Forms :: Show Users Logged In To Database

May 3, 2015

I would like to create a form that will show the users connected to the database. It would be kind of a tracker who opened the database to work on some cases. The form could show all users from the datbase from top to bottom and to the right a green or red round dot that she/he is active opened the database or not active (closed the database or did not open it still)

I was thinking that it could be applied when the main form opens and that form captures the login from windows into the "tracker" form.

I guess it will only work when the "tracker" form is first open. If the "tracker" form is open later, how to capture those logged in earlier?

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Reports :: Show Currently Logged In User Into Database?

Jan 23, 2015

How do I run a report that will show me who is currently logged into my database that is saved on the server.

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History/Audit Of Logged Users

Jun 20, 2006

Recording to a table Who is logged on to Database, When they logged on and when they logged off.
Gets tricky as I really would like the info to come from the mdw file(all users go through this for access)
If someone can help would be great. Need my hand held for this as I have been attempting to do this for over a month with no real success. I have so many samples that don’t quite make it happen I am now totally confused.

Forever grateful - every crumb helps


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Modules & VBA :: Sending Message To Users Logged Into DB On Different Servers?

Jul 23, 2013

I have some code that when a check box in a table is ticked, sends a pop up message to the users logged in (message is on a hidden form), then it closes the DB after a pre-dtermined period of time.

The problem I'm having is that we are a large site with a about 25 differnet servers that our users log onto via Citrix, when a user is on a different server it isn't displaying the message nor closing the DB down.

trying to achieve this? Or is there a better way to see who is logged in and get a message to them?

I'm using Access 2003 btw

Code I'm using below

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.TimerIntderval = 10000 ' change to 300000 for about 5 minutes
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
End Sub

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General :: Access 2007 Pop-up Message To Logged-in Users

Nov 14, 2012

As an "admin" of our corporate local db, maintaining and/or upgrading is my task.

Usually there are logged-in users, then I have to ask them (mostly via communicator) to please log off, because I can not modify with users in the db.

I would like to send these users a message via Access, like "Please log off from the db for maintenance blabla".

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Queries :: List Box Data Based On Logged In Users Department

Jan 4, 2014

I have a list box with a row source query as follows...

SELECT qryPendingCompletions2.ID, qryPendingCompletions2.Department, qryPendingCompletions2.[Employee Name], qryPendingCompletions2.CompletionDate AS [Completion Date], qryPendingCompletions2.[Entered By], qryPendingCompletions2.Goal, qryPendingCompletions2.Comments, qryPendingCompletions2.[Verified By]
FROM qryPendingCompletions2
WHERE (((qryPendingCompletions2.Department)=[cbocurrentemployee].[column](3)) AND ((qryPendingCompletions2.[Verified By]) Is Null))
ORDER BY qryPendingCompletions2.Department;

I also have a combo box at the top of the form showing what user is logged in where the row source query is the following...

SELECT Employees.UserID, [First Name] & " " & [Last Name] AS EFullname, Employees.AccessLevelID, Employees.Department
FROM Employees
WHERE (((Employees.AccessLevelID)=1 Or (Employees.AccessLevelID)=2 Or (Employees.AccessLevelID)=3 Or (Employees.AccessLevelID)=4));

How to only list the data in the list box when the department is the same as the logged in user.

So I'd like to add the criteria to the first query something like criteria = [cbocurrentemployee].[column](3) but this doesn't seem to work as criteria in queries.

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How To Determine Who Is Logged On My Database?

Oct 30, 2006

I have a sub, which shows in the Intermediate window who is currently logged to the database. This is my code:

Sub ShowUserRosterMultipleUsers()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i, j As Long

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

' The user roster is exposed as a provider-specific schema rowset
' in the Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider. You have to use a GUID to
' reference the schema, as provider-specific schemas are not
' listed in ADO's type library for schema rowsets

Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, _
, "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}")

'Output the list of all users in the current database.

