Forms :: Sorting Combo Boxes?

Jul 25, 2014

I know I can sort my combo box in ascending or descending order. I have a list of items that I want to order by product code but in a specific way. The order I would like is product code 1 followed by product code 9 followed the rest in ascending order. Without having to change tables or even the product code(!) is there a neat way to do this?

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Forms :: Database With 3 Tables - Linking Combo Boxes And Text Boxes

Jul 29, 2015

I currently have 3 tables within a database with student details of three different classes. I need to create a user form that has a dropdown box which I can select a student from one of these tables with a number of text boxes below which brings up all the students details, then once the student has been selected and the correct details are shown then I need to create a button which allows me to move that student from one table to another.

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Forms :: Changing Multiple Text Boxes To Combo Boxes?

Mar 14, 2014

there is a way to convert multiple text boxes to combo boxes all at once, rather than right clicking on them one at a time, and selecting Change to.

I have a form with about 50 fields and most of them need to be converted to combo boxes. I'd always done it manually one at a time up to this point, but I'm trying to build up my learning and look for smarter ways to do things.

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Forms :: Search Form Using Both Combo Boxes And Check Boxes

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to make a search option in my form header. Right now I have two unbound combo boxes (CboAccountsfilter and cboCourseName) that I can use to filter my records. Currently, I can use the drop down for CboAccountsfilter and a list of accounts will appear. When I select one, the corresponding Course Names will appear in cboCourseName. This works fine...Code below. I would like to take the filtering a step farther and add checkboxes to filter the data. I my form, there currently exist several check boxes (yes/no)...(Priority, Rep Top Target, Manager Top Target, ect). I would like to have the option to use a check box to filter. I.E if I had a checkbox in my header called PriorityFilter, if checked it would only bring up those records that met the two combo boxes criteria and was a priority.

Below is the code I have so doesnt have anything for the checkbox because I am at a lost of how to get started.

Private Sub CboAccountsfilter_Change()
End Sub


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Forms :: Sorting A Combo Box?

Apr 3, 2013

I have a combo box on my form where Row Source=Facilitators and Row Source Type=Table/Query. "Facilitators" refers to a one column table named Facilitators. This one column table contains a list of last names of a dozen or so staff members. The field name of this column I just left as Field1 (the default name). In table view I sorted the last names in ascending order.

When I open the combo box on the form itself, the list of names appear in random order instead of keeping the ascending sort order that I initially applied to the table.

I know there is a way for the combo box to keep the sort order in tact, but I can't recall what it is.

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Forms :: Sorting Records In A Combo With Code?

Apr 25, 2014

Can you have a saved (unsorted) query as a row source for a combo and then add some code to enable the combo to sort the list?

Reason is, I want three combos to use the same query for finding records in different ways, but need the query to be saved, not a query built by the query builder that access takes you into from the row source on the combo data tab?

I only need the data listed in each of the combos to be sorted by one column in each of the combos.

Have seen something about bubble sorting, but not sure if this is OTT or even could be applied to this?

FYI, this is not a cascading situation.

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Forms :: Populate Combo Boxes With Values Depending On Selected Value In Previous Combo Box

Aug 5, 2013

I have several comboboxes (6) on my form.How to populate these comboboxes with values depending on selected value in previous combobox.

Example.Lets say that you select value "Audi" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "A4","A6","TT" etc. and if you selected "BMW" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "3-series", "5-series" etc...

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Forms :: Couple Of Forms With Combo Boxes That Look Up Data In Queries

Sep 4, 2013

I have a couple forms with Combo boxes that look up data in queries. I noticed in testing that I could accidently type a "~" (and other characters) in the field and once I do, it causes a runtime error that shuts down the entire app (as opposed to letting the user backspace out of it or resetting the field). Before I put in some "Before Update" code to prevent the system from crashing, I want to make sure I am on the right track. I have already set the combo box to just show the list, not allow edits, limit to list, etc. Is there a way to prevent the user from doing this either by preventing the keyboard from working on combo boxes (not preferred) or by trapping it before the system crashes? I would think I could validate with a recordset, and create my own path out for the user, but I was hoping the combo box would have sort of done that work for me.

