Forms :: Run Form Event Code Remotely?

Jul 7, 2015

I have a form in which job times for individuals is entered. As the data is entered, a macro fires to calculate various costs (Nat Ins/Pension/Total cost etc etc), and that data is stored in a table.

I now have written code to enable the inputting of the data into the database directly from the Excel sheet in which the data is first entered - this is great as it cuts out a data entry repeat and will be a big big time saver.

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Turn Off Db Remotely

Dec 11, 2007

I have a multi-user db. There are actually 3 computers all on a windows network that access the db, which is located on my hard drive. The computers are in different offices.
I've asked the users to please close the db when they are leaving for the day - so that it does not remain open - and lock me out of design mode. But they sometimes forget and leave the db open.
When I come in in the morning (I'm the first one here) I sometimes have to walk to their offices and close the db manually.
Is there any way to close the app from my computer - so that all instances of the db are closed? Perhaps even a button somewhere with vba code that would do it?

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Run Access Remotely

Feb 25, 2005

What do I do to run access remotely, i.e. the backend is in city 1 and the frontend is in city 2 both computers are connected via the internet

Help need


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Why Format Event Code Running On First Record Only

Aug 28, 2013

I have a report with several sub reports that run and fill a table conditionally. The third sub report displays the records from this table. It works perfectly.

If I print a batch of records, it also works perfectly - but only for the first record. Previously, I had another report with several sub reports where the visibility of objects were controlled - this worked fine in a batch. Every subreport had the correct visibility settings.

In this case, I have a similar design, but instead of setting visibility on the various subreports, I am filling a table based on data in the subreport. As stated it works great for the first one in the group, or any single print.

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Accessing Database Remotely

Oct 30, 2004


Can anyone help me please
I have a client database which is linked to website is there is anyway that the database can be linked remotely.

eg if one of the company staff is on the road and want to access the database to view and see what kind of info has been stored in there.
So that they can access the database remotely once its on the server.
How do you make it possible for this to happen or is there some VB programming need to be done to make this possible

What must be done to make this happen?

I hope this is clear


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Modules & VBA :: Assign OnClick Event To Control Through Code

May 27, 2014

Visual Studio IDE environment and I have been working with Access VBA for almost a year now.

I am very used to generating my form controls in runtime and being able to create some cool user interface interactions by being able to say btnExample.OnClick += MyDynamicClickFunction

MyDynamicClickFunction(Object sender, EventArgs e).... code

Any way to assign functions to the events of already made controls on a form. Probably during the load event?

Now I have found that there are many ways to replicate Visual Studio's features by accessing User32 and replicating them

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Modules & VBA :: Where To Place Code That Run Constantly Without Event Such As A Click

May 26, 2015

I'm currently trying to make the call answering screens a bit better in the call centre that i work in. i'm trying to make a caller i.d. for incoming calls. i have a reference library from the telephone software people in vba that lets me dial and hangup the phone, now i'm trying to place a text box on the form that will update to show the number of an incoming call which will enable me to search a table of contacts and display the details of the caller if they are available. i'm guessing that i need to create a loop that will run until there is an incoming call but i don't know where to place the code without it needing a mouse click or mouse over to trigger it. i just want it to run constantly.

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General :: Compact Remotely Using Batch?

Mar 29, 2015

Within batch file, I use the following command: MSACCESS.EXE mymdbpath /compact

I get the exclusive in use error. How can I suppress such error or warning messages from within the batch file?.

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Forms :: Cancelling Form Open Event?

Sep 11, 2013

I need to close a form after checking a condition in the Form_Open event.

I expected that by setting Cancel = True that the form will close but this does not happen.

DoCmd.Close also does not close the form.

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Reports :: Can Run Format Event Code For Each Report In A Multiple Record Set

Aug 16, 2013

URL...Essentially it seems like the format event fires only once with a docmd that has a where clause. If I print a single report it is perfect! Example one in the above post has a subreport, example 2 its very simply incorporated into the main report with no sub report.

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Forms :: Button Click Event On Continuous Form

Nov 25, 2013

I have a continuous form with a button 'Cmd1' & a textbox 'txtMail' which is set to visible no.

