Forms :: Search Form With Subform

Aug 21, 2013

I'm novice in access 2007 I've a project that contain a Table a form with Subform bound to that table, on tthe main form I've unbound [text boxes] and a [search button]. I want that my form act as a search form , so when I click the search button it show the only result an that table subform. I've read a couples of article, it look like I've to use some VBA code!

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Forms :: Search Form On Numeric Value In Subform

Mar 26, 2013

The following works when I am searching a form on a value in a sub-form where the value is text

Private Sub find_boats_by_enq_no_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim trz As String
trz = InputBox("Enquiry number??")
stDocName = "find_boats_by_enq_no"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM boats INNER JOIN prices ON boats.[boats-prices#] = prices.[boats-prices#] " _
& "WHERE prices.[stn-enquiry-number-1]= '" & trz & "'"
Me.RecordSource = strSQL
End Sub

What changes do I need to make if "prices.[stn-enquiry-number-1]" is a number rather than text. I'm thinking I dont require some of the "dims" and I'm not sure if I don't need to do something with the quote marks...

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Forms :: Main Form And Subform Search For Same Record

Nov 20, 2014

I am currently working on a project in access 2010 and I am having a search for record dilemma. I have a main form that has a subform in it under a tab control. I place a search box at the top of the form so that user could select either the ID, the internal case number, and/or the reviewer name in the text boxes to search the record.

I have tried the using the search for record macros and the convert the macros to VBA and possibly write so extra coding for calling the subform into the search but nothing seems to work in getting the search in sync between the main form an the subform. VBA code that will look for same record in both forms.

The reason for the tab control is because depending on the data entered the users switch between mid section data about case and so one set of info goes into one tbl and the other goes into another, but the subform that I am referring to in this question is being generated from the same tbl as the main form.

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Forms :: Search Fields On Form With Results In Subform

Mar 10, 2014

I want to enter text boxes on a form that are linked to certain fields on a table and when search criteria is typed in show the results in a table on a subform.

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Forms :: Set Up Navigation Form - Search Unbound Subform Records

May 16, 2014

have set up a navigation form which contains 5 unbound subforms that are made visible or not visible thru the on click event of command buttons on the main form, the subforms have a command button with an embedded macro that searches for a record based on what has been keyed to an unbound text box on the subform, this works fine when the sub forms are opened independently of the navigation form but when the search is done from within the main form, the error message is, "....cannot find the referenced from frmAQIFAList" subform, I tried referencing the main form name infront of the subform name but this also doesn't work, perhaps this would be better with code ? or is it because the subforms are unbound ?

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Forms :: Enter Parameter Value For Subform Search

Apr 8, 2013

I have attached a (slimmed down) Access 2007 database used for Asset Management and fault reporting. It opens on the main form which has a number of subforms and one sub-subform.

To make the form as user friendly as possible I am placing a number of unbound text boxes on the FormHeader to be used for search queries. The AfterUpdate event for each text box executes the necessary query, searching on the contents of the text box.

This works absolutely fine for the 'Colloquial Name' text box and associated field - this field is in the main table, RTI_Assets. The main form frmRTI_Assets is bound to this table. The query executed is called 'Colloquial Search'.

I cannot however get the 'Fault Reference' search to work on the field Supplier_Reference in the RTI_Fault table (the subform subfrmRTI_Fault is bound to this table). The query executed is called 'Fault Reference Search'.

There are 15 records in the assets table and 2 records in the faults table - with supplier references 555 and 101010.

I get prompted with Enter Parameter Value for the field RTI_Fault.Supplier_Reference if I enter 555 in the text box. Whatever I enter in this prompt I get returned to the first record.

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Forms :: Subform - Date Range Search

Jun 13, 2015

I have a form with a subform which searches the database using multiple criteria using Text Boxes and a search button. One of which is a date range which is entered into 2 text boxes(SDTxt and EDTxt). At first glance the code works. If I enter 03/05/2015 in SDText and say 24/05/2015 in EDTxt and hit the search button(SearchBtn) the correct records are shown in the subform (Office Subform). But if I enter 05/06/2015 in SDTxt and 13/06/2015 into EDTxt not only does it show the records between the 2 dates but also all records from May. I have put on a cut down version of the code which just shows the date range search.

