Forms :: Short Time Within Auto-filled Text?

Aug 14, 2014

I have two fields that are in short time format, and are saving the information to the table in short time format.

I then have a field that I have set to auto-fill under the chosen circumstances, with a text roughly as follows

Dim Story As String
Dim IDepTime
IDepTime = [InstructedDeparture]
ADepTime = [ActualDeparture]
Story = "This person was instructed to leave at " & IDepTime & " but did not do so, instead departing at " & ADepTime & "which caused us a problem"
me.txtnarrative.value = Story
End Sub

This all works, however the times being displayed are in hh:mm:ss format, when I only want hh:mm format - how do I tell it the format I want?

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Forms :: Setting Text Box Format To Short Date And Optional Short Time

Jun 21, 2013

I want to be able to set text boxes so that if one enters a date and a time it displays in the format "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm", but if one just enters a date is displays in the format "dd/mm/yyyy". Is this possible?

Stipulating "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm" means that when you just enter a date it adds "0" values for the time e.g. entering "21/6/13" gives "21/06/2013 00:00".

General Date allows for an optional time, but it means that when you do enter a time it gives you seconds as well "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" - and I don't want that.

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Adding And Subtracting Short Time Values Together/changing Short Time Into Minutes

Dec 9, 2004

Hello again,

I think my subject heading explains it. How would you add or subtract two short time formatted values and produce a short time value? Also, how would you change a short time value into number minutes. (i.e. 5:30 into 330) Thanks!


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User Login And Have Their INITIALS Auto-Filled When Filling Out Forms

Apr 17, 2013

I have a database where multiple users log in and work in 1 of 2 different forms. The 1st form in for initial data entry where users enter data then senter there initials and save each record. the other form is for QC'ing data that has been entered and they will add additional data to the form, then enter their initials and save the record.

How can I make it so that I can have a user once they log in to the database, it will autofill their initials? I have used a dropdown box before but it is not useful for people who have the same first name initial or worst, the same first and second initial because they end up selecting the wrong initials.

I do not currently have it set up where I have a login screen, I just have only forms visible to users when they enter data. Any easiest way to go about making this happen (I am just trying to shorten the amount of data entry that gets done).

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Forms :: Convert Minute To Short Time?

Jun 22, 2014

i have a problem i have field contains (minutes as number) like 5750 i want to convert thes minutes to short time hh :nn to be 95:50

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Time Format - Short Time Displayed As Medium Time

May 23, 2006

I have an application with a backend db on PC 1, and the same application on PC 2 linked to the backend db on PC 1 via the network.

The link works fine but the time formats are different.

On PC 1 the time format is shortime and displays as it should i.e. in 24 hour clock format

However on PC 2, opening the same database via the network, the time format is still shorttime but when you read the time within the code it comes out in AM/PM format. Also, when the defaul tiem should be #20:00:00# but this changes to #8:00:00 PM#

Weirdly though, when you just open the table, the times are in the correct shorttime format.

Guessing, it must be a setting within the main core of Access 2003 that is different between the 2 instances?

Any ideas?

This screen shot may help:

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Time Format - Short Time Displayed As Medium Time

May 23, 2006

I have an application with a backend db on PC 1, and the same application on PC 2 linked to the backend db on PC 1 via the network.

The link works fine but the time formats are different.

On PC 1 the time format is shortime and displays as it should i.e. in 24 hour clock format

However on PC 2, opening the same database via the network, the time format is still short time but the format is in AM/PM or medium time.

Guessing, it must be a setting within the main core of Access 2003 that is different between the 2 instances?

Any ideas?

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Forms :: Short Text Fields With Scroll Buttons?

Jul 7, 2014

Most my short text fields on my form are normal, but some have scroll buttons like a memo box and it's annoying, especially because the user can't jump to the next field by pressing return.

How do I make them normal?

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Modules & VBA :: MessageText Argument To Be Auto-filled With Whatever Value Combo Box In Form Holds

Jun 28, 2013

I want the MessageText argument to be autofilled with whatever value the combobox in the form holds. This is my code so far...

