Forms :: Repeating Input In All Query Records

Nov 3, 2014

I have a query that I am running based off two tables. To one of the tables I add a few blank fields as my boss wants me to calculate the accounting portion. I work at an budgets unit but as IT. Anyways, I ran the query and opened it in a form for the Analyst to input their numbers. So every other field is calculated. A + B = C.

I have something in field A and I am putting the input in field B to get teh results in field C. So that's say that I queried for a certain analyst and I get four records. When I input anything into first record the input is in all the records for field B. This is where I am having a problem. I only want to input into the the corresponding record and not all the records I query.

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Forms :: Filter To Prevent Repeating Records

Aug 7, 2015

I need to create a form and report. I created a Form now (i want to Report too.) but i saw, some field records are repeating themself.

I give an example :

ID Group Project Name Maintainers
1 A X-File Top-Secret Saruman
1 B X-File Top-Secret Gandalf
1 C X-File Top-Secret Radagast

On my report or form i want to see only :

ID: "1"
Group: "A" , "B" , "C"
Project: "X-File"
Name: "Top Secret"
Maintainers: "Saruman" , "Gandalf" , "Radagast"

Is that possible to filter records like that ? and How ?

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Help With Repeating Records

Nov 29, 2006

My table has the following fields

ItemNo Name ImageName DateRecd
123 Foo 00123.jog 1/1/06
123 Foo 00FOO.jpg 10/11/06
123 FOO FOO123.jpg 7/5/04
456 bar 00456.jog 6/10/06
456 BAR 00BAR.jpg 7/5/00
456 Bar BAR456.jpg 11/23/06

How would I write / get a query to run and show me, the 2nd item numbers, the 123 but only the most recent date so 10/11/06 and for itemno 456 the item dated 11/23/06

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Forms :: Input Multiple Records At Once

May 22, 2014

A little bit of context first: I am producing a database to store information on overhead line structure renewals.

I have a table called tblStrucTasks with four fields; Task ID, Structure Type, Create (specifies whether the structure is to be created or removed) and Task. I need to enter multiple records which will have the same Structure Type and Create fields but different Task fields. There are many tasks for each structure so I'd like a form where you only have to select the Structure Type and Create fields once. Some sort of list where the tasks could be typed in would then be perfect.

I'm not sure whether this should be done with VBA or queries. I'm new to databases so I don't know a lot about queries but I have a little bit of experience with VBA from Excel.

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Combo Box Value Is Repeating On All Forms

Dec 4, 2012

I have a form with a combo drop down box to select item from.The problem is once i've picked from a list this result shows up on all forms from #1 to end. I only need value picked to become record, only for that record.

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Forms :: How To Avoid Creating Extra Empty Records In Input Form

Sep 18, 2014

I always have a problem with input forms in Access in that I usually end up with an empty excess record which is being created because I do not know how to program this correctly.

I have a Purchase Order Receipt form (frmPurchase). When I receive a certain quantity of an article associated with a lot number (or a serial number) I have another input form opening up (frmLotorSerial), passing to it through Openargs, the article and the quantity received.

Say we receive 10 units of which we want to register the serial number, I want the user to be able to enter a maximum of 10 units (could be 10 records if each record = 1 serial number, but it could be less than 10 if we have several units per lot number), and not one more, into this frmLotorSerial.

The record looks like this:
-artno (article)
-recqty (quantity received)
-lot number

I used the lost_focus event on lot number to check whether the total received quantity in this form matches the total passed to it from the Purchase form, and if it does to stop the input. Since I could not close the window in the code of this event (error 2585) I moved the close command to the current event of the form.

Doing this closes the form all right, but it always creates one record extra, which of course does not carry any information, apart from the date which has a default value of now.

How should I program/what events should I use to:
-test that the user should not go any further (total received in frmLotorSerial = total received in frmPurchase)
-close the window and, above all, not create this extra record.

