Forms :: Record Selectors - Quick Scroll Option No Longer Available?

May 13, 2015

I have recently updated several forms from Access 2003 to 2010.

On the old version I could 'hold down' the forward or backward pointers to quickly scroll through the individual records. Now I have to click each individual record to move one at a time.

Have I inadvertently changed a setting or is the quick scroll option no longer available?

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Forms :: How To Scroll Down Mouse With Record

Mar 15, 2014

i have a continuous form used for selling item , i want when the user selling item the scroll mouse working with the current record look the attachment to see how to fix the problem .

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Quick Question: Autocorrect Option (updating All Reports & Queries W New Fieldname)

Dec 22, 2005

Hello friends,
I am having trouble displaying or updating data through all my subforms.

So im just trying to isolate the issue,
I went into my table definition and changed fields named with seemingly reserved keywords as follows:

name = personName
userId = personId

Now, i have hundreds of report and queries based on these tables (3+) with these fields. What do i need to do to automatically update my reports and queries without going into each one to manually update :eek:

Is that what the autocorrect option does? I have been advised to always have it turned off as it causes database corruption.

So how do i update my all things with these field name change.
Any suggestions, comments would be greatly appreciated :)

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Forms :: Subform Scroll Bar Scroll To Bottom?

Apr 25, 2013

I have a form and in the form is a subform. When I add a record with the following code, the subform detail scrolls in such a way that you can't see the record you just added...only a single blank new record. Can you set the scroll position so that I can see all the previous records including the one I just added?

Private Sub Add_PROJ_RECORD()
On Error GoTo Err_Add_Click
Me.PROJECT_DATA.Locked = False
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Exit Sub

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Forms :: When Using Query With Grouped By Option / Can't Edit Record In Table

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table called "Workorders" that I have created a split form for and have customised it so that it had combo boxes etc to enable the user to change the record data.I then needed to add some existing queries to the form so that I could calculate some totals from records in a few other tables. This all works fine EXCEPT that I can no longer change any of the fields in the records.

I am sure that it is something to do with the fact that the 3 queries I added to the form use the "Grouped by" option and based upon my Googling, this is probably the issue.Here is one of the queries:

SELECT DISTINCTROW [Workorder Labor].WorkorderID, Sum([BillableHours]*[BillingRate]) AS [Labor Total]
FROM [Workorder Labor]
GROUP BY [Workorder Labor].WorkorderID;

I need to have the totals and I also need to have the ability to change the data..

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Missing Datasheet Font Selectors

Jul 12, 2006

I replied to a post about this already, but it was in the wrong section.

As you see in the screenshot, I'm having a weird problem.

I have tried re-installing Access but it didn't help. Any ideas?

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Forms :: Repeat Record Entry Based On Option Group Selection

Sep 10, 2014

Is there a way to duplicate, triplicate, a record based on an option group selection. i.e.

Field: Option group
Value = 1
Value = 2
Value = 3
Field 2:
Field 3:
Field 4:
and so on.

Basically if value 1 is selected, then I fill out the rest of the fields hit enter and go to a new record. But if value 2 or 3 is selected, I fill out the the fields, hit enter. The information is recorded said number of times based on the selection in the option group. Ideally I would have2 or 3 of the same record in the db, with different Primary keys of course.

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Quick One! Automatically Add A Record

Nov 3, 2006

Hi all, here's my problem. Within my form I have some tabs with subforms on them based on various tables. What I would like to know is if there is a way that when I add a record to one of the subforms, a blank record is automaticlly added to the rest of the subforms.


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Record Scroll Loc

Apr 19, 2007

When I am filling data in a form, I will use my scroll button on my mouse to go to the next field. Instead, it takes me to the next record. How can I prevent from going to the next record? Thanks!

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Go To Next Record By Scroll Wheel

Oct 30, 2011

in a form i type my information and want go to next rocord, there have a few way for this task like create a button or .... but i want use scroll wheel for go to next rocord, is it possible? if yes how do it?

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Some Forms, Tables, Etc. No Longer Visible

Mar 1, 2006

Several years ago, my colleague and I built some databases (using Access 97, if it matters). We are both responsible for the maintenance of them.

