Forms :: Stop TAB Creating New Record?

Sep 16, 2014

But I use one for creating new records in a table.

And one to View/Edit exiting records.

When I open an existing records, and tab through the fields. Once I pass the last field it creates a new record.

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Forms :: Stop Access From Creating New Record When Inputting Data In Field Or Tab

Dec 17, 2013

How do you prevent access from adding a new record when u input data in the current record or tab to the next field? My database is set up to open with a form where the user picks his name and then a week ending date once that is complete u open a new form where the name and date auto populate along with other fields to fill out such as job charge, charge type , times charged for each day of the week. But I don't want access to create a new record everytime the person inputs or tabs..... .

I have attached my database for better clarity!

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Forms :: Stop Tab From Starting New Record In Form

Nov 13, 2013

I have created some control buttons using the built in functions of Access2007 and then using the script supplied here modified the control.

So far the controls can add new record, save record, exit form, open next form and close existing form, open previous form and close existing form.

My next question is when the user reaches the end of the form fields how do I stop the form from automatically starting a new record?

For example, I use the TAB key to move from field to field and when I tab out of the last field the form goes straight to the next empty record.

I want this to be a deliberate action performed by clicking the Add New Record button and not an accident of a key press.

The other thing is, how do I get the form to open with blank/empty fields and not at the first populated record?
Some of the data is updated frequently so the records need to be able to be edited but I need to prevent accidental editing of the existing records.

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Forms :: Stop Record Selector On Form?

Nov 15, 2013

I am using Access 2013. I have a form with 2 subforms, each time the form is opened, the first record on both subforms are selected. Is there a way to turn off the record selector so no records are selected when the form opens?

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Forms :: Student Register - Cannot Stop Updating Prior Record

Apr 26, 2013

I am building a student register for a school for disabled children. There is a screen listing all students, one showing detailed student data chosen by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", one listing all the guardians, choosing a guardian by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", to diaplay Guardian details.

From the student list, I select and view student details, including a pointer to their guardian details. After selecting the first student details, and then viewing their guardian data, any subsequent student details and guardian details updates the prior guardian data with the next guardian's data.

How can I prevent the successive guardian details from updating the prior guardian table when it is exited? I view the guardian details using ADO recordsets populating a form. When I exit, it updates the previous record.

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Linking Forms (and Automatically Creating New Record)

Apr 26, 2006

Please forgive me if I don't explain everything properly, I am relatively new to Access.

I have two tables with the following information:

PK: volunteer_ID (autonumber)
name, address, school, etc

PK: scholarship_ID (autonumber)
description (text)
amount (currency)
FK: volunteer_ID (number)

One scholarship can be awarded to only one volunteer.
I have a form to enter all the volunteer information. At the bottom of the form, I would like to place a button to open a new form to award a scholarship to this volunteer. I believe I need to link the forms in the following manner:

VOLUNTEER.volunteer_ID = SCHOLARSHIP.volunteer_ID

The problem is this: The forms are not linked properly because in order to assign a volunteer to a scholarship, the scholarship must already exist. So when I click the button to open the scholarship form, the scholarship form is empty and the volunteer_ID defaults to "0".

I think this could be fixed by somehow making my button create a new scholarship_ID in the scholarship form and THEN linking the volunteer_ID fields.

Does this seem like a solution? If so, how would I implement it? I have a screenshot to help. Thank you in advance for your help.

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Forms :: Information Not Retained Within Subform When Creating A New Record?

Jan 20, 2014

I have a form and a subform.

When I click on the command button to create a New Record and then type the customer details in the Main Form and the Order Details in the Subform, the information is not retained

i.e. when I close the Form and then re-open the Form the orders details are not saved but the customer details are.

When I re-enter the order details the information is retained this time, everything seems work ok second time round!!

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Forms :: Creating A New Record From Another Form And Passing Values?

May 20, 2014

Have a form that contains fields AssociatedProject, AssociatedRelease and then the user hits a button to create a new record and a new form opens to display this newly created record which sets the fields and also sets a field called Type. There is no issue with setting the field values and the new record is created. However, when the form opens to display the record it displays another record instead (usually the one before it). I think it could be related to the fact that the db resides on a shared drive which periodically has slow connectivity. However, I'm looking for a solution, perhaps modifying the code?

