Forms :: Scan Barcode To Choose Item From Combo Box - Populate Textbox With Result

Jun 14, 2013

I'm working on a project that uses a barcode scanner. The user will scan a barcode which will choose an item from a combo box. The result of what it enters will populate a text box. I have that part working fine.

The next step is to get it to open a form based on the value in the textbox. The textbox will have about 7 different possible values and each one should open a different form.

The way this is supposed to work:

User approaches a machine and scans the barcode. He is presented with a form giving him options based on the type of equipment the machine is. A compressor for example would present him with a set of options for compressors (gauge readings, maintanence, etc).

I have an unbound form with two controls:


How to code this and which events to code it in. Users will be going from machine to machine and using the form over and over again so I need to somehow manage the clearing of the form to begin again with another barcode scan.

I saw another thread about a barcode scanner and one response was to program the scanner to send the barcode and then send an "Enter" press to move focus to the next control. I've looked through the documentation and haven't been able to find if that is possible. Right now it sends the number and that's it. It's a "Motion" Tablet.

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Forms :: Populate Textbox From Table Field By Clicking Item In Listbox

Aug 28, 2013

I am trying to populate a textbox from a field in a table based on clicking on a item in a listbox. User clicks a name from the Client table in the client field, and the date that is stored in the orderDate in the same row. I want the text11 textbox to show that date.

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Reports :: Scan Barcode To Equal Escape Command

Mar 4, 2014

I am trying to add a barcode to a report of mine that I can then scan in order to escape/close that report. The reason for this is my work station will not have a keyboard. The user will simply scan a work order number, this will bring up a report on screen with work order detail. Then to get back to main screen to scan next work order I need to be able to escape/close the current report without using a keyboard.

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General :: How To Scan Product Barcode Then Interpret It Into Data

Jul 25, 2013

I'm trying to make a database for some product that have barcode, but i don't understand how to scan product barcode then interpret it into data in access,,, and how later I can look for these data by using barcode.

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Forms :: Select Record In Combo Box And Populate Textbox

Sep 19, 2014

I am looking to have a combobox on a unbound form to select a product code (this i can do). However I want a textbox to auto populate with the description as well - both in the same table tblproducts - product_id, pcode, pdesc....

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Forms :: Button Click Event To Choose Between Forms To Open Based On TextBox Input

Jun 7, 2013

Making a small database, Got 1 Table.

1. ContactDetailTable

Got 3 forms.

1. ContactIDForm
2. ContactInfoForm
3. NewContactFrom

In ContactIDForm it contain 1 textbox name 'TextBox' with Button Name 'Btn'

In ContactIDForm there is only 1 Text Box ContactIDTextBox and 1 Button. User Enters ID in TextBox and On Button Click Event it should check data from TextBox in Table name (ContactDetailTable) in field ContactID and if there is record matching, ContactInfoForm should Open else NewContactForm should open with ContactIDTextBox value in it.

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How To Use A Combo Box To Populate A Textbox

Apr 27, 2012

This is what I have. What I need is to populate in my form PartNo with the PartNo from tblfbompart and have it populate PartDesc from tblbompart and have it place the information into tblMadeToStockParts PartNo, & PartDesc. Also choose Model from tblModel using a combo box and placing ModelID in tblMadeToStockParts.





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Using A Combo Box To Populate A Textbox/memo Field

Aug 9, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a form to hold students names, ID numbers, dates, etc. On this form I have a combobox that lists various school names only. From this combobox, I wish to select a school, then the address on the school selected appears in textbox/memo field.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks,


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Populate Textbox With A Field From Another Combo Box's Row/source Table

Jul 18, 2005

I've designed a data entry form based on a table. I use a few combo boxes, (linked via SQL statements for their row/source) to fill most of the fields in the table.

What I want to do is populate one textbox on the form with the contents of a field in one of the combo box's row/source tables. The field I want isn't shown in the combo box.

Basically, what I want is that when I choose a PART NUMBER from a combo box, I want the OEM_ID from the same table to jump into the textbox below it.

I think I may have tied myself in knots though to the point where what I want can't be done. Any ideas? I know this is probably going to take a couple of goes at explaining. :P

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General :: Populate Unbound Textbox With Combo Box After Update Event

Nov 13, 2012

I am populating a table using combo boxes in a continuous form. The box box alone works fine without any issue of repeated data. But as you know obviously the combo box only populates data in a single column of the table, in which case mine is the LASTNAME; so now I am attempting to populate a unbound textbox with the FIRSTNAME side-by-side with the combo box for the same record.

