Forms :: Store Calculated Values Into A Table

Jul 20, 2015

I am trying to get a value from a textbox into a table I created...

The textbox "calculates a number based on which radio button is pressed example if radio button 1 is pressed it returns 0 if radio button two is pressed it returns 8 and if radio button 3 is pressed it returns 15." I need to save the 0,8, or 15 depending on which radio button is pressed into the table...

I know you aren't supposed to store calculated values into a table but the report would never need to be changed and it just saves a new one each time with that being said anyway to make this work would be very useful!

Also how can you use the answer of calculated textboxs in other calculations?

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Forms :: How To Store Calculated Fields Into A Table

Oct 16, 2014

How to store a calculated field into a table

I am preparing an invoice and I have a field called deposit .Now this field calculates %40 of the total of the order .but if the user wishes they can enter what they like .Now this field must be stored in a table for ever and a day and must not change or the invoice will be useless .I can see no other way of doing this and my research tells me (allen Brown) that this is sometimes necessary .

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Store A Calculated Value?

Jul 9, 2007

I was once told that Access does not like to store calculated values but I would like to.

Here is my expression: =([Shift Lenght]-[Total idle time]-[Total down time])/([Shift Lenght]-[Total idle time])*(0.33*[Total pc])/([Shift Lenght]-[Total idle time]-[Total down time])*([Total pc]-[Total scrap])/([Total pc]+0.1)*100

This gives me the value that I desire, now I need to store it in the table with the rest of the records data.
I am planing on storing 3 -4 expressions like this and then averaging them.
Then building a query to the averages for the day,week,month, and year.

Please be gentle I am not very familiar with access but learning a lot:)

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Tables :: Make Calculated Field In One Table That Calculates Values From Another Table Linked By Order ID

May 13, 2015

I have what is probably a stupid question but I've been struggling with this one for a while. I have an ordering database which has an Orders table (containing Order ID, Date, Supplier etc) and an Order Line table within which I have a combo box for Product name, supplier, price, VAT rate, Line price etc. At the moment, I have the order line table as a subform within the Order form (run from the Orders table). The problem I'm having is the subtotal and total fields. At the moment these are in the Order Line table as I cannot figure out how to get these in the Orders table. In summary, can I make a calculated field in one table that calculates values from another table (linked by Order ID)?

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Forms :: Pull Calculated Values From Approximately 10 Forms Into Another Form

Mar 21, 2013

I need to pull the calculated values from approximately 10 forms into another form. This is a summary form that should have all the totals pulled from the other forms.e.g. Form A has a textbox that reflects the sum of the amount. This is the total balance of form A.Form B, Form C, etc. all have a total Balance.Now, i need to pull all these totals into a summary form

-Form A Total Balance: x
-Form B Total balance: y, and so forth.

How and what is the best method to approach?I have tried using Forms![Formname]![Total] to get the data. This necessitates the need to hide all these forms and I ended up with blank forms, etc.Even so, the total sometimes appear and sometimes it does not. so it is very unstable.

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Help With Linking Calculated Fields To Table Values

Aug 28, 2006

I need to display a value from a table in a text field on a form based on another text field on the same form.

The table has records as follows:

Month/Year xx Month No xx Year No xx Month ID (xx shows break in columns)
Jan-06 xx 1 xx 2006 xx 24
Feb-06 xx 2 xx 2006 xx 25
Mar-06 xx 3 xx 2006 xx 26
Apr-06 xx 4 xx 2006 xx 27
May-06 xx 5 xx 2006 xx 28
Jun-06 xx 6 xx 2006 xx 29
Jul-06 xx 7 xx 2006 xx 30

In one text field I use the DateSerial function to calculate the value of the previous month (e.g.Jul-06). I need to return the MonthID value to the second text field based on the value stored against it is the table, so in case of Jul-06 it would show 30 in text field 2.

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Tables :: Storing Calculated Values In Table

Jan 8, 2014

I know that as a general rule one should not store calculated values in a table, but if I need to include such a value on a number of forms, and calculating that value involves manipulating an ADO Recordset, does there come a point where the performance hit outweighs the design "quality"?

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Insert Calculated Values In A Table Field?

Mar 17, 2014

i have a subform which contains a lot of calculated values. fields which calculate values are located both in master form and subform. i use those calculated values in various reports where i have to insert formulas again. so i have decided to insert calculated values in table directly. i can use update query but i am unsure how to trigger it; and how to keep fields updated everytime a value is changed.

main form fields = [gsm] , [rate]

sub form fields = [pages], [qty], [gsm]*[rate]*[pages]*[qty]

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Forms :: Store Lookup Value In Table

Sep 9, 2014

I have form with student details on it and I want to add some additional information against that student (stored in a seperate table). I've created a form to input the data and a button on the main form to open the new form.

On loading the form I've brought with it the name of the student but I also want the UPN. I've done all the above fine.

