Forms :: Sorting Records In A Combo With Code?

Apr 25, 2014

Can you have a saved (unsorted) query as a row source for a combo and then add some code to enable the combo to sort the list?

Reason is, I want three combos to use the same query for finding records in different ways, but need the query to be saved, not a query built by the query builder that access takes you into from the row source on the combo data tab?

I only need the data listed in each of the combos to be sorted by one column in each of the combos.

Have seen something about bubble sorting, but not sure if this is OTT or even could be applied to this?

FYI, this is not a cascading situation.

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Forms :: Sorting A Combo Box?

Apr 3, 2013

I have a combo box on my form where Row Source=Facilitators and Row Source Type=Table/Query. "Facilitators" refers to a one column table named Facilitators. This one column table contains a list of last names of a dozen or so staff members. The field name of this column I just left as Field1 (the default name). In table view I sorted the last names in ascending order.

When I open the combo box on the form itself, the list of names appear in random order instead of keeping the ascending sort order that I initially applied to the table.

I know there is a way for the combo box to keep the sort order in tact, but I can't recall what it is.

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Forms :: Sorting Combo Boxes?

Jul 25, 2014

I know I can sort my combo box in ascending or descending order. I have a list of items that I want to order by product code but in a specific way. The order I would like is product code 1 followed by product code 9 followed the rest in ascending order. Without having to change tables or even the product code(!) is there a neat way to do this?

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Forms :: Sorting Records In A Form (subform)

Jan 7, 2015

How to sort entered records in a subform by combo box. Notice combo box has integer value not text. I want to bo sroted by text visibled ASC. The code must be in Command control SORT (See pict enclosed)

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Reports :: Ho To Change Sorting And Grouping Through Code

Feb 2, 2015

How can I change report Sorting and Grouping through code? I tried:

Dim rpt As Report
Dim strReportName As String
strReportName = "ReportName"


But this did not work. I assume because it is on the Open command for the report. I think I might have to place some Event Procedure in the Group Header - On Format or On Print? However, I can not find the right syntax to do that.

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Help Me With Code For Adding And Editing Records Using Forms.

Jan 29, 2006

I have the following situation.
I have a switchboard form which has 2 buttons (Add And Edit)
I have a patient record form, which has 2 fields, (DateRecCaptured and DateRecUpdated)
Both buttons on the switchboard open the Patient Record form (one opens it in Add mode and the other in Edit mode)

This is what should happen.
If I click on the add button on the switchboard, the patient record form should open to allow me to add a record. The system date should then automatically be saved in the DateRecCaptured field.
If i click on the Edit button and edit a record, the system date should be saved in the DateRecUpdated field. If no updates are made, the field shouldn't be updated. If you scroll among records, the DateRecUpdated field shouldn't be updated. When editing, the DateRecCaptured field should remain unchanged.


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Forms :: Running Code On Individual Records

Mar 20, 2015

So in my database i'm creating a live form that will open up a list of patients and when they are seen. one of the bits is a button that before they arrive says "Not Arrived" and after they arrive it says "Arrived". The code works fine:

Private Sub Command68_Click()
Dim C1 As String
Dim C2 As String


The problem is after clicking the button on any of the records, it changes the text on all records, to wit: I tried to attach images or links to images, but my post-count is too low. The before-click screenshot is /3QnBkgG on imgur. The after-click screenshot is 9VZWzzp on the same site.

Bear in mind I've only clicked the button (it's white, so it doesn't look like a button) on the top record.The form is set to continuous forms, not sure if that has anything to do with I can get the code to run on individual records, rather than applying the first-record's results across all records?

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Sorting Records

Mar 11, 2005

I'm new to this but I am currently working on a DB for work. We are tracking employees that are trained by using an "X" in a Field to signify that they are in the process of being trained. Once they are trained they will enter the date it was completed. I need a query that will give me the number of "X"s and the number of dates. Currently it only gives me the total for all "X"s and dates. Is it possible to split the fields in a query and further receive the percentage of each including how many employees do not have any "X"s of dates? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I hope that this make sense.

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Sorting Records In A Lookup

Jan 23, 2008

Hi all,

Pretty straight forward question but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere on the net. I have a table with a text field that's values are pulled from another table via the Lookup Wizard. Everything works fine, and I now have a drop-down box that displays all of the fields I have set up with the Lookup Wizard.

But, how do I sort the records that appear in that drop-down? They are not ordered in the same way that the table they are pulled from is, nor do they seem to be ordered based on any one column.