In the After Update event of the cboLASTNAME:

Me.txtFIRSTNAME = Me.cboLASTNAME.Column(3)

However, after updating the the combo the textbox data is repeated.

Is there a possible solution to this?

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General :: Combo Box To Populate Rich Text Textbox In Form

Aug 30, 2013

I am new to access and have been staring at the same Run-time error for 3 days (pathetic I know). I cannot for the life of me figure out why it does not like my Dlookup. Esentially, I want and After Update event in my combo box to populate a Rich text textbox in my form. After reading DLookup is the easiest way to make this happen. Here is my code:

Me.emailbody.Value = DLookup("[Escalation_1]", "Status_Emails", "Status_Emails.Status =" & (cboStatus.Value))

My error reads: "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Status_Emails.Status = LOCATION NEED MORE INFO'.

LOCATION NEED MORE INFO is the value in my criteria cbostatus.value.

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Forms :: Put Barcode In Field When Reader Scans Barcode / It Records Current Time

Nov 11, 2013

I want to be able to put a barcode in a field that when a reader scans the barcode it records the current time. Need it for access control to record who is in and out of the office. Reading other threads I understand it may be possible in Dlookup.

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Forms :: Fill Value In Textbox When Item From Combobox Is Selected

May 19, 2013

I have a table, Registration, with 8 fields:

inschrijvingsid,name,gemeente,gsm,telefoon,email,a ankomst,gerecht,personen

I have another table, Login with 3 fields : Naamid,name,,status

Then I have a combox that is connected with fldname from the table Login.

In that form I have 8 textboxes:


And status.

Now what I can't. I want when I select a record from tblLogin Like for example Daan that I see in the textboxes his info from the tableRegistration.

Also when I change the textbox Status it and click "Verander status" it changes in the database.

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Lookup And If Choose Item Send Info To Database

Nov 25, 2011

I want to develop (create) a database using MS Access 2007 or 2010 about

My ideas are:

1. Create a form to lookup items in the actual amazon website, and then sort the results of the search.
2. View the results. If I select Add to Cart or Add to Wish List, send the item information to my Access database.

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Forms :: Barcode Scanning Into Combo Box - MS Access 2003

Jul 31, 2013

I designed an inventory control software and we are managing our stock through barcode scanning, it is working well although i have a problem to solve that i have put a combo box for scanning code 39 barcode, upon scan the barcode a code is entered into combo box and then we need to press the "ENTER" key to go for new record, we would like to ms access form to automatically go to new record when a code input from scanner.

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Forms :: Choose Which Subform To Display From Combo Box?

Jun 16, 2014

I have a blank form with a subform. All I want to do is have a combo box with the names of the subforms in, and when you choose one it is displayed in the subform box.

Names of the subforms are:-


I'd like to display them more readable in the combo box, i.e. 'Duplicate Customers by Mobile Number'.I'd also prefer that the subform box is blank when the form is opened.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box - Cannot Choose Contact?

Jan 7, 2014

I have two combo boxes. One with the customer and one with the customer contact. These boxes seem to be working fine however, after you select the customer and then the customer contact box updates, it isn't allowing me to choose the contact. Nothing happens when you click.

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Forms :: Copy Search Result Into Textbox

Aug 5, 2013

I have a quote form that has a button which opens a simple search form with just one textbox which gives the results in a subform. (the search is for the company name and the subform results give the company name with the full address (company, add1, add2, town, county, postcode)

I would like to have a button on the search form, to copy the correct result into a textbox on the quote.Until now I have just had a cmbox on the quote with the companies and addresses listed. Unfortunately, the users are not checking this list to see if the company already exists and are adding a new company but with slightly different information, so I am getting multi companies. (i.e, smith ltd, smith limited, or Hants, Hampshire etc).

I need a button on the main search form that copies the company name from the search results subform and copies it into a textbox on the quote.I have tried this on a button but it doesn't like it:

Forms![quotes test].[company].Value = Me![COMBINED SEARCH subform].[company name]

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Forms :: Using A Combobox To Populate A Textbox?

Feb 11, 2014

I have a table filled with company contacts and form with a combo box containing the contacts names.

When a contact is selected I want it to show their Telephone, Mobile and email address in text boxes below. But it only shows the telephone number and the other two fields stay blank.

what I'm doing wrong ?

