so that the user doesn't have to go through a long list of IDs and to make the database more efficient in case it has to hold hundreds of records. They work the first time round but not after, when the comboboxes are clicked for a second time the query parameter is not popping up.

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Forms :: Totals Query That Shows Results In A Chart - No Parameter Selected

Dec 12, 2014

I have a totals query that shows results in a chart. It takes a parameter to limit results, by a combobox in a form.

Parameter in the query includes the OR "*" expression, in case someone wants to get the results unfiltered.

The Combobox in the form, has an AfteUpdate event that opens the chart (form) every time its value changes, by the [DoCmd.OpenForm "ChartForm" , acNormal] expression.

I don't know how to make it open the ChartForm when no parameter is selected in the combobox.

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Capturing Parameter From Parameter Query

Jul 12, 2005

I have a form whose data source is a select query, q3, that is built from 2 other select queries. I'll call them q1, q2, and q3. q1 is a parameter query where I enter a "Cutoff Date" that the 3 queries manipulte and generate the desired results that appear in the form. The problem is that I don't know how to capture the parameter "Cutoff Date" from q1 to display on the form.

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Parameter Query Asking For Parameter More Than Once!

Nov 9, 2006


I have a query that requires a Start-Date and an End-Date to be input by user for the Where clause. It is asking for both over and over. I've had it ask from 1 up to 4 times! :eek: Shouldn't it store the input and only ask for it once? I'm thinking that the way my query is arranged may be causing it to have to loop through that section more than once to find the data, but that's just my theory. Any help would be great!

Here is my code (abbreviated slightly):

FROM Pen AS C1 INNER JOIN Jobs AS C2 ON C1.subno=C2.[Jobs Acct]
WHERE ((C1.typ="SS" Or C1.typ="CC" Or C1.typ="PP" Or C1.typ="TT") And C1.stdate>=[Enter Start Date] And C1.stdate<=[Enter End Date] And C2.[Type]<>"EE" And C2.[Type]<>"QQ" And C1.entdate<=C2.[ChangeDate]+60);

I'm selecting rows from "Pen" and "Jobs" that have the same subno/Jobs Acct numbers (text), then there are criteria for "Pen" types, user inputs criteria for date range (Start Date and End Date) and there are criteria for "Jobs" types. Finally, there's a cross-table criteria based on a date field ("Pen" entdate should not be more than 60 days past the "Jobs" ChangeDate). Tables are in quotes in my explanation here.

So running the above, it asks for user input "Enter Start Date", then again for "Enter End Date"...but then it asks for each again...and again...and sometimes again!

Help! :confused:

P.S..I didn't notice this repeating until I made it user input (parameter query) because it was using whatever dates I hard-coded in there before.

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Forms :: Parameter Box Asking For ID

Mar 4, 2015

When I open a form 'Project Details' it throws up a parameter box asking for an 'ID'

I searched throughout the database but I can't seem to find the cause for the parameter.

I've looked at my queries, forms and table and also relationships. I don't have a field that's linked to the form called 'ID'

I've attached a copy of my relationships. Is there a way I can see what causes the parameter. I thought it was only set in queries, however there are no parameters set up in my queries.

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Forms :: Parameter Based Query - Filter A Form Based On Another Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form which uses a parameter based query to present an individual senior doctor with a list of names for of individual juniors to provide an assessment report on. When the first form opens the user enters their RespondentID.

Once senior has decided which names to comment on I have another form which has the questions to be answered which is opened by clicking a button on the first form.

How can I pass a parameter from the first form to the second so that only the records relevant to that senior doctor are displayed? The underlying table has 60 senior doctors and 20 junior doctors. The senior doctor is identified by the field RespondentID in the first form. I've tried putting a WhereClause in the FormOpen command but I still get a dialogue box asking for the parameter RespondentID when the second form is opened.

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Forms :: How To Get Rid Of Parameter Popup

Sep 9, 2013

All; using ms access 2010. In the query I use for a report; I put a parameter so the user can filter a date. It works fine but now when I go to open a form that has a subform relating to the report; users get the popup for input also. This doesn't stop the form from opening but it is annoying. There is a subform on this main form relating to the report, but the subform has a table not query for the recordsource like the report. None of the queries related to the main form that's asking for the parameter values have the parameter inthe queries. How to get rid of the parameter popup?