Private Sub SearchBtn_Click()
Dim strWhere As Strin
If IsDate(.SDTxt.Value) And IsDate(.EDTxt.Value) Then
strWhere = strWhere & _


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Search In Subform Of A Form

Jul 1, 2005

i do have a form with a subform when i am searching record thru the subform i cannot find a record. how will i do that when i click search and the focus is in subform?thanx in advance

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Multi-Search Form & Subform

Dec 3, 2006

I have one main table. There are about 5 main fields that my users seach often. Usually they just open the table and filter. I do not like that.

I want to build a form that has the 5 main fields available as search fields.


are the fields most often searched for. Can I make a form that will open with a blank subform on the bottom and these 5 fields empty across the top. Once a user enters into one of the fields and hits enter it will bring up the those records?


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Forms :: Dynamic Search - Subform Filter With Multiple Text Box

Oct 27, 2013

I wanted to build a dynamic search form using text box instead of the common combo box type.

I found an example that used the combo box and the searching portion of the code is as followed:

If Nz(Me.txtID, "") > "" Then
If Len(Nz(strFilter)) > 0 Then strFilter = strFilter & " And "
strFilter = strFilter & "CategoryID = '" & Me.txtID & "'"
bFilter = True
End If

How to insert (Like "*" & Me.txtID & "*") into the code to make the dynamic search using text box possible.

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Access Search Form And Result In A Subform

Feb 11, 2004


I have a problem to make a search form in access, I want to divise my form, at the top will be the search criter (8 fields) and in details section will appear the result. I use a continuous subform with a query on the searched fields.
But I can't actualise or open the subform with the new results.
I would like a button to start my search or a system to automatically show the result on AfterUpdate event.

Can you help me, please? i trying to solve this for a long time...

Thank you,


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Main Form Running A Search On Subform

Sep 20, 2012

I have only 1 table that im working with I simply want to have a form that runs a search on one of the fields and returns the results.

This is what I have:

1 Table

ID : Autonumber

ProblemType : Text
Technician : Text

I want to create a form that has a main form with a text field that i can input a string of text and run a search on the problemtype field. And return all the results in the subform with based on keyword that was inputed in the form above. I want the results to display Problem type and Technician fields. What is the best what to do this?

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Forms :: Print Report Based On Subform With Multiple Search Criteria

Jun 14, 2015

I have a problem printing a Subform that uses multiple criteria(in textboxes) as filters.

The search portion of the form works fine. The problem is I have created a report based on the subform and am using the following code to open/filter the report

Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
Dim strCriterion As String
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String


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Forms :: Applying Parameter Based Wildcard Search On Subform Filter

Jul 31, 2014

I have a Main form, and a subform which lists client details. On the Main form I have an unbound field. I want to be able to type a word into this unbound field and have it display all company names that have this word in them. ie. I type "Ltd" into the unbound field and it displays all companies with "Ltd" in the title.

I have created a query that does exactly this (Like ("*" & [Enter Word] & "*")), it displays a dialog box and I type in "Ltd" and it displays all relevant companies.

I have tried everything I know to make this work when I use the unbound field on the Main form, but I've had no luck.

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Forms :: Search Query With Subform - Edit Records In Related Table

Nov 8, 2014

I have a query which looks for like * surname*

in tblemployee fname lname dept active

this works fine and i can search using a requery button

however as deptartments are stored in tbldepts

when i change the query to retrieve the dept name instead of number directly from the table and i try to change this on the datasheet subform it changes it in tbldepts instead?

how can i change what dept the employee is in (as in change the number in tblemployee - but display the actual name?)

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Forms :: Search Field - Subform Does Not Change To Show Matching Records

May 6, 2013

All. using 2010. I have a form and a subform. my master and child links are set but when I scroll thru my form; my subform does not change to show the matching records. I do have an unbound search field for the same field as the master and child links. When I type in the search field for a record; the subform does change to that particular record. Do you think that has anything to do with it?

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Populate Form And Subform With Data Based On Search ..

Mar 2, 2007


I have a form with a subform, Both of them are based on a query.the form

displays a productid and its details ,and the subform has matching

productnames for that productid.

Now i have a search on the main form wherein the user enters ( search

for) the productid, once they click search button, the form should show

that particular prod id and details and subform loaded accordingly with

that productid matches...seems simple but how do i code this in VBA??

Basically populating the form and subform with data based on search..

i am using ODBC coonxn with backend oracle tables..

any help would be highly appreciated!