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Forms :: Repeating Controls In A Form

Jan 7, 2014

I have a form that uses VBA codes to write all the info from the controls in the form into different relational tables. I was stopped at the point that I wanted to have repeating controls. Collect multiple instances of the same type of data, such as in the case of writing many people's Name, Age and Specialty in the Employees table. How do I do that? What is the VBA code for this task?

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Repeating Query

May 12, 2006

As posted here

I thought its better to mention it here as well:

How do I get the query to repeat itself to gernerate extra rows of info.

I have "[Enter Ingredient Code]" in the criteria section on one column, this gives me a popup when starting the report to enter the code. I would like to have this reappear to enter more information. Maybe the action to with another pop up box like

"Would you like to add another ingredient"
"Yes" "No"

Click on yes and the query will rerun and enter the data in, select no and the report is made.


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How To Pull Records Based On Input And Input-1

Sep 22, 2015

I need to be able to query the service dates for the bill. So I can query 1509 for the .billYYMM and .readdate and it will give me the TO Date. How do I in the same query tell the query to subtract 1 from the BillYYMM that I just entered and give me the read date for that field in that query? So Query 1 MBRHISTDETL.BILLMOYR and in the criteria box use [Enter the Bill Month Year YYMM you want to search for] will allow me to run the query at any time for any bill month year that I enter. So another field in that query is MBRHISTDETL.READDATE. So to get the FROM date and the TO date i need the following MRBHISTDETL.BILLMOYR (whatever I enter as input) and MBRHISTDETL.READDATE that corresponds and then I need [MRBHISTDETL.BILLMOYR]-1 and MBRHISTDETL.READDATE. The first gives me the TO date and the 2nd gives me the FROM date?

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Show Records In Query Based Off User Input In Form

Nov 3, 2005

Ok this might be basic stuff i'm a bit dumb

I have a query showing lots of records of equipment that is in different rooms. I would like to have a form where the user can bash in a room number and all the records from the query that have that room number in it pop up.

Please help the dumb

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Repeating Rows In A Query?

Mar 27, 2014

I am attempting to perform a normalization process in a query where an organization would be operating in several different states and different countries. I have created three tables where: one table is Organization, second table is Country, and the third table is State. I made a table to record: Organization ID, Country ID and State ID. An organization could have 1 or more countries while having no US states. Also the organization could have 1 or more countries while having 1 or more US states.

What I am seeing is in my query is:

Organization | Country | State
Organization | Country | State
Organization | Country |

What I am wanting to see is:

Organization | Country, Country, Country | State, State

In the end, I want to make a mail merge from this query table.

How can I 'normalize' the query?

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Query - Lookup/Query Repeating Data Entery

Nov 28, 2006

I am creating a database for a hyperthetical car hire company.

I have a field with a lookup/query. The data that this query searchs for is entered into my table/form already. Is there anyway of avoiding repeating this data twice?


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Queries :: Creating Query Without Repeating Duplicate Relationships

Feb 13, 2014

I have two tables that look like this:

Table 1

1.12 ,100
1.13 ,100
1.14, 12
1.15, 12
1.16 ,150
1.17 ,150
1.18 ,100

Table 2

A , 12
B , 12
C ,100
D ,12
E ,100
F ,100
G , 150

I would like to do a query that Joins the "Size" in each table, and then matches an "Item" to a "Location". However, because of how a normal join works, I cannot seem to figure out how to limit the "Location" field from producing duplicates in the match.

I only want to have 1 location for every 1 Item.

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Queries :: Access 2010 Query Is Repeating Data

Jun 10, 2015

and I have several queres using the same table. I was trying to add 2 columns and fields to my 1 querie. I do not use program much but I have it for my cattle. SO I was clicking around. Went to Table and went to add the field.I changed my Primary Key field then realized I should not have done that.I changed it back to "ID" and "Number" and added my fields. THEN I went to the one querie and added my columns and fields.However NOW the one querie I messed with has 30,888 rows as it just repeats the 20 or so rows over and over .The other queries do not and they use some of the same data "ROWS" from the table

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Queries :: Correlated Query Returning Only 1 Record And Repeating

Aug 10, 2014

I have SQL query/dual sub-query in MS Access that is returning data from the left side of the query FROM correctly, but is only returning one record from the right side of the query FROM. Furthermore, it repeats the display of the one record and it repeats the entire results set with a different one record each time until all the records have been displayed. I expect that problems described as "Furthermore" will not exist by fixing the one record issue. I have tried using all the join types available in MS Access, but none change the result.

