Forms :: Required Field In Form And Not Table

Apr 29, 2014

Is there any way to require data into a field at the FORM level and not in the table?

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Forms :: Form Field Required After Update?

May 13, 2013

The data base I'm creating deals with Account numbers, I have a check box asking the end user what type of account they have Cell or no Cell, If they check yes to cell two other check boxes come up Primary/Backup.

Private Sub Cell_Account_Click()
If Me.Cell_Account = True Then
Me.Primary.Visible = True
Me.Backup.Visible = True
Me.Primary.Visible = False
Me.Backup.Visible = False
Me.Primary = Null
Me.Backup = Null
End If
End Sub

I would like to make it so that when clicking the Cell Account that it's required to select one or the other Primary/Backup?

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Forms :: Creating Required Field In A Form Before Moving To Next Record

Feb 5, 2014

I have created a Form based from a Table. On one of the fields, I need to be required inside the Form before moving to the next record of that form. I can not make the required field in the table, because I have to append information day to day.

Also, the required field is a combo box option that is limit to the list.

What kind of Code I can do inside the form of the specific field to make it required before clicking onto the next record. It does not matter if the processor closes out of the form before updating, only if moving to the next record.

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Forms :: Required Field On Subform

May 30, 2014

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

' This procedure checks to see if the data on the form has
' changed. If the data has changed, the procedure prompts the
' user to continue with the save operation or to cancel it. Then
' the action that triggered the BeforeUpdate event is completed.

Dim Ctl As Control

On Error GoTo Err_BeforeUpdate


THis code avoids a form being closed if a required field (with tag "*") is not filled. How can I expand it to fields on a subform?Another "issue", how can I personalize the error messages :

1) Can't save record at this time ... (required fields in my table)
2) Multicolumn index causes an error message "Ca't save because of duplicate value in primary key, index ...

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Forms :: Can't Get Subform To Be A Required Field To Be Filled In

Jul 16, 2015

I haven't programmed using Access in about 10 years and seem to have lost all knowledge of it.I'm struggling to make a really simple application. I need to keep track of which serial number is attached to which order.All I want is for me to be able to scan a barcode (or manually type the numbers) into a 'packschein' (packing list) and then to scan all the barcodes of the products' serial numbers relating to this packing list. Then preferably simply press the enter button or even better scan a barcode which launches the code to save the new entry.

So a packing list can have 1 or more serial numbers.However, the way I've set it up, for some reason it requires a packschein number (good), but then does not require a serial number. I have this feeling I messed up with the way the tables are meant to be linking to one another.

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Required Field In Form

Nov 3, 2004

I have a form that users update, but they continue to leave this one field blank and I have to go behind them to enter this date.

Field Name: OrigProcDt

This is a date field

I don't want this field to be a required field in the table, because it won't stop it anyways.

The record is already added by the clerical staff, the other users just update the record when it's time to.

The problem is that they need to enter a date in this field before leaving the record they are updating.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Forms :: Required Field Suddenly Needed During Filter

Feb 25, 2015

I have a form that I have opening in Filter by Form mode. It WAS working flawlessly, at least it was opening in that mode. It IS still requiring me to click on Toggle Fields once data is entered into controls to filter by, but that's another issue (I wrote a recent comment, but haven't gotten any response). Something different is happening suddenly that wasn't happening before. This form is a copy of a form needed to enter data.

Both forms read from a table which has several required fields. Suddenly, when I open the form to find records in ANY mode it's making me enter something into these required fields, even though I'm not searching/filtering by them. The message comes up "You must enter a value in the [Specific Required Field name here] Field." What did I do to make this start happening? How do I stop it? I DO want something to need to be entered in the required fields when new records are being entered and when things are being changed. However, I don't want it to be required during search processes.

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Forms :: Fields Are Required To Be Filled Out Even Though Not Set As Required

Nov 3, 2014

I have made a form based on related tables. it requires me to fill out every field, which I don't want. I didn't make them required. Why does it do that?

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Forms :: Subform Not Filling Required Info Into Table

Mar 15, 2013

I have a database which has been in production for quite a few years, it even made the swap from .mdb and .accdb without losing any of the functionality. Well I just had to export from access to new access to start a new file for one of our projects and now one of the subforms is not adding information into the table. The way the subform functions is it feeds information to the table Lease Tracts, at the same time it has another table Xrf Property Tracts Leases (I didn't pick the name and it drives me nuts too!)

