Forms :: Search Box After Changes

Jun 16, 2014

I have an unbound text box with a search button running a macro "applyfilter," and in the "Where Condition =" I have the following;

[lastname] & [firstname] & [rate] & [rank] & [notes] & [workarea] & [badge] Like "*" & [Forms]![N91 RECORDS]![Text128] & "*"

Now, in the form, if I open it up I can search all day. However, if I make one change to any data in the form and then go to search I receive the "beforeupdate" error 2115, UNLESS, I first hit the "Save" button on my form. Then the search function will return no errors until I make another change and don't hit the save button first.I also get the run-time error 2115 for the "Clear Filter" running this code under the same conditions;

Private Sub Command197_Click()
Me.Text128 = ""
End Sub

What can I do about this so that the user can make a change on a form he/she just searched for and then clear the filter, and or do a new search without this error popping up every time without hitting the save button after every little change?

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Queries :: Add A Box On Search Forms To Search 3 Cells Of Record For A Keyword

Jun 10, 2013

I currently have a database with a few search forms. I recently attempted to add a box on one of my search forms to search 3 cells of a record for a key word. What happens is when I go to search, say for P0442, it does not bring up all of the records that contain that keyword in the 3 cells I have outlined. If I step down the code in the OR boxes of the query, it seems to work better but then for some reason my other search criteria , (Tracking number etc) does not work. I will upload the database for reference. I am currently working on the Search(View Only) and that is where you will find the query to work on.

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Forms :: Search Text Box With Option Box As Criteria For Search

Mar 4, 2014

I am creating a a text box where the user enters a text then clicks an option from the option that is used as the criteria for the search e.g. Last Name, Phone , address then a command button wil run a query.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Forms :: Empty Search Field In Forms

Apr 13, 2013

I'm using a form for book drinks to a customer room.

To find the customer, I'm using an search function (Unbound field), works fine.

The same function I'm using in the subform, for booking the articles to the customer.

Now, I'm wondering, is there an easy way to clear the search field either when starting the form or after the search is done and the article booked.

The search function is based on the macro (Search for record, condition: ="[ID] = " & Str(Nz(Screen.ActiveControl,0))).

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Search Forms

Jan 18, 2006

Kind of related to my other post but a seperate question.

I once saw a database where the designers had created a form that at first sight was blank. You could click in any of the many text boxes on the form, enter some data, click a command button labelled "Search" and it would display all records (within that same form) with that search criteria.

Just wondering how someone would go about doing something like this? It's a shame I haven't got this database otherwise I'd have a look, but I can't figure out how it was done with creating about 50 queries and attaching each one to the individual text fields (somehow).


Ste Swallow

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May 26, 2006

At first I have to say, that I am a beginner, and that I am not familiar with VBA… though I have got a question.

I am working on a database with many addresses of Companies and Contacts. Now I want to install a search, so that the user can look for any information by using parameters in a form. How do you do that?
I found a excellent example for my thoughts but I do not have any idea how to realize this>
I am especially interested in the second search which shows all the results in a subsheet *or Listbox?* in which you can click the record an view it in a new window. This would be exactly what I want.

I would be so thankful for any hint and help!
Thank you!


PS please ask me if you have any questions to the thread;)

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Search Forms

Jul 21, 2006


I'm trying to use Access as a library catalogue for the charity I work for, and although fairly happy with the results I would like to move it on abit, away from using "Filter by Form" as a way of searching. My catalogue is about to go "live", and I would like the users here to come first of all to simple search boxes.

So, when a user wants to search for a book by Title, or Author or Subject, they can enter a term in one of three boxes and this would then take them to the full record for this item.

Is this possible using Access, without programming?

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Search's On Forms

Apr 15, 2008

Im trying to make a search area on a form for a company that I am attending my work placement at.

I have been trying all day and cant get it to work.

What they want is a search area on an already existing form. I have tryed so that the search area is a form of its own and adding the already existing mainform as a subform and using commands from there, but that didn't work out too well. But thats the setup they would like.. They want to be able to open one form and type in what they want to see and it to show without opening another window.

