Forms - Searching Data

Oct 18, 2005

Database description

I have one to many relationships between tables related with PersonID. From the entry forms I enter data and there is another form to search data. The data search form displays some 5 fields from different tables: first name, last name, phone, email...

Problem description
When I enter new data in all the above named fields, then the search engine can find and display the new record. However, when I leave blank some of the fields, let's say, the phone field, then the search does not display the entire row, although the first and last name, for example, exist in the appropriate table.

I would appreciate, if anyone could help me to solve the problem.


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Forms :: Searching Data Using Combo Box On MS Access 2007

Aug 31, 2014

I am new to MS Access database and I am currently developing a DB with search function in a form for an inventory purpose, I have followed some VB codes from the web.

Here is my issue; when I try to search using the configured combo box in the form it gives me these sets of values, here is the screenie // (just add the http: before the forward slashes as the site wont allow me to post images or links yet)

Row source for data: "-1";"Office 2010";0;"Office 2007";1;"Visio 2010";2;"Visio 2007";3;"Project 2010";4;"Project 2007"

and here is the VB code:

If Not IsNull(Me.compName2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Computer Name] Like ""*" & Me.compName2 & "*"") AND "
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.cUser2) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Current User] Like ""*" & Me.cUser2 & "*"") AND "

[Code] ...

I just wanted to eliminate the numbers and replace them with the actual values as name. ex. "-1";"Office 2010" instead of (-1) doing the search, it should be the value "Office 2010"

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Searching For Multiple Data

Jul 10, 2007

I currently have an employee database - all info is currently in one table.
I am wanting to create a search box in my form which allows me to search for multiple bits of information. ie. I would like to be able to type in either a first name, surname, full name, or employee id number (for example), press enter, and for it to display the results (either by going to the first that it finds, and me then clicking find next, or by displaying all found in an index so that you double click the one that you want - i am not too fussed... the main issue is getting the search box to look in multiple fields).

I currently have the following code:

Private Sub cmdFind_Click()

DoCmd.GoToControl ("Surname")
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!txtIDFind
'If FindRecord = True Then
'Exit Sub
'End If
DoCmd.GoToControl ("EIN")
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!txtIDFind
'If FindRecord = True Then
'Exit Sub
'End If
DoCmd.GoToControl ("forename")
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!txtIDFind

End Sub

(ignore the notes - they were trial and error for something else).

Currently, when i press find, this code will find the first of anything - ie i time in Frank and the first Frank will appear (unless someones surname begins with Frank). What i can't seem to do is get it to progress to the next record if i press a find next button.

I have also tried the following code, but it only works if i put in an EIN number:

Private Sub Findall_Click()

DoCmd.GoToControl ("ein")
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!txtIDFind, acStart, acAll, True

Any thoughts? I think i'm probably looking at this in completely the wrong way.

Oh, also i am quite new to VB, so please forgive any silly questions that i am likely to ask!

Kind regards,


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Searching For Data In Yes/No Boxes

Aug 10, 2006

Can you help me? I am very new to using MS Acess and have just built a very basic DB to store enquiries coming in to Head Office from potential franchisees.
Within this DB I have included a "Yes/No" box with a Title of Live Franchisee.
When an enquiry becomes a franchisee I tick the box as yes.
My question is how do I search for all the "Yes's" so that I can display all the live franchisees.

Best Regards
Keith :(

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Searching A Field For Specific Data

Jun 14, 2006

Hello everyone,

Ive designed a databse - no problem. Ive done all queries I need to - no problem. Ive designed forms for entering data and reports for showing data - no problem. THE ONE PROBLEM I have is with 1 field.

The problem is that the field is a memo box, used to add data on groups attended. For example: General, customer care, mystery shopping.

Can I run a query so that a different user can search the memo box for attendence to a certain group? eg, search this databse and field for customer care.

At the moment I can only seach on the first word in the field. I dont really want to have seperate fields as each employee can have attendence to different groups ie bo can have just general while bill has general, mystery shopping, customer care etc.

Any help would be great

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Forms :: Searching Forms Using Combo Boxes With Wildcards

Jul 9, 2013

So I've got a form set up, and it uses a combo box to find the name of a persons record to populate the form. Simple enough stuff, the wizard takes you through it. It works fine.

