Forms :: Recording Data (Totals) Onto Form

Apr 30, 2013

I have created a form to input invoice details with a sub form to input the products with the prices etc.

This all works fine but now I want to create totals such as Total Goods, Total VAT and Invoice Total.

After many searches of the internet, I found out how to do this and put in the calculations which works fine and displays on the main form without a problem.

Now I have a problem as these need to be saved to one of my tables.

As these are unbound text boxes with only the calculation on, the data is not being recorded onto the form which is what I want.

Do I have to create a macro of some sort to do this or?

I have included a few images of what I have done but if you would like the database file I can upload that (I will take away all the information that is sensitive to me if that is okay?)

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Problems With Recording Data In Table Through Forms

Jul 5, 2006

Hi All,

This is my first post on this forum...:)

I'm having the following problems:

I have a table with "n" fields.
Each field will constitute a form.
Each form will have a button which will open the next form.
Basically I want to record new data into the table (database) through FORMS.
What I am unable to do is to record data on the same line in the table !!!
What I have so far is that I am able to move to the next record when creating a new NCR but the rest of the data (fields) are going to overwright the first record in the table (first line).

I would attach my database here but the file size is bigger that permitted.
If someone interested I could foward it on e-mail.

My second issue is that after recording data into the table I want to be able to modify that data through a form. When a certain NCR number is choosed this will pop-up the NCR form with all fields from the table.

Any suggestions are more than welcomed.

Thanks for your help...


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Problems With Recording Data In Table Through Forms

Jul 5, 2006

Hi All,

This is my first post on this forum...:)

I'm having the following problems:

I have a table with "n" fields.
Each field will constitute a form.
Each form will have a button which will open the next form.
Basically I want to record new data into the table (database) through FORMS.
What I am unable to do is to record data on the same line in the table !!!
What I have so far is that I am able to move to the next record when creating a new NCR but the rest of the data (fields) are going to overwright the first record in the table (first line).

I would attach my database here but the file size is bigger that permitted.
If someone interested I could foward it on e-mail.

My second issue is that after recording data into the table I want to be able to modify that data through a form. When a certain NCR number is choosed this will pop-up the NCR form with all fields from the table.

Any suggestions are more than welcomed.

Thanks for your help...


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Forms :: Recording Date And Time A Form Was Last Updated

Jul 29, 2014

Displaying the 'Last Modified' dates and time on a form. How to go about doing what I want to do.

I would like to display on a form in one single field the date & time that any of the fields on that form were changed and. I would like to display it in such a way that it cannot be altered by anyone. If it is possible to capture and display on the form in a separate field which user account accessed and changed the record then all the better. Obviously if nothing is updated then the date and time stays the same.

I will have to create two new fields in the table that relates to the form and this I have done - one of format Date/Time and one of format Text.

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Forms :: Bank User Form - Recording Deposits And Withdrawals

Apr 8, 2014

I want to create a form where i can be recording the deposits and withdrawals of my bank account!

Let's say I don't have any deposit. If I want to add then i would click on the "+Deposit money" button to open a form to add let's say 10$.

so my total would be 10$.

Next record would to add 30$

so my new total would be 40$ (10$ + 30$)

NOW if i make a withdrawal from my account i would like to click on the "- withdraw money" and so my total would change!

so if i withdraw 5$ the new total would be

35$ (total 40$ - 5$)

how can i do that?!!!

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Forms :: Form Won't Calculate Totals

Feb 5, 2014

I am having trouble on the Work Orders Form to get the SubTotal to calculate correctly.

The SubTotal Control Source is:


=DLookUp("[Services Total]","[Services Total]","[WOrderID] = '" & [txtWOrderID] & "'")+DLookUp("[Parts Total]","[Parts Total]","[WOrderID] = '" & [txtWOrderID] & "'")

The Form Record Source is:

SELECT DISTINCT [Work Order].*, [Payment Total].[Payment Total], [Services Total].[Services Total], [Parts Total].[Parts Total] FROM (([Work Order] LEFT JOIN [Parts Total] ON [Work Order].WOrderID = [Parts Total].WOrderID) LEFT JOIN [Payment Total] ON [Work Order].WOrderID = [Payment Total].WOrderID) LEFT JOIN [Services Total] ON [Work Order].WOrderID = [Services Total].WOrderID;

why my form won't calculate totals?

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Forms :: Picking Up Sub Form Totals From A Main Form?

Mar 22, 2013

I have converted an old Access 97 database to Access 2010. Mostly it works fine but I have a major issue with the invoicing forms. It was working in the old database but I cannot get it to work in this version.

I have the usual invoicing option where the lines of the invoice are displayed in a sub form for that customer and line totals calculated. This works fine. I have a sub form total text box in the footer of the sub form which I want to pick up from the main form so that I can add the delivery charge and VAT.

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Forms :: Pulling Totals From Total Row Into Form Textbox?