The desired output is:
Yellow Blue
11/23/2013 11/19/2013
11/19/2103 10/01/2012
10/01/2102 10/08/2010
10/08/2010 12/14/2007

The actual output is:
Yellow Blue
11/23/2013 11/19/2013
11/19/2103 11/19/2013
10/01/2102 11/19/2013
10/08/2010 11/19/2013
11/23/2013 10/01/2102
11/19/2103 10/01/2102
10/01/2102 10/01/2102
10/08/2010 10/01/2102

The same pattern is repeated 2 more times with Blue values of 10/08/2010 and then 12/14/2007.

Here is the SQL:

SELECT Long_List.Yellow,Short_List.Blue

[Code] ....

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Repeating A Query On Query Returned Data?

Apr 1, 2008

is it possible to repeat a query on data returned by the same query while returning it to a single table?

i have a query that runs on the following info:
PartNumber - the part number of an item
AsmNumber - the part number of the item the part belongs to
IsAsm - true/false on whether or not the part is an assembly

(see attached database)

the current query, when 11135 is used as input, returns 11124, 11165, 11103, and 11155. likewise when 11165 is entered the query returns 11109, 11110, and 11111.

i would like the query to return 11124, 11165, 11109, 11110, 11111, 11103, and 11155 when 11135 is entered.

the sample database attached is stripped down but accurately reflects what i'm working with. i do not know how many sub-assemblies belong to a top-assembly (could be zero, one, or sixteen), therefore i think the 'sub-query' would use the 'IsAsm' value as some sort of criteria - yes?

if what i'm asking is impossible, i'm very open to suggestions as long as they work with the data given.

i appreciate any help (especially being this is my first post) and apologize for the verbose post, i'm not good with brevity.

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Multi-table, Multi-criteria: Avoid Repeating Records

Apr 10, 2008

Hi everyone. Apologies if this has come up before, but the search terms I've tried here and on google keep turning up the wrong information.

At work I manage a large database with many tables. It stores data for participants in a research study. Each table stores the data for a different test, so one participant may have multiple records. Primary keys for these tables are defined by a combination of the participant and date of test fields. (Everything is dependent upon a table that stores the static info for participants, so the database is normalized.)

I want to be able to make a table that lists target participants and dates, and then create a query that looks at this table and pulls all the available data from various tables for those individuals that was recorded within one year of the target dates.

I've successfully made queries that meet these criteria while pulling data from only one table. The problem I'm having is that when I try to pull from multiple tables, each with it's own date field that needs to be used as a criterion, I end up excluding almost all the data, because most of the target participants do not have all the requested data within the target dates.

I've tried being inclusive with my criteria (using ORs), but then I end up with tons of data that I don't want and I need to filter through it, which defeats the purpose of the query.

Any advice on handling this issue, or do I basically just need to create a separate query for each table?

I'm sorry if this is too vague, but it's illegal for me to upload any of my own dataset. I could probably come up with an example if it's helpful, though.


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Forms :: How To Run A Query Based On Users Input And Search A Table

Dec 31, 2013

I have a TABLE with the following data:


I have a form with the folliwing data:

- text box for user to enter EMPID, txtEMPID

I would like to create a button to initiate a query to do the following:

- once the user enters a EMPID in the form, it will search in the TABLE under the EMPID field...
- if the user enters an EMPID that is in the TABLE...display "Y"
- if the user enters an EMPID that is NOT in the table...display "N"
- a error message box needs to pop up if "Y" to alert the user that "the EMPID already exists and that duplicate entries are not allowed"

One of my main questions is how do I run a query based on the users input and search a table? would the following work in the query?