Recently, the hard drive in my PC crashed, and the IT group replaced it. Now, when I open one of the databases, I cannot see all of the Forms, Tables, etc. Thinking the database had been corrupted, I asked my colleague to open it on his machine. Everything was there, and can be viewed from his PC.

All was well until my hard drive was replaced. Has anyone seen this before? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Form No Longer Accepting Data Changes

Aug 11, 2013

I have made a form with a main form and two nested subforms. The main form and subforms display data to be edited - fields in which data can be added, but no new records need be added. I and two other users have used this form for about two months. Now when we go to enter data, we can still navigate the form but our changes to the fields in question are no longer saved.

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How To Stop The Scroll Button On A Mouse From Going To Next Record On A Form

Mar 10, 2006

I have a form that opens to a NEW record, all fine and grand. there are a few drop down choices, and modern users are using the scroll button to try to move up and down the list in the drop down boxes, but this action actually tries to move to the next record, causing an error as fields are blank etc (which is fine) but its confusing everyone.

the nav buttons are not shown on the form, so what can we do to stop the form trying to goto another new record?

the form is opened using a macro, where the action is OpenForm (view=form, data mode=Add and window mode=Normal) GoToRecord (record=new).....

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General :: How To Make Records Automatically Scroll From One Record To Another

Jun 27, 2012

Is there a way to make records automatically scroll from one record to another?

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Forms :: Combobox In Navigation Form - No Longer Select A Value

Apr 26, 2014

The combobox in the frmResellerOrders works correctly until I include it in the Navigation form frmMainMenu. Once I include it the navigation form it no longer lets me select a value. I have read numerous articles about using the

However, none of these seem to mention when and where to use it. Do I put it in the query that the form is linked with or do I need to put it in my form somewhere? I have been trying to fix this off and on for over a week now. It is one of the last parts of my database that I need to get finished by Monday!

I have attached a copy of part of my database with some dummy data.

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Forms :: Enter Parameter Value On Fields No Longer Existent

Jun 24, 2014

I have access 2013 and this database is on a windows 8 OS,

I created 2 fields to sort data sets, and later discovered there were redundant and i could use values from a different linked table. After deleting those fields, when i open the form they still pop up as an "enter parameter value for *****" .

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Forms :: RecordSet Bound Form No Longer Filters

Sep 24, 2014

I have a number of forms that are bound to recordsets as follows:

Dim rs As New adodb.Recordset

sqlQuery = "Select * from myTable"
rs.Open sqlQuery, sqlCNN, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Set Me.Recordset = rs
Set rs = Nothing

In Access 2003, users could open these forms and filter on basically any field by using the right click-> Text Filters functionality.

In Access 2010, this functionality appears to work (users can apply the filter and the Toggle Filter button in the ribbon shows a filter is applied), but all of the records are still visible in the form.

Any work-around that does not involve redesigning the form to be non-recordset bound?

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Forms :: Table Inserted Into Form No Longer Expands After Db Is Split?

Aug 20, 2013

I have elected to have tables inserted into my forms. For example on the School Information form, I have the Employees table inserted at the bottom so that it will show the employees that are assigned to that school when it's pulled up.

Before I split my database into a BE/FE situation, I could expand the items in the tables to other related items, but now that option is gone.

Is there any way to get that back with a split database?

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Quick Access To Forms

Jan 5, 2005

Was wondering is there a way I could have a button that would give me direct access to a specific form. example. I have design a form for my Ranch and was wondering instead of me clicking on form than add cattle. Is there was a way i could have a button on my database that would when i first open it to automaticly take me to that form.


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Forms :: Option Group - Warn User When Neither Of 2 In Option Group Not Ticked?

Jul 25, 2013

I stumbled upon the Option Group function just yesterday and, happy as a clam, I created a group with 2 options in radio button style. I assigned the values to a field called Registration_Type as the 2 options are "Confirmed Registrants" and "Prospective Attendees".

[Great. That part works well. When I look at the table, a 1 or a 2 is in that field so it's great to know how to control accidental ticking of radio buttons (previous 450 records or so didn't have this option group functionality so one might easily tick one of the buttons. So one part of controlling option group I know I can handle via the table itself for now.]

