Forms :: Search And Compare Value From Three Tables In A Form

Oct 18, 2014

I have three tables: Table A, Table B and Table C

Fields of Table A: Truck No, Capacity
Fields of Table B: Consignee ID, Capacity A, Capacity B and
Capacity C
Fields of Table C: Consignee ID, Final Rate

Input form is based on Table C:

1-I select Truck No using a combo box and it shows the Capacity from Table A using DLookup.
2- I enter the id no. in the field of Consignee ID and it returns the values of Capacity A, Capacity B and Capacity C using DLookup from Table B.

So I have to write manually one final rate in the field of Final Rate in the form.So I want:When I enter id no. in the field of Consignee ID, it matches with the Capacity in Table A and shows the matched result only in the field of Final Rate of Table C.

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Forms :: Search Form For Multiple Tables

Jun 30, 2015

I am fairly new to Access and am having some trouble creating a search form. I have numerous tables, which contain information regarding clients and contracts, that are all connected by relationships. I would like to create a form in which I can type in the name of the client and pull up all the information regarding it from the various tables (i.e. when it was signed, the amount, and etc).

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Compare Two Tables And Show It In A Form

Jan 25, 2012

I have these tables:

ID, Date, Code

ID, Date, Code

Now I need to compare these two tables based on ID and Date and show matching records, the ones extra in Table1 and the ones Extra in Table2. How can I do this?

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Forms :: Creating A Search Form For Multiple Tables

Jan 9, 2014

I am creating a database of bird banding and breeding records for the refuge where I currently intern. To do this, I have created the following tables:

Adult Banding Records
Nestling Banding Records
Historical Banding Records

The specific issue:

I have already created forms for entering data into these tables, but now I would like to create a "search" form that will use the primary key (which is always the band number of the individual bird, across all tables) to search ALL the tables and pull up all the information on that record. This will be convenient when we recapture a bird that is already banded, so we can look up their information in our database. Also, since I plan to add many more tables, it would be nice to not have to search each table individually.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Tables :: Compare Field Data In Two Tables

Jul 10, 2015

I inherited a database that has two tables that are structured identical; one called tblcurrentdata and the other called tblpriordata. The user wants a report or export query that only shows records that has differences between prior weeks data and the current weeks data. The tables have 12 fields of data in a record per quote number. The user wants a query or report to identify the QuoteNum and any changes between the prior and current records. The table structures are as follows:




QuoteNum 12345 field 5 (prioritycolor) changed from red in the prior week to green in the current week and field 7(POC) changed from Scott in the prior week to Jonson in the current week.QuoteNum 23451 did not have any changes therefore does not need to be listed in the query/report Unmatched query doesnt work because it does not compare multiple fields. I tried to structure a union query and use <> in each field but got too tedious and didnt give the expected results.

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Compare 2 Tables

May 31, 2007


Have 2 Tables that contain the same information, one table was used during registration and had the Data changed


How do I pull a comparison query to match the registration table to the Main table and pull only the data that is different so I can update the main table with the new Information? :confused:

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Compare Tables From Diff Db's

May 5, 2005

hello, i have checked out the forum for pevious Q's to this problem and found the below.

only problem is thats its writen at a bit too technicle a level from where i am. i've done some investigation into the problem though.

found out i need to use the docmd.transferdatabase function to import the tables i need to compare into my current db.

my question is this. how does it import them, does it create new tables within the current db or is it put somewhere in temp memory for use only while db is open, not sure how it would work. ideally i would like it to import tables, do the table comparison then create a report of the differences or make a new table showing the differences, then it reverts back to how it was before i imported it. i.e. he current databse is unchanged except for maybe a new report or new table (the results).

thank you for any advice.


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Compare Tables In Access

Sep 27, 2007

I need to compare 2 tables with Same Structure in a Database and pull out records that are not matching in both the tables. As anyone done similar task in Access 2002, if so please let me know how this can be accomplised.

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Compare Contents Of Two Tables

Oct 5, 2007

I have two tables that have the exact same structure. They both started with the same data, but each were changed separately. (Two copies of the same DB, editted separately). I need to review the data in each record and determine what has changed or if records have been added. Is there an easy way for me to do this? (Note: Each record does have a primary key)

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What To Use To Exclusively Compare Tables

Apr 6, 2006

I have company names in 2 tables to compare, but the data is slightly different but same companies. I want to know what companies are in one table but not in another. Here's an example:

Company Name in Table 1 = Virtual Micro
Company Name in Table 2 = Virtual Micro Technologies

Same company, but the spreadsheet I imported for Table 2 had the full name for the company, so therefore they are not compared the same and the query result shows them to be different.