Any help is much appreciated.

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Sorting Records In A Query

Nov 9, 2005

I am having a problem sorting records in a query. I have about 5, 000 entries in a table and when I build my query based on certain fields, the numbers in certain columns are not in order although I use the sorting feature. ( e.g.) I have 5 columns with numbering data contained in the columns, and I have it set up to sort in ascending order, which it did, but I noticed that the Volume # column sorts the Volume numbers differently (see example below):

V. 1
V. 10
V. 11
V. 12
then it goes back to
V. 2
V. 3
V. 4
V. 5
V. 6
V. 7
V. 8
V. 9

It looks like it sorts anything with a 1 first then the rest later. How do I fix this?


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Sorting Records After The Last Space

Oct 10, 2006

Hello all,

I have a field in a database that has people's full name (e.g. Jane B. Doe). I would like to sort by their last name. Can I build a query that looks at everything after the last space in their name? Thanks in advance.


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Sorting Records By Times

Jan 23, 2008

ok so im not sure how to explain this but ill give it my best shot.

I have an excel sheet that has a list of order info. heres a sample of what it looks like:

70144:37.0Starting order split <34010993;01>gregory_pm34010993
70245:16.0Script complete for <34010993;0106>Rx <24073318>gregory_pm34010993
70103:37.0Starting order split <34010995;01>knox_br34010995
70204:26.0Script complete for <34010995;0101>Rx <24239630>knox_br34010995
70126:49.0Starting order split <34011015;01>flander_ar34011015
70232:09.0Script complete for <34011015;0101>Rx <24008174>flander_ar34011015
70134:01.0Starting order split <34011015;01>flander_ar34011015
70127:08.0Starting order split <34011061;01>flander_ar34011061
70227:26.0Script complete for <34011061;0105>Rx <24240139>flander_ar34011061
70227:55.0Script complete for <34011061;0103>Rx <24240083>flander_ar34011061
70152:00.0Starting order split <34011173;01>parker_tp34011173
70252:46.0Script complete for <34011173;0101>Rx <24071140>parker_tp34011173
70103:35.0Starting order split <34011369;01>sexton_pa34011369
70204:00.0Script complete for <34011369;0101>Rx <24240569>sexton_pa34011369
70149:02.0Starting order split <34011668;01>knox_br34011668
70250:59.0Script complete for <34011668;0104>Rx <21441348>knox_br34011668
70134:20.0Starting order split <34011764;01>hicks_jo34011764
70234:44.0Script complete for <34011764;0102>Rx <22787965>hicks_jo34011764
70235:06.0Script complete for <34011764;0101>Rx <22787933>hicks_jo34011764
70236:11.0Script complete for <34011764;0103>Rx <22788283>hicks_jo34011764
70156:45.0Starting order split <34011855;01>knox_br34011855
______^this line is the time

ok so here is my problem. I need two records, one for the start of the order(the earilest time) and one for the closing of the order(the latest time). I also need the time inbetween the two.


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Sorting Records In Access DB

Apr 6, 2005

I have an ASP file that retrieves records from an Access database and displays them in the browser. The problem is that the records come out unsorted. I need to sort them by entry date. I have a field in the table called "EntryDate" that is in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Can I sort by this field? If so, what would the SQL statement be? Thank you.

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Sorting Records In A Report

Jul 30, 2005

Is there a way to Sort records in a report by a Report total? I have a report that is created by a crosstab query that sums orders by Billing Client but the query also has a billing client qroup which can contain many Billing Clients. Since the report total (Counts) are by Billing Client I do not have the actually totals per client group in the query to sort by. I know how to do this in Crystal Reports by the report would needs to mulpiple workstation, which have the crystal reports engine but not the actually designer (In other works I don't know the code to print a crystal report from Access with only the crystal reports engine on the workstation).

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Sorting Of Records In Text Box In Form

Dec 7, 2004

I have a text box called tboWorkstream on a form. I can scroll through the records using the navigation bar at the bottom. However, I want the records to be sorted by the Workstream Column, not the Workstream ID column (which is the primary key.)

Is there a way to do this?

I know you can list the way you want in a combo, but not sure how you do this in a bound textbox.



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Forms :: Duplicate Records In Combo Box

Mar 10, 2015

I have an issue with duplicate records showing in a combo box. I have checked "Yes" for unique values and they still show. I only have one field showing in the drop down and don't care about the other fields for that specific selection.

