Forms :: Size Of Modal Popup Form

Aug 27, 2014

I am having issues with a split form which modal and emergent (pop-up) properties are set to yes. When I open it, it is maximized or out of the size I had setup; although I saved it trying to "freeze" the height and width.

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How Do I Set To Popup And Modal?

Apr 25, 2005

How do I set a form to popup and modal? What field in properties do I use the expression.popup?

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Modal Popup Query

Jun 8, 2006

Is it possible to make a query Pop-up? All of my forms are set so the Database background is hidden and they popup. I haven't been able to figure a way to do this with a query. Any help or suggestions would be great :)

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Modules & VBA :: Login To Database - Close A Modal Popup Window

May 2, 2014

I've tried to add some basic login (not really security) to my database so that when a different name is entered into the login box a different form is opened.

I got this working but the login form stays in foreground and I can't click anything behind it and can't get to the design view to change any properties of anything.

I've also changed this login form to the startup item so it always loads when i start the database.

Is there way to get back to the design view or do i have to start again from my backup?

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Form Popup Size

Feb 23, 2005


All my popup forms come up at the wrong size. I have popup = yes, modal = yes, border = dialogue box settings. I have tried this with both autoresize on and off. One form comes up to small and one comes up to big. I've tried changing the size of the form in design mode, but this has no effect.

Could someone please help me pls?


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Forms :: Field Focus In Modal Form

Dec 29, 2014

How do you set the focus on the first field in a modal form when it opens?

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Force Size Of Popup

Feb 24, 2005

Is there a way to force the size of a popup form? I want it to be around 3.5" by 4" because every time it popus up it is only around 2" by 1" and i have to resize it to look right.

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Forms :: Forms Not Opening In Modal / Dialog Mode

Aug 7, 2014

the forms are not opening in modal/dialog mode when they should be.The forms' pop-up and modal properties are set to "yes"..The code specifies to open Dialog so, for example:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCompanies", , , , , acDialog

Yet, the form opens behind the other form (which, incidentally, is also set to be pop up and modal in the form properties--is that the problem? If so, why wasn't this an issue until now?).

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General :: Modal Form - Open Concrete Form And Pass Value To Control

Jun 21, 2013

I have modal form - frmZlecenia

I would like to copy one control, then close this form, open concrete form and pass value to control.

My code is

Private Sub Menu_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD"
Forms!frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD.Form!Imie = Me.Imie
DoCmd.Close acForm,
End Sub

The problem is, still opens the previous form, not form "frmZlecenia"

e.g If I open form x then from this form I open my modal form "frmZlecenia" and then I will click "menu" button - now form "x" is open :/, but should be "frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD"

There is some way to open concrete form from modal form?

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Forms :: Requery Form And Subform After Popup Form Close

Aug 19, 2013

I tried all sorts of permutations of the requery command but apparently I'm too dense to figure it out.

Form 1
subform 1 > button to open pop up form
subform 2
subform 3

I'm trying to requery a combo box (inside of subform 1) based on a table that is updated from the pop up form.

On pop up form close, what's the correct syntax for re-querying subform 1?

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Forms :: Display Value Of Control Within Popup Form

Jul 25, 2013

I have a main form bound to a query. Within that form, I have a button which calls up another form (pop up form). I simply want value of the "claim#" field-control to display in the "claim#" field-control of the pop-up form.

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Forms :: Filter A Popup Form With Subform?

Jul 29, 2015

I have a continuous Form [Letter Log - All] with "LetterNo" field as the primary key. What i want to do is click the "LetterNo" and a filtered pop up form with subform should appear based on what has been clicked. But i don't have luck doing that. The name of the main form is "LetterLog" and its subform control name is "LetterLogSub"

here is what i did.


Private Sub LetterNo_Click()
'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLogSub", acNormal, , "LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog <-- this one works but without the subform
'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, , "Forms!LetterLog!LeteterLogSub.Form.LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog
'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, "LetterNo", "me.LetterLogSub.Form!LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormReadOnly, acDialog
DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, "LetterNoFilter", "Forms!LetterLog!LetterLogSub.form!LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog
End Sub

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Forms :: Change A Subform To A Popup Form

Sep 24, 2013

I had a subform to enter payments. It worked well. The master and child fields linked well and all the necessary data appended to a new record in the payments table.

