Forms :: Relational Database - Add More Than One Name To Related Record

Aug 23, 2013

I have a simple relational database with the proper linking tables, etc. I am normalized through BCNF. I have a table that will track tasking details, however, more than one person is assigned the tasking. How do i add to my form the ability to add additional people to the tasking?

If I drag and drop the name field then it is a one name for one box deal. I want to create a combo box that uses a query to prepoulate multiple elgible names (already built) and then you can select the person you want. Afterwards I want the task assigner to dynamically add additional people to the task with no true limit as the group can be as small as one and as large as thirty.

I attached a small screenshot of the basic table structure. I need to be able to add multiple SME's to the one tasking...

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Forms :: Split Database - Opening Related Record On Different Form

Aug 11, 2014

I have a split DB that is in its (hopefully) finally stages of development. Using Access 2010. It is being developed both at work and at home on a 64 bit machine. The remainder of the machines are 32 bit.

All of a sudden one of my most basic sets of code doesn't want to work, but only on my machine at work. It works fine on my home computer and on other computers at work. It is the simplest of codes, run from frmNameA:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmNameB", acNormal, , "[SequenceNumber] = " & Me![SequenceNumber], acFormEdit, acWindowNorm

The desired sequence of events is to open frmNameA, find the active clients and then click on the [SequenceNumber] to bring up the related record on frmNameB.

When I do this on my computer at work, it asks for the query criteria for the [SequenceNumber] and the criteria for another field. On the home computer and others at work, it works just fine.

In a related problem, I have the following code on the OnLoad event for frmNameB. It opens all the related records for active clients that are in frmNameB. But if there are no related records, it is supposed to cancel the event. Again, it works fine on my home computer and others at work, but not my work computer.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'code when opened from frmNameA and no record exists in frmNameB
Dim MyReply
If ClientID = "" Or IsNull(ClientID) Then
MyReply = MsgBox("No record exits in frmNameB, Do You Want to Exit?", vbOKOnly)
If MyReply = vbOK Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmNameB", acSaveNo
End If
End If
End Sub

What I can't figure out is why this may be happening, where I might look for errors, and what I might do to correct this.

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Forms :: Normalized Relational Database With Cascading Combo Boxes - Field Validation

Aug 7, 2013

I've been able to make a normalized relational database with cascading combo boxes, etc.

How to validate a field? The format needs to be according to the following:

<0 AND <=9999 [Optional: followed by a capital letter]

Examples of Valid Data:

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Relational Database - Is It Possible?

Feb 18, 2008

Hi folks, I'm new here - pretty hot at Excel but a total newbie at Access, So..

OK, I've got my database up and running. It keeps records of about 500 staff - everything is working fine but I now want to do stuff beyond my capabilities.. I've got a master record (Master Staff List) and a main input form (Data entry/amandment form). One of the input controls (via a sub-form) is for recording the time staff have spent working at a higher grade. Now if this was a one-off occurrence I could handle it but any one person could have multiple occasions that need recorded and I don't want to 'overwrite' the previous record. I have tried researching the problem and I think I need a 'one-to-many' relational table and a way to add a new period from the subform when required. The subform would also need to show blank when I opened it.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Relational Database Help

Jan 19, 2008

Hi guys, I'm fairly new to databases and am just creating sample ones at the moment and following tutorials from books. I tried to create my own cinema/movie database yesterday and there's something wrong.

I really wanted to work this one out for myself but after trying many different combinations of various relationships I just can't seem to get it working.

I have four tables..

A member table: MemberID
A booking table: MovieID, Screening Number, MemberID
A movie table: MovieID
A screening table: Screening Number

So the booking table is a composite key that links the member tbale (via the memberid), the movie table (via the movieID) and the screening table (via the screening number)

The problem occurs when I try to make a booking form for members to book a movie.

I use the form wizard and take the following fields:

The MemberID from the member table, the Screening Number and MovieID from the booking table. Then I add other relevent information from the Movie and screening table (for example, screening time, date, price etc from the screenig table and movie name, information from the the Movie table)

The MemberID is displayed on the main form with the other information in a sub form.

The problem I am having is when I enter a booking on the form, I get an error telling me the Microsoft Jet Engine cannot find the screening number in the screening table or something like that.

It lets me enter the other information but not with the screening number.