When a user starts to add information into the subform the table lease tracts generates an auto number "tracref" which it adds onto the line where the user is inputting the rest of their information. The relationship is set as all alike between xrf and lease tracts to input in both tables, well the xrf lease num1 is being filled in by the master/child setting but the lease num1 on the lease tract is the only field not autofilling.

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Forms :: How To Bind Form Field To Table Field

Jul 22, 2013

I am creating a table which is called a New Connection Analysis from there I have created a form that is linked to the table. I the form I have created a combo box to show the different division e.g. Central, Western, Northern. Now the combo box is created but when I enter the data in the form once I select the division e.g. Central when I save it the data doesn't go to the Division list on the table.....How can that be fixed????

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Forms :: Linked Field From Other Table To Form?

Feb 24, 2014

I'm creating a form for orders. In this form I use a combo box to select a product from a table called "Products". In this table there is also a second column with the "PricePerUnit" How can I insert the PricePerUnit from the table Products into the table Orders when I select a product with the combo box?

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Forms :: Field Default Value On Form From Another Table

Jun 9, 2013

I have 2 tables: Product and Sales

In table Product, I have field "Product" and "Price"
In table Sales, I have field "Product" and "@ Price"

And there is form "Sales" which is based on table "Sales"

I would like to make "Price" the default value of "@ Price" where "Product" on form Sales = "Product" from table Product

I put in the following expression in the "After Update" event of Product on form Sales:

Private Sub Product_AfterUpdate()
Me.@Price.DefaultValue = DLookup("Price", "Product", "Product=" & Product)
End Sub

However, it keeps giving me this error:
Run time error '3075'
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Produk=abc'

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Forms :: Update Table Field Which Is Not In Form

Dec 2, 2014

I am working on a shared database. There are two tables in the database.Table1 have all the employee personal information like employee ID, name, nationality, date of birth etc whereas Table2 have the salary information like Basic, HRA etc. The two tables are joined by Employee_ID field.

I have created two forms, Form1 is only based on Table1 whereas Form2 have fields from both Table1 & Table2. The issue is that if I use to enter the data using Form1, the employee_ID is not automatically updated in table2. On the other side If i use to enter a data by using Form2 then everything is working fine. Is there a way to update a field value which is not in form?

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Forms :: Looking Up Data From A Table To Set Form Field Default

Feb 11, 2015

I have a basic invoicing setup, with a Form (Invoices) and subform (InvoiceDetails).When in the subform, i have a combo box to choose a Product Code (saved in table as PCode).I want now to auto fill in the NettPrice and (Product Description) PDesc fields in the subform row - by looking these up in the Products Table and entering the data into the relevant fields on the Subform. This lookup will be based on PCode.

I tried all sorts of methods and the one i favour, if i could get it to work, is setting up a Function then calling this function from the Default Value property of each field involved.So, for the Product Description field (PDesc), i created a Function as follows:

Function GetDesc () As String
GetDesc = DLookup ("[PDesc]", "[Products]", "[PCode] = " & Forms!InvoiceDetails!PCode)
End Function

Then i try to call by entering =GetDesc () into the Default Value property for the PDesc field.I seem to have a syntax problem with my function code.I know some of my values like NettPrice need not be fields on my Invoice Details table, but the prices change and I also need to be able to overwrite prices etc when typing invoice.

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Forms :: Pulling A Field From A Table Not Linked To A Form?

Sep 21, 2014

I have a contributor tracking table that is linked to a form of the same name. I created a make table from a query that calculates the total to date for each contributor (based on their contributor ID in the tracking table). I want to place this sum to date, in read only mode, on each contribution record for each contributor in the tracking table and on each master record in another table with the contact information for each contributor.

The contact table is in the one and the contributor tracking table is the many. If this isn't clear, I can upload the database. I essentially want to link a field from one table to a form with a different table source. The sum to date should only show for the record with a matching contributor ID.

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Forms :: Write Unbound Form Field To Table

Apr 22, 2015

I have a form which has an unbound text field which is a calculated filed showing a date which is x months after a separate field on the form.