The challenge is how to ensure the user always ticks one or the other ... I went back to the main table and tested the 'required entry' option for the Registration_Type field but forcing an action like this is not ideal in my mind. The usual error message vagueness for the average user is no good and I don't want to limit the user so much.

Is there a way to simply have a popup come up warning that neither radio button was ticked? Perhaps something linked to the form - i.e., maybe "after update"?? I only learned about attaching code to before and after update on controls a couple of days ago, so not sure if this would be best approach.

Just something to let the user know that nothing has been ticked in the option group as that controls in which of 2 reports the data will show up in so any record not ticked might mean a registrant being left out, which would be rather disastrous <g>.

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Forms :: No Scroll Bars On Web Database?

Feb 17, 2015

My problem is that I have a couple of forms where scrollbars are not appearing on forms when they are too long to fit on-screen. Instead they're just going below the bottom of the screen and there's no way to access things at the bottom of the form. This is happening with a data input form as well as with a form I'm using to filter and display a report. I've tried selecting both "Vertical only" and "both" for the scrollbar property of the form, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

The forms are being opened in "dialog" mode, the only option for opening a form in a web database when using a macro to open it, it seems. If I manually open the form in 'normal' mode, it has scrollbars. Also, if I open a report with a macro (on click), it has the option to open in 'normal' mode and has scrollbars and all is well. But if I want the user to be able to click a button to open the form, it seems I have to use dialog mode.

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Forms :: Scroll Bar Position With A Subform

May 22, 2013

I have a form that i have created with various tabs along the top, e.g. customer details, customer contact etc etc.I have a subform on one of the tabs.

That subform also has tabs on it.When clicking on the main form tab it goes to subform but the scroll bar moves down only to show the subform tab options. I have to keep scrolling back up to see the main form tab options.

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Forms :: Mouse Scroll And Tab Controls

May 8, 2014

I have a form with four pages and subforms on each page. I am having issues with scrolling on pages 2-4. The first page will scroll correctly (to the bottom of the form), but the other pages will not scroll at all. I did enable the scroll bars on the subforms, but they will only scroll to the bottom of the viewable form, not the whole form, which I would prefer. Is there a way to scroll through the whole form on pages 2-4? I tried setting the focus to the form itself, but my code didn't work:

Private Sub Form_MouseWheel(ByVal Page As Boolean, ByVal Count As Long)
End Sub

I would change the form; however, it is designed to look exactly like the actual questionnaire.

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Quick Question: Is There A Way To Sort Forms Like Reports With Sub-groupings?

Jun 16, 2006

I have one table holding lots of different data. That data is all the same, but when it comes to output, it needs to be separated by groupings (which I have defined within the table itself as group 1, group 2, etc)

I was wondering. i would like to do the same thing with forms so that input will be separated easily / visually for the data input. At this point, all I can think of is order ascending /etc, but this doesn't give any visual queues to the user when he has moved to the "next" part.

I don't like the option of just another text box beside it spamming a textbox per record of whats next.

By the way, the form display is continuous, and thats why I want a "grouping" option.

Any suggestions?


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Forms :: Quick Print Printing Previous Dataset

Jun 6, 2013

I'm having an odd problem with a form. We noticed this since migrating it from adp to accdb.

It's a form with two subforms in datasheet view, that contain data on a certain employee, which is selected on the main form.

If you use print preview before printing, it all prints out fine. However, if you use quick print, it does something weird. If you Pull up Employee A, then Employee B, and do a quick print, it will print the data for Employee A in subform 1, and the data for Employee B in subform 2. It displays correctly on the screen though, and the 2nd time you quick print, it comes out right.

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Visible Option On 2nd Record Linked To First Record

Jun 16, 2006

my form works fine on the first record of the database but now i have added a 2nd record some of the functionallity form the first record is applied to the second. At the moment in my table for each record i have a status field which speifies whether certain data is visible to the user or not. When i select visible = false on record one this is also appled to record 2. I dont want this and want each record to have there own specific status.

For example at the moment i have:

if me.combobox.value = 1





This seems to apply the rule to all records not just the current one i am in. If explaination isnt clear i will gladly expand further

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