What I need to do is then store the UPN in a field in the new table which is where I'm stuck.

What do I put in the Control source to make it store it. Currently I just have


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Forms :: Possible To Store Colors In A Form Or Table And Then Reference Them While In VBA

Dec 5, 2014

I am trying to see if it is possible to store colors in a form or table and then reference them while in VBA. What I am hoping to do is when I write all my code for command buttons to change On Got Focus, instead of writing xxx.backcolor = RGB (255,255,255) i could do something like xxx.backcolor = Forms!HiddenColors!Command That way if i want to ever change the color scheme of the db, I can change it in one place rather than hunt lines of code.

I have played around but with no success. Technewonline is a website that specializes in introducing the latest technologies such as Best Tablet Android Have Price Under $200 and Best tablet of Apple in 2014 and The Best Midrange Smart Phone In 2014 and Top Best Ultrabook Of 2014 and The Best Phones 4G Valued At Under 300 USD is also a website for sharing your tips about computers, mobile phones and tablets, products are available from leading supermarkets will surely satisfy you.

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Forms :: Store User Name In Table And Show Up In Field

Aug 27, 2014

I managed to count the performance of users. The only thing I need to do is to put the names of the users on the form (under different tab) so I can select them and they show their performance. The best would that they are showing up there in the form till I change the names. I use now a text field to write the name, but when I close the database and open, I need to add the name again.

If I could use somehow the names from the users stored in a table, that would be great.

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Store Calculate Values

Sep 29, 2005

I searched the archive for how to store a calculated value and found a lot of controversial dialogue about the pros/cons but not really a solution on how to do it.

I have a form based on a query. The database behind the form and query is our ERP database and is connected though an odbc connection. The form allows the user to enter some shipping dimensions and freight rates. The data is automatically stored in the ERP database and any user can view the data from the ERP software.

Here is the problem. There are also some freight calculations that occur on the form that our business teams want the results stored in the ERP database. They can view the results from the calculations using the ERP software instead having to open a 2nd application (Access form) to view the calculated data.

I have determined which fields in the ERP database will hold the data. I only need the vb code or other suggestions on how to update the calculated values into the database.

I apologize for the long message. Thanks for your help,


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Store Multiple Values From List Box

Jan 11, 2006

Hi all,

I was thinking/hoping of using a list box on my form to store multiple values, I haven't been able to find a way of storing any value so far so not sure how easy it will be?

How can this be achieved or is it just easier to use several check boxes (approx 8)


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Modules & VBA :: Store Values During Calculation

Sep 23, 2014

I am trying to perform a calculation within an IF then Statement. The difference is I need Access to remember a values to complete the calculations prior to setting the final answer. I think this is basic however I am a novice and can't seem to get it to work.


If [Forms]![Jobentryfrm]![StyleJobCurrentSub]![Assembly] = 39 Then
BL = ([Forms]![Jobentryfrm]![Height] * 2) + ([Forms]![Jobentryfrm]![Length] * 2) + 8
bw = [Forms]![Jobentryfrm]![Length] + [Forms]![Jobentryfrm]![Width] + 12


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Modules & VBA :: Store Values Increment By 1

Nov 22, 2013

I'm building a database to organize the editing of a massive report my office is working on. I've got a big table of all the sections. Each section has a unique ID and a version number. I wrote the queries so that they return only the most recent version (i.e. the Max version # of each section.) The results of the query appear in a subform.

I was able to use VBA to allow the user to double click on the record in the subform, and look at the record in another form. (I was really proud of this.)

Anyway, it turns out what I need is to double click on the record in the subform, and create a new record based on this record, but increment the version # by one.

I've created an unbound form for this, and googled around. I need to use VB to store the variable, and then put it in the unbound text box.

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Modules & VBA :: Store Entire Query (single Field) In Array And Check Its Values

Mar 12, 2014

Basically, what's the best practice or how do we store a query's value into an array then checking what the max or min value is and how to check if let's say "4" is in the array?

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Forms :: Insert Data Into Table By Calculated Files?

Mar 12, 2014

I have calculated files in a form which is summimg the working hrs of each employ�es for a particular data.

I am able to show the same in the form but want to add this value in the table.

Is is possible to add this data from the form to the able?

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Forms :: Updating Calculated Dates From A Form To A Table

Mar 19, 2013

I have a table which is used to store info regarding medicines dispensed. I also have a corresponding Form to enter data. The fields in Table are

ID- number
Dispensed Date- date with dd/mm/yyyy format
Dispensed Type- text
Quantity- no. of days
Next Collection Date- date with dd/mm/yyyy format

The Form also contains same fields but it has a calculated field for ( Next Collection Date) where i calculate date using Dateadd function. Also the form has a Datasheet view. So records are added when I press Tab or Enter at last field.

Now the problem is the calculated dates arent getting updated in the table. And this is a huge problem as i have to run a query later where i will put a criteria on Next Collection Date.

