Forms :: Search By Date Option?

Jan 13, 2014

I have a text box for the user to enter the week number, I started thinking I wanted to have some more options here, can I be abit more clever with the options when designing a form to search by date?!

I want criteria like....

Specific Date
Between Dates
Current Week
Last 30 Days

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Forms :: Search Text Box With Option Box As Criteria For Search

Mar 4, 2014

I am creating a a text box where the user enters a text then clicks an option from the option that is used as the criteria for the search e.g. Last Name, Phone , address then a command button wil run a query.

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Forms :: Adding Search Option In Main Form

Jun 25, 2013

I have two tables called "tblFundingBodies" and "tblGrants". I have a form that allows me to view all the records for each of the funding bodies. By this I mean, it shows information on a funding body but to see information on the next funding body, I must click on the next record button. Just wanted to clarify that it isn't in the form of a table.

This form also has a subform in the same format that shows each of the grants that funding body has provided. When I select the next record from the main form, it will show me the grants from the company in the next record. The field that has the funding body is a text box.

I want to be able to add a seach facility to the main form that allows me to search for a funding body and get back exactly what I have described above, but just the details on that funding body/grants. In other words, I want the form view of the funding body I search for with the sub form of the grants from that funding body, not in the form of a table where you can see them all at once, I want to be able to click through each grant in the sub form.

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Forms :: Search Text Box For Specific Word - Find Option

Sep 18, 2013

I have 5 textboxes and a multiline textbox in a form in my Access Database. I am going to type several keywords in those textboxes and I am going to type an article in the multiline textbox.

What I need to do is I want to calculate the keyword density in the article. I can do that if i know how to search the whole text in the article and count the specific word. And I want a function to count all the words in the article too.

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Forms :: Option Button And Date Fields To Pass Parameter

Oct 4, 2014

I have a form with option group (two option buttons) and date fields (to select a date range). The form should pull/pass parameters from the query. There's a form button that generates a report based on the query.

Issue: I can't figure it out how to link option buttons and date range to the query so when the button is clicked it generates the report with chosen criteria. The form is for the user to enter parameters.

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Forms :: Set Date Depending On Choice From Combo Box / Option Buttons

Mar 30, 2015

I'm looking to have either a combo box,, or 2 options buttons (whichever is easiest) that set a date field based on what is selected in the combo box/ option buttons.

The variables are 'Payment in 30 days" " Payment upfront"

if "payment in 30 days" is selected the date field on the form will enter the date as + 30 days from todays date
if "payment upfront" is selected the field on the form will enter todays date.

This date field must be blank unless an option is selected, as this information is only entered in a later stage of the form.

I've tried a few different ways to enter this but i can't quite get it to work as i want.

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Forms :: Control Option Buttons Based On Selected Date

Jun 28, 2013

I'm building a workCube reservation system and I've been tasked to have it work kind of like an airplane seat reservation system. I've laid out my form with option buttons representing the location of each available space. (space1, space2, space3...space16)

My desired outcome is to be able to select a date from a calendar popup and have the options buttons react to that date if they have been reserved. (change color and indicate "reserved").I've tried to create the form based on a query which represents the "booked" table.





Some rules a space can be booked by any ONE employee on any day.How can I get any and all of the option buttons to react if there is a reservation in place on the day indicated by the calendar?

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Problem With A Search Option

Sep 26, 2005

I have a big problem with a db I am trying to do. It needs to hold info on the patients (fname,lname,phone,add&blood type). It needs to be able to do a search by the blood type and the lname. I did the sql coding. Although I am stuck on the lname search thing. The biggest problem is the design... This will be used by actual nurses, so it needs to be simpler than simple. Just a window that pops up and a field where they can stick the thing they wanna search and results. I am so very lost and bordering depressed... Pls someone help

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Option Group To Search

May 24, 2006

Hello All

Talk about frustrating and I am sure the answer will be easy for some.

I have a Main form with search criteria and a subform with the data. See the attached image for the layout. The data comes from a query.

I have a yes/no field called "CompletedP" that I want to use to search on. This field is to filter in/out completed jobs. The Frame is called the generic name "Frame60". I am using an option group with the choice of yes or no plus other search criteria using combo boxes. The combo box filtering is fine but the option box does not appear to form any part of the search. To search I select any of the boxes and select "Search".

I post the code here.

Any assistance would be very much appreciated.