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Using Subform For Search Criteria And Relating One Search Field To Several Columns

Apr 21, 2015

1. I created a form with some search-fields which are related to a query. Then I added a Subform in which I put some more Search criteria (So that I can easily hide and unhide those additional searchfields). It sounds strange but is necessary ;-). Now I related those searchfields in the subform to the same query. When I run that query a window pops up that I should put in a value in all those searchfields which are in the subform. But I told Access that it should display all rows, if there is no value in those searchfields. Just as I did it with the Searchcriteria in the Main form. Do I have to do something special, when I have a query which is related to two Forms?

2. I want a searchfield to search in three different columns. Usually the value will just be found in one of those columns. As the Table I search is very long and has many searchfields and multiple of those will relate to more than one column, is there an easy way to do it in VBA? As I did it by using the "or" field when designing a query, but this seems very slow and unstable.

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Search A String Within Subform To Find Information Stored On Main Form

Dec 2, 2013

I'm trying to search a for string within a subform to find information stored on the mainform to which the particular subform belongs.

The problem is that the subform is generated from a query which uses a number from the main form to generate.

So the subform record is only generated when the correct mainform record associated with it is loaded.

Now to solve my problem I've made a new query that brings up ALL the results that could be generated by the main form and from that I can search to find my search term I'm after and read off the ID number to tie it back to the mainform.

But all of this is done manually, I want a way to do all this using VBA in a way that the user can't edit any records as they are doing it.

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Forms :: Create Search Form That Returns Subset Of Other Form Pages?

Sep 25, 2013

I've built a PostgreSQL database for some ecology data and am trying to use MS Access 2010 to make a front-end for it.

I've created a form to display site data; it includes such fields as site ID, site name, county, state, landscape, etc. (There are more, but if I can get the idea down with a couple of these, I should be good to handle the rest). One can click through the form and see 14 pages of site details, which is fine because there are 14 sites.

What I want to do now is make a search form in which one can enter values for site ID, site name, county, etc, and somehow get the pages of the display form that match those values. It's not terribly important to me how that output looks - whether it's a list of matches that allows for clicking on a match and showing just one page of the display form, or whether it's a filtered subset of the display form pages that one still clicks through to view them all.

if there is code to write, where do I type it? Do I start my search form by making a form with the search fields as values, or is there some other way? How do I make those search fields into search boxes rather than display boxes?

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Forms :: Moving A Subform Within A Subform Of A Form?

Aug 19, 2015

I often move sub forms up and down within a form using something like.


forms!MyMainForm! = 500

However, I am having trouble moving a subform within a subform of a form.


Forms!MyMainForm!!MySubform! = 500

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Forms :: Search Form That Fills Separate Textboxes In Another Form

Aug 15, 2013

I have a form with two textboxes called: txtAptDep, txtAptArr.

On their right side there are two buttons (btn1, btn2) to open a form called frmAirportSearch. It allows to choose (from a listbox) the airport to be filled in those two textboxes.

Now, if I search for an airport pressing btn1, I want the airport to be returned into txtAptDep, while if I open the form by btn2, the airport choosen must be returned in the second textbox.

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Search Button To Search Subform

Sep 9, 2005


I have a main form with a search command button in the header. This search facility looks for information in a subform. At the moment I can't seem to get it to work.

Main form called Building
Subform called LineTypeSub
Field its trying to search is called Line

Here's the code I have at the moment.

Private Sub cmdSearchLine_Click()

DoCmd.GoToControl ("Line")
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!SearchLine

SearchLine = Line.Text
strSearch = SearchLine.Text
End Sub

If anyone could help that would be great, thanks.

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Forms :: Search Form To Add New Record

Oct 26, 2014

I'm creating a database for work to do with health and safety. What I'm trying to do it create a form, where I search for a certain employee (by surname or id) to add a new record against that name.

I've got an employees table and a tool box talk table, they are linked by NI Number. This is what it looks so far (although the records are showing in the form).

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Forms :: Create Search Form

Dec 11, 2013

I need to make a search form in MS Access:

I have a table with columns:
Login, First Name, Last Name

I need to create a form with one text box and a Search button.When i enter the Login in text and click the button it should give me the details.I am able to do it with single Login being entered.But the catch here is i want to enter multiple Login in the single text box and search and it should give me the result.

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