Forms :: Storing Colors Then Using In VBA

Nov 8, 2014

I am trying to see if it is possible to store colors in a form or table and then reference them while in VBA. What I am hoping to do is when I write all my code for command buttons to change On Got Focus, instead of writing xxx.backcolor = RGB (255,255,255) i could do something like xxx.backcolor = Forms!HiddenColors!Command That way if i want to ever change the color scheme of the db, I can change it in one place rather than hunt lines of code.

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Forms :: Defining Colors On Form Control

Mar 30, 2014

I have to create a control on a form that will be able to change to one of ten colors, some of them are subtle shades. I will be doing this from vba on the control. I know how to do all of this except defining the colors.

I keep seeing the 3 part RGB(xx, xx, xx) etc. but I can't find the values for it that will give me the exact colors that I need!

I also saw a possibility of using a the hex equivalent for the color but I couldn't make that work?

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Forms :: Custom Alternate Row Colors On Forms?

Jul 4, 2013

I have a sub form in datasheet view and need to custom alternate row colors with criteria from the main form.
E.g. If the Criteria field in the main form is 4, row colors must alternate after every forth record in the sub form. First 4 rows not shaded, next 4 rows shaded. If the Criteria changes to 6 then first 6 rows not shaded, next 6 shaded etc. I can do this in a Report with the Format Event but in a Form there is no Format Event.

On the Home tab, under Text Formatting group, using the Alternate Row Color drop-down list, changes every row, which is not what I need.

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Forms :: Possible To Store Colors In A Form Or Table And Then Reference Them While In VBA

Dec 5, 2014

I am trying to see if it is possible to store colors in a form or table and then reference them while in VBA. What I am hoping to do is when I write all my code for command buttons to change On Got Focus, instead of writing xxx.backcolor = RGB (255,255,255) i could do something like xxx.backcolor = