Forms :: Remembering If Checkbox Has Been Clicked In A Form

Jul 3, 2013

Here's the scenario:

I have a table of Clients, each of which can have zero or more Contacts. Clicking the Contacts button on the Client form opens a pop-up form that displays the Client's Contacts.

Each Client can have a default Contact, indicated by a DefaultContact checkbox on the Contact form. If the user checks this checkbox, I want to run a piece of code that checks whether any of this Client's Contacts are already set as default and, if so, warns the user before proceeding. If the user goes ahead, 'default' status is assigned to the current Contact & removed from the other.

It seems to me that the obvious place to do this is on the Contact form's BeforeUpdate event, when the record is being saved. However, it's only necessary to do this when the DefaultContact checkbox has been clicked. But there's no 'Dirty' flag for checkboxes & the only way I can think of is to set a global (within the scope of the form) variable and get the BeforeUpdate code to check it before running my 'Default Contact' code above.

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Remembering Field Location On A Form

Feb 10, 2005

I have a form with a sub form (ms access). On the subform are a number of textboxes for input by the user. What I need is for the sub form to "remember" the last textbox it was in when the form closes. Then, when the form opens again, the focus in the sub form "returns" to the last text box it was at when the user wants to continue entering data.... This resolves a problem with the user overwriting existing data on the subform because they "forgot" to go to the textbox where further data needs to be entered.
I set up an "extra" field in the database, and included it on the sub form so it could be used as areference point. The text box is called "NameFld". However, my further attempts at resolving this issue via vba are not working.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Forms :: Form That Adds Data To A Table Depending On Which Option Was Clicked In Combo Box?

Sep 30, 2013

i have a standard database with tblProducts, order, employees, customers, suppliers etc. i also have a table called tblperson with personID which acts as a one, with the many in three different tables (customers, suppliers and employee) the person table holds data such as first name last name address city postcode and phone. now, ive created a form called frmPerson that acts as a adding data to my database. ive got a load of buttons a working add, delete and a save button, i also have the option to switch through records next, last, end and first. now basically in this form i want to be able to add data i.e. fill out the text boxes and then have a combo box or something similiar that when i add the data i can basically click an option the says 'employee' 'supplier' or 'customer' and then the data gets added to my person table however the difference is that it will also be associated to the record in the wanted table.

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Forms :: When Clicked Form Opens To Blank Record And Won't Show Previous Records

May 6, 2015

I've recently decided to move a database that had all its information on 1 table and divided it into multiple tables.

Attached is the relationship as well as the form.

The issue I have is that when I click the form, it only shows a blank record with none of previous records.

Data entry is already set to NO. I'm wondering if it's an issue with my relationships, tblStudioDescription is the parent table and the others are child tables so I linked them with the ID and set referential integrity.

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Forms :: New Form Using Checkbox

Oct 10, 2013

I downloaded Checkbox open from this site. It uses option group for the checkboxes

It runs perfectly when I double click in access but i would like to use this in vba when called from another form. When i put the code in and try to run it I get the error:

Compile Error
Method or data member not found

It is referring to .Frame8

Here is the code I used:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Mainform", acNormal

Select Case Me.Frame8
Case 1
Open Form 1
Case 2
Open Form 2
Case 3
Open Form 3
Case Else
MsgBox "You did not make a selection"
End Select

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Forms :: Making Textbox Visible On A Form If Checkbox Is Checked On Same Form

Aug 30, 2013

I am having a problem with making a textbox visible on a form if a checkbox is checked on the same form. I have done research on this site and have written the code below, but I am getting a Syntax error, see yellow highlight.

- My checkbox is named: Case is a Readmission from WRCA IP to WRCA IP
- My textbox is named: Date of Current IP Admission (I have defaulted this textbox to not visible).

Here's the code I have written:

Private Sub Case_is_a_Readmission_from_WRCA_IP_to_WRCA_IP_Clic k()
If Case is a Readmission from WRCA IP to WRCA IP =true then
Date of Current IP Admission.visible=true
Date of Current IP Admission.visible=false

[Code] .....

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Forms :: TBO Value According To Button Clicked

Jun 22, 2014

I have a form, with just two buttons, say "Tyre" and "Engine". These buttons open the same form, say frmCar.

What I want to do is when I click the "Tyre" button, a tbo in the frmCar to get as value "Tyre" and when I click the "Engine" button, the same tbo in the frmCar to get the value "Engine".

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Forms :: Calculation Only Displays When Clicked

Jan 8, 2014

I have a form which has a few calculations on which are:

TotalPrice - =Nz([Quantity])*([UnitPrice])

Then at the bottom to calculate it all:


This has been working perfectly fine however the TotalPrice is no longer calculating the UnitPrice x Quantity and the TotalCost isnt calculating as nothing appears in the TotalPrice. However when we click the fields the data is diplayed but only on clicking, if we leave the record and go back its back to blank again.

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Forms :: Open Another Form If Checkbox Is Checked?

Apr 7, 2013

I am trying to write an IF statement as a macro on the OnClick property of a checkbox and can't get it to work. Basically, if the checkbox is checked (for Yes) I want it to open another form. (The checkbox is a field on a subform on a form).

