Forms :: Query From Form To Subform?

Nov 20, 2013

I have a subform which is controlled by a query eg . Fname&" "& Lname as Name, order_number. and i have form which have combobox.

When form opens the query works fine but when i search value order_number in combo box it gives the result but with ?Name in Name column.

I know i can do this with Filter method, and rewriting the query, but i want to use it by passing the value in query of subform.

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Forms :: Query Results From Main Form To Subform

Feb 19, 2015

My Form is taking its results from a parameter query, and since my subform also has the same control source (the query).

It always prompts me twice, although not a major problem it is irritating!

Is there any way that when I type the search results once the sub form takes the results from the main form?

(P.S. The form asks me for parameters even when printing and saving, is there not a way that this can be stopped too by maybe taking the results off the current page?)

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Forms :: Update Query From Subform On Navigation Form

Jun 17, 2013

I have a navigation form, a navigation subform, and then a subform. When I click the save button on the navigation subform, i need the data entered in two fields on the subform to save in a table. the subform is based on a query. This is what I currently have on the the button's onClick event:

Update data_tbl
Set [data_tbl].[Approved] = [Forms]![Navigationfrm]![Navigation subform].Form![Entry_subfrm].[Form]![CboAppd]
[data_tbl].[Comments] = [Forms]![Navigationfrm]![Navigation subform].Form![Entry_subfrm].[Form]![txtComments]
WHERE [data_tbl].[ID] = [Forms]![Navigationfrm]![Navigation subform].Form![Entry_subfrm].[Form]![ID]

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Forms :: Underlying Query In Subform Creating Duplicate Records On Form

Jun 18, 2014

I have an "Returns" master form that contains two subforms. The subforms contain items that we are returning back into our inventory. The underlying queries in each subform show only those records where the "Return Date" is null. The query(s) works fine, except that if there are 3 items that need to be returned there are 3 records that show in the master Returns form. I tried the Totals option in the query but the I need that Return Date on the subform. I only want one Returns master form to show the 3 records (not 3 records of the same master form).

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Forms :: Refer To Combobox On Subform Within Navigation Form In Query Parameters

Jun 6, 2013

There is a command button on my form that calls a filtered query. I'm filtering the query based on a combo box within the form using


It works beautifully until I put the form as a subform in the Navigation Form I'm using. When I execute it from within the Navigation form, it errors out looking for [Forms]![frmAssignDwgs]![Combo15].

Is there another syntax I can use so this will still work from within the Navigation Form? Or another way to approach this functionality?

frmNavigation is the main navigation form
frmAssignDwgToPkgs is the subform that holds Combo15

I found another thread (which I can't link to since I'm new) and tried various arrangements of the following to no avail.

[Forms]![frmNavigation]![NavigationSubform] .[Forms]![frmAssignDwgToPkgs]![Combo15]

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Forms :: Refresh Pivot Chart In Subform After Changing The SQL Of The Subform's Query?

Sep 16, 2014

I have a form, a couple of comboboxes and text boxes on it. When these are filled out, the SQL of a query is changed using these parameters.

There are three subforms on the form, all pivot charts, all based on the query being changed.

The goal would be to update all three according to the user-given parameters.

Right now the subforms only update if I close and open the form, which is probably not the best solution, since it's too slow.

I've also tried to requery and refresh them, with no result.

Then I tried to overwrite the recordsource of the subforms with the same text that was originally there. This got them to refresh their data, but then all of the charts disappeared and had to be built again, so this is a no go too.

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Forms :: Moving A Subform Within A Subform Of A Form?

Aug 19, 2015

I often move sub forms up and down within a form using something like.


forms!MyMainForm! = 500

However, I am having trouble moving a subform within a subform of a form.


Forms!MyMainForm!!MySubform! = 500

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Forms :: Query Criteria Used For Same Subform In Multiple Parent Forms

Apr 11, 2014

I have a sub form that shows me a companies history. This subform is used on 2 different Parent forms. The record source for the sub form uses a criteria that looks at a companyID field on the parent to determine which records to return. My question is how do I have the query criteria depend on which form is currently opened? The criteria would look something like this:

[Forms]![frmCompanyHistory]![txtCompanyID] OR [Forms]![frmCompany_Project_Details]![txtCompanyID]

If I open the form with this criteria, I will be asked for a value in txtcompanyID for whatever parent form is not open. How do I properly do this without making multiple queries that are almost identical?

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Forms :: Navigation Form - Using DB Forms Under Its Subform Control

Jun 19, 2013

I am attempting to create a Navigation Form to allow another computer in my network to be able to utilize necessary forms within a database (through RunTime). I was hoping this would be a clean task by simply loading the forms into the tabs of the Navigation Form, however that is clearly not the case.

