Forms :: Selectively Update One Value In A Table By Lowest Date

Mar 17, 2014

I have a relatively complex update that I need to perform on a table from a form. I have a system that has "games" and "game copies". The game is simply a name of a particular game and the copy is something that has a stock number but a foreign key of the game catalogue number. This means I have several catalogue numbers that are the same in the GameCopy table.

The problem is that I have to reserve a game - not a game copy. When I have made a game available (it has been returned) I have to indicate this in the reservation table. I could have many different reservations for the same game so I need to only update the oldest reservation and indicate that a game copy is available now.

One "Game"
Several "GameCopy" using "Game" as a foreign key
Reservation table with possibly several reservations for the same Game - not GameCopy(s)

In other words I have an "Available" field in the reservation table and a "date reserved". I need to create an "Available" (Date()) entry for the oldest DateReserved entry on that reservation table. I could have done it as a boolean but I decided to use a date instead for logging purposes.

Would I use some kind of "Once only" action to make sure that only one of the reservation entries are updated? I really do not know how to proceed with this.

Obviously if I simply:

UPDATE Reservation SET Reservation.Available = Date()
WHERE Reservation.CatalogueNo=Forms![Current Reservation].CatalogueNo;

...then it will update all of them. I believe there must be a bit more SQL I have to add or something else maybe.

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General :: Deduct Quantities Based On Date - Start From Lowest Date

Sep 9, 2014

I have attached a sample of a database.

Table 1 has all the items I am trying to sell with sell by date after which I cannot sell this item. Then in Table 2 I have forecasted sales. So now I am trying to calculate stock consumption to see if I will be left with any stock that I cannot sell.

So now somehow I need to deduct sales forecast from my stock holding but it needs to go by date i.e. consume all stock for Item 1 with date 16/09 before moving to Item 1 with sale by date 23/09.

So based on the attached example, I can see that on 16/09 I will consume only 5 cases from sell by date 16/09 and another sale is 18/09. So that would give me information that I will be left with 95 items dated 16/09, which I cannot sell because they will be out of date.

Ideally I would like also to include the logic that if Item is out of date it would move to the next sell by date.

So in this case sale of Item 1 forecasted for 18/09 (94) would consume the whole stock (50) with date 23/09 and another 44 from date 01/10

For Item 2 I can see that units with Sell by date 30/09 will be consumed on 25/09 and I will start taking stock from next sell by date which is 14/10.

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Query For Lowest 2nd Lowest And 3rd Lowest Value

May 24, 2006

Hello there...

I have a data set as follows:

Product CompanyA CompanyB CompanyC .... CompanyZ

aaa 2.3 2.4 2.5
bbb 3.4 - 3.1

and so on...

The value represents the price of products...

I want to make a query that will show me results in following heads..

Product MinimumPrice CompanyName
aaa 2.3 CompanyA
bbb 3.1 CompanyC

How can I proceed??

Looking for some help


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Filtering For Lowest Date Out Of Duplicate Records

Mar 13, 2008

I have a table that has a list of order information, there are multipule records per order that have information about when the order was processed. There is a day tied to the process time of each record, I need to filter out the duplicate records and get one record for an order, but that one record must be the first process time entry for that order. Anyone know how to make this query? Let me know if this doesnt make sense.

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Forms :: Make Fields Selectively Updatable

Nov 6, 2014

I have a form consisting of a list box and some fields belonging to a single record. When the user highlights a row in the list box then the fields show the details of that record. Now the whole process is Read only. But I wish to put a toggle switch on the form so that the detail fields of the record become updateable. I have tried the following constructs but I could not make those fields updateable.

Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.DataEntry = True
Me.fld1.Enabled = True
Me.fld2.Locked = True

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Modules & VBA :: Set Datatype As Date / Time In The Form - Update Table With Null Date

Mar 12, 2014

I have a form with Date of Death (DOD) field. I would like update DOD from a table dbo_patient into Z_Patients table.

I have set the datatype as Date/Time in the form for Date of Death.

Private Sub Update_DOD()
Dim rcMain As New ADODB.Recordset, rcLocalDOD As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim DOD As String
rcMain.Open "select distinct PatientKey from Z_Patients", CurrentProject.Connection

[Code] ....

However I am getting some error Run-time error '-2147217913 Date type mismatch in criteria expression in section below.

CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "update Z_MAIN_Processed_Patients set DateOfDeath = '" & rcLocalDOD!date_of_death & "' where PatientKey = " & !PatientKey

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Reports :: Extract Selectively From Different Tables

Sep 7, 2014

I'm designing a database for a laboratory. There are many tables that will contain test results. They all have in common a field called ID( primary key) linked by a one to one relationship because one patient has reports in different tables. The ID is unique to each patient. For the Reports, i hit the rocks... How can i structure a report that can extract a patient's records from the different tables where they appear in the database?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Selectively Clear Cells In A Column

Oct 7, 2013

I have had to copy a column of dates to a new column to extract the month and be able to make subtotals based on each month.Now I am trying to tidy up the column by removing all the cells containing the month and leave behind the subtotals.