When the user clicks Cmd1 - then txtMail becomes visible.

I can do it using vba on the buttons click event but when it executes txtMail for all the records become visible.

How do I use a button's click event on the form's current record - Private Sub Form_Current() so that when the user clicks Cmd1 on the current record only txtMail for that record becomes visible.

I'm using Access 2007.

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Forms :: Recordsource - Slow Form Load Event

Mar 9, 2013

I've got a DB, which has 3 forms ( all 'under' 3 navigation buttons/tabs ). The main form ( Client's form ) is set to show first, and currently has a recordsource of about 1350 records. I think the size of the recordsource, and the fact it 'loads' the other two forms all 'in one go', is slowing it down ( between 5 and 10 secs. to load ).

I read I should set the Visible properties of forms, not shown immediately, to false, only setting them to True in the On_Load event - when Tab is selected. Ideal I thought. However, I can't find this property in the Form's property sheet.

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Forms :: Play Sound With Event On Open Form

Jun 7, 2015

How can I play a sound with event On Open Form.

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Forms :: Cannot Get Event Date To Populate In Case Form

Jun 4, 2014

I am having problems with my subform. I have a table that has events with dates. When I create a subform with eventnames, it shows up. However, I cannot get the eventdate to populate in the case form.

I have attached the database ...

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Forms :: Double Click Event Of Form Header

Nov 17, 2013

I want to add an event on Form Header when double click it will filter the values, which i did with macro, but could it happen on second time double clicking it it refreshes whole as original?

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Modules & VBA :: Office 2010 / Click Button Event Doesn't Run Code

May 27, 2014

In the Main Form , I have few buttons and I am writing the following code to open the right form when a button is clicked but unfortunately the code isn't doing anything. No form is opening. I am using MS office 2010.

Private Sub BtnOption_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acDialog
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Me!Label1.Caption = "Welcome " & Environ("username") & "!"


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Forms :: M2M / Master Child Form Design - Trigger Event?

Oct 14, 2013

How to structure some MS Access 2007 Forms for the following scenario.

My table structure is as follows:

ID (pk)

ID (pk)

ProductID (fk)
TagID (fk)

I want to have a main form that allows me to search for and displays a list of all products (and the dozen or so attributes for each product) that meet that criteria (I'm thinking a continuous form view of products).

So far so good. No problems.

Now I want a "tagging" form to the right of my continuous forms product list that is linked to the product which currently has focus. The tag panel should always show a complete list of all Tags. I want a checkbox next to each tag that I can switch on and off whether that tag applies to the currently selected Product. I also want to be able to add tags on the fly (without leaving the main form).

I think I have three forms in play :

Main Form
Product Form (subform to Main) my product search criteria is probably on this form header.
Tag Form (also subform to Main)

But with this approach I'm have trouble linking the two sub forms to each other. Actually, I'm having huge trouble figuring out how to display the list of all tags with a check box that when checked on and off creates / deletes a record in the ProductTag table and I really want Access to do as much of the CRUD as possible. I would prefer to avoid writing screeds of SQL INSERTS/DELETES on events. Am I asking too much of Access?

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Forms :: Update / Requery Subform Through On Close Event Of Another Form

Aug 2, 2013

I am working with 2 forms and a subform.

frmTaskTracker -subfrmInbox (Datasheet View - based on a query)


subfrmInbox displays a summary of tasks on a task list. The user navigates to frmUpdateInboxItem from frmTaskTracker. After updating a record from frmUpdateInboxItem, it is possible that it the record in question will no longer meet the requirements to have it listed on subfrmInbox.

I have attempted to add code to the on close event of frmUpdateInboxItem to requery the sub form on frmTaskTracker but am not getting the syntax correct.

correct my code? Alternatively is there is a more correct way to do this, I'd be happy to learn it.

Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmUpdateInboxItem"
End Sub

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Forms :: Refresh A Combo Box On Close Event Of Edit Form

Apr 21, 2015

I have a Main form with a combo box that pulls names from a table. Alongside the combo box is a command button that opens a form which allows the user to edit the names in the table.