Here's the code:

Private Sub Command17_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_Command17_Click
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Tbl_Main", dbOpenDynaset, dbAppendOnly)


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Forms :: Access 2010 - Creating A New Record In A Subform?

Apr 12, 2014

I am trying to create a database to manage IT assets, most of the structure is done, I'm now trying to get the details done.

The issue I am currently trying to tackle is to get a control button on one form to create a new record in the sub form that sits in the main form via another pop-up form.

So I have :

>PeripheralsViewForm - that has 4 control buttons (Edit Quantity, Edit Description,Add an Item and Exit)

>> PeripheralsSubForm - (Datasheet) which is referenced to PeripheralsQuery

The Edit Quantity and Edit Description open a separate form which allows the user to update only the quantity or description respectively (I have done it this way rather than allowing edits in the data sheet as I feel that it is too easy to hit a key incorrectly and overwrite data in the datasheet view) Both of these functions work perfectly (to my amazement) - I am using the id field in the subform to link to the pop-up form which then has unbound text input boxes, which I then write back to the subform.

e.g from edit button on click event: DoCmd.OpenForm "perquantform", , , " ID=" & Form.PeripheralsSubForm!ID and then from the pop-up form "perquantform" on the "Exit & Save" button I have :

Forms!peripheralsViewForm.PeripheralsSubForm.Form! Quantity = Me.newquant DoCmd.Close acForm, "perquantform", acSaveYes

This allows the user to select the record in the datasheet form and then click either the change quantity or description button.Also also the other reason I did it this way was because I just couldn't get the subform to requery when I had the two edit popups linked to the table or query.

The problem now is that when I click on the "Add an Item" button, it overwrites whatever record is currently selected !

The code I have is this:

From the "Add an Item" button on click action:
DoCmd.GoToRecord , Forms!peripheralsViewForm!PeripheralsSubForm.Form! , acNewRec
DoCmd.OpenForm "addperform"

And from the form "addperform" - "Save & Exit" button on click action:

Forms!peripheralsViewForm.PeripheralsSubForm.Form! PerType = Me.pertypedrop
Forms!peripheralsViewForm.PeripheralsSubForm.Form! PerMake = Me.permakedrop
Forms!peripheralsViewForm.PeripheralsSubForm.Form! PerModel = Me.newmodel
Forms!peripheralsViewForm.PeripheralsSubForm.Form! PerDescription = Me.newdescription
Forms!peripheralsViewForm.PeripheralsSubForm.Form! Quantity = Me.newquantity
DoCmd.OpenForm "PeripheralsViewForm"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "addperform"

the line "DoCmd.GoToRecord , Forms!peripheralsViewForm!PeripheralsSubForm.Form! , acNewRec" is what I have added to try to solve the overwrite issue, but when I run this it comes up with the error :

"runtime error 2498 - An expression you entered is the wrong data type for one of the arguments"

I have put this line in the "addperform" exit action and it comes up with the same sort of error.

Using Access 2010.

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Forms :: Creating Required Field In A Form Before Moving To Next Record

Feb 5, 2014

I have created a Form based from a Table. On one of the fields, I need to be required inside the Form before moving to the next record of that form. I can not make the required field in the table, because I have to append information day to day.

Also, the required field is a combo box option that is limit to the list.

What kind of Code I can do inside the form of the specific field to make it required before clicking onto the next record. It does not matter if the processor closes out of the form before updating, only if moving to the next record.

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Forms :: Creating New Records On A Form With A Query As Record Source

Mar 29, 2014

In my database I have a form who's record source is a query. That query is based on a table, and have set a criteria on one of the fields.

When I use the form to add a new record I want the value of the field in question to automatically be what I have specified in the query.

Instead, the record is added but without having that value in the field, and when I go back to the form it doesn't display the record because it doesn't meet the criteria specified in the query that the form is based on.

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Forms :: Creating Record From Subform - Use One Of Values In Main Form

Apr 5, 2013

I'm trying to create a record for a table that has 2 attributes:


I have my main form, where the album is determined by a TextBox. My subform has a textbox that lists the tracks (in datasheet view). I have this set up and working fine.At the moment if I try to add a new record by typing a new entry into the subform I get the error: "Index or primary key can not contain a null value". This is because both album and tracks make the composite primary key of ContainsTracks.