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Forms :: Parameter With Or Clause

Nov 6, 2013

i have two forms

Form 1 with combo box 1
form 2 with combo box 21

i set run query A with parameter as value of combo box 1 of form 1...i want to run same query (Query A) with parameter as value of combo box 21 on form 2 or combo box 1 on form 1.

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Linked Forms And Parameter Transfer

Dec 4, 2006


I have a form "article" with a button "place an order". Click on the button opens another form ("order") where I should fill the order for the current article.

The problem : how can I tell to "order" form that I want to order the article I was on in my "article" form, and not another one ?


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Forms :: Can Use Enter Parameter Value Dialog

Feb 1, 2014

Can I open a "Enter Parameter Value" dialog box to capture and use the input without running a query?

something like

ParaBox ("Enter the Hostname", vbEntParameterVal, "Hostname Required")


Set pDialog = Application.ParaValueDialog(mso?????)

I need a short string input from the users at application load, and I'd like to use the "Enter Parameter Value" dialog.I'm about to build a workaround that will invoke a SQL statement to save the entry to a temp table, but it'd be nice if I could just call up that dialog box and store the entry as a VBA variable.

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Forms :: Remove Enter Parameter Value

May 26, 2015

I can not remove the Enter Parameter Value. In the attached date base, go to frmEvents, and double click on one of the shows, and you will get that error. I have deleted lines of code, text boxes, and anything else that is associated with the txtSearchS.

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Forms :: Enter Parameter Box For Every Filter

May 28, 2013

I have a form which contains a listbox sourced from a query and several text boxes where the user can enter filters for the query. The query has references back to the form for the criteria, i.e. the filter for "Company Name" is handled in the query criteria as

Like "*" & [Forms]![HooversProspects]![SearchText] & "*"

When i exit this form in my un-compiled version it does not pop up an "Enter Parameter" box, however, when i exit this form from the compiled version it pop ups the "Enter Parameter" box for every filter I have.

How i can fix this? Perhaps change the rowsource on the query to null upon exit?

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Forms :: Enter Parameter Value For Subform Search

Apr 8, 2013

I have attached a (slimmed down) Access 2007 database used for Asset Management and fault reporting. It opens on the main form which has a number of subforms and one sub-subform.

To make the form as user friendly as possible I am placing a number of unbound text boxes on the FormHeader to be used for search queries. The AfterUpdate event for each text box executes the necessary query, searching on the contents of the text box.

This works absolutely fine for the 'Colloquial Name' text box and associated field - this field is in the main table, RTI_Assets. The main form frmRTI_Assets is bound to this table. The query executed is called 'Colloquial Search'.

I cannot however get the 'Fault Reference' search to work on the field Supplier_Reference in the RTI_Fault table (the subform subfrmRTI_Fault is bound to this table). The query executed is called 'Fault Reference Search'.

There are 15 records in the assets table and 2 records in the faults table - with supplier references 555 and 101010.

I get prompted with Enter Parameter Value for the field RTI_Fault.Supplier_Reference if I enter 555 in the text box. Whatever I enter in this prompt I get returned to the first record.

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Forms :: Selecting Between One And All Items In A Parameter Control?

May 25, 2013

I have a Parameter form which provides various parameters to my queries. The Parameter Form has a Combo box with a list of 50 health facilities which the user can select according to their needs.

There are instances when a user needs data from just one health facility and at times the data is needed for all the 50 health facilities in the district.

How do i address both needs without having to keep adding and deleting the criteria in the underlying queries?

I have added the 'if' condition below in the queries criteria so that if the user does not enter a facility in the combo box, it runs all facilities and if they enter a facility name then the data in the reports is limited to that health facility.

IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Parameter Form]![Combo27]),"",[Forms]![Parameter Form]![Combo27])

It does not work.

Is the expression or VBA code supposed to be entered in the Query or in the Parameter form and how do I make it work?