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Forms :: Query Using Table - Indicate Previously Input Data In Case Of Duplicate Entry

May 30, 2015

table name : Schedule
Field 1 = Vessel code
Field 2 = Voyage
Field 3 = ETA
Field 4 = berthed
Field 5 = Sailed

there is a query by using above table and data entry form based on that query.

need to add following facilitate

While data entering, if given voyage number is already exist for the particular vessel code, msg should be pop up immediately at that time saying " This voyage number is already exist"

How could this be manage ?

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Modules & VBA :: Export Records By Date Based On Input Month

Nov 10, 2014

I am trying to export records to excel that are in a given month based on an input month. The user would select the month with the records desired and click the button to export them to excel. The attached zip file has an image of the database and the code behind the button is:

Private Sub Command33_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "HLA_TAT", , , "Len(Exception & '') > 0 AND Receive_Date > #" & Forms!HLA_TAT.Date & "#"
End Sub

[CODE] can not access referenced form HLA_TAT [?CODE]

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Forms :: Button Click Event To Choose Between Forms To Open Based On TextBox Input

Jun 7, 2013

Making a small database, Got 1 Table.

1. ContactDetailTable

Got 3 forms.

1. ContactIDForm
2. ContactInfoForm
3. NewContactFrom

In ContactIDForm it contain 1 textbox name 'TextBox' with Button Name 'Btn'

In ContactIDForm there is only 1 Text Box ContactIDTextBox and 1 Button. User Enters ID in TextBox and On Button Click Event it should check data from TextBox in Table name (ContactDetailTable) in field ContactID and if there is record matching, ContactInfoForm should Open else NewContactForm should open with ContactIDTextBox value in it.

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Forms :: Permit Only 50 Group Leaders To Input / Edit Data On Password Protected Forms

Jul 29, 2015

I am building a very comprehensive Membership Management Database with extremely useful facilities initiated by some 20 or 25 Queries..

The database includes 5 Tables which store data relevant to members, another which stores details of Interest Groups and a 3rd which stores which members are affiliated to which Group or Groups.

Currently the database is accessible only by a very limited number of persons and data can be entered/edited by only one person. The database, using Access 2010, is maintained on a desktop computer and synchronized to a copy on a Cloud.

My requirement is to permit some 50 Group Leaders to input/edit data on a Password protected Group Members Form such that that is the only element of the database that they can access. The Forms would have only 2 fields from which the user would select entries from drop down lists.

My query is ; is such a procedure feasible in principle and would I be correct in assuming that the user would require to have available a copy of Access.

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Repeating Rows

Dec 25, 2005

my problem is when i export data form table or query to textfile it give me repeating rows my computer is win me
help me

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Repeating Data

Dec 6, 2006

Here we go again i have another problem.

I am finding it very hard to explain my problem so i have attached a copy of my database:

Have a look at NUMBERPLATE OPTIONS in the booking table. When you click on this field you have to type in the END DATE and the CAR TYPE to generate a list of numberplates that can be selected. This END DATE and this CAR TYPE have already been enetered into the BOOKING TABLE for this particular record. Is there anyway of repeating this data entery?


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Repeating Information On New Record

May 25, 2007


I have a form, and I am on record "A". When clicking to add a new record "B" I want all the same information on record "A" to show on the new record "B".
How can I do this without using default?


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Repeating Names In Combo Box

Aug 6, 2007

Hello to all on this site, I am hoping someone here can help me in my journey to learning Access. I have some experience writing simple/moderate code in VBA for Excel, but I am now using Access to create a database to monitor/track progress on projects for an initiative at my work place.

My question revolves around using Combo Boxes. I have one table/form (tblEventSummary/frmEventSummary) where the user will enter data regarding a project they are working on. One field is called txtEventLeader. What I want to do is to create a combobox which will allow the user to either select a name from the dropdown list (of names that have been previously used) or to enter a new one. When entering a future form, I want any new names used to also be displayed in the combobox.

I was kind of successful doing this already using a query (qryEmployees), but if the same name is used in txtEventLeader, I then see that name twice in the combobox and in the associated query. I would appreciate any recommendations for what to do here. Hopefully I was able to ask a clear enough question...

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