Dec 13, 2013

The new database that I am building will be used as a point system based on attendance. This means that I will have a main form that a few users will utilize to look up an employee's score. So far, I have a combobox (cmbEmployeeDropDown) that lists the query for each employee using the following:

Row Source:

SELECT [Name] FROM MSysObjects WHERE [Type]=5 AND [Flags]=0 ORDER BY [Name];

Row Source Type: Table/Query

From this combobox selection I would like the totals from the Total row in the query to appear in textboxes on the form (txtTotalPoints, for example).

Is this possible to do or is there a better way to do this?

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Forms :: Getting Totals From A Subform Into A Field On Main Form

Feb 13, 2015

I have a music database. It's somewhat over the top in terms of the information stored in it, but I like it. My issue is with getting the total number of tracks, as well as the total duration, for a given album (and for each disc, but if I can solve one that should also solve the other).

I have a lot of tables and forms, but for this problem I only need to deal with two of each. They are the tables for albums, the table for tracks, and their associated forms.

In my album table I have information such as album title, artist, release date, and album length. The tracks table contains information on each song - track title, track number, parent album, and track length.

My main form is for the album itself, and contains a subform for the tracks on said album. They correspond to the relevant tables.

What I want to do is obtain the value of the album length by calculating the sum of the track lengths for that album, and the number of tracks. Easy enough - Sum(TrackLength) and Count(TrackID) respectively, both of which can be stored in the footer of the subform.

My problem is that, rather than simply copying those values into text boxes on the main form, I want to copy them into actual fields in the album table. Furthermore, I want them to update as I add or edit the track lengths in the subform.

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Forms :: Sub Form / Main Form Sub Totals

Aug 11, 2014

I have a database that tracks workorders and then the associated invoices that result froma workorder. The process is that the user creates a workorder and when an invoice related to the workorder comes in, they register the invoice and select the workorder it belongs to.I have a form (DFRM_PayrollWorkorders) that allows the user to display the workorder. This form contains a sub form DFRM_PayrollInvoices_Summary that displays any invoices that have been registered against the workorder id. Sample screen attached. In the sub form, I have added two expressions ,

=Count([InvoiceNumber]) and =Sum([InvoiceValueTotal]).
In the work order form I have added two expressions, =[DTBL_PayrollInvoices_Summary].[Form]![Invoice_Count] and =[DTBL_PayrollInvoices_Summary].[Form]![Invoice_Sum].

The above simply displays the total invoice count and total invoice amount for any invoices associated with the work order being dsiplayed on screen.

My issue is, whenever there are no invoices for the work order, I get #Error in the =[DTBL_PayrollInvoices_Summary].[Form]![Invoice_Count] and =[DTBL_PayrollInvoices_Summary].[Form]![Invoice_Sum] expressions.

Ideally, I'd just like the count and sum expressions to show blank or 0.

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Recording Visits To A Form

May 31, 2005

Is there a popular way to show when records are updated, with something like a text box with Now(), please, Gurus?

It needs to be automatically enacted. (A box that they complete themselves gets quickly forgotten.)

Then if the Client refers to records changed on such and such a date, I can find them instantly.

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Forms :: Continuous Form With Textfields As Records - List Of Years With Totals Of Hours

Jul 1, 2015

I have a continious form with textfields as records. Its about total course hours that are calculated. There is a field in the records that holds and calculates the hourse that one have done and another field that holds the max hours they may follow for one year.

Every record has h different year.

When the amount of hours in the transmission textfield is negative, they can transmit the hours to te next year. Therefore i have to calculate the Max hours per Year + the transmission hours.

So the calculation is not a problem. Though i don't actually know where i can trigger the calculation. I have tried it with a button on the form, but then the user always have to click to see the right amount of hours for the next year. That's not handy. I am looking for a way to automatically calculate the field Max hours per year. Given that the Max hours per year is a bound field, its bound to a table where i stock the Max hours that i have calculated.

I also tried it with the button that's used for inserting new course hours, but then it calculates with the old values instead of the new ones.

How can i trigger the calculation automatically without using a button.

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General :: Recording Information In Form - Filling In New Fields Based On ID

Jul 26, 2012

I have a form to record student information. On my student table i have a school I.D that links to the primary key of my school table.

My problem is that in my form, i want to be able to fill in the rest of the fields about the school info based on the I.D chosen.


student table:
Student id
school I.D (FK)

School info table:
School I.D (PK)
school name
contact name

My form that's linked to the student table needs all the information from the school info table in separate fields
but i can only select School I.D in the Control Source Property.

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Totals Query/sums/grand Totals

Sep 4, 2007

Hey all! This is my first post. Been searching through the net all day trying to find a solution to this problem. Basically i have a table that looks like this (regular text is what i have and bolded text is what I need:Name Date Qty MOBrad 12/12/2007 23323 4423John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 John 12/11/2007 344 4432 John 12/11/2007 45 4432 John 12/11/2007 44 4432 John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 Grand Total: (Qty)And then I'd like to be able to carry this over and display a grand total at the bottom of every page of a report that I would need to generate. Our company produces forms and we sometimes have 60 - 70 people working on a single job. We want to see their hours individually but we would also like to see a grand sum of all their hours. If someone could help with this or needs more info let me know. Thanks for all your help!