Now to make it more user friendly, I changed the subform to a popup form (The 2 forms took up too much real estate on the screen).I deleted the payments subform and created a command button to open the payments form as a popup.

I need 3 fields on the payments form to be populated from the edit sponsor form (sponsorID, MemberID, SponsorTypeID) and then payment details to be entered and posted to a new record in the payments table.Since I've changed the payment form from a subform to a popup form, the master/child relationships are gone and the 3 fields I need for the payment record no longer appear.

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Forms :: Adding New Record Using Popup Form?

Oct 25, 2013

I'm working on a database that has a subform which pulls its data from a table and I'm trying to use a popup form to enter the data in the sub form. For example the table is called student debts. The form is called student debt. The pop up form is called student debt entry from. I want the inform that's in the student debt entry form to be recorded in the student debt form which is a subform on the main form. I know i have to create a add new records button to do it but not sure of the code.

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Forms :: Button In Popup Form - Set Focus To Another Form?

Jan 28, 2015

How can I make a button in a pop-up form to send enter key to a text box in another form? Do I need to set focus to the other form first? And how?

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Forms :: Pre-populate Popup Form After Update To Another Form

Aug 27, 2013

I have two tables - Interviews & Placements.these tables have multiple foreign keys which pull information from other tables (CandidateID,ClientID etc). I have designed queries and forms (datasheet view) which display all the values that I need, For example:

The interview form shows the following fields:
CandidateName;Company;consultant;1stInterviewDate; 2ndInterviewDate;Offer;Accepted

the placements form shows the following fields:
PlacedCandidate;Company;Consultant;PlacementDate;F ee;

This query "qry_Interviews" populates these forms using the foreign keys:

CandidateID from candidates table
CompanyID from companies table
consultant from consultants table

Ideally what I'd like to happen, is when the "accepted" field is updated on the interviews form, the placements form opens as a pop up and is auto populated with the values (CandidateName;Company & consultant).So far I have tried setting the value directly, i.e on the "on Open" event of the Placements form I entered:

Me.Txtcontactname = Forms!ISISnavigationMain!navigationSubform.Form!DS .Name

This does not work. Should I be populating the placements form with the actual Foreign key values rather than the resolved names? Ideally I'd want the pop up placements form to display the actual names rather than just ID numbers.

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Forms :: Saving A Record And Closing A Popup Form

Jun 15, 2014

I have a popup called by a subform to add a new record or edit a selected record. I keep getting "Runtime error 32502". The value you entered isn't valid for the field "|"

I have no required fields and all the drop down related fields have the right value type in them (That I can find)The only "|" reference I can find is in the OpenArgs content below when I load the form. If I'm adding a new record I pass two fileds via the OpenArgs

Private Sub Command52_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "AddDebtorPaymentFrm", , , , acFormAdd, OpenArgs:=Me![DebtorId] & "|" & Me![MatterId]
End Sub

or if I'm modifying a record from the subform on click I

Private Sub Text38_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "AddDebtorPaymentFrm", acNormal, , "[Transactions].[TransId] = " & Me.TransId, acFormEdit
End Sub

Below is the Popup Load code

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.DataEntry = True Then
Me.VariableHeading = "Add A Debtor Payment"


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Forms :: Popup Form Updating Incomplete Records

Jan 21, 2014

I have a popup form that user will select for updating 4 fields in table. I have a update button that has code behind it that verifies the record is complete before closing the popup form. That works well.

However, I want to add an abort button that will close the form and save nothing entered however, I getting incomplete records and blank records. How can I code the button to not update the table and just close the form?

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Forms :: Cannot Get Edit Access In Popup (Confirmation) Form

Jul 7, 2014

I am designing a transactions database for some of my clerical staff. I've inserted a data entry subform into the main transactions form (which also has a subform that summarizes all the selected company's past transactions). This data entry subform actually has as it's record source a table that simply stores that one record temporarily.

So when the user is finished entering their current transaction, I have a Save button that actually just opens a popup form which displays the data they entered into the data entry subform, giving them a chance to verify their entry is accurate. This form has a Save button which runs an append query and a delete query, adding the record to the permanent Transacations table and also clearing the temp table.