Do they have to be exactly the same, or can I compare a certain number of characters or somehow use the "like" criteria filter?


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How To Compare The Elements Of Two Tables

Aug 25, 2004

Hello to all. The problem that I am faced with is that I have a master list with all the current users and an updated list with all the current users and new users. What I have been asked to do is to compare the information in these two tables and have been given the following steps.
1. If name (surname, first name) exists in both lists do nothing.

2. If name exists in Update list but not in Master list then insert a blank row in the Master list and add the following Update list fields to this row: ¨
3. If name does not exist in the Update list then remove the entire row that contains that name from the Master list.
4. If 2. condition ("name exists in Update list but not in Master list") below applies, then insert the blank row with some kind of marker (e.g. "*") in a column on the far left. This will allow us to distinguish between:

So that is what I have to do can someone please tell me what a quick to do this in access would be. Thanks

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Compare 2 Tables Where NOT EQUAL &lt;&gt;

Feb 7, 2006

It need to compare two tables where the ID Number is not equal. Specifically I need to update new poducts in a table, but only those ID#s that are not already listed.

I know how to compare two feilds where they are not equal...
i.e. [New_Table].[ITEM_NUM]<>[Old_Table].[ITEM_NUM]
...but I'm currently limited by the join properties in the tables, since I'm comparing IDs and not the feilds. ANY IDEAS?

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Using Access To Compare Tables

Apr 3, 2014

I work in retail and am trying to compare items that are on auto-replenishment for a particular location to items that the location should have in their retail assortment to make sure that all of their items are on auto-replenishment. I need to also perform the comparison backwards to find out if any items are on auto-replenishment that should not be because they are not carried in the location's retail assortment.

I have attached a file below that shows the files I am working with. The first tab "items on replen" show the item # (in text and general formats) along with the location number, the min and the max. The 2nd tab "POG's by Center" show the retail planograms assigned to each center. The location# is at the top of the file and the planogram numbers fall below each location #. The 3rd tab shows the items on each planogram. The first thing I need to do is convert the planogram # into items on each planogram in each center. This is what I would need to use to compare to the items on replen.

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Forms :: Text Box To Search Through All Fields In Tables

Aug 12, 2014

I need making a search function for a form. I have a form with details about telephone counselors and want to be able to place a text box at the top that allows me to search through all the fields in the tables that the form relates to or displays.

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Partial Text Compare Across Two Tables

Jul 20, 2007


I'm trying to compare partial text records across two tables.

The first table simply has a description, such as:
Bone Saw
Power Saw

The second table is a list of terms and a category, such as:
Term, Category
Hammer, 1
Saw, 2

I'm looking to build a query will compare the two and assign each description a category based on the partial match. It seems like this should be fairly easy to do, but I'm struggling to find anything to point down that path.

Any ideas?

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General :: Compare Two Tables And Update Changes

May 15, 2013

i import data into a Landing table, this will always contain d days woth of data, i then run an apend query into another table were the records are stored up to 20 days, the problem i face is some of the record data may change for eample a field called ShippedQty may be 0 in a monday but on tuesday it may say 5

Import on monday
Product ShippedQty Date
123____ 0 ________01/01/2013

Import on Tuesday
Product ShippedQty Date
123____ 1 ________01/01/2013

I need to look at any changes and updatein the master table, is there a way to do this.(I cannot change the import as its the only way i can get the data)

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Tables :: Compare 2 Database Structures?

Mar 13, 2013

I have an access application that I've developed and given to people and now i'd like to update it. I have a "master" database that I use for development and I would like to compare the users databases to this one and apply any changes that I've made to the database schema without having to remember all the new fields, tables and everything else I've added.

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How To Compare Data Type And Properties In 2 Tables

Mar 20, 2005

I would like to compare 2 tables by looking only at the names of the fields, data types and their properties (e.g. required yes/no). I am searching for a method to export this information to another table and then make comparison. Maybe sth. similar to “documenter” or another tool. Some ideas would very much appreciated. Thanks Bartek.

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Compare Data In Two Tables, With Multiple Conditions…..

Aug 25, 2005

Been trying to crack this one for a while hoping someone on here might be able to help me. ;)

I have a table with a list of required software and a table with a list of computers and the software installed software. I made a query that displays the machines with the required installed. My problem is if a machine has more than required then it does not display the record. If it needs Office, Photoshop but has office, Photoshop and quark installed then it does not display that machine.