How to remove these duplicates from showing?

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Forms :: Omitting Records From A Combo Box?

Aug 3, 2015

I have an update form where a fail is displayed. The user can, using a combo box, change that fail.They can also add new records and pick the fail from the combo box.

The form is bound to query1 and the control source for the combo box is a field from this query which effectively come from a table, table1 The row source is another query, query2, that displays all fails.This works perfectly fine.

I now have a requirement not to display fails that have become redundant in the combo box (row source) but want to display them from query1 (control source). If I filter out the redundant fails in query2 then those that are on table1 are not displayed.

I presume this is because they don't appear in query2.

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Forms :: Hide Records That Have 1 In Combo Box

Jun 10, 2013

I have a form with a checkbox and a combo box. When I click the checkbox, I would like it to only show the specified records that are in the combo box. The current code I have is this:


Private Sub chkHideComplete_AfterUpdate()
On Error Resume Next
If Me.chkHideComplete = True Then
Me.filter = "[ReservationStatus] = 3"
Me.FilterOn = False

[Code] ....

I basically want to hide all records that have "1" in the combo box.

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Queries :: Sorting - Show Records From This Week Only

Apr 23, 2013

I'm doing a query and I want it to show records from this week only.

Is there a formula I can use in criteria?

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Forms :: Combo Box Wants To Show Records Not In List

Apr 4, 2013

I'm sure there is an easy way to do this but I have not clue.

I have three tables:


Student_Class (join table)

On my Class form when assigning students there is a combo box which shows the students names. Once a student is picked in the combo box their name shows up in the subform.

What I would like is a way to NOT show a student in the combo box after they have been selected. Is this possible? Or should I be looking at another way of doing this?

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Forms :: Limit Of Records That Can Be Shown Via A Combo Box?

Oct 29, 2013

In the form frmOrders of my database i have a combobox where i can choose a ClientID and the dropdown list shows me all the clients in upgoing order with their related orders in descent order.But the drop down list doesn't show all available clients. The two hundred heighest clientnumbers aren shown. However if i type one of these clientnumbers in the textbox of the combobox, the client is found.If i go to the property sheet of the combobox and activate the query that serves as the recordsource of the combobox, all clients are shown!!!I control of the records of these clients in the table Orders, doesn't show any difference with all the other records.What can be the reason for these behaviour. Is it a question of a limit of records that can be shown via a combo box?

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Forms :: Unable To Edit Records Using Combo Box

Mar 29, 2013

I have setup a ComboBox on a form, Listed the PK of the table as the control source. Inserted the PK and many other field as the row source. When I go to select a record I get the error "control can not be edited, it's bound to a auto number field, "Asset_ID"

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Forms :: Combo Box Not To Show Previous Records Already Selected?

Apr 27, 2014

I have a form that has four combo boxes on it that enable the user to select entrants in a golf tournament for tee off times and tee. (I have attached part of this database to this post) It all works fine but after selecting the first player in the first combo box and then selecting the second combo player I would like the player selected previously not to show up. Is this possible or do I have to rethink the way players are selected.

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Forms :: FindRecord Split Form Records From Combo Box

Dec 21, 2013

I have a split form with many of a combobox (date, text,numbers and both).

How can displayed only the records in the datasheet based on a combo box selection?

How to build this mechanism and write a sample code?

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Forms :: Combo Box Search To Include Records That Equal And Larger Than

Dec 3, 2013

I have a DB of books and a form to search for multiple fields including ranking (combo box). The way I have it now is to pick "3 stars", "4 stars", "5 stars". What I want to do is have it so that if I pick "4+", it will show all records that have 4 stars and 5 stars and "3+", it will show records with 3, 4, 5 stars.

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Forms :: Add / Edit And Delete Records From A Table Based On Combo

Dec 12, 2013

I have a form to add, edit, and delete Records from a table. I am using the following VBA

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
If Not (Me.frmlEmpDetailsSub.Form.Recordset.EOF And Me.frmlEmpDetailsSub.Form.Recordset.BOF) Then
With Me.frmlEmpDetailsSub.Form.Recordset
Me.txtAddEditname = .Fields("Name")
Me.cboRoster = .Fields("Roster")
Me.cboPermFctn = .Fields("PermFctn")
End With
End If
End Sub

Instead of referring to the Subform to load the data i would like to refer to a combobox:


Its not an issue but This Combobox contains 5 columns...

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