Thanks for any help.


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Queries :: Creating Employee Database To Record Related Information?

May 9, 2013

i have been trying to create an employee database to record:

1. Name , Address
2. Telephone
3. Date of birth
4. employee ID#
5. Emergency contact -name, address, telephone
6. Photograph
7. Other pertinent information related to employees

So far I have incorporated the contacts database forms into my new database but I am unable to link the forms into one form that will incorporate all the information needed. Is there an existing employee database that I may edit to suit my purposes?

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Forms :: Open A Form For Adding Child Record Related To Highlighted Record In Subform

Oct 2, 2013

Is it possible to open a form to add a child record related to the highlighted record in the subform?

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Text Box In Relational Database

Mar 15, 2005

Hi all, i have a relational database. In a form, Transactions, i have a text box, CustomerID, which relates to the primary key of the customers table. At the moment, if i enter a number that has no related record in the customers table, it will alert me only when i try to close the form or move to another record. I am wondering if it is possible to check for a related record immediately after the text box loses the focus.


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Relational Database Principles

Jan 22, 2008

The first time a person tries to use Microsoft Access, they are likely to miss the whole point of what a database is and how to use it. When they start having trouble making it work for them, they think in terms of what they may be doing wrong in their use of the obvious tools of Access. But often their problem is that they are unfamiliar with the principles that make databases so useful and they have started with a flawed database schema.

This tutorial is intended to explain the underlying principles of relational databases. It is, admittedly, rather theoretical and perhaps even boring. But without an understanding of these principles, a beginner cannot hope to use Access for any really useful purpose. If you are a beginner, I urge you to read through the entire tutorial.

There are several issues that arise time and time again, such as:

. Storing multiple values in a field.
. Storing calculated values in a table.
. Determining primary keys.
. Using Autonumbers.
. How many tables does this database need?
. Why don't my queries work?

Sometimes answers in the forum make it sound like these things are a matter of preference, or "which is the best?" But in most cases, they are not--there are well established rules that determine the one correct answer. It is only with an understanding of the principles of relational database theory that you can determine the answers.

So I hope you will find it worth your time to study this 7-page tutorial. If you think you've found something in it that's incorrect, incomplete or impossible to understand, please feel free to contact me. I have been known to make mistakes!

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Forms :: Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is In Table

Feb 22, 2015

I have created three tables, all of them are connected by one-to-one relationship by same field, as you can see in the screenshot. and at the same time I have created three forms for each table. then I brought two forms in one remaining form. so whenever I entered data in first form and click on the next tab in which another form exist, it gives me this error: "you cannot add or change a record because a related record is in table".

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Data Access Pages Using A Relational Database

Aug 11, 2005

Im creating a data access page overtop of a relational database. the database is simple... it has customers and workorders. there may be more than one workorder for a customer.

When I create a new customer record through my data access page, I want it to automaticly create a new workorder (filled with 0's)

Does anyone know how to do that?


PS: I understand SQL... I just need to know where to enter it (if necessary)

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Composite Key For Relational Database Access 2003

Jan 17, 2013

I'm attempting to set up a relational database utilizing a composite key of several data fields. I had no problem doing this with FileMaker Pro yet with Access 2003 I'm having problems. For example, in Design View I select the field names needed for the composite key.

Yet when I click save I get a message "Microsoft Access can't save property changes for linked tables." As a result I'm not able to construct a composite key of the several data fields selected.

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Opening Forms (that Is Related To Same Record)

Feb 1, 2006

I have 3 forms.

I open the very first one (main form). From there, I wrote a little VBA in the 'Add Record' button that if a certain checkbox in that form wasn't checked when I click 'Add Record', it would open up the 2nd form.

The problem is, when I open up the 2nd form and enter info, the info is all put into a new record.

I want the 2nd form's info to go into the same record as the main form. It's all related.

How do I do that?

Note:I built the 2nd and 3rd form from queries that had parameter querying in them...the parameters are frmo the main form.

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Relational Problems, Add New Record To Many Side Of One-to-many Relationship

Mar 22, 2005

Hi! I have a table named Employee Records, with a primary key "ERName". I use this to link to a table named Certification Records, with ERName as the link in both tables. My problem is this:

When I add a new record to Employee Records table, the name is not thrown in to a new record in Certification Records. This is a problem, because in my form that uses a query that includes both tables, when I add a certification record, it doesn't populate the name field in Employee Records table. I don't know where I went wrong, but I feel stupid because this is so basic and I should have caught it earlier... any ideas, please? Thanks!