Private Sub Command54_Click()
Dim EmailText As String
EmailText = "Submitted By: " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Description: " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Subject: "
If Combo18.Value = 1 Then
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , "", , , , EmailText, True

For instance, after "Submitted By: " I want the value from the combobox: Submitted By in the form to be automatically placed there.

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Short Time Entry

Jan 5, 2008

I'm trying to refine another of my time entries. To enter a Short time (eg 10:35), I have to type in the four digits AND the semi-colon in the middle.

I would like to be able to enter only the four digits with Access making it into the correct format.

I have achieved a similar effect in Excel using code like

TimeVal = Left(Value, 2) & ":" & Right(Value, 2)

I tried writing something similar in the Before_Update Event, but it was rejected!! Any ideas? - Thanks, Andrew.

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Tables :: Difference Between Short Text And Long Text?

Jul 31, 2013

What is the difference between "short text" and "long text"? Both seem to have 255 characters limit. I have Access 2013, and I found a solution, that you can use Memo instead of Short text. But the problem is, that there is no "memo" data type in Access 2013. So that won't work for me.

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Convert Short Time To A Number (seconds)

Feb 26, 2006

This must have been answered before, but I can't find it by searching so sorry for the dumb question.

I input a time in hours and minutes in a field with a Short Time format. I would like then to convert this to seconds in a field with a number format so that I can total the seconds and then add them to the results of a calculated DateDiff control to get the grand total of time spent on a project.

Any help would be gratefully received.



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Adding Short Time In Query And Report

Apr 2, 2008

I am trying to add hours entered in a short time format. For example 08:15 or 02:55. I also would like it to give a total number of hours beyond 23:00. Here is a table with a Name Column and Hours Column

Name Hours

How do I

A) write a query to add up the hours. I believe Heather would total 25:31 Hours.

B) Show this same total in a report? In my report I had a Name Footer which showed "=Sum([hours])". Will this work once the query is right or will I use the "=Sum([totaltime])"?

Also, is it possible for you to respond in a SQL statement so that I can copy? Thanks.

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General :: Convert Number To Short Time

Feb 12, 2014

How can I convert a number format into a short time format?

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Queries :: Append Time Onto Short Date

May 14, 2013

I have a totals query that displays the sum of what products we ship each day. A process in the system automatically assigns the date/time to a ShippingDate field when an item is marked as despatched.

The totals query allows users to view what products are shipped between a period specified by the user.

The problem I am getting is that when the user inputs dates into fields [txtStart] and [txtEnd], the query fires up but will not display any records as a start time 00:00:00 and end time 23:59:59 was not input.

I don't want users to have to do this but cannot think of a way around it. My criteria code in the query for the shipping dates is

Between [Forms]![Switchboard]![txtStart] And [Forms]![Switchboard]![txtEnd]

Can I append the start / end time onto the code above somehow or is there another method I can utilise that is probably so glaringly obvious I have missed.

Usually a query allows me manipulate a field property sheet but in this case there is nothing obvious to select like format.

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Short Time Not Working In Make Table Query

Mar 8, 2006

I've set up a query to calculate the difference between 2 time fields. I set the property to short time.

The thing is - when I run the query in a Select query, the times in the column which contains the difference, appear correctly : ie hh:mm, but when I run the same query in as a make table query, the time difference field (although I have set the property to short time) appear something like this:


Can somebody please tell me how to make it that the time difference results field in my make table query appears as hh:mm??

Thanks in advance - nelld

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Database Heavily Increasing In Size Over Short Space Of Time

Dec 5, 2007

Hi all

I have a database I built for my employers that is accessed by up to as many as 50 users at one time. It is a relational database. I did a compact and repair this morning which changed the BE from 215MB to 45MB. I went to lunch and came back and the database is now 58MB. Does anyone have any ideas as to why it has increased by 13MB within an hour? There is no way this is caused by geniune data records.


Gareth :eek:

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How To Save Data As General Date With Only Short Time Show On Form?