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Forms And Combo Boxes

Mar 14, 2005


How do i use a combo box to list all the records from a particular field so that when you select a item from the list it then populates other text boxes on the form relating to that particular record?

For example, if i have a customer table and i have 100 records. I want to put all the names in a combo box and when you select one it displays all the other information in text boxes (such as address, tel No, email address...etc).

thanzs in advance

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Forms :: How To Look Up A Value Using Three Combo Boxes

Jun 4, 2015

In the red circled tables, I'd like to use the PK from tblJewelryType, tblCollection, tblDesignName to look up the PK from tblJewelryInventory from three combo boxes on the form.

Each combination of those three PK's may have multiple "subtypes" in tblInventoryLink.

I'm trying to build a form that will be set up so after I select those three combo boxes, the subform for tblInventoryLink is narrowed down to only the specific subtypes that are available.

Do I have to make these cascading for me to accomplish my goal?

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Forms :: Searching Forms Using Combo Boxes With Wildcards

Jul 9, 2013

So I've got a form set up, and it uses a combo box to find the name of a persons record to populate the form. Simple enough stuff, the wizard takes you through it. It works fine.

However the people that use the database have kinda thrown me a curveball by asking if the search function can search any part of the name. For example, you've got a John Smith. If you enter Smith into the combo box, it won't find the record because it's the second name, you have to type in John.

Is there a way to use wildcards in the combobox so you can type in first or last names and get the same normal combo box effect?

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Forms, Combo Boxes And Queries

Mar 2, 2005

howdy all, ive never touched Access until 2 days ago so my experience is
sorely lacking but here is my question:

i want to create a form with a combo box from which a selection is
made (data in the combo box is simply a field list from the same table the query is searching, but
my stumbling block is that i want to include the query in the
same form as the combo box and have it dynamically updates based on the
selection in the combo box.

however for the life of me i cant get the query to update based on the
input (using [Forms]![Form]![Combo1] as the criteria in the query) i have set this criteria in the
CustomerID field of the query (which is also the primary key of the table)

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Forms :: Locking Combo Boxes Using VBA

Jul 12, 2013

Im working in MS Access 2007.I have 3 combo boxes on a form. My goal is simple I would like the 2nd and 3rd comboboxes to be locked unless the user has already chosen selected an item from the 1rst combo box. The code im trying to get working now is in a On_Current event so that when the first combo box has nothing selected, combo box 2 and 3 are locked.

This is my code where
combo box 1 = areabox2
combo box 2 = devbox2
combo box 3 = entitybox2


The issue is that the entitybox2 and devbox2 do not lock!

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Forms :: TWO Combo Boxes For Same Field?

Mar 12, 2015

I've been asked to take a look at a database to look for areas which could be improved. It's not a database I've built myself so I've started by taking a 'walk-through' of the system to see how it works.

What I did notice amongst other things which confused me a little was that, on a specific form, called 'Tenders Sub Form' (tenders stands for builders), there are two combo boxes, each of which is used to enter the same kind of data back to the 'Tenders' table.

I've uploaded a screenshot for you to see. As we work down the 'Tenders Sub Form', we're asked to enter the 'CustomerID', which is simply the ID for the Customer and you'll see from the Relationships I've also uploaded, that this is the Primary Key in the 'CustomersMain' table. This is also an AutoNumber data type. Further down just under 'QuoteID', there is another combo box, which asks for the 'CustomerName'. This is using all the same data as the first combo box, only the first combo box is bound to column 1, the CustomerID and the second combo box is bound to column 2, the Customer Name.

If we then look in the 'Tenders' table - we can see that it's storing the Customer ID and CustomerName is there own fields.

My question really is, would there be a more efficient way to store both the CustomerID and CustomerName in the Tenders table, without the need to use two combo boxes and effectively enter the same data twice.

I'm sure that this was set up with the purpose of being able to see the Customer Name in the table rather than just the Customer ID.