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Forms :: Updating Table With Calculated Field On A Form?

Apr 13, 2013

A textbox on a form concatenates 2 strings. I want to insert that resulting string into a table .how can i do that ?

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Forms :: Save Calculated Subform Data To Table

Oct 20, 2014

What I'm trying to do: I have created an unbound field within a subform's footer to calculate the average of the displayed record values. The subform is in datasheet view. The records are returned based on a query with a relationship between two tables. I need the calculated data (which I currently have displayed on the main form) to populate within the master table.

I can't figure out how to automatically do this. I created a simple command to get it there, but I'd like the user not to need a button to display a calculation.

Main form based on TableA; subform based on TableB.

Here's how I have it set up (Btw, I suck at SQL I just figure this is easiest to read):

Query SQL looks like this: SELECT tblB.Field1, tblB.Field2 FROM tblB.Field1 INNER JOIN tblA ON tblB.Field1 = tblA.Field1

Main form: unbound txtbox = [Forms]![frmA]![subfrmA].Form.[txtAvg]

The field that is averaged is tblB.Field2. There are potentially a bunch of records displayed in the subform.

I need that [txtAvg] field to save to TableA. My command button is simply Me.tblA.FieldName = Me.unboundtxtbox. I'd like to do away with that.

I tried to use the on current or on load event for the main form; but the calculated field value is 0 until it calculates it. It seems like there is a short delay before the value shows up on the form at which point the on current or on load events don't pick up the calculated value; just the 0 that is initially there.

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Sum Up The Values Calculated.

Jul 8, 2007

hi I am making a late report of each employee's data and I calculated for each individual day by having late for how long, but I would like to make another column which displays the total amount of time late. This is currently what I have now:

My SQl looks like this:

SELECT username, DateValue(clocktime) AS Date_Clocked, Min(TimeValue(clocktime)) AS Clock_In_Time, ((Clock_In_Time-#9:00:00 AM#)*24) AS Late_By_inHours
FROM tablename
GROUP BY username, DateValue(clocktime)
HAVING Min(TimeValue(clocktime))>#9:00:00#;

clocktime is a date/time field, in reality it is regardless whether it is clock in or clock out time. And now I want my table to look smth like this:

Has anyone knows how to do smth like this? I tried using the SUM() but it states error stating it cant take the expression ((Clock_In_Time-#9:00:00 AM#)*24) smth lidat

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Tables And Calculated Values

Oct 14, 2005

I have been reading previous post s regarding the storing of calculated fields. Basically everybody says don't do it. However, if I don't I am not sure how to achieve what I need to achieve.

I am storing data on tool vibration levels. Data is input for X, Y and Z axes and a vector sum (total) is calculated on the fly using a query. So I only ever store X,Y and Z.

Ultimately I am looking for this database to be able to give me useful statistical outputs in particular a range of vector sums for a tool type. If I don't actually store the vector sum for each test then how I am ever going to report a range? The data would never change for each test as these become statictics, it's not the same as working out rates for example which may vary according to parameters.

What is the best way to do this?

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Combining Calculated Values From Two Queries.

Aug 24, 2006

I have created two queries which calculates a total. I want to add the values of the two queries in a third query to give me a grand total.

When I try to create this third query, it gives me an error saying that the fields cannot be used from two different queries. So I'm just wondering whether this is possible or is there any other way of doing this.

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Tables :: Storing Calculated Values?

Mar 7, 2014

I understand the conventional wisdom of not storing calculated values on the table, but I have a need to do do so. On my Input Screen I have a generated Certificate # derived from 5 single value fields keyed onto the screen. This certificate # is unique to those 5 single-value fields which should not be repeated. I want to store it on my Table as the Primary key with "no duplicates" so that if a keyer keys the same 5 single-digit values , thus creating the same Certificate #, he will get a MsgBox back telling him he cannot add a duplicate entry.

attached is my table and Input Screen.

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Reports :: Calculated Text Box With Values Less Than 600

Feb 10, 2014

I have a textbox in a report that I would like to calculate the sum of values that are less than 600.Then have a second textbox that counts the number of records that have values less than 600..This is based off of a query with calculated fields..I have been working with a formula that looks something like this


But all I get is a value of 0.BaleETime is the elapsed time between bales.

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Forms :: List - Values From A Table Depend On Selection From Different Table

Jul 23, 2015

Situation: 3 tables. Manufacturers, Countries & Provinces/States. 1 Form for data entry in Manufacturers.

Countries table contains ID, Country and CountryCode fields. i.e. 47, Great Britain & GB

Provinces/States table contains ID, Province/State and CountryCode. as in 1, Alaska and US.

In the form the country is easily selected from a list refering directly to the Countries table.

Problem: How to make a list in the form from which the user can simply select the province for the country that has previously been selected. And not a list with all teh provinces and states from every country in the world. (This would be a really really long list...)

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