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim strFilterSQL As String
Dim sSql As String
Dim sCriteria As String
sCriteria = "WHERE 1=1 "

'This code is for a specific search where you will need to enter the exact string
'The source for this code can either be from a table or query
If Me![Location] <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub6.Location = """ & Location & """"
End If

If Me![Code] <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub6.Code like """ & Code & "*"""
End If

If Me![ClientCode] <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub6.ClientCode Like """ & ClientCode & "*"""
End If

If Me![ProjectCode] <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub6.ProjectCode = """ & ProjectCode & """"
End If

If Me![StartDate] <> "" And EndDate <> "" Then
sCriteria = sCriteria & " AND qrySearchCriteriaSub6.DateAllocated between #" & Format(StartDate, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "# and #" & Format(EndDate, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "#"
End If

Select Case Me.Frame60.Value
Case 1
strFilterSQL = sSql & " Where [CompletedP] = -1;"
Case 2
strFilterSQL = sSql & " Where [CompletedP] = 0;"
Case Else
strFilterSQL = sSql & ";"
End Select

If Nz(DCount("*", "qrySearchCriteriaSub6", Right(sCriteria, Len(sCriteria) - 14)), 0) > 0 Then
sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT [JobID],[Location],[Premises Details],[ProjectCode],[Code],[ClientCode],[DateAllocated],[CompletedP],[FileNumber] from qrySearchCriteriaSub6 " & sCriteria
Forms![frmSearchCriteriaMain6]![frmSearchCriteriaSub6].Form.RecordSource = sSql
MsgBox "The search failed find any records" & vbCr & vbCr & _
"that matches your search criteria?", vbOKOnly + vbQuestion, "Search Record"
End If

End Sub

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Search Form With Option Buttons

Oct 18, 2005

I have a form named Welcome which I want to use as search menu for my database.
I have added 4 option buttons and a unique textbox into which users will write their query criteria.
My database has 4 queries and each option button should refer to one of them once selected

Obviously I will need a command button that will run the query.

Any help or code to do this? Thanks.

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Forms :: Date Range In Dynamic Search

Jun 18, 2015

I have utilised the code on John Big Booty's thread titled Dynamically search multiple fields (Thread #188663) to create a dynamic search feature

It works great however I would like to incorporate a date range filter into the results displayed in the ListBox.

Therefore the results would be dynamically filtered only if they meet the required date range.

The Date range data is on the form in a txtdatefrom and txtdateto textbox.

I have tried to adding a the ReleaseDate field with the following criteria to the query:

Between [forms]![frmSearch]![txtdatefrom] And [Forms]![frmSearch]![txtdateto]

however this has no impact at all.

How would I incorporate this date range into the query or VB Code?

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Forms :: Subform - Date Range Search

Jun 13, 2015

I have a form with a subform which searches the database using multiple criteria using Text Boxes and a search button. One of which is a date range which is entered into 2 text boxes(SDTxt and EDTxt). At first glance the code works. If I enter 03/05/2015 in SDText and say 24/05/2015 in EDTxt and hit the search button(SearchBtn) the correct records are shown in the subform (Office Subform). But if I enter 05/06/2015 in SDTxt and 13/06/2015 into EDTxt not only does it show the records between the 2 dates but also all records from May. I have put on a cut down version of the code which just shows the date range search.

Private Sub SearchBtn_Click()
Dim strWhere As Strin
If IsDate(.SDTxt.Value) And IsDate(.EDTxt.Value) Then
strWhere = strWhere & _


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Using Option Buttons To Decide Corresponding Search Mode

Sep 12, 2005

dear experts,

i am a student and i have a project to complete in 2days. i have managed to crawl through access and come up with forms and a functional query set. i need to create a search function for names and addresses. i manged to do a fisrt name search. i need to make an option for users to choose either first or last name and then search for the other details.

here is my situation, i need help connecting a radio button to a search form. allow me to illustrate my form.

************************************************** *******

first name : _________ (combo box) last name : _________ (combo box)

[0] (option button) [0] (option button)

SEARCH ( command button)
************************************************** ********

as of now, the first name combo is connected to the search button via a macro which launches the query with a value from the combo box. how do i make the user choose either option "first/last" and then make the search button search appropriately. please help me. i know this is elementary. i've spent too much time looking for a solution on my own. my time is running out to complete the project. and i've yet to create switch boards and all those other things. please! thanx all.

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Forms :: Search And Filter Data Between Two Date Fields

Jul 29, 2013

I have a form in access where i need to select a record between two different dates. For example i have a "valid_from" and "valid_to" field. I have an unbound text box with short date format and calendar control inserted for users to select a date. This is named "drpdate".

I have a bunch of other filters also in the same form. Now my issue is that i have not been able to figure out how to put in a SQL statement which would give me the data which is between the "Valid_from" and "valid_to" fields based on the date selected in the unbound text box.

If the selected date does not meet the criteria, then it needs to be give the results from another table (which i have already done).

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Forms :: Search Records And Add Multiple Date / Timestamps

Apr 11, 2015

Below are what I have created.

Table 1 with 3 fields:
- UniqueID
- field1
- field2

Form 1
- text box to enter UniqueID
- button to save the new UniqueID and date/time stamp
I set the Default Value for UniqueID in Table 1 as Now()

Each time I enter a new UniqueID and click the button, a new record will be created in Table 1 with the entered UniqueID and current date/time in field1

This form seems to work well.

Form 2
- text box to enter UniqueID
- button to update

How I can use the UniqueID entered into the textbox of Form 2 and update the corresponding field3 with a new current date/time stamp?

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Forms :: Start And End Date Text Boxes In Search Form?