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Forms :: Form Data To New Record Related Table

Aug 19, 2013

I have a form based on a table which includes the mid field. I want to have a macro that takes the value of the current mid, and makes a new record in a 1-many related table (consisting of record id (auto), mid and trmntdate), paste the mid and insert the current date.For the life of me I cannot get it to work? The process should be something like:copy mid value, add new record to related table, paste value in mid, insert current date in trmntdate, save. I've tried append queries, experimented with copy etc, dabbled blindly with VBA and not got anywhere.

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Forms :: Update Record Based On Combo Box Choice And Related Tables?

Jun 3, 2014

In my database I have a table that keeps track of a package of items. The package is assigned a package type (counter display, end cap, half pallet, full pallet for example). The record of the association of the package and it's type is held in the main table.

Each of these package types is either a case or a pallet (counter display and end cap are cases and half and full pallets are pallets) This relationship is kept in another table (we will call it description table).

Now, based on the type of package and therefore it being a case or pallet a UPC and a GTIN number are assigned. The GTIN number is different if it is a case or is a pallet. I have a table that stores all of the UPC and GTIN numbers available in 3 columns, one for UPC, one for GTIN Case and one for GTIN Pallet (the UPC is a standard 12 digit and the GTINs are 14 digit -with the first 2 different to designate pallet or case. and all are based on the check digit formula necessary)

The user assigns the UPC and correct GTIN number by clicking a button which applies the next available UPC code to the package and determines if the description of the type (case or pallet) and inserts correct GTIN number into that field. I actually have all of this functioning correctly.

Now the problem. If a user changes the package type, and therefore changes the description, I need to add code to the update event of the combo box that gives the choices for package type that does the following:

Check to see if the original package type was a case or pallet (it's description) and if by changing the package type it is now changed to the other, update the record in the main table to the correct GTIN number based on the existing UPC Code.

OR as I write this, maybe the code could simply update the main table with the correct GTIN code based on the new description and the existing UPC code. This was I would not need to check for a change just do the update every time.

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Forms :: Link To Open Form With Certain Record Related To Individual In Query

Dec 5, 2013

I created a query that shows everyone who has a specific date field blank. Now want to make those names clickable so that it opens a specific form with a certain record related to that individual in the query. Each line with a different individual should open a different person on the form and their corresponding record.

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"You Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is Required In Table....

Aug 1, 2006

Hi! Please help!!!

I'm currently building a bookings database and have encountered an alert message that I cant seem to rectify -

"You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in the table 'Booking Details'"

Basically - I have a 'Customer Database' form that is linked (via command button) to a 'Booking Details' form. Within 'Booking Details' I have 2 sub forms - 'Booking Quote' and 'Booking Payments'. Both subforms are linked to the 'Booking Details' form by the 'booking ref' field with RI.

I have no problem updating information in the 'Booking Quote' subform, but when I try to add information to 'Booking Payments' it states the above message.

Can anyone please advise as to how I can prevent this happening? I'm slowly losing my mind....!!!

Many thanks,


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Tables :: Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because A Related Record Is Required In Table

Oct 22, 2012

Currently I keep getting this error: "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table"..My current tables are this:

Primary Table with persons info:

Primary Key - Auto number generated

I have 4 other tables with use check boxes.


Table 1 - Geographic locations visited

ID - Auto generated

Table 2 - Languages Spoken
ID - Auto generated

Table 3 - Skills
ID - Auto generated

Is this not a genuine one-to-one relationship table? I mean No two people would have had visited the same places and speak the same language no? I tried to create a one to one relationship with the primary key to the auto generated ID of the child tables but I'm sure that is not how you do it. Also when I try to save the check boxes in my form and I close it and come back it doesnt save and is blank again. Is it because my form gets its information from a query that takes all the information from all the tables.

how I can get this to work properly? Am i to make use of a foreign key? I've read a lot about it online and watched youtube videos but I dont see why I need it here in this case. Is there a way to set the IDs in the child tables to be the ones from the primary table? Or do I have to use a foreign key and manually input the primary ID into them?

