Forms :: Search Form Specify Row Highlight

Oct 24, 2013

I have a form that acts as a search form where the user inputs a string of text which then updates and filters a list box. For some reason when it does this it highlights the 2nd row on that list, even if there is no data there. How can I get it to automatically highlight the first row? The database is attached and the form in question is FRM_SearchMulti.

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Highlight Search Results

Jan 2, 2006

Good Day All,

I have a wild card search query (Like "*" & [Forms]![search]![Text0] & "*") that works very well. I want to be able to have the phrase that user types in highlighted when it returns the search results on a form. I found the following thread that asks the same question using Conditional formating, but the suggested answer doesn't work. Any ideas?

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Highlight Key Search Result

Jun 3, 2012

How to I can Highlight key search result.

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Forms :: Highlight To Update Form?

Oct 25, 2013

I have a form that I need to update whenever a chosen business name changes. This is tied to a search function that updates/changes the business name, and this works fine. What I now need it to do is when the name is clicked on the table (which updates the respective business name) I need everything else to update with it.

I have tried refreshing the business name, the form, even the records themselves with onClick and onChange functions, but it still doesn't work.

Re-reading this I realize it doesn't make much sense, but hopefully the attached database will clear things up. When you type in the info in the search box, all the stuff in the right corner changes accordingly. If you click and highlight anything in the box in the center instead of using the search function, the business name at the bottom changes but everything in the right corner remains unchanged.

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Forms :: Highlight Mandatory Controls On A Form Tab

May 15, 2013

I am trying to provide a visual highlight for users of a multi tabbed form. I do a check as users go from tab and tab and i.e. on exit event and I would like to highlight all mandatory fields that have been left incomplete.

I did a test with one control and it worked as expected with the after update event of the specific control.

I then altered the code to add another control, but it does not work as expected. It only highlights one control and not the other. I just recently started using vba, I adapt the code to fit multiple controls and make it work as expected.

Private Sub Ctl2_frm_tab1_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If (Len(Form_2.cmb_arName& "") = 0 Or IsNull(Form_2.cmb_arName)) Or _
(Len(Form_2.cmb_val & "") = 0 Or IsNull(Form_2.cmb_val)) Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Please complete the highlighted control", vbCritical + vbOKOnly

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Highlight Duplicates In Form And Subdatasheet

Mar 26, 2014

I have a form which has a subdatasheet attached to it. there could be 1000 records in the main form but only 10O records in the Subdatasheet that match the records in the main form , these are linked by a "product number" .

Is it possible for the row in the main form to be "red" where there is data in the Subdatasheet that is matched by the "product number".

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Forms :: Highlight Sections Of Continuous Form?

Feb 9, 2015

I have a continuous form that shows the results from a query like:


And I wanted to know if I can some how highlight in a white/yellow alternating color like for instance starting with the three reds being white then the three greens being yellow then the two yellows being white and so on. Maybe through conditional format?

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Highlight Keywords In Search Results In Report

Aug 5, 2006

Hey guys
it's been a long time since i've been here
but i again need your help

my job asked me if it's possible to have keywords highlighted in search results in report
am i clear?
meaning, when you search for keywords in one of the fields, and then your results come out in the report, can they be selected, like in Word, or in searches on the Internet, like when doing a search on Monster, all your keywords will come out in red, that way you can easily read the results

so can this be done in Acess?

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Forms :: Way To Highlight Duplicates Across A Number Of Records On A Continuous Form

Jan 1, 2015

Is there any way to highlight duplicates across a number of records on a continuous form (conditional formatting I presume)? My continuous form is filtered on load to show only the records relating to the specified date (specified before opening the form), and there is one field that I would like to highlight if there is a duplicate value in the same field on another record on the form. Is this possible?

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Forms :: Highlight Some Fields On A Form If Their Value Differs From Previous Record

Dec 9, 2014

I wish to highlight some fields on a form if their value differs from the previous record.

I'm OK with the code to determine this, but unsure as to where to put the code to set the fields initially?

I have two strings txtPrevPayment_Method and txtPrevProduct.

Where can I set them 'once' to be the same as the first record loaded in the form. Then in the Current event I check if they have changed and set font colour accordingly.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Forms :: Highlight Red Based On Value

Apr 14, 2014

Private Sub Combo1309_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Combo1309.Value = "Yes" Then
Me.Text1307 = Environ("UserName")

ElseIf Me.Combo1309.Value = "No" Then
Me.Text1307 = Environ("UserName")
End If
End Sub

I am using the above code to capture the login information. Is it possible to add a second criteria to the Me.Combo1309.Value = "No" that also highlights the Textbox (Gender) Red? Ideally, the value in this textbox would be switched to the opposite, but this option might be more trouble then its worth.

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Forms :: Highlight A Day If It Is Current

May 14, 2014

How would I go about writing some code to highlight the current day if a day field in a form matches.

i.e. I have a schedule form that has a field that has the day manually entered, so Monday, Tuesday etc.
And on the top of the form I have a text box set to =Now() and the date format set to dd mmmm - dddd

And what I want to do is make it so what ever the current day is, any records in the form that match the current day will be highlighted.

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Form Focus Highlight NOT

Jul 7, 2005

How do I turn off the highlight feature when a control on a form obtains focus?