I've uploaded

Tenders Sub Form - to see how the combo boxes look
Tenders Table Properties

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Forms :: Using Filter For Two Combo Boxes

May 15, 2013

I am trying to use .Filter for two combo box but it does not work...My code is:

Private Sub btn_buscar_Click()

With Me.FormularioEmpresas.Form
.Filter = "" 'limpiar el filtro
.FilterOn = False
If Nz(Me.cbo_actividad, "") <> "" Then
.Filter = "Actividad='" & Me.cbo_actividad & "'"

[Code] ....

In the the black line appears an error...I do not know why..

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Help Needed: Sorting And Counting Check Boxes

Apr 24, 2006

Hi guys, I'm new to Access and am in great need of some help.
I have a query that serves kind of as an attendance tracker where the students are listed down the left side with the weeks across the top. A check box is in each column that is checked to mark their attendance.

Now the problem: I need to figure out a way to sort by those who have been to 80% or more of the meetings. Preferably by it checking a box automatically in the "80% or more" column. Not sure if Access can do all this. Please help.


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Sychronised Combo Boxes And Filling In Forms

Aug 6, 2006

Hi All,
Totally new to access, been asked to make a database for a historical society. To make life easy, in descibing the hist. society's numerous items, I thought it best to follow the standard museum catalogue naming system, i.e everything has a primary and secondary classification. So what I have done is create two combo boxes, with the choices in the 'secondary' classification field limited by the choice in the 'primary' combo box. These controls are based on two tables that contain only the names/info on primary and secondary classification. It works nicely. However, because these controls are on a data entry form, when you make your choices in these combo boxes, the data is not recorded on the appropriate data table (presumably as the controls are linked to those other tables). Everything else you type in the form (like the item's location or autonumber) is saved in correct table.
Other problem is that every time you go to add a new record, and change the primary/secondary choices, it changes all the records on the form to equal these choices.
How do I fix it, or is there nothing I can do (as it may be totally impossible - I don't know!)??

Any help greatly appreciated, but please talk very simply and slowly - I am a complete novice!

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Forms :: Triple Cascading Combo Boxes?

Jul 24, 2013

I have a form with various input boxes, three of which are combo boxes. These combo boxes need to affect one another. So let's call these cmb1, cmb2 & cmb3.

Hypothetically let's say:

Within cmb1 the list is A, B, C & D

If the user was to choose A, cmb2 would show the options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc..
If the user was to choose B, cmb2 would show the options 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc..
if the user was to choose C, cmb2 would show the options 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 etc..

(So, it is possible that if the user chooses A from cmb1, cmb2 would show 1 and if the user chooses C from cmb1, cmb2 would also show 1)

Using the example in the brackets above:

If the user chose cmb1 - A then chose cmb2 - 1, cmb3 would then show the options Option1, Option2, Option3 etc..


If the user chose cmb1 - C then chose cmb2 - 1, cmb3 would then show the options Random1, Random2, Random3 etc..

At the moment I have a table with 3 columns. Within the table is every possible combination of the drop down, i.e:

-A l 1 l Option1 l
-A l 1 l Option2 l
-C l 1 l Random1 l
-C l 1 l Random2 l

I have tried to use the example shown on this website but i've had no luck: (If you look at "Example 2", thats what I tried to do)

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes In A Subform

Jan 28, 2014

i have a main form which allows me to fill in Order Information within which is a subform which allows me to fill in Order Lines.My Order Lines contain the following fields:

etc. etc.

Elswhere in my database (tblLengths) I have set up a list of possible lengths for each Extrusion and therefore when an order is filled out I want the user to be restricted only to those lengths that are possible with the particular extrusion they have chosen. This list contains the ExtrusionID and LengthID so that I can query the available lengths for a particular Extrusion.Within my subform I have set the record source to point at the tblLengths and criteria on the ExtrusionID to point to [Extrusion]. I've also put a requery against the Extrusion field so that I can force the combobox to refresh its list of results.

My problem is that I am getting unexpected results each time I add an Order line into my form and reading up I see that what I am trying to do is a big no-no.

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Forms :: Combo Boxes Used In Navigation Form

Nov 28, 2014

Can I use combo boxes placed in the detail area of a navigation form, above the sub menus but below the navigation? I am not able to get one to work properly . I can set it up but when I run the form, and try to pick an item from a list, it will not work...