For starters, When attempting to use a form that has some VBA behind it (Docmd.ApplyFilter based on a selection from a combo box), I am given the error stating: "The action or method is invalid because the form or report isn't bound to a table or query."

After searching on this error, I believe it's because my Navigation Form does not have a record source. If this is the case, then I am confused as to what record source it should have, as with the 3 forms I need to access through the Navigation Form all pull data between various tables and queries within the database (some not related).

Now I've also come to the conclusion that my VBA references now must change in order to correctly use my forms. A correct reference would look something like:[Forms]![Navigation Form]![NavigationSubform].[Form].[My Form's Control]..Is this necessary in order to write any events, such as an AfterUpdate on a combo box?

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Forms :: Navigation Form - BrowseTo Command To Open Up A Form In Built-in Subform Module

May 3, 2013

I'm working on the Navigation Form template in Access 2010, which is new to me. It appears that one needs to use the BrowseTo command to open up a form in the built-in subform module. I'm trying to create a couple of buttons where each button opens a form in a different data mode; one in read-only and one in add mode. Here is the syntax I used for read-only:

DoCmd.BrowseTo acBrowseToForm, "frmSales","frmNavigation.NavigationSubform", , ,acFormReadOnly

frmSales is the Sales form I want both of the buttons to open and frmNavigation is the Navigation form. It seems to be ignoring the data mode part at the end however. It only will open in Edit mode. Is there something I'm doing wrong with this command?

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Forms :: Design Form That Looks Very Similar To Either Split Form Or Subform

Jun 2, 2014

Basically I need to design form that looks very similar to either Split Form or Subform. I have attached a print screen of what I roughly need. The form is split into two parts. In the first/top part there are some List Box/Date fields that act as filters to the bottom form, so the bottom form displays only records that match values in red. The second part of the top form has some field that require input from user and then these records are added to the bottom form. I was trying to use both Split Form and Subform and none of it is working,I have attached an example of database and this form would be based on data from Query1.

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Forms :: Requery Form And Subform After Popup Form Close

Aug 19, 2013

I tried all sorts of permutations of the requery command but apparently I'm too dense to figure it out.

Form 1
subform 1 > button to open pop up form
subform 2
subform 3

I'm trying to requery a combo box (inside of subform 1) based on a table that is updated from the pop up form.

On pop up form close, what's the correct syntax for re-querying subform 1?

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Forms :: Linking Form To Subform Set To Continuous Form View

Aug 22, 2014

How to populate the parent form's PK to multiple records in a child subform set to a default view continuous form?

In other words, how to auto populate the primary key to multiple records displayed the subform?

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Forms :: Open A Form With Subform From Separate Form

Oct 23, 2014

I'm trying to open a form with a subform from a separate form. I've never had any issue before, but all of the sudden, the subform doesn't seem to open immediately. I get the error

Method 'Form' of object '_SubForm' failed.

After that, it opens (subform and all), but some calculated text fields just say "#Name?#"
The only thing I did today was add a command button to that subform.

When I try opening the form (or subform) from the navigation pane, I get

The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:

A problem occurred while Contracts was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control

When I step through the code, it doesn't reach the On Current event.

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Forms: Requery A Subform From Another Form

Apr 18, 2005

I need to requery a subform from a third form and can't seem to get it to work.

frmForm1 has frmAddress as a subform. The button cmdReviseAddress opens the form frmUpdateAddress where all of my validation work is done and the new record is added.

However, the new address is not being displayed in the subform.

If I use the command
it works fine.

The problem is that I want to be able to frmAddress on any form, and need to pass the name of the main form (in this case frmForm1) as a variable.

If lsTemp = "frmForm1", the statement
Forms![lsTemp]![frmAddress].Requery (and every variation using brackets and quotes that I can think of) fails.

Any ideas?


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Forms :: How To Get Main Form With Subform

Sep 27, 2013

i have a main form for customers and a subform for sites which is set to locked so its displayed as just a list. I have a button on my main form to add a new site for the current customer displayed..How can i get the Main form '1CustomerDetails' with subform '2SiteList' to automatically refresh one i've clicked the save button on another form.

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Forms :: Navigation Form With Subform

Feb 11, 2015

I have a Navigation form that has multiple forms that I linked to buttons at the top. They open the forms (now subforms) for the most part just fine. The issues come into play when I click on a combobox that pulls from a query of a table. Once this data is selected I have another combo box that is supposed to be filtered based off of the original combo box selection. Everything works on the original forms but once they are in subform form I get the error "Forms!MGM Search Form!STATE" which is the name of one of the forms and its asking for me to enter a parameter value for the query. Its almost like its not requerrying the data like it does in the original form

Private Sub State_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

basically the first combo box is a list of states and then the second combo box is a list of facilities in that state. Once you click on the state in the first combo box it filters the facilities in that state. But again once in the subform view it will not requery.

