Forms :: Send Object (Encrypt And Digitally Signed)

Apr 25, 2014

When using SendObject to send an e-mail, is there code to turn on the following?

- encrypt,
- digital signature and
- read receipt

Or must the user activate these when the e-mail is generated?

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Forms :: Using HTML To Format Body In Send Object Method?

Jun 26, 2014

Can I use html to format the message body in send object method ? If I can, how to do that.

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Send Object

Oct 4, 2006

Is there a way to tie a send object to a combo box on a form? I know I can write a query to pull information from a selection in a combo box using the [form][formname]thing. What I'm trying to do is I've created a database that allows many users to enter a request in a form. then when the form is complete they need to E-mail the form to their respective manager. I want them to choose from a combo box, then click on a button and the form is e-mailed to their manager for approval. I've gotten everything else to work accept for being able to choose the manager. I know I could also leave that blank and it will ask for them to enter the recipients name. If that's my only option I'm ok with that.


PS If this issue has already been addressed I couldn't find it.

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Faxing A Form With Send Object.

Nov 3, 2005

i have a form, every post on this form is connected to a deliverer in a table, every deliverer has a faxnr.
I want to be able to push a button on a form and it will fax the form to that deliverer, how woud this be done?
Ive checked that microsoft page about send object and stuff but i dont get much and it doesnt seem to be what i want to do.
Is this thing even possible in access?

When i try a sendobject command, i get "coudnt start the mail software, check that the software works" translated from swedish.@@1@@1

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Send Object Via Lotus Notes

Nov 14, 2005

Hi ,
In MS Access,

I used sendobject to send the object via Lotus Notes, but I want to skip to click the Send button from the Lotus Notes, everytime, when I sent, it goes to the Lotus Notes, then I need to click the send button again on the Lotus Notes for confirmation to send the mail. How can I skip it?

sendobject ........................, False

I used False or True, it still cannot be solved.

Please let me know, thanks.

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Send Object Macro Via Outlook

Dec 23, 2005

Hoping someone can help - need to know if there is a way to use a Outlook message other than the blank one that is used with the send object macro.

Maybe a normal message with a signature, template or something - when the macro is run, no formatting is included with the e-mail message, and the body of the message is limited to 255 charaacters.

Would like to use a customized message, and I need the send object macro to place the object in that message format.

If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it...thanks.

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General :: Emailing With Send Object

Nov 23, 2012

I am using a command button to email an invoice to a customer using the sendobject function, whilst this almost works correctly it is adding an additional mailto:address along with the correct email address.

Example: CorrectEmailAddress and then#mailto:CorrectEmailAddress

The code I am using is:

On Error Resume Next
Dim Cusemail As String
Cusemail = Nz(DLookup("Email", "invoiceemailQ", "orderID=" & OrderID), "")
If Cusemail = "" Then
MsgBox "No email Address"
Exit Sub


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Very Basic DoCmd.Send Object Help Needed

Sep 18, 2006

ok, i have been searching on google and the forums for sending forms/reports as outlook atachments.

all the examples i have seen are more complicated than my one.. i have one form.. and i just want to email those details.. in the form are the fields, one textbox where you put the email address, and one send email form button..

i got it working using a long module, that i didnt understand..and then i was told about the DoCmd.SendObject method which looks a lot easier..

i have one request, in the simple database i have uploaded, will someone show me where to put the code.. the db is VERY simple, and quick (one form with a send email button).. and if anyone can spare a few minutes to get this one working i will be very grateful..

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Change Output File Name During Send Object Routine

Apr 3, 2007

I have a query that runs based on a parameter a user selects on a form.

I want to dynamically create the sendobject file name based on the parameter the user selects.


My form has a parameter named medicine. When the user checks the checkbox next to medicine it runs a query for records labeled as medicine but sends the e-mail output as the query name. I want something like medicine.txt etcc...



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Modules & VBA :: Send Object - Adding Option To Include CC

Aug 27, 2014

I have a data base in access 2007, and I'm trying to add into my code one option that includes in the CC: field contacts that I already have in my DB.

This is my code:

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim vRecipientList As String
Dim vMsg As String
Dim vSubject As String

[Code] ......

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Signed Project?

Jun 13, 2006

Lately I have been using my db's on computers which did not create them (my db's). I've been seeing this message sometimes;
Microsoft Access
You have modified a signed project. you do not have the correct key to sign this project. the signature will be discarded.

can someone point me in the right direction. I think I've been down this road before but forget the correct path:confused:

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Forms :: Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object Table Name

Jan 5, 2015

I am currently building a database for the company I work for that is fairly similar to the Northwind Database; however it is made from scratch so hopefully some of the common problems with that database won't find their way into mine.My problem is that when I go to my Orders form, I pick a customer from the main form, which creates a record on the Orders table. When I then go to the subform to choose a product/line item, I get the error in my title ("The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'OrdersT.") as soon as a product is chosen from the drop down list.

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Forms :: Subform - Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object

Jul 17, 2013

The error is:

The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'tblIndividual.' '

Then it also gives me the same one on another table.

I think it has something to do with the link master/child fields. I've tried all kinds of relationships with the three tables and can't figure it out.

I've tried uploading the database here but it won't. It's on my Sky Drive.

[URL] .....

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Encrypt Text In Access Fields

Oct 23, 2013

I am writing text to a database from a web form and need to encrypt the text in the Access database to ensure that the information is kept secure and only accessible from the web form that is password protected.

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General :: Digitally Signing The Access VBA Project?

