Forms :: Set Focus To Text Box Once Button Is Clicked

May 28, 2014

What do I need to put into a macro attached to a command button to set the focus to a text box once the button is clicked?

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Forms :: TBO Value According To Button Clicked

Jun 22, 2014

I have a form, with just two buttons, say "Tyre" and "Engine". These buttons open the same form, say frmCar.

What I want to do is when I click the "Tyre" button, a tbo in the frmCar to get as value "Tyre" and when I click the "Engine" button, the same tbo in the frmCar to get the value "Engine".

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Forms :: Getting Subform To Open To A New Record When Button Is Clicked

Mar 3, 2015

I have a subform [ctrlLogDetail] on a parent form [incidentdetails] that is opened by the user when they click on a button on a navigation form. These forms are used for a variety of purposes. The problem I'm having is that the user needs to be able to select an incident number and go to the appropriate form (I accomplish this by using this code: DoCmd.OpenForm "IncidentDetails", acNormal, , "Activity_ID = " & Me.cboINum in the on click event of the button.) This works appropriately. The subform is also appropriately linked to the parent form.

I need an additional line of code to have the subform go to a new record when the form opens to an existing incident number. Since I use this form/subform when doing different tasks, having the Docmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew in the Form on open event isn't optimal.

I only want the LogDetail subform to open to a new record when the user wants to add an entry, but not when they need to edit a specific entry. What is the appropriate syntax to use either in the openargs event of the openform command or elsewhere in the procedure so that the gotonew function on the subform only occurs when this button is clicked? I'm having difficulty getting access to understand that I want the subform to open to a new record but not the parent form.

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Forms :: Tabbing And Setting Focus On A Button?

Oct 21, 2013

I have a form with a tab control on it. The input for respective fields are placed inside the tab control, and I have the "Confirm" button placed outside, on the main form. Now I wanted to be able to navigate my focus from a control from inside to tab control, out to the Confirm button on the form, to allow smooth flowing data entry.

However, it seems like Access separates the tab indexes for the controls in the tab control and outside on the main form, so setting tab index does not work. I tried using the code ON LOST FOCUS and SET FOCUS;

Private Sub txtPurchaseNote_LostFocus()
Forms![frm Imported]![cmdConfirmPurchase].SetFocus
End Sub

But then a dialog box appears:

Run-time error '2110'
Microsoft access can't move focus to the control cmdConfirmPurchase

(cmdConfirmPurchase is a button control)

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Forms :: Make Command Button Override Required Fields Focus?

Sep 18, 2014

I am using code like this to give warning messages and pass on focus to boxes only when things are selected.

Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.TextBox2) Then
MsgBox "TextBox2 cannot be left blank"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

I do this for a series of required fields in order.

However, I also want a command button that is 'Exit without Saving' that should be clickable at any time, but of course when focus is controlled in my required fields sequence, it can't be clicked. How can I separate this button?

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Forms :: How To Set Focus On Specific Text Box

Nov 11, 2013

I have a continuous form with a combobox and a text box. In the after_update event of the combobox I want to setfocus on the text box - of the specific record that I'm on. I tried using Me.CurrentRecord but that returns me to a completely different record than the one I was on. How can I setfocus to the text box of the record I am on?

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Modules & VBA :: Recognize Which Button Was Clicked

Dec 1, 2014

I'm designing a form which will display a lot of employee information in a tabular layout. Users need the option to update a lot of these controls, but I want them to do that on a separate form. I'm wondering if VBA can determine the position of a clicked button within the tabular layout.

So if I have a layout like this:

| label | textbox | button | label | textbox | button |
| label | textbox | button | label | textbox | button |
| label | textbox | button | label | textbox | button |

Can I have some code which determines that, for example, the second button across on the 3rd row is clicked and read the corresponding label?

I was planning to have each button just call a function passing an argument, but since all these buttons will be labelled "update" it could get a bit confusing if I need to re-arrange the controls. So I wondered if what I describe above is possible, and which VBA functions I would need to look into if so?

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Determine If InputBox Cancel Button Clicked?

May 21, 2014

How can I determine if the InputBox Cancel button was clicked?