I have this code assigned to the combobox:

Private Sub MainContact_Change()
Me.Text169 = Me.MainContact.Column(3)
Me.Text167 = Me.MainContact.Column(2)
Me.Text177 = Me.MainContact.Column(1)
End Sub

And this is the row source:

SELECT tbl_Contacts.Salutation & " " & tbl_Contacts.ContactForename & " " & tbl_Contacts.ContactSurname AS MainContact, tbl_Contacts.ContactTelephone, tbl_Contacts.ContactMobile, tbl_Contacts.ContactEmail
FROM tbl_Contacts
WHERE (((tbl_Contacts.ID_Company)=[tbl_CompanyBookings].[ID_Company]));

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Forms :: Populate Textbox Based On User Log In

Mar 3, 2014

Private Sub Check253_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Check253 = -1 Then
Me.Text254 = DLookup("[Lot]", "[tblAutoGen]", "[Inuse] = -1")
Me.Text256 = DLookup("[Exp]", "[tblAutoGen]", "[Inuse] = -1")
Me.Text258 = DLookup("[Lot]", "[tblEthanol]", "[Inuse] = -1")

[Code] ....

I am using the code above on my form and it seems to be working. My question is there a way to populate a textbox (Text255) based off a login?

For example, lets say JSmith is loged in to the computer. Is there a way that JS could populate Text255? If then say JCarter is logged on, the JC populates Text255.

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Forms :: Combobox With Three Selections To Auto Populate Textbox

Jun 19, 2013

I would like to create a combobox on a form in which a user has three selections: negative, positive, other.

If negative is chosen a textbox auto-populates with "none detected".
If positive is chosen the text box populates with "positive" and
If other is selected the text box populates with "unspecified".

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Forms :: Populate Textbox After MULTIPLE Combobox Selection

Apr 1, 2013

Got a bit stuck in a database. I have a form based on a query. On the form I have 4 comboboxes.

The combo boxes filter eachother without a problem (based on custom select query)

Now I want after the fourth combobox value is selected, I want to populate a text field with a value from a different column from the master query (after the 4 selections only 1 value should be possible)

Master query contains 5 columns:
- group
- type
- job
- insurance
- charge

combo1 selects group (and filters records)
combo2 selects type (from remaining records and filters again)
combo3 selects job (from remaining records and filters again)
combo4 selects insurance (from remaining records and filters again)

Combo4 is based on following query:
Total=Group by
Criteria [forms]![name].[combo]

This works great and the dropbox only shows 1 OF EACH DIFFERENT record

If I add a text box and want to see the "charge" value, that I thought I could use the ME.text-code. But in order to do this, I have to add the charge column into the query of Combo4.

If I do this, the dropbox for insurance gives me multiple values that are the same. Is there any way to make this work?

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Forms :: Populate Textbox Based On Others Within Form Being Null Or Filled

May 24, 2013

I am fairly new to Access and trying to populate a text box based on whether other textboxes throughout the form contain a date or are null, so as I update the progress of work the textbox that I have located in the header will indicate the status of work flow, this is what I thought might work but I seem to be doing something wrong.

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Status = IIf([Date_Raised] Is Null, "New", "")
Status = IIf([Date_Raised] Is Not Null, "Open", "")
Status = IIf([Approved_Date] Is Not Null, "Approved", "")
Status = IIf([Actioned_Date] Is Not Null, "Actioned", "")
Status = IIf([Tested_Date] Is Not Null, "Tested", "")
Status = IIf([Closed_Date] Is Not Null, "Closed", "")
End Sub

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Forms :: Combo Box Not Allow To Select Any Item?

Jun 5, 2014

I have a combo box that won't allow me to select an item. The box is on a subform. When viewing only the subform, it works. When viewing the subform from the main form, it won't work.

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Forms :: Populate Combo Boxes With Values Depending On Selected Value In Previous Combo Box

Aug 5, 2013

I have several comboboxes (6) on my form.How to populate these comboboxes with values depending on selected value in previous combobox.

Example.Lets say that you select value "Audi" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "A4","A6","TT" etc. and if you selected "BMW" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "3-series", "5-series" etc...

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Forms :: Remove List Item From Combo Box After Use

Sep 1, 2013

Is it possible to remove an list item from a combo box list after it has been used.

What I am trying to do is use a combo box that has a list of questions, after the user selects a question from the combo box list and answers the question when they reselect the combo box that question will not be seen again till the form is reloaded.

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