I only graduated from Office Administration so I'm not really sure what Im doing but I was looking through the internet and found some ways, all that didn't work. Surprise surprise !

Please help me !!

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Lost-How To Search Forms

Jun 15, 2005

I am using access to create a dictionary of terms, using two fields: “term”
and “definition.” The data type for the term is text and memo for definition
(so I can use an unlimited number of characters).

I created a query to search the terms and pull up the definition; however,
it is not very “visually friendly” when the term comes up and it is hard to
read a longer definition as the text continues on one line.

For that reason, I wanted to create the same search function; however,
instead of the term coming up in the table, have it come up in a form (since
those can be presented much nicer). Is their any easy way to do this so I do not have to set it up each time (as this will be used by many other people who have no clue how to use access).

Thanks for your help and advice.

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Lost-How To Search Forms

Jun 15, 2005

I am using access to create a dictionary of terms, using two fields: “term”
and “definition.” The data type for the term is text and memo for definition
(so I can use an unlimited number of characters).

I created a query to search the terms and pull up the definition; however,
it is not very “visually friendly” when the term comes up and it is hard to
read a longer definition as the text continues on one line.

For that reason, I wanted to create the same search function; however,
instead of the term coming up in the table, have it come up in a form (since
those can be presented much nicer). Is their any easy way to do this so I do not have to set it up each time (as this will be used by many other people who have no clue how to use access).

Thanks for your help and advice.

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Search Forms Advise

Dec 8, 2006


I have the following forms setup:

frm_Main (Switchboard)
frm_Customers (Form)
frm_SalesDetailsSub (SubForm on frmCustomers showing basic details of items they have bought)

On frm_Main I can search for Customers by Surname using the following code behind a search button on the form:

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim stQry
Dim stDocName As String

stQry = SearchSurname() 'Query containing tblCustomers
stDocName = "frm_Customers"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, stQry, "((([tbl_Customers].[Customer_LName])like[Customer Surname?]& ""*""))"

If Err.Number = 2501 Then
Resume Next
Resume Next
End If

This works fine, however I also want to search by items on the subform frm_SalesDetailsSub by using another button on frm_Main. I have tried code like the one shown below.

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim stQry
Dim stDocName As String

stQry = SearchSaleItem() 'Query containing tblCustomers and tblSales Items linked via ID
stDocName = "frm_Customers"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, stQry, "((([tbl_Sales_Details].[Sales_Details])like [Item Description?]& ""*""))"

If Err.Number = 2501 Then
Resume Next
Resume Next
End If

I have tried lots of different variations of code, but can't seem to crack it.

Any advice is welcome.


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Search Forms/subforms

Sep 21, 2007

Please Help
I have a form that has pages of subforms in it.
i have a number of fields in various subforms.
i need the user to be able to filter the form by any or all of the fields?
how should i go about doing this?? I"m a newb at this so please talk slow

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Forms :: How To Search Through A Table

May 27, 2014

How can I search through a table and if the record on a main form has certain words it will save a note in a record on another table.

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Forms :: Possible To Use More Than 1 Field For A Search?

Aug 31, 2014

I have a form that has a field to search for clients. Many times those clients could have also companies in different cities and countries. Would it be possible to use more than 1 field for a search? If the company could have more than one address in the same city, then I could find it by typing in the first field the client name, second field the country and third field the address. This way I could find easy the correct client by narrow down the search with 3 fields.

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General :: Search In Forms

Jun 15, 2012

I am trying to make a search function for my DB. I am using agehoops' example db shown in the following thread:

Search Function, of February 16th 2007

My problem is, that the table I am referring to in my search-query has some looked up fields. These fields are returning an ID-number to my query rather than the text value I want to be displayed.

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Forms :: Search Box With A Where Clause?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a form with a search box and related button to execute the search.

The code for the search is as follows:

Dim varInput
varInput = Me.txtSearch.Value
Me.txtEmployeeNumber.Visible = True
DoCmd.FindRecord varInput, acEntire, , acSearchAll, False, acCurrent

[Code] ....

This works perfectly well on more than one form, however on this particular form I only want it to search records where a field ([Complete_Date]) is null

Is there a way to add a where clause to the search above?

