Forms :: Query To Display Date Within Textbox

Dec 5, 2014

I also have a query that displays a date, I would like this date to be displayed within the textbox, not sure how to do this?

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Forms :: Textbox To Display First Date From Table

Feb 4, 2015

I need a textbox to display the first/earliest date from a table.

RThe table is called tblIncidents and the textbox is txtFirstDate

I've considered a variable and tried with querys etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Following Weeks Monday Date In Textbox

Mar 11, 2014

I have a textbox in a form. What I want it to do is to display the following weeks Monday date. Sounds simple but requires you to know the Monday dates in advance ...

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Forms :: Date And ID Number - Textbox Value To Another Textbox

Oct 12, 2014

I have a date textbox (Week_Ending) and number textbox (Staff_ID) in a form (frmHourEnter), when both have values I open another form (frmStaffReport) with textboxes (txtDateStart and cmbStaff).

How do I open the second form with the values of the first form pre-entered?

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Forms :: Date Form Textbox To Textbox?

Jan 24, 2015

I have a database for billing. In my database, I have a form that consists of a main form "Order" and 2 subforms "OrderDetails" and "Customer" OrderDetails are to enter the products to be connected to the Order. All function super, but I want to have some information from one of the forms "copied" over to on of the others.

Here is what I would like

In the subform "OrderDetails" I have made a textbox that summarize all prices to a total, his tekstbox i called "Tekst31". I would like the amount in this textbox to appear in a field "Bel�b" in the main form "Order".

I have tried some different commands, but nothing has worked, also I have made a query which dose the same ting as the tekstboks, as the information in that tekstbox it not stored anywhere.

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Forms :: Display Sum Results In Textbox?

Jul 22, 2014

I am trying to display the sum of a query into a form textbox and i am not having any luck.

Here is my code that i am currently using:

Private Sub Client_Id_AfterUpdate()
Dim db As Database
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset


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Forms :: How To Get SUM To Display After Inputting Value Of Textbox 1 And 2

Oct 29, 2014

I am working in Access 2007. I have a form with 3 text boxes of which I need the Textbox3 to calculate a SUM of the input values from Textbox1 and Textbox2. These text fields will compute ONLY when the record is saved OR if there is a prepopulated value in the text field. EX. When textbox1 is populated with a value when I Openform, then as I input a value into textbox2 I immediately see the SUM in textbox3. Works great in this scenario. However, if both textboxes 1&2 are null, and I input a value into each, then I won't see the SUM in textbox3 UNTIL I save record.

How can I get the SUM to display after inputting the value of my textbox1&2?

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Forms :: Textbox To Display Percentage Variance

Apr 7, 2013

I'm new to access programing and have been working on a handover form for shift workers, as part of the handover we have to include call volumes forcast and actual calls received over a period.

I have a form which links to my table (Handover) the two fields are named, "239 Forcast 18:30-00:00" & "239 Actual 18:30-00:00" I then want to add a third column with percentage variance to show wether the percentage of calls is higher or lower than forcast.

I manually input the data into the forcast and actual fields and want this to then populate a textbox for the variance percentage next to this.

So far I have tried:
=Sum(100-[239 Forcast 18:30-00:00]/[239 Actual 18:30-00:00]*100)

The above sum seems to be a little unstable and when switching to view different handovers the value in the variance stays the same, regardless of the figures in the mentioned fields.

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Forms :: Display TextBox Value Based On Combobox Selections

Jun 5, 2015

I have a form that has 3 combo boxes and a text box that I want to be a lookup. I have a little experience with DLookUp, but I do not think that will work here. The three combo boxes are linked to queries, and Tables. The first combo box is for choosing "Precious" or "Base" metals. The second combo box is filtered from the first and displays the "Metal Names". The third combo box is to choose a "Metal Market". There are currently four options for that. I want the text box to display the "Metal Market Price" based on the second and third combo box selections.