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Queries :: Totals Query - Return Data Set Between Two Dates

Jun 9, 2015

I am trying to create a Totals Query which returns a data set between two dates. So far I have managed to select the data I want (Please see attached screenshot). However, I only want to select records between a date range working on my field [DueDate]. If I add the due date field to the current query then it removes the grouping and all records are displayed.

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Reports :: Sum Of Multiple Running Totals / Cumulative Data

Jul 29, 2013

i have a table with health facilities (A,B,C,D) . each health facility has data from several months (Jan, Feb, Mar etc). the table has 2 fields (New Patients) and (Cumulative Patients) . Cumulative Patients is a total of New Patients for current month plus the total patients for the previous month. In the Facility Footer of the report if i create text boxes with data =Sum([New Patients]) and =([Cumulative Patients]) works well.

However in the Report Footer =Sum([New Patients]) works but =Sum([Cumulative Patients]) totals everything. if i try =([Cumulative Patients]).

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Totals On The Form

Aug 8, 2005


I'm trying to get a total which runs off of a query in a listbox (disguised as a textbox) to always show 1 decimal place. Right now, it'll show one decimal place only if the number is rational. If the number is whole, it doesn't show any.

E.g. For 8.5, it'll show 8.5
For 8, it'll show 8, not 8.0

I want it to show 8.0

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Forms :: Prices And Totals Will Not Show In Table?

Aug 14, 2013

I have a problem with a form which I created for a table. The purpose of the form named OrdersForm is to simply add Orders in the table named TableOrders using labels such as Customer (combo box) Products (Combo box) Date (which controls the column Date in the table with a date function) Quantity (the user puts a value) Price (automatic) Totalp (as a Product between Quantity and Price)

My issue here is that when i use the form and enter an order Price and Totalp will not appear in columns in the table TableOrders.

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Group Totals N Form

Apr 7, 2008

Hi there! can anyone help me with this. Im doing a form that will compute the detailed totals. How can i do that in a form? Thanks in advance! your help is much appreciated!

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Calculating Totals In A Form

Mar 13, 2007

I have been going over this too much, and i haven't been able to figure it out, It is probably easy solution i am overlooking.

I have a form with a subform that has 2 fields that i want to total separately and then get a grand total.

I also want the user to be able to update the fields which updates the totals.

Anyone have any suggestions
Thanks in advance!

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Hopefully An Easy One About Form Totals...

May 25, 2007


I have a form that staff fill in to indicate whether they have taken or recieved time-owing on a particular date. The form opens on a new event, you enter the date (access calendar), your name (dropdown list), how many hours you are owed from that day, and in the last box any time you have taken back that day.

What I would like to do is have a text box that calculates the total time left ("owed" minus "taken" for all dates) for each person, so that when the name is entered on the form, the box will display the total for that person.

Sorry if I have not explained this clearly...

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Recording Which Reports Been Ran

Oct 27, 2005

I have created a data base inwhich a user can run 6 reports. I then have a manager who has a administration form which i want the manager to see what reports have been ran and what day.

to run the reports the user hits a button in another form, which then exports a qry to excel.

All the buttons have been named and each report has its own marco name.

Is there a way i can do this simply??

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Recording Database Changes

Aug 17, 2006

Hi all
I have seen some functionality in another database and would like to add it to mine but I have no idea where to start. I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction to a tutorial or sample database that could help me.
What I would like to do is record when changes are made to specific tables. For example, in a vehicle table, if the vehicle is changed from active to inactive for example, the date, the value that was changed and who did the change would be recorded somewhere. I'm guessing another table.
Can anyone point me in the right direction.

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Recording Payments

May 17, 2007

I have a database with 10 properties which I want to record details of weekly or monthy payments. I have a table for properties, one for tenants details and one called payments. I then have them on a form. I want to open the tenants form and insert a command button to open the payments form and record payments as the occur but i can only enter one - it is giving me an error message as I am duplicating a record. The tables are linked with a property reference which I have set as the primary key. I have obviously done it wrong. Can anyone advise me of a way to do this please.
Thanks Tracey

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First Recording Not Importing

Apr 1, 2008

I am using access 2003. I've setup an import specification for a text file to import into a table. It's importing but leaving off the first record. When I setup the import specification, I did so as fixed width because the fields were not defining correct when I used delimited. Could it be that it's thinking that the first record include the field names? If so, how do I rectify this?

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Recording Changes To Queries

Aug 4, 2007

Hi All,

Some annoying sod at work has been changing queries and i've been getting into a hell of a lot of trouble due to it!

Is there any way to record changes made to queries?

I have an audit trail to record changes to the data displayed in the forms but I really need to catch this SOB before they cost me my job?

Any ideas?



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