Debug.Print rs.Fields(0).Name, "", rs.Fields(1).Name, _
"", rs.Fields(2).Name, rs.Fields(3).Name

While Not rs.EOF
Debug.Print rs.Fields(0), rs.Fields(1), _
rs.Fields(2), rs.Fields(3)

End Sub

Now I want to provide this information in a table or other kind of output, when the administrative user presses a button on a form.

What do I have to do with that code? :confused:

Can Anybody help me with that? :)

Thanks in advance...

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Show Only Forms And Prevent Users From Opening Design View?

Dec 17, 2013

I'm trying to protect the frontend of my database from unwanted changes. How to disable the navigation pane, ribbon, and only display my navigation form. My navigation form has 10 buttons that open forms for data entry. I only want the users to be able to open forms and add data. I don't want them to be able to go to the navigation pane or anything other than the forms.

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Forms :: Multiple Users On LAN Working On Same Database

Jan 21, 2015

How multiple users can work on the same database across LAN, without using share point.

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General :: Split Database - Users Seeing Blank Forms

Apr 10, 2013

I have a split database consisting of an ACCDB backend helf on a shared drive, and a local ACCDR frontend distributed through email. I recently distributed a copy of the ACCDR to a user, and she says that the main menu opens fine, but when she clicks a button to open a form, the form opens but is completely blank. I've googled some possible causes for this (e.g. on Allen Brown's website) and none seem to be relevant, or would explain why this started happening all of a sudden. I can't reproduce this bug at all.

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Forms :: Timesheet Database - Restricting Edits To Records By Other Users

Dec 27, 2013

I have a timesheet data base and I wanted to find a way to restrict employees from editing other employees timesheets only their own timesheet... .is it possible with access 2010?

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Forms :: How To Prevent Users From Opening Database In Design Mode

Nov 12, 2013

I just finished a small Access-2013 database (accdb format).

Now I want to make it available to users.

How do I make an 'executable' (meaning that tables, forms, ... cannot be opened in design mode)?

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Forms :: Last Login Time Stamp For Each User Logged In

Mar 19, 2014

Was trying to set the value of text to current date and time when a submit button is clicked. I've managed to set

Control Name:- txtLastLogin
Property:- Value
Value:- now()

The above expression works but the last logged data in tblEmployee gets replaced as another user logs in.

How can i add a time stamp to each user loged in.

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Forms :: Logged In Person On All Forms?

Feb 26, 2015

There is a DB with many forms and reports on which multiple employees are going to work. Is there an easy way to prompt each employee to enter his/her own password to be able to open the database?

Since it is important to record who has put data in forms, a column is designated to record the name or ID of the employee who is putting data. Is it possible that the logged-in employee name or ID, as the person who enters data, is put automatically in all forms / reports, etc. since he/she has already logged in?

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Forms :: How To Hide Database Objects And Show Once Closed

Jan 5, 2014

I have a database with a main menu which opens up on start-up it works fine and all but I want to go the extra step, I wish to disable / hide the ribbons (Top and Bottom) - Or Hide the whole Microsoft Access Window and display my form with the desktop behind it.

The next thing is once I click the X or the button to close the form I want Microsoft Access to appear again as in everything to show itself again.

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How To Get Switchboard To Show Users When Data Was Last Updated

Jun 13, 2014

I maintain a shared database that I would like other users to be able to see when the data was last updated when they open it so that they can see how up to date the information is from the switchboard.

Currently I am doing this manually by updating the date in a label on the switchboard header, but ideally I would like to add a final action to my update macro (that imports new data into the database) that would automatically do this for me on completion if possible.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get List Of All Users In Active Directory - Show CN Name

Oct 10, 2013

I would like to get a list of all the users in the active directory and put them in a combo box. How to do this? I would like it to show there CN name

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General :: Way To Show All Database Elements Tables / Forms / Macros / Modules

Jun 7, 2013

I have a .mdb file (access 2003) which has ballooned in size to 1.2GB and I'm not sure why. I tried deleting some older tables (which were copies and had about 38,000 rows each) but it hasn't made a dent. Is there a way to show all the database elements tables, forms, macros, modules etc and list their sizes so I can see what has caused the size to increase?

