Forms :: Sortable Lists In A Form - Show People Who Have Product
Jan 14, 2014
I have a form I need to sort based on criteria in a persons record. We sell certain products. And we need the ability to only show the people who have a product. For example, we sell EPLI and WCF. I want to be able to pick a drop down list and it only shows and goes through the EPLI people. How do you do this?
I attached my database can you take a look on how to do this?
I'm creating a database for a flower shop for training purpose. I have a main form with a sub form that has the orders in it. when placing a new order for a client and selecting the product from the combo box, it would be great if the product could show up to the right in the form.
I have no clue if this is possible and how to get it working. I have included the database as an attachment, which way to follow. I remember that I could do this on a web page, but a web page is not the same as a database.
I've got a main form with two lists boxes. I want to show the visible columns in my subform (which is a datasheet) in one listbox and show the hidden columns in the other. Also I want to allow the user to hide / show columns using right or left arrow buttons between the list boxes. My subform is bound to a stored procedure using ADO.
I need to enter workload counts for 10 people, and it is done on a monthly basis. So I have a table of Months (Jan-Dec), a table of names, and a joined table with the months, names and a field for the workload counts.
I would like to make a form where I could select the month and all the names show up so I could go and enter the counts for everyone at the same time. I've attached a diagram to show what it would look like
I'm constructing a database to record appointments. I want my users to input their appointments on one half of a form (I can manage that bit) but on the other half I want them to be able to see a list of the appointments they already have booked that day (with any patient) or what the patients already have booked that day (with themselves and any other therapists).
The appointment fields they will need to see are:
start time end time patient/therapist (depending on if they are viewing their own or the chosen patients' appointments type of appointment (physiotherapy etc) location
The date won't need to be seen but will dictate which day's appointments are listed.
At it's simplest I could get away with a list of the day's appointments for the patient and date the therapist has typed into the form to start the record.
Ideally I'd like them to be able to choose whether to see a list of the patient's appointments for that day or their own. If there's room I would display both.
Here's the final, 'moon-on-a-stick' bit... it would be great if I could show the appointments in time slots rather than just as a list. From what I can tell that's quite tricky to pull off but i thought I would ask anyway...
At the moment I don't even know what keywords to look up - is this 'embedding a report in a form' or 'inserting a filtered list' and so on.
I have a list of people in a list box. In the list box I only have the people names listed. (example below)
1. John 2. Frank 3. Tim 4. Jessica
I want to click on one of the names and have a form pop up on the same screen that lists the persons contact info. If I had a table like listed below, could the info auto populate on a separate form.
[ID] [Name] [Number] [Address] 1. John 456-4567 123 Elm Rd. 2.
We have created a database (electrical contractor) of all our customers, invoices, work orders, etc. and been using since 2000. I have created 'not billed' reports and queries for specific types of jobs. Next step for me has been to create a db for our products we purchase from vendors. they can be the same product from different vendors, or same type of product from same vendor but different manufacturer.
We use this to order inventory, check contract prices once we receive invoices from vendor, and provide estimates to our customers so, there are many people looking to search different pieces. I have a good product base entered, and have been looking through sample templates to try to find a way to bring up similar items when you find 'widget1 from vendor1' i would like to click or show somehow 'related items' window?
I'm trying to build a query that adds up the total sales for a given product per date. The problem I'm running into is some products have $0 sales on a given day and don't appear in the table I'm querying. How would I get the query to add a record for that day for the given product with 0 in the sales field?
To give more details, I currently have one table showing the sales data. It has a record for every sale that includes the product of the sale, the amount, and the date. In the query, I'm summing the sales for a given day and product. Then I plan to export to Excel where I will run additional analysis.
If there are no sales for the product in a day, I'd like it to list the date and product with a $0 in the sales column.
I have a database I am using to record financial transactions. I have a transaction edit/entry form that uses combo box lists to select the different segments of my 32 digit account numbers. The issue I am running into is that when I enter a value value in the first box/field the form jumps to the very first record.I then can use the navigation buttons to get back to the last record, and all the subsequent boxes/fields work fine without jumping to a different record.
Hi all, I have a form that i use for data input, I have limited all of the menu's how ever the print option is still available. This leads to muppet users printing out the form and using it. There is a print button on the form that prints a report out that lays out the form into a useable item.
So the question is... How can I stop people being able to print out the form?
I am building a database for running a shoot. I want to be able to add Firers, Beaters and Picker Ups to each day. All of those people are held in a [Contacts] form and have a checkbox to designate them as Shooters, Beaters or Picker Ups or a combination of them
I have a form where I can create the shoot date and timings etc. Now I want to add people to the form.
My idea is to have a seperate form with a list of all the Shoot Dates, on the same form will be three more lists showing Shoot Date and ID, List of all Guns, List of All Beaters, List of all Picker Ups in the Database.
You would then select the shoot date from the first list which would highlight, then go each of the other three lists and select a checkbox next to each person that you wanted to attend that day.
I know what I want to do but dont know how to do it!
How important is it to add people's names into a database using two fields ? [FirstName] and [LastName]. Would it be ok to put their full name into one field if you also had a unique Identity Number for each person in the same table ?
I have built a form which I can add multiple people to one project but when I look in the table only the person who the relationship was linked to gets the subtable.
Then I researched a Many-Many relationship and this solved that issue, now I can put multiple people on a project and multiple projects on people. PersonProjectTBL PersonProjectID *Autonumber* PersonID ProjectID
However how do I now make a form where I select a project and associate more then one person with this project? I think I need to somehow increment the PersonProjectTBL and add to it as I go.
The layout I would like to have is:
Combobox 1: Selects the Project (After Select use a (queary ??)) to load in Combobox 2 and 3 with people. Combobox 2: Select a person to load into project. Combobox 3: Select a second person to load into project.