The problem I have, I think, is that when the popup form opens, the main form data entry subform still has that record locked as exclusive. I believe this is the case because while I am indeed able to make changes to the fields on the popup form, none of these changes appear in the temp table. In other words, the user is not actually able to use the confirmation pop up form to make any necessary edits to their entry. This makes the form sort of useless!

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Conflicting Requirements Between Popup Forms And Main Form's Fields

Jan 23, 2006

I have set certain fields on my main form to be required to protect from accidnetal skipping which has occured in past. However, in middle of form, there are a group of checkboxes, which opens their correndsponding popup forms for more details. Right now, I get an error if it try to pop up a form because not all required fields are filled in.How do I make Access suspend the requirments whenever the checkboxes are checked and additional info are being inputed?Edit= tried setting it as dialog boxes, but to no avail.

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Forms :: Right Click Menu In Popup Form On Access 2010?

Dec 11, 2013

I'm trying to do right click menu on listbox.

currently i'm trying to implement a right click menu which will show a simple messege box.

My problem is that the list box is on a pop up form which opened up maximized. Now when i'm right clicking on the list box i see the right click menu but when i'm clicking on one of the menu options, nothing happenning (it seems that it don't go to the function as it should). i've also putted breakpoints on the function but it never tips.

It's important to mention that if i'm setting the form popup option to no the right click menu works perfectly (when i'm clicking on one of the options i see its matching messege box).

I'm running the following vba code:

This is the mouse up event handler for my list box:

Private Sub Song_List_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
' Call the SetUpContextMenu function to ensure it is setup with most current context
' Note: This really only needs to be setup once for this example since nothing is

[Code] .....

setting up the "SetUpContextMenu" sub:

Public Sub SetUpContextMenu()
' Note: This requires a reference to Microsoft Office Object Library
Dim combo As CommandBarControl
' Since it may have been defined in the past, it should be deleted,
' or if it has not been defined in the past, the error should be ignored


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Forms :: Setting Popup Reminder On Form Load For Expiry Date

Jul 26, 2015

I have a form (Access 2010) in which i insert contracts; each contract has a start and an expiry date, but instead of dd/mm/yyyy i would like the user to be able to insert just the year, while the day and month are predefined values and they are automatically inserted (i.e. 01/10/yyyy; the year being the only value that changes, and it is manually inserted by the user).

I would like to set a pop up remainder (on form load) x days before the expiry date, but, because too many of them have the same expiry date i am wondering if the reminder can be set on different days, based on another field (i.e. partner location [country]).. i.e. reminder for contracts with Austria to pop up 60 days before expiring, for UK = 67 days and so on.. or even a specific day for each, i.e. for Austria = 01/08/yyyy, for UK 01/09/yyyy).

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Modules & VBA :: View Main Modal Form Based On Chosen Subform Record

Jul 22, 2014

I have a modal form which has a single record which is then linked to a sub-form on the same modal form. This all works fine and shows the relevant record and sub records but I want the modal form main record to change dependant on the record selected in the subform (which is basically order item history.

I found some code on another site which seemed to work for others but for me I am getting Run-time error 2465 and it doesn't like my reference to 'Me' - is this because it is a modal form?The code I am using is:

Public Function GotoRecord(RecordID As Long)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strCriteria As String
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
strCriteria = "ID = " & RecordID
rst.FindFirst strCriteria
If rst.NoMatch = False Then
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark


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Forms :: Controlling Form Size?

Feb 2, 2015

I have one form "Products" that I have a button on which opens up another form. The second form lists a different number of lines depending on how many items are in a group.

The problem I am having is that I can not make the second form shrink or grow depending on how many line items I have in each group. Currently, I have to make the form as large as the most possible lines I could have (which is 19) but sometimes I might only have 5 lines in a form.

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Forms :: Field Auto-size To Text In Form?

Nov 19, 2014

I am relatively new to using MS Access 2010. Some fields which i have set up as Memo fields to take report comments. Is there anyway to make the size of the memo field box variable to fit in with the text in the form when viewing in htis mode?

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Forms :: Design View - Reducing Form Size?

Sep 24, 2014

When I create a form in design view and then open it, the form fills the whole area. The Fit To Screen property is set to No, and Auto Resize makes no difference no matter what it is set at.

How can I reduce the form size (so it looks like an Excel form)?

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