I haven't even gotten this far yet, but I would also like the IF statement to include an AND other words I want the IF statement to basically say if the box is checked for yes AND the offer status field ="Accepted", then open another form. If either is False, then I don't want it to do anything except display a message box saying they can't initiate a contract is both conditions aren't true.

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Forms :: Filter Form Using Checkbox And Combo

Aug 21, 2013

I have a reservation form and I want to tick a checkbox that will filter the form based on what is in the "Reservation Status" combo box.When the checkbox is ticked, the code would remove all records that have "Complete" as a status in the "Reservation Status" combo box. The non-working code that I currently have is:

Private Sub chkHideComplete_AfterUpdate()
On Error Resume Next
If Me.chkHideComplete = True Then
Me.filter = "[ReservationStatus] = 1"
Me.FilterOn = True


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Forms :: Set Focus To Text Box Once Button Is Clicked

May 28, 2014

What do I need to put into a macro attached to a command button to set the focus to a text box once the button is clicked?

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Forms :: Creating Records Only When ENTER Clicked?

Jun 18, 2015

I have a form that when the end user is searching for previous records it creates an erroneous record based off of the search criteria. I want it to create a record ONLY when the "Enter" button is pressed.

Is there a way to limit the form to creating records only when ENTER is clicked on?

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Forms :: Add Additional Filter To Unbound Form - Checkbox?

May 27, 2015

I need to add an additional filter to my unbound form and can't seem to get the syntax right -

I have a text field in my form "[B Style]" that has either a "Y" or "N"

I want to add a checkbox on my main form where, if checkbox=True then [B Style]="Y"

Private Sub ckBStyle_Click()
Dim stFilter As String
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Modify_OpenItems"
If Me.ckBStyle.Value = True Then
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , ("[B Style]" = "Y")
Else: DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
End If
End Sub

stDocName is opening but is completely blank.

Incorrect syntax?

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Forms :: Enable / Disable Checkbox On Continuous Form

Apr 5, 2015

I am asked to create a checklist for a number of tasks to be executed in a particular shift. However in some tasks can be skipped. There are three shifts per day.

To accomplish this i have created a continious form with a number of checkboxes per task which represent the days of the week. The tasks itself are stored in a seperate table with a checkbox per shift (task settings). If the tasks must be performed in a particular shift, the checkbox is activated (= true).

Goal here is, if a task doesn't have to be executed in a shift the task should not be visible on the continious form. The recordsource of the continuous form is a query, which contains a join between the table with the task settings and the table with the tasks performed.

I have placed some code to perform the task in the form's current event

In the continuous form current event I have placed for every checkbox the following code:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me. PerformTaskShift.Value = True Then
Me.MaandagOchtend.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

However when i execute the code and load the form, not only the checkbox in the row mentioned are set invisible, all the rows are. Is there any way to set only the checkboxes on the rows mentioned invisible, in stead of all rows?

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Forms :: Opening A Form / Text Box When Checkbox Is Ticked?

Aug 19, 2015

I'm a novice user of Access 2013.

I would like to be able to use a checkbox control to make either text boxes or forms appear when ticked, ultimately to stop a form being so untidy/to conserve space. I'd be using this on multiple occasions.

(If actioned, would it automatically shift the other controls in the form down to make space, or would it just overlap?

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Forms :: Getting Subform To Open To A New Record When Button Is Clicked

Mar 3, 2015

I have a subform [ctrlLogDetail] on a parent form [incidentdetails] that is opened by the user when they click on a button on a navigation form. These forms are used for a variety of purposes. The problem I'm having is that the user needs to be able to select an incident number and go to the appropriate form (I accomplish this by using this code: DoCmd.OpenForm "IncidentDetails", acNormal, , "Activity_ID = " & Me.cboINum in the on click event of the button.) This works appropriately. The subform is also appropriately linked to the parent form.

I need an additional line of code to have the subform go to a new record when the form opens to an existing incident number. Since I use this form/subform when doing different tasks, having the Docmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew in the Form on open event isn't optimal.

I only want the LogDetail subform to open to a new record when the user wants to add an entry, but not when they need to edit a specific entry. What is the appropriate syntax to use either in the openargs event of the openform command or elsewhere in the procedure so that the gotonew function on the subform only occurs when this button is clicked? I'm having difficulty getting access to understand that I want the subform to open to a new record but not the parent form.

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Forms :: Display Different Subform Depending Upon Which Control Is Clicked

Aug 21, 2014

I am creating a database to manage multiple mobile devices. The table structure is complete and I'm trying to build a set of forms.

Simplifying things, I have tblUser, tblSim and tblDevice. I also have a tblJoin where you can select a UserID, SimID and DeviceID to create an item of inventory.

I have created a parent form (frmCreateInventory) base on tblJoin, so it has JoinID and combo boxes for UserID, SimID and DeviceID in the lefthand side.

I have also set up 3 sub forms sfrmUser, sfrmDevice and sfrmSim, based on their respective tables, which I want to display on the right hand side of frmCreateInventory.