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Forms :: How To Pass Listbox Name As Parameter In A Function

Mar 5, 2014

I've a method **querylistboxitems** and i want to call this method in several click events, only difference is listbox,dropdown values change based on the event i call.


Public Sub querylistboxitems(lstbox As listbox, dropdown As ComboBox)
Dim drpdwnvalue As String
drpdwnvalue = dropdown.Value
With lstbox
//do something
End with
End Sub

And I'm calling this in the buttion click event by passing the listbox names as **List_Compare** and **Select_CM_Compare**

Private Sub Command_compare_Click()
Call querylistboxitems_1(List_Compare, Select_CM_Compare)
End Sub

But the values passing to the function are not control names, control values i.e corresponding control selected values.
I want to use listbox name in **lstbox**, not the value.

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Forms :: Enter Parameter Value On Unbound Field

Nov 27, 2013

I'm using Access 2013.

My scenario is: I have a Form to add Job Logs. This form has a cascading combo box with Clients filtering Projects. However, the Clients Combo Box is unbound, Projects is bound to the ClientProjects ID. I had to do this instead of have a key for both Clients and Projects in my Job Logs table due to the fact that Clients and Projects have a many-to-many relationship.

For Adding Job Logs this is fine.

My Problem: I have separate forms for viewing and editing Job Logs, and naturally, because Clients has no binding, every time I run these forms Access brings up the 'Enter Parameter Value' Message Box. I have tried a VB script to assign the Client ID based on the ClientProject ID value stored in the Projects combobox, on Form Load, however it still asks me to enter the Parameter Value and just writes the code in the combobox. Here's the Script:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.SelectClient = "SELECT Client ID, Client Name " & _
"FROM Client Projects Query " & _
"WHERE ClientProjectID = " & Me.SelectProject.Value
End Sub

Also, the Projects Combobox is also empty.

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Forms :: Using Unbound Field On The Form To Be Parameter

Apr 3, 2013

I have set up a Parameter query which works, and use this on a form.

What I am having a problem with is using an unbound field on the form to be the parameter.

For example in the Empty feild/box on the form I would type SMITH, and this on a click of a button next to it would run the parameter query as a subform.

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Parameter Query

Jul 28, 2005

Hi All,

How can I check the Parameter query interval is out of range?

I have a table with Date column. With parameter query(by Date field) I extract records between two dates. How could I make a check when taping in Inputboxes, am I or Not Between the Last and the First Date?


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Parameter Query

Aug 31, 2005

I'm writing a query which when run will prompt the user to enter criteria. In this case it is a workers id (like 000UA or 000UB)

My problem is I would like to have the ability to enter more than one criteria. What I want to do is to have the ability to enter several worker id's in the criteria field, like 000UA, 000UB, 000UC, 000UD, 000VA, 000VB, 000VE, 000VF, 000WA, 00WB

Is this possible and can someone explain to me how to do it?


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Parameter Query Help

Sep 2, 2005

I am trying to run a parameter query that will prompt the user for "facility", but instead of displaying the results in table format, I want a form to display the results. I have already developed the form. I would also rather for the users to search by a list box instead of typing the facility. I cannot seem to figure this out. Please help.


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Parameter Query

Oct 19, 2005

Dear All,

I am having problems finding a solution to this problem. I am working on 3 databases at the moment..and am at the final hurdle to complete it.
I have built an Access database. I would like to generate a
number of reports which have to be exported directly into excel

I have a parameter query with 14 columns. One of the columns
is called GROUPS. I have a form with a button.
When you click on the button the parameter query asks for the
parameter value.

The parameter value must be a GROUP. i.e BURR, WIEN.

After you enter the group the parameter query generates results for
that particular group.

I have a number of groups which i would like to generate results
for at the click of the button on the form.

There are around 30 groups. but i only need to generate reports for
about 15 groups. The groups are stored in one of the tables.

So for instance after i click a button on the form
the results for each requested "GROUP" are exported individually into

Each group result must be in one excel file.

How can i achieved this. Do i need to use VBA? Please can you help.
I need a solution then i can apply this to a number of databases

Many, Many thanks

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