Aug 22, 2005

I have some project run on MS-Access as front-end with database linked to MS-SQL Server. I have some column of table contain Date-Time data that store data as General Date format (ie 01/01/2005 08:00:00). I create some form for my staff to key in a data of lab test that they will be key in only time with out date value. On form, I show this value as time only too. But I want to use this data with Date value for some calculate as backgroud process.


In case of new data, Database will be store my data as CurrentDate with Time that my staff key in.

In case of data update, Database will be store my data as ExistDate with Time that my staff may update.

What should I do for solve my problem?

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How To Save Data As General Date With Only Short Time Show On Form?

Aug 22, 2005

I have some project run on MS-Access as front-end with database linked to MS-SQL Server. I have some column of table contain Date-Time data that store data as General Date format (ie 01/01/2005 08:00:00). I create some form for my staff to key in a data of lab test that they will be key in only time with out date value. On form, I show this value as time only too. But I want to use this data with Date value for some calculate as backgroud process.


In case of new data, Database will be store my data as CurrentDate with Time that my staff key in.

In case of data update, Database will be store my data as ExistDate with Time that my staff may update.

What should I do for solve my problem?

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Modules & VBA :: Code That Creates A Long String That Works Most Of Time But Sometimes Gets Cut Short

Nov 5, 2014

I have the following code that creates a long string that works most of the time but sometimes gets cut short. I can't understand why it does this. When it cuts the string short it cuts it short in the same place. Everything gets in the string up to/or about the following code '</Practice Name>'This string is needed to upload info to a server.

dim msg as string

msg = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & vbCrLf & _
"<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:xsd="""" xmlns:soap="""">" & vbCrLf & _
" <soap:Body>" & vbCrLf & _
" <UpdateDataForScreens xmlns="""">" & vbCrLf & _
" <PatientObj>" & vbCrLf & _


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Short Cut To Insert Text

Nov 17, 2005

Is there a way to assign some short cut controls that will insert certain text into the field the cursor is in? For example, is there a way to assign "No mustard" to Alt-M?

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Filled Text Boxes Based On Combobox Choice

Oct 20, 2005

I have been searching this forum for 3 hours for a solution, some come close others are pure gobble de gook to me.
I have on a form 1 combobox where a name is chosen, from that choice I would like the address, suburb, state etc automatically placed intheir relevant fields.
I have tried =DLookUp("[PropertyAddress]","tblProperty","[Property]") in the address textbox which will only bring up the first recod's address from the table, if I change the name in the combobox the address doesn't change.
What am I doing wrong, I have designing databases in Access for a total of 7 days now and have been going fairly well with some tips and code snippets from this forum but this has got me stumped.


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Forms :: Changing Auto-date Rollover Time?

Mar 31, 2014

I have a date/time field on a form that has the default set to "=now()" which puts in the system date and time. I need to change it so that the date changes to the next day any time after 11:00 PM (instead of midnight). This is because our third shift starts their day at 11:00. If they start entering data right away, alot of their work shows up on the wrong (to them anyway) workday date. I'm struggling with the expression builder to get this to work.

One way is changing the time to be an hour ahead but that will affect the entire day when I just want to change the date for one hour per day.

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Forms :: Auto-populate Field With Date / Time In Future?

Dec 15, 2014

I'm currently building my first database for a research project. When we enroll a participant, we need to have an enrollment date/time as well as an activation date/time (and they are not allowed to be the same because, rules). I was able to figure out how to auto-populate the current date/time when we've marked a person as enrolled. What I'm wondering is if it is also possible to auto-populate another field with the date/time, ten minutes in the future?

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Convert Short Text Column To Date MS Access

Oct 9, 2014

Select * from Table where CDate(CStr(Nz(AnnouncementDate,0))) >=CDate(10-10-2014) and CDate(CStr(Nz(AnnouncementDate,0))) <= CDate(01-10-2014);

Here AnnouncementDate Column is Short Text

It gives me a type mismatch error..

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General :: Open Word Document With Corresponding Data Filled From Text Field Of A Form

Jul 10, 2013

I am trying to open a word document with corresponding data filled from the text field of a form. I managed to get the word document but I don't know how to give a variable in word document.

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