This should be quite a simple thing, I have played with Like, NOT, Where and others but with no luck...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Queries :: How To Query Two Tables And Compare Results

Apr 18, 2013

I am putting together a database for work, I have a table that is used to refer to (this table is part of our production system) in this table it lists products run, dates run and who has run.

I have the training records data table, this lists; who, machine and status: "trained" "refresh required" " not trained"

I want to build a query so that it searches the production table for the last 6 months worth of records & if an operator that is in the training table (WHO) as status (trained) is not in the production table it outputs a "to be refreshed" report or amends the records from trained to "refresh required" ...

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Search Multiple Tables From One Form Field

Feb 18, 2006


Stuck on a problem and was wondering if anybody has a possible solution. I currently have the beginnings of a database setup that uses a search field on a form to find a reference listing using a part number input by the user. It finds the part number, and then displays all the information about it on another part of the form. My question/problem is, I now want to expand this database to multiple specialties, all with different parts in their respective listings, so they would have different tables. The tables would be the same format, just different information. No one table would ever contain the same info.

Q: How would I set up a form to search for a unique part number over multiple tables, and return that parts info?

It works great for one table, but I am stuck on the multiple tables.

Thanks in advance!

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Compare Data In Different Tables And List Non Matching Values

Nov 2, 2007


I am trying to compare data in two different tables and list the data that does not match. Not sure if this is possible. Details below

Table 1

xyz - A1 - Do not use
ABC - A4 - Use

Table 2

123 - A1

The result of the query should show me

A4 (as this does not appear in table 2

I am not too familiar with Null values as there will be many null values that i want to ignore.

Any help will be appreciated.

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General :: Compare 2 Tables Where One Record Matches And Another Doesn't

Jun 26, 2013

I have table A with a list of Work Instruction references (WIREF) and a Issue number (ISSNO).I have Table B wth employees and they too have a Work Instruction (empWIREF) and Issue number (empISSNO).I want to check if the Work instruction Issue has changed since the employee was trained

WIREF = empWIREF and ISSNO <> empISSNO for all records in table B

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Queries :: Search Form That Fetches Records In Nested Tables?

May 25, 2014

I have three tables, tblPeople, tblAddresses and tblVehicles. I have a form called frmPeople that shows a single person record, and has subforms with the list of addresses and vehicles for that person (each record has several). I want to create a single search form with each of the fields in my tblPeople, tblAddresses and tblVehicle tables, and allow the user to type anything into any of the fields on the search form, and have the search form fetch records that match.

So far, I have the query built, and the tables all linked the right way (I think), and I have all the search fields coded. And it works GREAT... except for this one little issue: If I do a search, and I put "Smith" in the last name field, I will get several Smiths in my search result, one for each address and vehicle combination. In other words, if I have ONE Smith in the table, and two vehicles and two addresses for that Smith, the query results give me FOUR Smiths! One with Vehicle1 and Address1, one with Vehicle2 and Address1, one with Vehicle1 and Address2, and one with Vehicle2 and Address2.

What I would LIKE is to have ONE record in the query results, and that record shows me that one Smith. And if I then search for "Plymouth" in the VehicleType field, and I have Smith in the name field, I'll get ONE record, and it will be the one of Smith with his Plymouth (Vehicle2).

Here is how my query looks right now (this one ONLY has the last name and vehicle search function to save space), and this is the one that gives me multiple results (which I do NOT want, unless multiple PEOPLE match the search criteria):

SELECT DISTINCTROW tblPeople.LastName, tblPeople.FirstName, tblPeople.PersonID, tblAddresses.Address, tblVehicles.Vehicle, tblVehicles.Plate, tblVehicles.VehicleYear
FROM tblPeople LEFT JOIN tblAddresses ON tblPeople.PersonID = tblAddresses.PersonID
WHERE (((tblPeople.LastName) Like "*" & [NameField] & "*")
AND ((tblVehicles.Vehicle) Like "*" & [VehicleField]));

Did I write the query wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: Concatenate String In A Loop To Generate A Dynamic SQL To Compare 2 Tables?

Jul 11, 2014

I am trying to concatinate string in a loop to generate a dynamic SQL to compare 2 tables. But I am not getting the result I want

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("r1")
Set rs2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("r1_old")
columnCount = CurrentDb.TableDefs("r1").Fields.count
strSQL = ""
For I = 0 To columnCount

[Code] .....

I am trying to achieve something that reads like the following

r1.Field(0) = r2.Field(0) AND
r1.Field(1) = r2.Field(1) AND
r1.Field(2) = r2.Field(2) AND

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