My question is, how can I tell the subform to grab the value from TextBox1 in the main form as the +album when I create a new record.I have provided two screenshot that perhaps explain my predicament a bit better

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Forms :: Creating New Record In Subform - Button To Add New Object To Main Job

Jul 1, 2013

What i'm trying to do is add a new record to a subform. The problem is, I couldn't use a subform based on a table in order to achieve this. I needed extended information for it to be useful, so I made the visible part of the subform based on a query instead.I'd like to add a button that adds a new object to the main job. I'd like the adding of that button to call a new form allows you to fill in the information for that object (this called form actually contains 5 subforms to populate all the data of the object). That form works.

What I need is for the button to call the 2nd detailed form AND create the necessary entries in the project/object junction table.The idea as it is now is a button on the main form, but if it was possible to do so via continuous form in a subform, that's doable.

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Forms :: Creating Duplicate Record With Specific Fields Blank

Jul 21, 2014

I'm working on a form with almost a hundred various fields (it's what my employer needs). He wants to be able to create new records with much of the same information as the old ones by clicking on a button that will copy the information to a new record, then clear certain specific fields (or some process that will safely create the same result). I don't need specifics on how to write the same line of code for each and every field I wish to clear.

Say I have a form with 5 fields: part_number, part_owner, procedure, file_name, and date.

How could I copy the record to keep the fields part_owner and procedure the same, but clear part_number, file_name, and date?

All of the fields are from the same table (no, it's not normalized...).

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Forms :: Creating User Record - Input Multiple Tables From Form

Mar 28, 2015

I am building a form to create a user record and at the same time i have some yes/no options which are located in other tables but when i want add a user i cannot select any yes/no options they seem locked?

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Forms :: Creating A Form Which Copy Selective Entries From Previous Record

Dec 10, 2013

I am tasked with creating a scientific database of fish catches at various different sampling stations. I envisage the entry form having hierarchy levels, ie year, season, date, sample station, species caught, and then the specific associated data with each species (weight, abundance, length etc) will form each distinct record.

In each year there are 2 sampling seasons. In each sampling season there are up to 20 dates on which samples are taken. On each date there are up to 50 sample stations recorded. And at each station up to 20 species can be recorded.

In order to enter each species caught in a survey, the end user will potentially have to fill the season box with an entry 40,000 times. For each season there will be 20,000 date entries to be made. For each date, 1,000 station code entries, and 20 species entries for each station. What I would like to happen is this.

When the end user is entering the data, he or she will be working through the hierarchy from the ground up. Ie., they will enter a particular species' data (abundance, weight, length etc) at a particular station on a particular date during a particular sampling season. The next entry will be a different species at the same station on the same date during the same season. I would like the duplicated information from the previous record to be copied across onto the new one so that all the end user has to do is enter the species name, abundance weight and length data.

Once they have finished entering all the species data for that particular site, they can move onto the next site which they would fill in the data themselves for the station code. So, in the hierarchy, the first button would copy all the previous data except the species name and associated weight length abundance data. The next button would do the same, except leave the station code blank. The next button would leave the species name, station code and date blank. And so on up the hierarchy. The end user would be able to selectively choose which data is copied over by using these buttons, saving lots of potential extra work doing repetitive entries.

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How Can I Stop The Same Record Being Saved Twice

Feb 25, 2006

Hi can anyone help please!

I'm writing a course registration Db. I have a have 3 tables at the moment tblContacts [ContactID], [FName], [SName], [Etc..] tblCourseRegistration[RegID] [ContactID][CourseID] and
tblCourses[CourseID] [CourseName] [Etc...]

These are all linked on a tabbed form. I have found that the same Contact can sign up for the same course twice. I need to stop this happening. Is there an easy way to prevent this or do I have to write a query that runs before the save command to prevent this?

Thanks in advance person with sore head!