Dec 5, 2012

I have a query regarding signing my database. I have purchased a code signing certificate from Comodo. I have signed the VBA project and then set users security to 'Only enabled macros which are digitally signed' but when the database is opened it still gives the prompt 'Some active content has been disabled' and the user has to click 'Enable Content'.

Why does Access decide it should still disable the content when it is signed?

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Modules & VBA :: Encrypt / Decrypt JPEG Image / Binary File

Oct 7, 2014

I am looking for a function that will allow me to encrypt/decrypt single image files as and when required. I have built my own simple one to encrypt a string that will be stored in a filename as all the ones I found created unusable filenames.

However I don't know where to start with the image file encryption.

(Any better way to encrypt a string that can be used in a file name that would be great too. My method is a bit basic).

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Batch File To Automatically Digitally Sign Access Database

Jun 24, 2013

As I am having difficulty keeping my database at work digitally signed due to other users using the database; I was curious if I could create a batch file to automatically run at night to sign the database, so that it can automatically update in the AM, without being prompted questions. Or something of this sort?

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Object Library Not Registered/ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Jun 9, 2005


I am using Access 2003(11.6355.6360) SPI

When I attempt to create a new DB - by performing Blank Database I immediately get a message 'Object Library not registered'.

If I 'OK' that box and try to create a table, I can do so - create Table in design view.

When I then try to Import external data - an excel file I get the message 'ActiveX component Can't create object'.

I have looked ob various sites for help and forum information regarding these errors but have found nothing conclusive, with specidfic regard to Access 2003.

The version has been loaded on my machine about 1 year as part pf Office Professional but this is the first time I have attempted to run Access itself.

Does any forum member have any ideas as to how this problem could be resolved.

Thank You


Paul Langham

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Forms :: Method Item Of Object Forms Failed

Feb 25, 2014

I have a form "WorksheetList" that has a list of records upon which when one selects a record a new form opens "Worksheet" with the data from "WorksheetList" everything seemed to be working fine then suddenly I get the error "Method 'item' of object 'forms' failed"... Here's my code:

Private Sub txtReconciliationID_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Worksheet", acNormal, , , , acWindowNormal
Forms![Worksheet]![txtLastUpdate] = Me.LastUpdate
Forms![Worksheet]![txtCalendarYear] = Me.CalendarYear

[Code] .....

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How To Send Data Between 2 Forms?

Jul 9, 2006

Hi,I have 2 forms. form1 & form 2.Form1 is full with textboxes etc, so for one task (datainput from user), i want to open a new form (form2). 1. How can I send data (in this case, a registrationID) from form1 to form2?I would like to do it in a button click event (that opens form2, the button is placed on form1) like this: form2.textbox.value = ID, but it doesnt work. Any suggestions?I am fairly new to Access (but familiar with VB in Visual Studio 6)I plan to open form2 from form1 by clicking a button, i guess its therefore no "subform".Thanks for your help !

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Forms :: Send Values To Form

Jun 18, 2013

I have a form "A" with related subform "b". In that subform i built a macro wich opens a form "B" in a new window, to put a new record.And i need to put automaticly in form "B", values selected in record from subform "b".

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Forms :: Access Send Email Using Outlook

Mar 13, 2013

I am trying to modify the following code to send an automated e-mail using Microsoft Outlook instead of Lotus Notes. We recently switched e-mail clients and now the older code does not work. I have tried to comment in all areas to indicate where the new Outlook code has been inserted.

Private Sub SendEmail(ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Body As String)
'The bulk of this code for Lotus Notes comes from this website:
Dim copy(100) As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rsTemp As Recordset
Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database
Dim UserName As String 'The current users notes name


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Forms :: Can't Assign A Value To Object

May 6, 2013

I have an unbound form, with a subform datasheet (sfmStaffDS) - not linked to the parent form, which displays a list of all staff. There is another subform (sfmStaff), which displays data based on a field in the form which takes its value from the DA subform.To add a staff member I press the button and this clears the fields down as expected.

However, when I start entering data (in the First NAme field), I get the error as stated in the title. Interestingly, I can carry on and the data gets saved as 'normal'.I have used this technique before with success, except that the DS subform is linked to a value on the parent form.

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Forms :: Send Email To Current Contact In A Form?

Jul 19, 2013

I am using Access 2010 and I want to be able to open a blank email addressed to the contact I am viewing in my Access form. I have been successful in creating a button which opens Outlook, but I don't know what code to put in the 'To' field of the EmailDatabaseObject page so that it picks up the email address of the contact I am looking at.

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Forms :: Layer Object On Top Of Listbox?

Jun 25, 2013

In a form - How do I layer an object on top of a listbox?

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Forms :: Error / You Can't Assign A Value To This Object

Dec 2, 2014

I'm building a simple database for storing records about books.

I'm currently working on one of the data entry forms. Part of this form is supposed to enable the user to add details about the book and the series that it belongs to (if it does belong to one).

The relationship is One-to-Many: One series can have many books. I've made the series part a sub form.

When I enter some data to test that it works, I get an error message when I try to add a new series using the sub form. It says:

"You can't assign a value to this object.
*The object may be a control on a read-only form.
*The object may be on a form that is open in Design view.
*The value may be too large for this field."

As far as I know there isn't anything wrong, so I'm not certain why this error message comes up. I think it may have something to do with the primary key being the AutoNumber data type, but I just click 'OK' and ignore it, and it works fine.

The database works as far as I can see, I just want the error message to stop appearing.

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