Here is a screenshot of the table with all of the metals and their market prices filled in with dummy values for now:

metals screenshot 1.PNG
Metals screenshot 2.PNG

Here is a screenshot of the relevant Form: Metals form screenshot.PNG

Here is a screenshot of the Table that relates to the relevant form: Metals table design.PNG

Here is a screenshot of the Metal Market table that the Query is based on: Metal Market Table.PNG

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Forms :: Unbound Textbox Print Preview - Display New Value On Each Page?

Sep 6, 2013

I am working on a change control database where the users can enter a new version for the software they just released and send out a notification to the appropriate persons. I have a form where the user can select a combobox to pick the software version, which is bound to my "Releases" table. From the software version I use a DLookup in VBA to change the value of a another unbound text box using:

Me.Release_Type = DLookup("[Release_Type_ID_FK]", "Releases", "Release_ID_PK = " & Me.Release_ID)

This all works fine when I'm entering data in the form, but if I want to print the form, the unbound text box on each page is only calculated from the first record. The same thing happens if I build a report with the same fields and code.

For example: In print preview the text box on page 1 should say "Cat" based on the current record and the text box on page 2 should say "Dog". However, they both say "Cat"

How do I get the text box to display the new value on each page?

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Forms :: Display Definite Title For The Form In Unbound Textbox

Jan 19, 2015

I need to open form1 from form2 and display in unbound textbox a definite title for the form.

According to the title i want to hide some fields and unhide others.

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Query Display Value From Calculated, Unbound Textbox

Oct 5, 2007

Here's the situation.

I have a calculated value in an unbound textbox (avghcppmw). I want to run a query (qinsphistory) in which one of the fields is the value of the textbox (avghcppmw).

Is there any way to pull the value from the form and display it in the query. I'm assuming not.

I also assume the only way to do this would be to create a query that would calculate the textbox value and base (qinsphistory) on the newly made query.

Is this correct?

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Forms :: Textbox Control Source - Pull Data To Display On Summary Tab

Oct 16, 2014

I have a form, with a tab control on it. Each tab has a subform to display data. One tab is meant to be a summary tab of the rest, so I want to pull data from certain controls on each of the other tabs to display on the Summary tab.

If I set the ControlSource to Forms!subfrmLABOUR!txtTotalHours.Value the control just displays #Name?

I assume that means it can't reference the ControlSource. Is it just a syntax thing? I've tried various methods, but no luck.

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Forms :: Adding Date In Textbox From Calendar

Jul 23, 2013

How can i add date in textbox by simply selecting it from calendar?

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Forms :: Autofill A Textbox With Current Date

Apr 7, 2015

Short version: I would like to know when that formula was filled out.

Long version: What I need to do is Auto-fill a textbox with the current date and time when I fill-in a combo-box and press enter/tab. Each date needs to be individual, once the date is filled in via event it should not be changed, then the next page of the formula needs to have an individual date...and so forth. In addition it would be nice if the date could not be changed at all, so no one can temper with it, for instance pressing enter again on the combo-box.

Something like this:
Formula page 1:
Name:________ Date:________
Name: Jon_____ Date:________
*press enter*
Name: Jon_____ Date: 08.04.2015; 11:31
*press enter*
Formula page 2:
Name:________ Date:________
Name: Jess_____ Date:________
*press enter*
Name: Jess_____ Date: 12.04.2015; 16:12
*press enter*

Solved all but 1 problem, I just need to find a way to stop the Date field from updating every time I update the Name field after the initial date is filled in.

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Forms :: Adding Two Unbound Textbox Date Pickers?

May 8, 2014

I'm using Access 2007 and building a form with controls that will be used to query one of the tables in my database. To pull back results from this table between two dates I have used the "Add Fields" method to drag and drop two textbox date pickers onto the form from the list of available fields. Both of these controls are bound to the same date field in the underlying table.

Will this cause problems when a user attempts to select two different dates on the form? Will a date on the first control be mirrored on the second control and vice versa? Should I remove these bound controls and add two unbound textbox date pickers in their place?