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Stop Form Going To New Record

Jun 27, 2006

i wonder if anyone can help with this problem i cant seem to work out.

i have a bound form linked to an orders table, including some required fields. when i use the navigation buttons of the form to scroll thorugh the orders i can get to the end where the form expects you to make a new order. but i have a button to add a new order.

i want to stop the user being able to go past the last record in the orders table. or enable them to get back to the last order. currently if the user goes past the last record (making a new order) there is no way to get back to the last record. using the navigation back button causes errors as the required fields are blank and access tries to save the order, thinking i want to make a new one.

i hope this makes sense.

i have tried setting the Allow Additions setting of the Form to No. but this causes problems when there is no data in the orders table. opening the form produces a blank form, showing no fields or buttons at all.

i would be greatful for any advice, maybe i am doing something fundamentally wrong?:confused:

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Stop Form Going To New Record

Jun 27, 2006

i wonder if anyone can help with this problem i cant seem to work out.

i have a bound form linked to an orders table, including some required fields. when i use the navigation buttons of the form to scroll thorugh the orders i can get to the end where the form expects you to make a new order. but i have a button to add a new order.

i want to stop the user being able to go past the last record in the orders table. or enable them to get back to the last order. currently if the user goes past the last record (making a new order) there is no way to get back to the last record. using the navigation back button causes errors as the required fields are blank and access tries to save the order, thinking i want to make a new one.

i hope this makes sense.

i have tried setting the Allow Additions setting of the Form to No. but this causes problems when there is no data in the orders table. opening the form produces a blank form, showing no fields or buttons at all.

i would be greatful for any advice, maybe i am doing something fundamentally wrong?:confused:

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General :: Tab Stop To New Record?

Mar 25, 2013

On my form my Tab stops at a "New Record" button. After the "Enter key" can I make the cursor go to the first field in the form?

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[B]How To Stop Access From Saving The Record When The[/B]

May 25, 2007


I need to know how to stop access from saving the record when the
subform query is on focus?


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Stop Moving Passed Last Record

Sep 11, 2005

I am writing a database with a number of tables with forms attached to each table. I have placed navigation buttons on each form to move to first, last, next, previous. I have set up the code associated with the buttons as "public sub" so it is available for each form to use.

This was working OK except that when I used the NEXT button at the last record it would open a new blank record & keep opening a new blank record on each click.

To over overcome this I put in an If statement to check if it had moved to a new record. To do this I used the following:

If Me!NewRecord Then ..... etc

Now I get an error "Invalid use of Me key word" I suspect it is because I am using ME in a public sub

How do I overcome the problem of moving passed the last record and still have the coding available to all forms?

The Code is below.

Thanks for any help.

Public Sub Next_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Next_Record_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

If Me!NewRecord Then
' If new record move back to previous
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
' Send message
MsgBox "This is the last record", , "No More Records"

End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Next_Record_Click

End Sub

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How To Stop The Mouse Wheel Going Into A New Record

May 10, 2006

I am on a Invoice Header record in a bound form. I want to stop the user from scrolling the mouse wheel down, and land into a new record.

The problem is that when a user moves the mouse wheel, he lands into a new record, and access skips all data validations in the first record, and just commits it. I want to completely disable the mouse wheel. I have disabled the pageup and pagedown keys, but don't know how to stop the mouse wheel from scrolling.

Please help.


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Repeating Macro Needs To Stop After Last Record

Nov 1, 2006

I am basically setting up a macro that will change the value for a field from "N" to "Y" for all records from a query. The macro works fine except for it does not know when to stop and gives an error message of "You can't assign a value to this object" after it has gone through all of the records and there are none left to change. The macro is set up like this:

OpenForm Action : This form is populated by the query and I set the Where condition to open records that don't already have a value of "Y".

SetValue Action : I use this to set the value of the field to "Y"

Close Action : I use this to close the form and save the changes

RunMacro Action : This is where the problem is. I use this to repeat the macro so it can go through the rest of the records that still have the field set to "N". I need to set the Condition or Repeat Expression so that it checks if all of the records have been changed. It either needs to check that all records have the field = "Y" or check that the macro is on the last record. Basically something that will cause the macro to not open itself again when there are no more records to be changed.

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General :: Tab Key Stop And Not To Open New Record

Apr 11, 2013

The charity that I work at has many volunteers.

When they enter data they use the tab key for movement to each field.

Can I have the Tab Key STOP on the current record and not proceed to a new record?

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Stop Macro On Last Record In Form

Dec 4, 2012

I have a macro that opens up a form called SLA Complete Form - The macro then goes and examines two fields on the form to see if they contain data and if they do not then it displays a popup box with a message.

The form that gets opened up can have anywhere from one record to approximately a hundred records.

How can I get the macro to stop running when it hits the last record on the form without displaying an error message. I am currently using the next record feature in the macro.

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