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Populate Of Field After Button Is Clicked

Oct 17, 2013

i've got a data entry form. when i click the button add all the other buttons go grey, i am in mode "New" also i am able to add, edit, records in this state, when i press save i want the supplierID field to automatically populate itself with the next SupplierID record THAT IS EMPTY. So say that my last record was ID number 45 then when i click add on my form and go into "New" state the SupplierID field automatically populates itself with "46" btw this is all an unbound form,

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Macro - Adding Timestamp When Button On Form Clicked

Jun 25, 2013

Is there a macro that I can create so when a button on a form is clicked it would add a timestamp (or least the current day's date) to a date field?

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Modules & VBA :: Toggle Fields To Get Visible Based On Button Clicked

Oct 31, 2014

I'm quite new to Acces (2010) . Currently, I'm working on a form in which certain fields are set to invisible. I'd like to toggle fields to visible based on the button clicked.

Field 1: O No O Yes --> When No is clicked Field 2 (containing a date) becomes visible
--> When Yes is clicked Field 3 and 4 (both yes/no fields) become visible

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Comparing Date Field And Trigger Action When Button Clicked?

Jan 9, 2015

I have a table to store "issues" with fields Issue name(text), target date(date) and status (combo box-active & pending statuses). default status for new issue is active. when clicking a button i want to change the status of every record to "pending" status (combo box value should be pending) if the target date<current date.

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Forms :: Button In Popup Form - Set Focus To Another Form?

Jan 28, 2015

How can I make a button in a pop-up form to send enter key to a text box in another form? Do I need to set focus to the other form first? And how?

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DLookup In Control Source Of Text Box Only Returns Value When Clicked On

Apr 23, 2015

I have 3 text boxes on a form each of which gets their values from different queries using DLookup this is functional but only when I click on the text box its self, I have tried using the "On load" & "On current" to requery the textbox (Text38 as control name) but no luck,, another strange thing i've noticed, when I have the form open in access and i click on my taskbar, thus switching windows from access to the desktop but keeping access in view, all text boxes are calculated immediately.

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On Got Focus - Hover Over Text Box And Display Text In Another Textbox

Jun 18, 2014

When I mouse over TEXTBOX1 I want it to display the phrase Hello World in TEXTBOX2.

When the Mouse moves away from TEXTBOX1 I want TEXTBOX2 to go back to normal.. (Empty)

How can I get the below VB to work? Or something similar.. I'm assuming a mouse move event or something

Private Sub TEXTBOX1_GotFocus()
​ Display Hello World in TEXTBOX2
End Sub

Private Sub TEXTBOX1_LostFocus()
End Sub

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Toggle Button, Focus, Switching Back And Forth

Feb 6, 2006

Here's a little design problem, all of my VB script works fine, it's just a design problem:

Toggle Button (onClick) {
if pressed in, unlock protected field, pass focus to protected field
else (if not pressed in), lock protected field

Protected Field (lostFocus){
When Focus is lost, protect field then reset toggle button
See, there's no way that I know of for Access to tell what field has focus at any given moment. It lies inert until an event fires off then it responds. You can't wake Access up and tell it to go do something. So, Protected Field has to lock itself when it loses focus.

Here's the problem. If a user unlocks the field but then decides not to make a change and clicks the toggle again to lock the field, first Access fires the script to protect the field (locking it), then it resets the toggle button, then it registers the toggle button click which unlocks the field. See the problem? If the user changes their mind about changing the field and then tries to lock the field, it ends up unlocked. I need something that will work whether the user is good about it or whether the user is in a rush and forgets about it.

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Hide Command Button On Lost Focus

Jan 17, 2006

Seems simple, but I haven't been able to crack this one.

I've searched and haven't found an obvious answer.

I want to hide a command button after it loses focus. I've tried placing this code on the On Lost Focus and On Exit events of the command button.

Me.cmdName.Visible = False

I get the 2165 error, 'Can't hide a control that has a focus'.

I guess one solution would be to force the focus to another control first, however, "how do I know what control the user is attempting to move the focus to?"

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Modules & VBA :: Label As Button Doesn't Change Focus

Jan 20, 2014

I'm using a label as a button so it looks nicer, but if I press it without officially exiting the last text field I was in, then that text field doesn't update, so the vba believes it's blank or whatever it was.

I could manually setfocus to a couple different fields or have a teeny field thats hard to see to set focus to, but these both seem roundabout.