Or would it be better to have all these child tables in the primary table and have one large table instead? I just didnt do that because one of them has like 20 checkboxes with cities and locations

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Cannot Add Or Change A Record Because Related Record Is Required In Table

Aug 12, 2013

I have a problem with my access form, it said "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table". I have attached the access file.

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Can't Add Change Record Related Record Required

Jan 24, 2007

Can someone help me out by looking at my database I've been messing with it for 3 days and I can't figure it out.
I have 4 tables each are in a 1 to 1 relationship. From there I have a query that is for every field between the 4 tables. I then have a Tab Control form with 4 tabs and it uses the qryAll I have setup. when I enter on the form I can enter info on all 4 tabs but if I try to go to a different record I get the message "You can't add or change a record because a related record is required in tblScouts". I have tried so many different options. I had even posted yesterday trying to do the same thing but my tab controls had subforms on them. The_Doc_Man was helping me with that issue but I couldn't get that to go either.
Would anyone be willing to look at it for me and explain to me what I was doing wrong?


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Cannot Add Record To A Table Because Related Record Is Not Recognized

Feb 13, 2008

Hi everyone,
I am using Access 2007 and I have a database with 2 tables. The original table has a primary key field designated. I have a relationship between that table and a second table and that relationship has "enforce referential integrity" checked.

In the secondary table the field that the relationship is bound to is not a primary key but has the same field properties.

I created a new record in the original table and created the primary key of "T-124". When I attempted to add the same data to the field in the second table, I recieved the following error message: "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required" in the other table.

I did create the record in the other table:eek:

Can anybody help????:(

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Queries :: No Related Record To Be Counted As 0 (zero)

Dec 18, 2013

One to Many tables:

tbl_Doctors - Main Table : PK is doc_ID
tbl_Patients - Related Table : PK is pat_ID and 'related key' is docpat_ID

Dr. John has 3 Patients
Dr. Sam has 7 Patients
Dr. Andrew has "No Patients" IE. NULL

The (totals)Query:
Group by doc_ID (tbl_Doctors)
Count of pat_ID (tbl_Patients)

It works but ofcourse it does not include Dr. Andrew - as it shouldn't, because there is no related record in tbl_Patients.

What must the WHERE statement be to include Dr Andrews' number of Patients and display it as "0" (zero) ?

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Reports :: Database For Managing Time Related Contracts

Jan 24, 2014

I have a database for managing time related contracts.

I need to be able to run parameter queries but if I query the data by start date then and contracts which are current but started before the first date entered in the query (this is the same for end dates) are not shown.

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General :: Update Record ID To Another Record ID In Same Table And Update Related Records

Aug 22, 2013

I have a table called tblCompanies. When a company acquires another company, I need a method by which the acquired company's CompanyID (PK) can be updated to the new company's CompanyID (PK). I also need to be able to update all related CompanyIDs (FKs) to the new value in related tables.

In cases in which the new company does not have an existing record, there is no problem: the company name simply gets changed to the new company and the existing CompanyID is maintained. I then use an audit table and Track Changes function to keep track of the company name data and a union query to keep the old names in the selection lists.

The problem is when both companies already have existing records in the table.

So, let's say I have records for Company A and Company B. Company A merges with Company B and Company B is now the main record. What is the best, simplest and easiest way to update the CompanyID (PK) from A to B and change the CompanyID (FK) to the new value in all related tables?

I am envisioning a pop-up form that directs the user to select the new company and then an update query happens behind the scenes... but exactly how does the criteria for the update query get selected and how do all the related tables get updated? My vba skills are pretty basic, will I need extensive coding to do something like this?

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Modules & VBA :: Control Tip To Show Related Record From Another Table

May 18, 2015

Is it possible to have the control tip show related records from another table?

I've been looking around the internet, and I've seen many examples for showing concatenated fields on current record, but had no luck with what I'm trying to do.

For example.

I have a continuous form, and on it shows top line data. Where a record in this form shows as "Split" it means I have more data related to this record on another table.

Is it possible to show however many fields are related to this record, when I control tip, or mouseover?

I've been playing with

Me.textbox.ControlTipText = Me.textbox

but was wondering, if this is possible, how I'd reference the other table,

If said column of continuous form is "split"...
lookup related table by ID number
show however many columns of data..

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