I also need to ensure that the date selected on the second control is the same or later than that on the first.

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Forms :: Todays Date On Textbox Based On Combo Box

Sep 2, 2014

I have a "Status" combobox, I'd like the "Date Case Closed" field to auto fill today's date when "Status" combobox = Closed. The way I know how to do this is by using an IIf with Date() function, but, if I do that, the date is gonna keep changing everyday. Do I have options to do this?

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Forms :: Data Entry Textbox - Date Formats

Jan 26, 2015

I have a date entry textbox.

The user is copying a date from an old form.

Sometimes the form will have the date entered as 00/00/97

How can I change the month and day to 01/01 and of course leave the year as it was.

I've tried using split with no success.

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Forms :: Make Specific Textbox Become Current System Date To All Records

Sep 24, 2014

I have a problem in my Database system. The title of my Database is Employee Evaluation. This is my problem.. I already make the default value the txtbox a current system date. but for the next day.. the txtbox for all record should become a current system date. but only the for the new record is the current system date. the all records are not current system date... I want from the opening of my system the textbox of all records are should be current system date.

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Queries :: Take A Date From Textbox On A Form Into Append Query

Nov 26, 2013

how do you take a date from a textbox on a form into an Append query and increase the date entered into the textbox by 1 day.This is what I have so far but not working??

MealDate: [Forms]![FrmSwitchBoard]![txtweekend]=DateAdd("d",1,Date())

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Forms :: How To Display Date On A Form

Nov 11, 2014

I want to display today's date on a form. No connection to a table or anything like that just a label or such. I have a placed a text box on the form and set the Control Source to '=Date()' and it displays the date in a short form, eg. 11/11/2014.

What I want to do is display it in what I think is called Medium Date so that it displays as 11-Nov-2014. I suspect I need to place something inside those parentheses, but what?

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Forms :: Text Box On Form To Display Day After Date

Feb 21, 2014

Say I have a form and the user inputs a date, say "21/02/2014" into a text box, how can I get another text box on the form to display the day afters date ("22/02/2014").

I'm sure its really easy but I cant seem to get it to work.

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Forms :: Display Enter Date In Text Box?

Nov 9, 2013

I was wondering if I could display "enter date" in my date text box on my form...when the user selects the text box, "enter date" disappears

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Forms :: Display All Records Based On Single Date

Oct 7, 2014

Is there a way to make a form that will display all records based on a single date, at the same time, in the same format each and every time?I have a table which has the following fields:

ID (Autonumber, PK)
Deallocate (yes/no)

Now, I would quite like to keep the form in a style similar to all the others I have, not least as I have to cater for users of all age and abilities, so keeping things as simple. I have attached an image - each row to represent a record basically, I would like the form to open and show the same layout on each day (I would place the textboxes etc in route groups); a null value would not be allowed for at least one field in each record, I could force the records to populate the form in the same way each day?

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Display Last 13 Date Weeks In Query

May 13, 2005


I have created a basic query, in MS 1997

Would someone be kind enough to give me the code for the following,

I need to display only the last 13 weeks worth of dates in this query.

The table is called "Tbl_History_RotAwaitShip"
The field is called "Time/Date" and is formatted as "13/05/2005"


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Forms :: SubForm To Display Test Results In Date Order

Oct 7, 2014

I am having an issue with the sort order on a subform.

Basically I have a main form with Client Details and a subform hich displays the associated test results for this client. Each client can have multiple test results which should be displayed in date order.

Initially the form was based on the table 'TestResults' and I set up the form with the Orderby property set to the field 'TestDate' and OrderByOnLoad set to True. This didn't work and the records were displayed in random order.

Next I tried setting up the form based on an SQL query with the field 'TestDate' sorted in Ascending order - same result. Tried this with OrderBy and OrderByOnLoad both set/unset as a pair and individually - always the same result.

How can I get the subform to display the test results in date order?

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