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Forms :: Calculation Only Displays When Clicked

Jan 8, 2014

I have a form which has a few calculations on which are:

TotalPrice - =Nz([Quantity])*([UnitPrice])

Then at the bottom to calculate it all:


This has been working perfectly fine however the TotalPrice is no longer calculating the UnitPrice x Quantity and the TotalCost isnt calculating as nothing appears in the TotalPrice. However when we click the fields the data is diplayed but only on clicking, if we leave the record and go back its back to blank again.

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Forms :: Remembering If Checkbox Has Been Clicked In A Form

Jul 3, 2013

Here's the scenario:

I have a table of Clients, each of which can have zero or more Contacts. Clicking the Contacts button on the Client form opens a pop-up form that displays the Client's Contacts.

Each Client can have a default Contact, indicated by a DefaultContact checkbox on the Contact form. If the user checks this checkbox, I want to run a piece of code that checks whether any of this Client's Contacts are already set as default and, if so, warns the user before proceeding. If the user goes ahead, 'default' status is assigned to the current Contact & removed from the other.

It seems to me that the obvious place to do this is on the Contact form's BeforeUpdate event, when the record is being saved. However, it's only necessary to do this when the DefaultContact checkbox has been clicked. But there's no 'Dirty' flag for checkboxes & the only way I can think of is to set a global (within the scope of the form) variable and get the BeforeUpdate code to check it before running my 'Default Contact' code above.

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Forms :: Creating Records Only When ENTER Clicked?

Jun 18, 2015

I have a form that when the end user is searching for previous records it creates an erroneous record based off of the search criteria. I want it to create a record ONLY when the "Enter" button is pressed.

Is there a way to limit the form to creating records only when ENTER is clicked on?

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Show Text At Focus

Jan 2, 2007

I need some help with my DB

This is my database cotroller

the next and back button work fine. the trouble i have is with the bleu balls when you focus on one of the balls a text must come to the text field. i used a label and an caption code but i dont get it to work i still need to click for it appears. And thats what i dont whant because when you click another form i beiing opened.

Please assist i thik this is a real challange

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Forms :: Display Different Subform Depending Upon Which Control Is Clicked

Aug 21, 2014

I am creating a database to manage multiple mobile devices. The table structure is complete and I'm trying to build a set of forms.

Simplifying things, I have tblUser, tblSim and tblDevice. I also have a tblJoin where you can select a UserID, SimID and DeviceID to create an item of inventory.

I have created a parent form (frmCreateInventory) base on tblJoin, so it has JoinID and combo boxes for UserID, SimID and DeviceID in the lefthand side.

I have also set up 3 sub forms sfrmUser, sfrmDevice and sfrmSim, based on their respective tables, which I want to display on the right hand side of frmCreateInventory.

I'd like to be able to create a subform control in frmCreateInventory, but change the subform it displays based on what combo box is clicked, e.g. if I click the UserID control, the subform displays sfrmUser, and the relevant data based on the UserID that is linked to the JoinID. if I click the DeviceID control, the sfrmDevice is displayed and the relevant info etc. etc.

Is this possible? if so, how would I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Combo Box To Show Report Of Selected Name When Clicked

Jun 7, 2013

Any way, I have created a table "accountstbl" to which i have AccountsID, Accountnumber, Accountname, Accountaddress, Accountcontact fields.

My question is i created a form with a combo box linking it to the accountstbl and Accountname field. When i click on the combo box it lists all my Accountnames from the accountstbl which i want but i want to click on an account name and once selected it will show a report of the selected name.

Reading through lengthy pages there is reference to event procedures but this is code which i do not know.

Simples is me select name from combo box and voila you have a report of your selected account name.

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Forms :: Check Box Control - Unable To Uncheck When Clicked

May 30, 2013

In a current form I want to display a checkbox that can be checked or unchecked. Based on if the box is checked or not, a value will be placed in a field when the record gets updated or created...

I have created a check box but when I click it, I am unable to uncheck it, Im pretty confident I can do the later part in coding it into the database... its just having the free ability to check it or not!

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Forms :: Button To Enable Text Field

Aug 10, 2015

I have all of my text fields disabled and I want the user to press a button to make them enabled. I have a field that links to the database called, "lastName".Under the button's clicked property, I have coded,

Private Sub Command44_Click()
lastName.Enabled = true
End Sub

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