I have got a little way there using:

lastrow2 = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
With Range("A1:A" & lastrow2)
Set RngFnd = .Find(Total).
Set rngDelete = .ColumnDifferences(Comparison:=RngFnd)

But it only clears the cells down to the first subtotal so how can I get this carry on?

Alternatively I could use code to find the subtotal, and then cut and paste it into the next column over if that would be easier?

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Forms :: Set Date After Combo Box Update?

Nov 19, 2014

I've got an Access 2010 database based on the Tasks template. I've added a column to the Tasks table called "CompletedDate" I'd like for the Status combo box on the Task Details form to update the Completed Date for that record.

i.e. so when the Status is set to completed, it auto completes the Completed Date with the current date.

I've tried using an OnChange and an afterUpdate statement on the Status box but I don't seem to be getting anywhere.

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Forms :: Auto-update Date Field

Oct 14, 2013

Is it possible to automatically update a date field in a form record without ever clicking in to that date field, but only because you have altered something else on that individual form record or an embedded, linked subform record? eg1. Staff details record - a) create a record for Bob Smith and 'Last Updated' field automatically inserts date b) amend record to say 'Robert Smith' and 'Last Updated' field changes to show new date, even though you never touched that date field. eg2. Risk register - main form record contains name, details, and 'Last Updated'; embedded subform allows you to add individual records of actions taken for each risk. I want the 'Last Updated' field to update each time I add an action, without amending the 'parent' risk record.

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Forms :: Update Multiple Records With Same Date

Jun 14, 2013

I've got a table which contains about 4000 workers, all of whom are issued with an ID card using a 3rd party software which looks at the data in this table. Every 3 years the card expires and needs to be re-issued.

When this happens for a batch of workers, the Print Date needs to be updated to reflect the new date - is there any way in which I could select a number of different workers and update the Print Date field for them all at once?

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Tables :: Update Yes / No Field In Table If Date Is Less Than Today

Aug 6, 2014

Having issues with getting auto update of Yes/No field dependant on todays date.

When users open the form the code runs through and checks all entries and updates the records if either of the dates in two separate fields is less than today. The issue I have is when some users are already using this form a second user cannot open it. Error shows other user information as having the form locked and code halts at highlighted spot below. Is there another way of ensuring this field is updated to Yes or No if the date in the field is less than current date.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Automatically Update Date Field Everyday

Jan 29, 2015

I am using Access2007. Attached is my database.

I am attempting to track the duration of days since an initial date.

A individual has 3 business days to have their bloodwork/labs drawn after given instructions to do so. 'StartDate'= the initial date. 'LabsDate'= current date(would like it to automatically update to the current date everytime the database is open). BD ElapsedLabs= # of days that has elapsed between the initial day and todays date.

I am able to calculate the #days elapsed no problem, but I am having a problem with 'LabsDate' automatically updating to todays date. I am able to automatically place the current date in the first/ fresh entry, but it fails to update the next day.

I have tried placing the code Me.LabsDate= date() in the Before Update Form Property Sheet. Cannot get it to work.

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Forms :: Update Date Field With Command Button

Dec 31, 2013

I want to be able to update a date field in my form with a command button based off the date the person picks off a combo box in my header... is this possible?

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Forms :: Update Text Box Based On Input Of Date Control?

Feb 10, 2014

Can you update a text box on a form based on input of a date control? Here is what I have. I have several date controls on my form, and I want to update a status textbox based on which of these date boxes is filled out, but I need the status to be filled into the table as well. Do I update the field on the table, and then requery the text box? Is there some other method for accomplishing this?

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Queries :: Update Date Field Stored In Table - Query Not Working

Dec 23, 2013

Why is this update query not working, I'm trying to update a date field stored in a table.

The new date is passed from a txtbox on a form to the update query!!!

SQL code

UPDATE TblDietPlantemp SET TblDietPlantemp.MealDate = [Forms]![FrmSwitchBoard]![txtCusDate];

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Error - Field Date Update Doesn't Exist In Destination Table

Aug 7, 2013

Was trying to append an Excel 97-2003 spreadsheet to an existing Access 2010 database.

The last field in the spreadsheet is Date Update.

When I click 'Finish' I get the error "Field Date Update doesn't exist in destination table <name of table>.

This database was created in Access 2003, and was not updated since and I don't have Access 2003 on my destop.

I saved the Excel Spread as a Excel Workbook *.xlsx and tried to append it. Same Error was the result.

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Forms :: Update Data From One Table To Another Table Using Form - Access 2010

Dec 16, 2013

How to update data from one table to another table using form.

I have data coming from design team in Database 1 and using form i want search data and assign the job to a person and store it in the database with his name. I have to do this because database from design team is read only.

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Return Lowest Value Only?

Jan 16, 2008


I have a table that contains itemcodes and prices. An example of the records would be:

<Item Code> <Price>
Product001 £34.56
Product001 £49.23
Product001 £23.22
Product001 £98.43
Product002 £12.45
Product002 £54.34
Product002 £25.51
Product002 £76.84
Product002 £14.97

I would like to run a query that returns the lowest value price for each Item code. So in this example it would return:

<Item Code> <Price>
Product001 £23.22
Product002 £12.45

Does anyone know the criteria code in the query design view for this problem?