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Forms :: Search Form With Subform

Aug 21, 2013

I'm novice in access 2007 I've a project that contain a Table a form with Subform bound to that table, on tthe main form I've unbound [text boxes] and a [search button]. I want that my form act as a search form , so when I click the search button it show the only result an that table subform. I've read a couples of article, it look like I've to use some VBA code!

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Forms :: Synchronization In Form With Subform

Jun 15, 2013

I have created a form with sub-form and I would you tell me how I should do in order to screen data in sub-form transferred from main form. It looks like:

Main form




It's about printed words. How should I do this properly?

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Forms :: Undo All Changes To Form And Subform?

Sep 25, 2013

I have some forms where I can cancel my input. However this works only on the current record. When I implement a subform this does not work anymore. Because access auto saves when focus is set to the subform.

I don't wan't to use unbound forms. What I would like to do is when I press EDIT that a snapshot or something is taken of the current values. So I can set them back.

I can use variables for the main form, but I don't know how to save the values of the records of the subform.

Or does the possibility exist to use transactions?

I just want to be able to undo all changes regardless of the subforms.

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Forms :: Closing Form With Subform

Jul 8, 2014

I have a form with a subform. There is a close button on the main form which I have applied a key command of Alt + c and when the focus is on the main form it closes the form as you expect. But if the focus is on the subform, using Alt+c does nothing. I am trying to give the user a way to avoid using the mouse (so they do not have to click on the button from the subform. Also it is confusing that the key command doesn't always work in the view of the user, and in reality he is on the subform.)

So my thinking is:

1. Can I create a close button on the subform (and give it the key command of Alt + c) and in the code close the form and subform, if so - how to I refer to the form/subform?

2. Is there some way to apply the key command of Alt + c on the subform to activate the close button on the main form?

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Forms :: Subform Does Not Associate With Main Form

Mar 15, 2013

I have this form that contains subforms to hold different types of infomation for different clients. At the top of the form it has the case #, first name, last name, and then a tab element in which each of 6 pages (tabs) holds subforms for other information associated with the client.

I have a table that holds only client number and name.Then each of the six subforms operate off of a table, and all the tables are connected through relationships using client number, first name, and last name.

How could I make the subforms autofill their cooresponding tables using the case #, and name fields from the main form without having to repeatedly input the client #, names for each tab/subform?

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Forms :: Sorting Records In A Form (subform)

Jan 7, 2015

How to sort entered records in a subform by combo box. Notice combo box has integer value not text. I want to bo sroted by text visibled ASC. The code must be in Command control SORT (See pict enclosed)

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Forms :: Connecting Main Form To A Subform?

Apr 21, 2015

I have a form that shows information on a person (think first name and last name) at the top and contains tab controls that hold subforms each containing a different set of info about that particular person. Ex: for person 1 the main form will display the persons first and last name as well as show the subject tabs. as you click on each tab you should see the information that pertains to that person. I would like to step through each ppeson one at a time using the horizontal record arrows (eventually I will change this process to using forward and back buttons) on the main form with the persons names changing as well as the information in the subforms changing to match the person on the main form. I can step through each separately (main form and each subform) but I cant get the subforms to change information when the main form changes persons. Seems simple enough but I cant get the subform to change when the main form changes. They are not connected. This is for an Access class that I am taking and we use Access 2013.

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Forms :: Duplicate Button For Form / Subform

Sep 7, 2013

My programming abilities are mediocre, but not novice.I have a pretty large scale management system to build (more than 40 tables, lots of relationships, forms, etc). One of the structures in the database is the following:

+ Main table
++ Secondary table connected to Main table via FK1.
+++Tertiary table connected to Secondary table via FK2.

The above when making the user interface is expressed as a form (Main Table), a subform (Secondary table) and a subform within the subform (Tertiary table).

I need to create a button that duplicates the contents of the main table, the secondary table and the tertiary table. I have already been able to create a button that duplicates the contents of the main table and the secondary table by using Allen Browne's code found do I move forward to embedding in that method the ability to duplicate the contents of the Tertiary Table?

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Forms :: Updating Navigation Subform From Another Form

Feb 12, 2014

I'm using Access 2010 and need to update a sub form in a form that is within a navigation form. So it goes:

Navigation Form > Main Form > Subform

How do I do this? I've attached the following to a click event of a cmd button but I just can't get it to work:

Forms!frmMain.NavigationSubform.Form.frmJobHeadSub Form.Requery

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