I need to write this field back to a table in the database when an "add" command button is clicked.

The table is called Assets
The form is called Assets List
The text field on the form is called txtWED and needs to be written back to the table "Assets" in the field "Warranty_End_Date"

If possible can I add this as an expression on an "add" command button?

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Forms :: Updating Table With Calculated Field On A Form?

Apr 13, 2013

A textbox on a form concatenates 2 strings. I want to insert that resulting string into a table .how can i do that ?

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Forms :: Table Form - Disable Fields Based On A Value Of Another Field

May 27, 2013

I have a table form (I want to have many records available in the screen)

I want to disable fields based on a value of another (main) field.

The fields are check boxes, so the automate formatting is not available.

I use the VBA code below:

Select Case name1
Case "POINT"
Me.sf1.Enabled = False:
Me.sf2.Enabled = False
Case Else
Me.sf3.Enabled = False
End Select

but the fields become disable to all records, not only to the records under the right condition. Why?

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Forms :: Display Field From Separate Table In A Form To Use As Reference

Mar 25, 2014

In my form (source tblJobs) i input a contract number from tblContracts. but i would also like it to show the contract address when the contract number is entered. Both fields belong to tblContracts but i only wish to enter the contract number, the address will just be used as a reference as it isnt something i would have to enter again.

So for example

112 - Main Road

If i enter 122 in my ContractNo field i would like it to show the contract address for that specific contract.

Can i do this? If So how?

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Forms :: Populating Null Field In Form From A Different Column In Same Table

Sep 15, 2013

I've been trying to populate a field in a form with information, but only if the field is blank.

What I am trying to do is this.

I have a continuous form displaying all of our principals, however when our principals are on leave I want to populate the field with the "acting principal". I have set it up so the field grabs the acting principal first but it is blank for several schools. For these schools where there there is no "acting principal" I want it to grab the substantive principal automatically and populate the field.

I have tried Is Null, Is Not Null, NZ, IF, Where and Then statements but to no avail.

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Forms :: Using Data From Another Table As Validation Criteria For A Field In Form?

Mar 24, 2015

I've two tables, QA (Quality Assurance) and Instruments. I'm using form to add data to QA.

There's a field in QA, named InstrumentUsed. The criteria is that InstrmentUsed should only accept value when 'status' field in Instruments table shows 'working'. If status is 'faulty' or 'need repair', it should pop up the related error message and cursor stays on the same field.

I've not starting learning VBA yet, so I'm trying to make use of Macro's.

How to use data from another table as a validation criteria for a field in form?

Pops up a MessageBox and stays on the same field, on the form, unless error is resolved?

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Forms :: Form Wizard Not Displaying Table Field Names

Apr 25, 2013

Access 2007 Pro.Attempting to use a query and a table to populate a 1:N form/subform using the Form Wizard. The wizard will not display the field names of the query.

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Forms :: Display Field List For The Table Associated With Form - Access 2010

May 21, 2013

I am new to Access 2010. When working with a form, how do I display the field list? The list of fields for the table associated with that form.

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Forms :: Combobox In A Form To List Values Of A Field In A Table - Rowsource

Apr 14, 2014

So I have a combobox in a form that lists the values of a field in a table. The rowsource is this:

SELECT [Estes Training Modules].[Training Module], [Estes Training Modules].[Period] FROM [Estes Training Modules] ORDER BY [Period];

The problem is that ALL values on that field show up, including repeated values. I only need each different value to show up once. How can I do that?

For example, what I get in the combobox is: Annual, 2-Year, Annual, Annual, 2-Year, 3-Year,...

What I need is: Annual, 2-Year, 3-Year,...

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Making A Field Required Based On Value Of Another Field

Jun 18, 2015

I am trying to do something that I would think is very simple but I'm having a hard time with it. I have a form that consists of questions that the user is needed to answer. It displays the question, a combobox where the User can select 'Yes' or 'No', and a textbox where the user can input their comments. What I would like to do it the following: if the user selects 'Yes' as an answer, I want the corresponding comments box to be required.

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Required Field

May 8, 2006

Hi. I want to have all my fields on my form to be required and so that the user cant close the form if they are empty (error message). In the table properties I have them set to Required an have tried putting in a validation rule of IS NOT NULL but it still dont work. any help appreciated. thanks

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