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting - Combo Box To Highlight If Value Is Not On The List

Feb 23, 2015

I want to add a conditional formatting to a combo box to highlight if the value is not on the list.There is a process to read in data from a 3rd party excel sheet that has truck arrival dates and times. My form displays this data and allows the internal users to change it. My form has the "Trucks" field as a limit to list combo box - so basically any data can be read into this field but internal we can only change it to trucks on the list (from the trucks table). I want to highlight where the trucks value is not in our trucks list.

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Forms :: Deselect Or Remove Highlight From Item In Listbox

Jul 2, 2014

I am using Access 2010.

I have a form with three listbox. My issue is this, when I go from listbox to listbox the selected item in the previous listbox is still selected.

I would like it so when I go to the new listbox, then the previous listbox selection will no longer be highlighted.

I use the follow code, which works but the user has to double click on the listbox with the focus to make a selection.


Me.listbox.listindex = -1

I have the code in the lost focus event of the listboxes.

Is there a way to prevent the double clicking?

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How To Highlight A Record In A Continuous Form

Nov 11, 2005

Hello all,

This is my first post. I have been trying to find a solution for the following issue. I have a Continuous form and I would like to highlight the record by clicking on any of the fields in that record, tried everything with no luck, any ideas?

Thank you

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Auto Highlight In Form Fields

Sep 19, 2006

Hi guys

I just built a tracking database (I can't post it because it contains PHI, and I do hope I don't have to) and it's been giving this issue starting today.

When I am in a field the cursor automatically goes to the end and highlights everything between the end and where I click. So if I mistype the third character I need to delete everything from the end to the third character to edit it.

It just started doing this when I loaded it up. Does anyone have any idea?


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Modules & VBA :: Go To Last Record In Continuous Form And Highlight It?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a log of items I currently inventory. When you click on an item, it opens another form with a sub-form that lists the history of changes for said item in a continuous form display.

What I want to be able to do is when that form is opened, the sub-form will highlight the last entry (either bold it, or change the background).

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Forms :: Create Search Form That Returns Subset Of Other Form Pages?

Sep 25, 2013

I've built a PostgreSQL database for some ecology data and am trying to use MS Access 2010 to make a front-end for it.

I've created a form to display site data; it includes such fields as site ID, site name, county, state, landscape, etc. (There are more, but if I can get the idea down with a couple of these, I should be good to handle the rest). One can click through the form and see 14 pages of site details, which is fine because there are 14 sites.

What I want to do now is make a search form in which one can enter values for site ID, site name, county, etc, and somehow get the pages of the display form that match those values. It's not terribly important to me how that output looks - whether it's a list of matches that allows for clicking on a match and showing just one page of the display form, or whether it's a filtered subset of the display form pages that one still clicks through to view them all.

if there is code to write, where do I type it? Do I start my search form by making a form with the search fields as values, or is there some other way? How do I make those search fields into search boxes rather than display boxes?

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Forms :: Search Form That Fills Separate Textboxes In Another Form

Aug 15, 2013

I have a form with two textboxes called: txtAptDep, txtAptArr.

On their right side there are two buttons (btn1, btn2) to open a form called frmAirportSearch. It allows to choose (from a listbox) the airport to be filled in those two textboxes.

Now, if I search for an airport pressing btn1, I want the airport to be returned into txtAptDep, while if I open the form by btn2, the airport choosen must be returned in the second textbox.

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Forms :: Search Form To Add New Record

Oct 26, 2014

I'm creating a database for work to do with health and safety. What I'm trying to do it create a form, where I search for a certain employee (by surname or id) to add a new record against that name.

I've got an employees table and a tool box talk table, they are linked by NI Number. This is what it looks so far (although the records are showing in the form).

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Forms :: Create Search Form

Dec 11, 2013

I need to make a search form in MS Access:

I have a table with columns:
Login, First Name, Last Name

I need to create a form with one text box and a Search button.When i enter the Login in text and click the button it should give me the details.I am able to do it with single Login being entered.But the catch here is i want to enter multiple Login in the single text box and search and it should give me the result.

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Forms :: Search Form With Subform

Aug 21, 2013

I'm novice in access 2007 I've a project that contain a Table a form with Subform bound to that table, on tthe main form I've unbound [text boxes] and a [search button]. I want that my form act as a search form , so when I click the search button it show the only result an that table subform. I've read a couples of article, it look like I've to use some VBA code!

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Forms :: Search Box Within Same Form As Input?

Jul 27, 2014

Im trying to have a search function in my Access database but as of yet nothing has worked!

The search box will go in the header of the main form .

So basically the form is for recording faults with systems.However i want a search funtion on the same form so i can seach by a reference number and close the ticket.

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Forms :: Datasheet Search From Another Form?

May 15, 2014

I have a form that shows details of a record. I have a command button to open associated records in another form in DS view. My code will open the DS and show all records or filtered to specific record.

What I would like to do is use code on command button to open DS view and simply highlight (find) the record that was being viewed in the first form.

Main Form = frmBroachBase
DS Form = frmBroachBaseDS

Associated fields on both forms are - [AutoID], [BroachID] - that can be used to link the two forms.

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