The problem: When a user edits a name and closes the edit form, the edit is not immediately displayed in the combo box. However, when the Main form is closed and reopened, the edit is properly displayed. Can I somehow refresh the combo box in the On Close event of the edit form?

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Forms :: Onload Event - Open A Form And Update Caption Of A Label

Apr 15, 2013

I have some code on a button that opens a form and changes the caption of a label:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmRepair", , , , , , "CancelNo"
Forms![frmRepair].Form.[lblmain].Caption = "Missing Parts"

This code works well and frmRepair opens with the updated label caption. The original value was "Return/repair Information"

A few other things need to change on frmRepair depending on this caption as well as the values of some other fields, so I use the following code in the onload event (although I later tried the onopen even)

'Disable labels button if there is no RMA and the item is a repair
MsgBox Me.lblmain.Caption
If Me.lblmain.Caption = "Return/Repair Information" Then
MsgBox Me.txtRMA.Text

[Code] ....

However, I cannot get this to work as the "if" statement always returns "Return/Repair information" and not the modified caption. The message box confirms that this is the case.

I suspect that this has to do with the point in time that the frmRepair loads or opens and when my code enters the modified values.

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Forms :: Timestamp Record After Update Event And Copy Data Into Another Form?

Oct 2, 2014

I have a simple data entry form on which there are about 30 to 40 data fields to be update by users. One of the field is called "Stage" which is a combo box with 2 entries "Formal Case" and "Informal Case" with no default value whien a form is first opened.

Users will normally create a data entry which updates the table and save.

However if in future users open any one existing record and try to change Stage field from Informal to Formal or vice a versa I would then like this action to

1) update a time stamp concatinated with the stage change value in a text field perhaps

2) save/close the form

3) open a new form with all the existing entries(plus changed status of "Stage Field") with a new record ID and new time stamp.

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Forms :: Timer Event - Wait Until Form Fully Loaded Before Visible

Nov 7, 2014

I have tried using a timer event to not show a form until it is fully loaded, to no avail.

If CurrentProject.AllForms("FONNewEdit").IsLoaded = True Then
Me.Visible = True
Me.TimerInterval = 0
End If

I have tried using the onload, onopen but the form still displays before being fully loaded.

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Forms :: How To Use Data On A Form When Running Code Before Closing The Form

Feb 4, 2014

I have a bound form with a few fields. I would like to run a sub after some of these fields are modified, but not others. I would like it to run only once, after user finishes his work on the form.

When using the Unload event - the form on the form is not there anymore (or did I get something wrong?).

Is there a way to trap Data on form just before the form closes?

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Forms :: Using OnClick Event To Open Query Text Displayed In Form Field?

Oct 10, 2013

I have a table that holds the SQL texts for ca. 1000 Select queries (mostly minor variants that are used to programmatically swap out RowSource strings for combo boxes). I'd like to have a quick and easy way to open/review/modify these queries.

One strategy would be to display the SQL strings in a field on a Datasheet form, then use an onClick event on a text box linked to the SQL-holding field (or perhaps an onClick event tied to an unbound text box on the form) to open the associated query. That would allow me to view the SQL of the query that I want to open, allow me to quickly scroll through the list of stored SQL texts, and give me options for sorting or limiting the SQL-texts displayed in the datasheet form.

But, I can't seem to get the onClick event to work. The problem seems to be that I can't figure out how to pass the SQL string contained in the field to a function that will use that string to open the query .

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Forms :: Moving Form By Code On The Display

Jul 22, 2014

I'd like to do the following: when the user does something on Form A, Form B has to be open and the Forms should be located on the sides (Form A to the left side, Form B to the right side) of the display so the user can see them at a time.

However both Form A and Form B has an automatic centering function set when used alone.

Is there a way I could push this from code? I can't fine anything like that among the form's property.

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Forms :: Show VBA Code On Form That Will Not Open

Dec 19, 2014

In the initial Form_Open code there is a string that fails before the form is open, preventing me from opening the form and accessing the VBA code to correct the problem.How can I access the VBA code to correct the problem if it otherwise prevents me from opening the form so I can access the VBA code?

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