Nov 7, 2014

I have a pair of captioned text boxes for taking the criteria for the search result. Currently the text boxes are tied with a date field. I would like to give the user's choice of a number of date fields. After some research, I believe option group control fits for this purpose. Unfortunately, I never try this function before.

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Forms :: Using Calendar To Control A Test Box - Click Search For Specific Date

Jul 2, 2013

I am trying to allow a calendar to search through a text box with a large amount of data in which will have headings using the date so i wanted to use a calendar search. Hopefully this will be be like the find function in word where you type (or in this case select a date) then click search or next which will take you to that specific date.

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General :: Search Filter Option For Users - Ability To View Data?

Mar 12, 2014

My department and limited the users to only specific tables based on their need and role. However, users have expressed the need to view past work. I do not want to give them access to the table - I am thinking that there should be a way to create a report that shows the data, but how would I set up a search filter option so they can find the one record that they are looking for?

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Forms :: Option Group - Warn User When Neither Of 2 In Option Group Not Ticked?

Jul 25, 2013

I stumbled upon the Option Group function just yesterday and, happy as a clam, I created a group with 2 options in radio button style. I assigned the values to a field called Registration_Type as the 2 options are "Confirmed Registrants" and "Prospective Attendees".

[Great. That part works well. When I look at the table, a 1 or a 2 is in that field so it's great to know how to control accidental ticking of radio buttons (previous 450 records or so didn't have this option group functionality so one might easily tick one of the buttons. So one part of controlling option group I know I can handle via the table itself for now.]

The challenge is how to ensure the user always ticks one or the other ... I went back to the main table and tested the 'required entry' option for the Registration_Type field but forcing an action like this is not ideal in my mind. The usual error message vagueness for the average user is no good and I don't want to limit the user so much.

Is there a way to simply have a popup come up warning that neither radio button was ticked? Perhaps something linked to the form - i.e., maybe "after update"?? I only learned about attaching code to before and after update on controls a couple of days ago, so not sure if this would be best approach.

Just something to let the user know that nothing has been ticked in the option group as that controls in which of 2 reports the data will show up in so any record not ticked might mean a registrant being left out, which would be rather disastrous <g>.

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Modules & VBA :: Date Range Option On Form

Jul 16, 2015

I have a form that has several drop down menus on it. I use the form to filter the database to only the options that are put into the drop down windows. I have it set up so that every window does not need to be filled in for the filter to work. Now I am trying to figure out how to put the option of a date range on my form as well. The code that I am using to make everything up to the date range work is.

Private Sub Search_Button_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Admin_CompletedPartSearch"
str_Form = "Admin_CompletedPartSearch"
str_Filter = "(1=1)"

[Code] ....

I can't figure out what I would need to do to make a date range also fit into this code but not to be required.

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Modules & VBA :: Option Group - IIF Date Return

May 2, 2014

I have a date field in a form fed by an option group. Most of the options return the correct values, but I'm having a hard time with this:

If the inspection date (in another form) is in Jan Feb or March, then return the date 1 Apr of the inspection year. If not, then return 1 Apr of the following year.

Here is the trouble line:

Case 2
IIf (Month([Forms]![FrmGeneralInspection]![txtInspectionDate]) <= 3), Me![txtReInspectionDate] = DateSerial(Year([Forms]![FrmGeneralInspection]![txtInspectionDate]) + 1, 4, 1), Me![txtReInspectionDate] = DateSerial(Year([Forms]![FrmGeneralInspection]![txtInspectionDate]) + 2, 4, 1)

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Date Picker Option Not Available For Unbound Text Box

Mar 9, 2014

I changed this text box format to General Date but I do not have the date picker icon when I click on the text box. I also noticed that for this text box in the property sheet, it does not even have the date picker option listed. I am trying to do this in a report header.

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Populate Option Group When Date Field Is Entered

May 24, 2005

I have a form where users fill in a date resolved and click complete in the Option Group, it's default value is incomplete. I have a problem with the users forgetting to change it to complete when the enter the date resolved. Is there a way to change the option group value when the date resolved is entered?

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Populate Option Group When Date Field Is Entered

May 24, 2005

I have a form where users fill in a date resolved and click complete in the Option Group, it's default value is incomplete. I have a problem with the users forgetting to change it to complete when the enter the date resolved. Is there a way to change the option group value when the date resolved is entered?

--- OR ---

Can it notify the user that they need to change the Option Group?

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Queries :: Add A Box On Search Forms To Search 3 Cells Of Record For A Keyword

Jun 10, 2013

I currently have a database with a few search forms. I recently attempted to add a box on one of my search forms to search 3 cells of a record for a key word. What happens is when I go to search, say for P0442, it does not bring up all of the records that contain that keyword in the 3 cells I have outlined. If I step down the code in the OR boxes of the query, it seems to work better but then for some reason my other search criteria , (Tracking number etc) does not work. I will upload the database for reference. I am currently working on the Search(View Only) and that is where you will find the query to work on.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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