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Forms :: Search Combo Box For A Value

Sep 16, 2013

I'd like to search a combo box on a subform for a string containing a (or multiple) '?' on click of a command button. The point of this is to inhibit the submission of a record with ????? as a field value (in a combo box), however it is temporarily allowed before submission of the form.

I tried this on the command button and it didn't work:

If Me!Subform.Combobox.SelText = "?" Then
End If

I think I am referencing the combo box on the subform incorrectly..

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Search Forms - Problem With Displaying

Oct 18, 2005

Database description

I have one to many relationships between tables related with PersonID. From the entry forms I enter data and there is another form to search data. The data search form displays some 5 fields from different tables: first name, last name, phone, email...

Problem description
When I enter new data in all the above named fields, then the search engine can find and display the new record. However, when I leave blank some of the fields, let's say, the phone field, then the search does not display the entire row, although the first and last name, for example, exist in the appropriate table.

I would appreciate, if anyone could help me to solve the problem.


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Search And Data Entry Forms

May 23, 2006

Hi all
I reread this and it was way to long. What I want to do is use a combo box to list values from a table field, when an option is selected, the rest of the fields update. Not sure what I have to do to achieve this. Any advise would be welcome.

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How To Create Dynamic Search Forms?

Jul 28, 2006

Hiya guys, I need to create a form that works exactly in the same way as a query works, so there's a criteria text box on the top of the form and a list box displaying all results. I know a query does this but i need a user friendly way of displaying this information.

The search is for customer names and i need to display this information in a user friendly way because my users will need to search the database before deciding whether the customer has been inputted into it or not.

I tried to create this using a query having the criteria as the form's text box value (as an expression) but when I input values into the text box the query does not update unless i reopen the query in edit mode and perform a search manually.

My email is if any of you guys have any ideas! Thanks

Jay x

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How To Search Table Using Forms & Textboxes?

Dec 31, 2004

Im just starting to program in Access.. can somebody please help me with my problem?
Im trying to figure out how to search the table with the content of my textbox. (Ex. i input "A" in my textbox, it should display all the records of "A" like it's AGE, STATUS, etc.) it doesn't have to be case sensitive or exact because i have a primary key that doesn't accept duplicate.
Thanks to anyone who'll help

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Forms :: Search Form To Add New Record

Oct 26, 2014

I'm creating a database for work to do with health and safety. What I'm trying to do it create a form, where I search for a certain employee (by surname or id) to add a new record against that name.

I've got an employees table and a tool box talk table, they are linked by NI Number. This is what it looks so far (although the records are showing in the form).

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Forms :: Search By Textboxes Using Query?

Oct 21, 2013

I've got a form called "Main Menu" and i'm in the process of implementing a search form into it. So far I have three textboxes called TBFirstName, TBSurname and TBCentre these are unbound. I also have a search button.

This button runs the query which runs the search, the sql for this query is below.

SELECT Staff.[Employee ID] AS [Staff_Employee ID], Staff.Forename,
Staff.Surname, Staff.Sex, Staff.[Job Role], Staff.[Start Date], Staff.[Leave Date], Staff.Centre,
Staff.Hours, Qualifications.[Employee ID] AS [Qualifications_Employee ID],
Qualifications.[Level 2 Maths], Qualifications.[Level 2 English], Qualifications.[Level 3 Support Maths],

[Code] ....

Whenever I run this query it just returns all the records instead of the search criteria. Where am I going wrong?

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Forms :: Way To Search And Remove Linebreaks

May 1, 2013

Data has been imported (from Word, Excel &/or PDF) into a Memo field in an Access 2007 database. Sometimes the data appears fine. Other times there appears to be excessive and unnecessary Linebreaks / paragraph returns throughout the data in the Memo field. Is there a way to search for and replace these linebreaks?

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Forms :: Create Search Form

Dec 11, 2013

I need to make a search form in MS Access:

I have a table with columns:
Login, First Name, Last Name

I need to create a form with one text box and a Search button.When i enter the Login in text and click the button it should give me the details.I am able to do it with single Login being entered.But the catch here is i want to enter multiple Login in the single text box and search and it should give me the result.

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