I'd like to be able to create a subform control in frmCreateInventory, but change the subform it displays based on what combo box is clicked, e.g. if I click the UserID control, the subform displays sfrmUser, and the relevant data based on the UserID that is linked to the JoinID. if I click the DeviceID control, the sfrmDevice is displayed and the relevant info etc. etc.

Is this possible? if so, how would I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Combo Box To Show Report Of Selected Name When Clicked

Jun 7, 2013

Any way, I have created a table "accountstbl" to which i have AccountsID, Accountnumber, Accountname, Accountaddress, Accountcontact fields.

My question is i created a form with a combo box linking it to the accountstbl and Accountname field. When i click on the combo box it lists all my Accountnames from the accountstbl which i want but i want to click on an account name and once selected it will show a report of the selected name.

Reading through lengthy pages there is reference to event procedures but this is code which i do not know.

Simples is me select name from combo box and voila you have a report of your selected account name.

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Forms :: Check Box Control - Unable To Uncheck When Clicked

May 30, 2013

In a current form I want to display a checkbox that can be checked or unchecked. Based on if the box is checked or not, a value will be placed in a field when the record gets updated or created...

I have created a check box but when I click it, I am unable to uncheck it, Im pretty confident I can do the later part in coding it into the database... its just having the free ability to check it or not!

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Forms :: Locked Checkbox To Make Form Fields Not Editable

Apr 3, 2013

I am using Access 2010 and I have my tables hidden in the navigation pane (I don't have any concerns about users finding the tables to make edits), however I am looking to "lock" all fields on a form once a user saves the record. The concern is that when they go to enter a new record they may end up on a previous record and overwrite the information. My thought was to create a checkbox on the table that I can edit each week to lock records. At that point, what type of code can I create or use that will lock records on the form?

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Getting A Hyperlink To Work When Clicked On A Form

Apr 8, 2015

I,m trying to get a hyperlink working on a form.I've used some code I copied from another access user I found online to browse for the required file. I can't open it though in form view. The link to the file is below.Also is there a way to display a hyperlink to the file as a symbol or e.g. ... (some full stops) to reduce the form box size and hide the complete file path.URL...

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Forms :: Multiple Records From Single Form Based Upon Checkbox Values

Feb 10, 2015

Currently we track areas of non-conformance for a fleet of flight simulators. Each flight simulator has a particular ID number. In some instance an area of non-conformance is associated with a single simulator, at other times it is a fleet wide issue and applies to all or some simulators. In order to track as well as advise leadership and the contractor responsible for maintenance of the simulators of the situation we generate individual response letters.

In order to track each instance of non-conformance my idea was to create a new record for each deficiency. In the event that it is applicable to multiple simulators I would like to fill out the form with all pertinent data and then place a checkbox associated with each simulator and when the record is saved, it creates one record for each simulator with a checkbox ticked.

Once the deficiency on each simulator is fixed, I would check a box for a field called rescinded, which would remove that particular deficiency on that particular simulator from the active list of deficiencies but the others would still remain because they are associated with unique records.

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Forms :: Disable / Lock Fields On Form And Subform Based On Checkbox

Feb 15, 2014

I am trying to lock records on a form and subform after a checkbox has been ticked, have used the code below from a previous post.

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Locked = -1 Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowAdditions = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False

[Code] .....

This is locking the Main form records is there a way to code this so that the fields on the subform are also locked when the checkbox is ticked?

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How To Identify Which Record In Continuous Form Was Clicked On

Nov 6, 2011

I have a continuous form with an image and a text box on it. When the image is clicked, some text should appear in a text box. The problem is that the text appears in the text box of the incorrect record.

Suppose the first record is the 'current' record (i.e., having the record selector to its left), and the user clicks on the image in the third record. Then the text appears in the first record, not the third.

Is there a way to find out which of the records was clicked on? Or, can I change the current record to be the one whose image was clicked on?

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Forms :: Check / Uncheck Checkbox On Parent Form If Records Exist Or Not In Subform

Jul 23, 2015

I have a parent form which has a yes/no checkbox in the form's record source. Then in that parent form I have a sub-form. If NO records exist in the sub-form I want the checkbox to be UN checked. If records DO exist in the sub-form, I want the checkbox to be CHECKED.

But I want this to happen as records are added or deleted from the sub-form. In other words, if the parent form is opened and no records exist in the subform then the checkbox should be unchecked. But as soon as the first record has been entered in the subform, the checkbox on the parent form should be checked. Likewise, as soon as the last record has been revoved from the sub-form, the checkbox on the parent form should be unchecked.

What code do I need to accomplish all of this?

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General :: Hyperlink In A Form - Run Time Error When Clicked

Sep 20, 2013

I am having a problem with Hyperlink in a form when I click it tells me Run time error Microsoft access cannot follow hyperlink. Each records has its own link for specific file. If I click the link in the table it opens with no problem but in the form I get the error message to debug or end if I hit End it open the link.

Looked at the form - on click event procedures my command is

followhyperlink me.privileges

Am I missing something.

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