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Forms :: Combo Boxes That Contain Data From One Table

Jul 24, 2013

I have two combo boxes that contain data from one table.

table has two fields: Name and ID


I would like both combo boxes to update each other.

Example if start typing in the cboName box it fills in after update I would like the cboID to be updated with the correct value and vise versa if i start typing the ID in the cboID box when selected the cboName should be updated.

example table
1 joe
2 jane
3 mark

So if i type in or select 1 in the ID combo box it should put 'joe' in the Name combo box.

Or if i type in or select jane in the NAME combo box it should put '2' in the ID box.

I have read how to cascade combo boxes but that is not what i think i need.

I am using a Access 2010 web database.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes Setup

Jun 24, 2014

I am totally new to Visual Basic.I have dependent cascading combo boxes setup. The hierarchy goes:


Now, I need the value in the Brick field to create a varying number of other cascading combo boxes. They are the Brick Attributes. The brick attributes are the labels for the combo boxes and the brick attribute values would be the values you can chose from within the combo boxes. Depending on which Brick you chose, there are a varying number of Brick Attributes, and thus a varying number of needed combo boxes to pop up.

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Forms :: Stuck With Cascading Combo Boxes

Feb 6, 2015

OK, I so I am trying to filter one combbox tbltCatch from tblLocation (which is a sub filter from tblLocationCategory). Thing is, I am trying to select "Catches" filtered from the tblLocationCategory table. Reason being is because the "Catches" are the same the location types (example below). I know the code I am trying to utilize is incorrect and needs to be modified.

Dim sCatchLocation As String

sCatchLocation = "SELECT [tblCatches].[Catches_ID], [tblCatches].[LocationCategory_ID], [tblCatches].[Catches] " & _
"FROM tblCatches " & _
"WHERE [tblCatches].[LocationCategory_ID] = " & Me.cboLocal.Value
Me.cboCatches.RowSource = sCatchLocation

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Forms :: Run Query From Form With Combo Boxes

Oct 23, 2013

I have a form with combo boxes that works beautifully, but I've been asked to add another feature to it. It requires adding a button that runs a query and displays the query results on the screen.The query code is:


FROM Product INNER JOIN tblStoreProducts ON Product.[ProductKey] = tblStoreProducts.[ProductKey]
WHERE (((tblStoreProducts.MaxUnits)<>0) AND (([Product.HazardKey])<>79))
GROUP BY Product.MSDS, tblStoreProducts.StoreKey
HAVING (((Product.MSDS) Is Not Null))

One of the existing buttons on the form has this code behind it:

' btnHMIS_Click
Private Sub btnHMIS_Click()
On Error GoTo Err
If IsNull(Me.cboCompany) Then


As you can see, the button is able to pass the parameters (which Company, and which Store within the company) to the report.

' btnMSDSSheetsPrint_Click
Private Sub btnMSDSSheetsPrint_Click()
On Error GoTo btnMSDSSheetsPrint_Click_Err


How do I pass the StoreKey information into the query? Is it my query that's wrong?

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Forms :: How To Create Cascading Combo Boxes

Jun 10, 2015

how to create the cascading combo boxes that I need. For this, I have three tables:

Locations -- All store locations
Products -- Part Number and DESCRIPTION of any type of item that is available for rent
Serial Numbers -- (Unique) Serial number for each individual product, with its Product ID (foreign key) and Location ID (foreign key)

Each location has its own set of products available for rent, each with their own serial number. There may be more than one of the same TYPE of product at a location, but there will never be a repeated serial number.

I would like to have three (cascading) combo boxes. The first would allow the user to select a LOCATION. The second will have a list of all the types of products available at that location (DESCRIPTION). The third should have the list of SERIAL NUMBERS available at that LOCATION for that type of product (DESCRIPTION).

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Forms :: Two Combo Boxes Populate A Text Box

Jun 26, 2014

I need to populate a text box with data from a single cell contained in a table.Im hoping to use two combo boxes that when selected will select the cell. The combo boxes select data sources from the same table. One combo the row the second the column. One combo is already in use and populates several fields in the form. In the same form I'd like to place the second combo and beneath it have a text box that will populate with that cell detail.

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