However the people that use the database have kinda thrown me a curveball by asking if the search function can search any part of the name. For example, you've got a John Smith. If you enter Smith into the combo box, it won't find the record because it's the second name, you have to type in John.

Is there a way to use wildcards in the combobox so you can type in first or last names and get the same normal combo box effect?

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Advanced Searching Through Forms

Mar 1, 2006

ok, i have just had a lengthly conversation with my user and i need an advanced search system.

what i would need is a search function, that does not only list the full field details from each record in the combos..

here is what i mean.. i have a quotation form with different locations and prices in a list box. i have a text box at the top of the form with an onchange event that alters the results in the list box.

so if the user types 'a'.. only the axxxxx records are displayed.. if they type 'ab' only the 'abxxxx records are shown.. and so on.

because my customer may not remember the exact address of their pickup or destination, i cant use this system, because i wont know the first letter of the details previously entered..

eg.. a user may have been picked up from '5 house street, new hampshire crescent.

if all the customer remembers is 'hampshire crescent.. then the above system will not reveal my record..

therefore i would need a search box at the top that allows me to search for any word (or identical consecutive characters) within a chosen field.

can this advanced string search be done in access?

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Forms :: Searching On A Form

Jan 4, 2015

I have a table containing customer details and a form which allows you to view them like i could make something that enables me to search their fullname that would take me straight to that record.

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Forms :: Searching All Columns In Combo Box?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a combo box with 2 columns, Item # and the Item Description. As of right now I have to type the Item # and it will autofill the text. I was wondering if there is a way if I don't have the Item # that I can search/type the description in the combo box field and it will autofill?

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Forms :: Pop Up Notice From Searching Table Database

Apr 4, 2014

I already have many table for each month , JanuaryT-DisemberT. I'm using simple form to key in data inside that table. Inside to that table (JanuaryT-DisemberT) have project number data i want to notice pop up when i try key in if that project number not valid..


Name -Project Cod- Validation
John -2012ABC - Not valid

Name -Project Cod- Validation
Ann -2011AAA - Not valid

What i want to do is when i want to key in data in MacT using Form with ADD butoon, some notice will come out if .... for example : Daniel-2011AAA or Jony-2012ABC the notice will come out " THIS PROJECT COD NOT VALID, PLEASE CHOOSE ANOTHER COD". it something like notice to tell me that project cod already not valid yet. It look like "automatic searching" data for every table. It Is possible to do like this?

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Forms :: Searching With Unbound Text Boxes

Jun 17, 2014

I want people to be able to search, or jump to a record by the PO #

I am hoping to just do it in the form, and by that I mean, the user is on the Purchase Order form and needs to look at a previous Purchase Order for editing, deleting, etc. and to just type it in the text box, hit the search button, and there it is.

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Forms :: Input Mask - Searching With Part Number

Nov 6, 2013

I want create a from with a "Part Number" text box .

After I enter a Part Number into the text box ,

other text box at below will automatic come out the detail about the Part Number I typed in .

Extra :

my part number is something like this : 00-00000-00 ,

how to convert to input mask ?

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Modules & VBA :: Searching Form Along With Other Forms In One Navigation Form

Jun 11, 2013

I have used one of the members' code which was posted in a tread before to create a search box in a form. This code works perfectly when the form itself is open. Otherwise, when I put this searching form along with other forms in one navigation form, I get the following error: "Enter Parameter Value: Forms!FRM_SearchMulti!SrchText"...The code that was used for the Search box is as following:

Private Sub SearchFor_Change()
'Create a string (text) variable
Dim vSearchString As String
'Populate the string variable with the text entered in the Text Box SearchFor
vSearchString = SearchFor.Text


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Jun 25, 2007

Hi, I have two questions which i dont think are two far apart, hence same thread.

First is, how do i make a search text box, that when i click a button searches for what is in that text box, rather than bringing up the find box. It is alright but it always compares it to what was last tabbed, or is the selected tab, and i want it always to compare to another textbox called company name.

secondly. I am often entering entries to the database with the same details. but a different name, how can i have it so that i enter say 4 or 5 names which starts 4 or 5 new records, but then places the rest of the details across all the new records.