I dont expect a full answer a link or multiple links is very appriciated, even a search topic of what to look for.
I have an access form that displays some data about customers and their booking for flight. so lets say if there is a group of five people that made a booking for a certain flight, i have to assign ticket numbers to them and store it in some table.
Now i can display the number of people in a group for a certain flight in a subform, i want to have another textbox in front of their names so i can type in the ticket numbers. So i went to design view and added another textbox, but the problem is if the subform in displaying 5 rows (for 5 customers) when i type in a ticket number for one customer, all the following rows gets and displays the same ticket number. How can i type something and let it not be repeated infollowing rows.
I need to create a simple database where I have a list of people, a list of groups and all I want to do is select which people belong to specific groups.
All I need is to create a form where I have a list of my people and a tick box next to the groups to show who belongs to which group.
I’m building a database for my studies and have hit a major snag with the final form build/design. The db is for a mug ordering system. The mugs are defined by…
The supplier – The Category – The Type – The Style (whereby The Style is the final name for a mug).
The relationships have been designed as per the first attachment. (see first screengrab)
Before I go on, do these relationships look realistic?
What I want for the final form to provide is 3 option boxes on the left, which would have to be setup as cascading fields. So when a Category name was chosen, it would then list the relevant Types in the next option box, and when the Type was chosen, the relevant Styles would be listed in the Style box. When the customer had chosen the final mug style, I would then assign a macro to copy the details to an adjacent form which would include customer details and final purchase cost. (See attached second screengrab)
Can anyone please shed some light on this, particularly the cascading field’s option, as I am at my wits end trying to solve this?
I have looked at the help file “Cascadinglistsdemo” to no avail.
During the course of it's development I have created about twenty tables whose sole purpose is to house data for use in combo and list boxes. They have no other purpose.
I am now in the process of creating the maintenance side of this project and how to manage these lists. In the past I have created a form with a multitude of subforms to manage these lists.
I'm stuck on a portion of a form that displays members attending and not attending a specific event. I've got some of it working but others not.
1. Removing items from a table and updating a listbox 2. Changing the Event selection from Next Record to a combo box.
The code that I have in the two list boxes are as follows:
Code: Private Sub Form_Current() Me!lstNotAttending.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT Members.MemberID, Members.txtLname, Members.txtFname FROM Members " & _ " LEFT JOIN MemberEvents ON Members.MemberID = MemberEvents.fk_MemberID" & _ " WHERE MemberEvents.fk_MemberID Is Null OR MemberEvents.fk_EventID <> " & Me!txtEventID & _ " ORDER BY Members.txtLName;" Me!lstAttending.RowSource = "SELECT Members.MemberID, Members.txtLname, Members.txtFname FROM Members " & _ " LEFT JOIN MemberEvents ON Members.MemberID = MemberEvents.fk_MemberID" & _ " WHERE MemberEvents.fk_EventID = " & Me!txtEventID & _ " ORDER BY Members.txtLName;" End Sub
The code I have working for adding a member:
Code: Private Sub lstNotAttending_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO MemberEvents(fk_MemberID, fk_EventID) " & _ "VALUES (" & lstNotAttending.Column(0) & ", " & Me!txtEventID & ");"
Me!lstNotAttending.Requery Me!lstAttending.Requery End Sub
I know the code for removing has to start with REMOVE FROM. I just don't know the syntax.The combo box has no code.I'm assuming the Requery options aren't working properly for the listboxes
My Products field update issue in form...i have a created Products form with table require
they details are: Ex: ID--Brand --- Model -- Color -- - Product ---------------------------------------------------- 1---LG Ref -- 123456 ---Red------LG Ref 123456 Red 2---LG WM---123457---White-----LG WM 123457 White 3---TATA-----223652---Silver-----
Brand, Model, Color & Product filed details are same. So above Brand, Model, Color Details are need to update in Product Field with automatically without typing. So any VBA code or any formula will be update automatically?
If I had a textbox [txtTotalDay] which its days/Time was in decimals and a start textbox [txtStartDate] and a start time and number of shifts the product can run how can I accomplish this?
:(I have a Customer Order form with a Order Detail sub form, The problem I have is that using the productID Combo, IT shows all 6000 products, I need a way to MANUALY enter the ProductID which then will find the relevant record and fill in the rest of the fields in the Sub Detail Order Form.
I am trying to add the name of the employee show up in on the opening form after logging into the database. I am able to get the user right (Admin only), but not the name. In the Default Value in Properties, I have it set to =CurrentUser() and I have the Employee field in the Control Source to record current user.
How can I make this so it indicate the user logged in?
Once I enter records in my form and move to a new record, they won't show up in the form. For some reason there are a few records showing in the form but not all. Unsure what has happened or what I need to do to get the records showing.
If I open a the form called frmhome, I can enter information search on hours completed and even enter new towns. The table that the information gets entered into is called Crisis_support_workers. If you open this table, you will see a lot of information that has been entered. However, if you open the form that is meant to put info into that table, there is only 7 records and most of them are blank records. The form where info is entered is called Crisis_support_workers v3.
What I have is a table that contains plant info (plants that produce a product not vegetation plants). I also have a table that contains all the fields related to the products themselves. Finally I have a third table that contains the constituent items that make up products (think raw ingredients if you will). I have various junction tables set up to define relationships between all these.
What I'm trying to do is create a way of inputting a product and having an option on the form to send that product information to multiple plants. I don't know why but I cannot visualize an approach to doing this.
I have a form with subform . I want to calculate purchase quantity with criteria of product and quanties before sale date. If i use with specified date it gives correct result.but if i use field address it ignores date criteria