There are 3 tables linked via ODBC which have tens of thousands of rows but as these are linked I wouldn't have thought they would have increased the size at all?

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Database Users And Passwords

Aug 2, 2005

I would really like to have a better understanding of the secrurity that comes with access. I would like my DAP to be able to log in with the previleges given for each user. I would also like these previledges to work when someones opens the database with access, however, whenever I set the secureity stuff, copy the database to the fileserver, I can then open it with another computer without any problems. Why is this? Thanks guys, I'n new here.

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Logging Out Users To Database

Apr 3, 2006

Is there a way in Access to logout users from a database in order to make updates without having to setup a FE/BE situation? My company is using Novell Client SP1a. I have read some logs where you choose File --> Open (exclusive), but I do not have that option (using Access 2000). Any other thoughts?

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Multiple Users In One Database

Jul 19, 2006

Is Access set up to handle multiple people entering data into the same table?

We are processing returned mail and enter all the bad addresses into an Access table. The data is simply entered into the bare table. Can two people be doing this at once without the risk of compromising the data?

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Deploying Database To Users PC By CD-ROM

Jan 18, 2007


I have created a DB which has a front end which is linked to a backend where all my datas kept.

I want to install my database via cd-rom using and install wizard. If i ask the install wizard to c:/user/programs/ would i have any problems with the links between the front end and back end?

If i would how a problem with the links to the front end how would i cover come this?

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Multiple Users One Database

May 8, 2007

Hi Guys

I wonder if anyone could give me some advice on a problem i have with an access database.

I have designed a database and a data input form to collect data that is input by workers, the problem i have is that only one person can enter a record at a time.

I curently use 2 replicated database's on two seperate computers and run the synchronisation once one person has finished so that all the changes are replicated to the 2 different databases

If there is any other easier way to accomplish this i would be very greatful if anybody can shed some light on the subject.


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Database Not Working For Some Users

Aug 7, 2007

I am having a problem that I have never encountered before and thought I start here. Using Access 2003
I have a database that resides on a main computer and my users connect via the network to this database. On my forms I have command buttons that run simple macros to copy and paste data from one field into another. The macro contains a GOTOCONTROL, to copy the contents and then moves to the next field. Then I have SEND KEYS command and wait is set to yes, then PASTE. When they press the command button it seems like the SENDKEYS is not waiting then the macro halts becuse it is saying the COPY command is not available. This happens to all users except for one. That other user is also connected to the database via the network. I checked the OPTION for all the computers that are connected and they all match to the one computer that works. The one computer that does work is the one that was used to write the database but the databse is now on another computer that is always on. The funny thing is that if I were to change any option under Forms/Reports, the macro's will work for a while then stop. I did do a compact and repair several times but this has no effect. Sorry for rambling but I am just frustrated because this databse worked fine at another account of mine and I just can't figure out why this is happening.
Thanks in advance for your reply.

I now haw 2 laptops that work and 2 desktops and 1 laptop that don't.


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How To Limit Users In A Database

Oct 27, 2006

I have a small database for doing some tracking and some reporting. I want to be able to allow everyone to view the data and also to print reports. However, I also need to limit who is able to enter data into this application.

I don't want to build a login form for the application...I want to be able to limit users based on their Windows Login name, which I would have in a table. The first thing I would do is compare their Windows login name against the table, and then put in code such as "If table name = suchandsuch then you can't do suchandsuch, but if tablename = blahblah then you can do something."

Is something like this doable? If so, how might I go about getting started with this train of thought?

Thanks to any and all who respond..... I appreciate your time and knowledge!!

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Logging Users Of A Database.

Feb 7, 2005

I have a database set up that utilizes the user level security offered by Access. So basically everyone logs into the database, entering their user name and password.

Is there a way that I can log the currentuser() to a table when they sign in? And is it possible to assign a time stamp as well?

Any help or direction is much appreciated.

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