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Jul 22, 2005

Hi All,

I have a database which has 9,00,000 zip codes.... when i am searching for a particular zip code it's taking some time.... can anyone tell me how can i speed up the process.........


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Apr 11, 2006

Hey all.

I have a database but want to create a Search function.

I want the search function to read a drop down box for a table name, then read two text box's for search criteria then search the table and displat results.

My knowledge of Microsoft Access is limited.

I think I have the theory behind it but not the know how for the coding.

So far I have been able to get it too look at the List Box for the table name then when I hit the search button ive set it to just open the table for now.

but cant get any further, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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F12 For Searching - Help

May 7, 2005


I have a command button (SEARCHING). I want to Press F12 as a function key instead of pressing on the command button. Any help pls...???????


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Searching By Name

Jun 27, 2005

I need some assistance in searching for a recorded by employee name with the click of a button. There could be more than one record for each employee name so i need a way that once the records are found they can be displayed to the user? ANY help is greatly apprieciated!!!!


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Forms :: Create Data Entry Form To Input Data For Field

Mar 5, 2015

I an trying to create a data entry form (IndividualsEntryFm) to input data for fields such as (First Name),(Birthdate) etc., these to be saved to the (IndividualsTbl)

I also have another table (NamesTbl) which has family names etc. The two tables are linked by a (MainID) field. I want a combo box on the individualsEntryFm so that I can select the family name. Then I wish the empty fields for the IndividualsTbl to be available to enter data.When I press the save button I then want this data saved, together with the MainID from the combo box to the IndividualsTbl.

I have set the IndividualsTbl with a (PersonID) field as an auto number each individual therefore has a unique PersonID but may well share the MainID. I'm trying to link many people to the same address.

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Forms :: Display Data In Form As Select Record In Subform In Data Sheet View

Nov 11, 2013

i have a main form named(EMP) i have a subform named(SEMP)with EMPID i have an another form Named(SDetail) with EMPID i want to open form Sdetail with filter records for data select in subform (SEMP) ,EMPID field Subform SEMP in as datasheet view. i can open sdetail for selected records only

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Forms :: Make A Button To Search Range Of Columns In Data Table With Data Type Yes / No

Apr 15, 2013

what I want to do is make a button to search range of columns in data table with data type Yes/no and display the results if the value is yes

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Forms :: Saving Specific Data From Data Entry Form Depending On User Selection

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to save specific data from a data entry form to a specific depending on what the user selects from a dropdown/combo box.

So if the user selects "test company from the combo box, that data (from that form) will save to the Test company data table.

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Searching Dates

Apr 15, 2006

I want to run a query where I can enter two dates ( On on form ) and have a report show the results.

I know I can write the dates in the criteria field in a query, but I want to be able to enter the dates on a form and do it this way.
Please help, anything will help me, I hope. :confused:


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Help With Searching Database

May 10, 2005

I have built a basic database to hold details on all my computer books and software as i hundereds of them.

I have built a table with text, number and memo fields which i want to be able to search.

What i would like is a form where you can enter details into various fields (eg Title, Author, a field to search all fields, etc) and then display the results in a table in the form below it. Then when the record is double-clicked it opens the record ina new form displaying more details.

Is there a way to do it as i have spent months trying to figure it out and trying to include the sample databases?

I have attached my database so any help will be appreciated.

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Error When Searching

Sep 8, 2005

Hi there

In my form every time i click on the search button a box pops out and asks me if i want to continue or accpet the change. the funny thing is i just search and nothing else.


i attached a screen shot to help

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Searching An Entry With VBA

May 12, 2006

Hello, I'm trying to search an entry of a recordset with VBA

The entry can only be found by searching 3 field values. In my case the correct entry can only be found if the data in the field Date, No_Employe and No_Project all match the data of the entry I want.

Findnext doesn't work, it only access one field and I need three.
Seek doesn't work since it need to search a key, and neither Date, No_Employe or No_Project are keys.

How can I proceed ?

Should I use multiples Findnext ( how do I do that ? ) ?


Also please note that I'm searching for 400-500 entries in a row, so speed is an issue.

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