I know it sounds silly, but there are unique codes in another field, i just need to query against these fields.

Thank you for your help.


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Forms :: Update Table That Is Recordsource For Combo Box That Is Updating That Table

Mar 29, 2013

I have a combo box (cboManifestNumber) that is based on the following table:

ManifestDataIDPK (autonumber PK)
TsdfIDFK (FK frm tblTSDF)

This table is related to:

TsdfIDPK (autonumber PK)

I need to be able to update tblManifestData with a new manifest number and manifest comments, along with assigning it a TSDF. how to be able to enter a new manifest number and the associated data without having it create two lines in tblManifestData. I thought that I could enter a new manifest number, then requery the table and form so it shows the complete list of manifest numbers (including the recently entered one) while staying on the newest entry.

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Forms :: Editing A Forms Control Source To Update A Field In A Table

May 28, 2013

I have created a table for installer invoicing, and have a field for invoice amount. I have created a user input form that allows a user to fill in certain pay rates for different aspects of installation, and would like to know how to make the invoice amount a calculated control that will auto update the field InvoiceAmt in my table. I can't figure out how to do this in the property sheet.

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Forms :: Access 2010 Auto Update Calculated Date Field?

Jan 21, 2015

I have a database to track temporary decertification's. I have the expiration and max dates calculated out from the original dates at the top of each box. The temp expiration date is calculated by adding 267 days from the first date . When we enter an extension, the new expiration date is 30 days from the extension date. My question is, how can I make the expiration date update when a new extension is put in.

For ex.

Temp Decert Date: 05 Dec 2014
Temp Decert Extens 1:
Temp Decert Extens 2:
Temp Decert Extens 3:
Temp Experation Date: 31 Aug 2015
Max Temp Date: 04 Dec 2015

how can I make the expiration date update to go 30 days from what is in the extens field 1, 2, and 3 (respectively) instead of 267 days from the original date?

So I want it to look like this after updating a field

Temp Decert Date: 05 Dec 2014
Temp Decert Extens 1: 30 Aug 2015
Temp Decert Extens 2:
Temp Decert Extens 3:
Temp Experation Date: 29 Sep 2015
Max Temp Date: 04 Dec 2015

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Forms :: Update Table From Text Box Already Linked To Another Table

Dec 13, 2013

I have a form that contains the following: Combobox, (Lists BadgeNum from tblPersonnel)

2 Textboxes (LastName, FirstName) populated via code from the combobox using info from the same tblPersonnel.
2 labels (one containing Date, another containing Time)
ToggleOnButton (Valueof 1)
ToggleOffButton (Value of 0)

This form is basically used as a cheap police timeclock. All Im trying to do is when a user chooses their name from the combobox, clicks ON or OFF and then save, is just write the much of the same info to a table. Specifically, BadgeNum, DateIn, TimeIn, DateOut, TimeOut.

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General :: Update A Field In One Table From Another Table Via Forms

Apr 26, 2013

I'm trying to update one table's field, via a Form, with certain data from another existing table in my DB when I enter key data in this first form. Example:

Table Equipment ... Some columns... Year, Make, Model, LIcPlate, etc.

Table Fuel ... Some columns... Year, Make, Model, LicPlate, Fuel Dispensed, Milage, etc.

Form for Fuel has Year, Make, Model, LicPlate, Fuel Dispensed, Milage, etc. BTW, it will take Year, Make and Model to fully qualify the search/lookup as there may be more than one occurrence of a Year and Make in the Equipment table, so Model is necessary to fully qualify. . Yes, something like VIN would be a simpler lookup but remembering a VIN is much harder than entering a Year, Make and Model.

In a Form over Table Fuel, I want to have the LicPlate field (possibly other fields as well) automatically updated from Equipment Table when I enter the Year, Make and Model in that form.

I'm assuming the solution involves creating VB code, of some such, via an Event (AfterUpdate) or some such built through the LicPlate field in the Fuel form. A mass Update via SQL is not appropriate.

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Finding The Lowest Average

Oct 24, 2006

Let's say I have a table with the following data:

name | city | salary
john| Boston | 14000
billy | Boston | 32000
sam | Boston | 12000
jj | Dallas | 6000
greg | Dallas | 8000
josh | LA | 1200
ally | LA | 600000
bill | LA | 12000
bob | LA | 9800

how can i list the city with the lowest average salary?

I need to find the average salary of each city(should be 3), then choose the lowest from those 3 averages.

Can anyone help me?

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Find Lowest Value In ID Field?

Feb 2, 2008

I'm using a filter on the form load of one of my forms that potentially would have 3000 records. The idea is to speed the process up a little.

I'm using:

If IsNull(Forms!frmProjectMain!ProjectID) = False Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
end if
Me.FilterOn = True

Which works fine. However, I'd rather it was the ID with the lowest numeric value that was displayed and filtered rather than the last record chosen. i.e. 1 instead of a random number.

Does anyone know how i'd go about writing code that would tell access to go to the lowest ID to filter?

thanks for any help I receive here

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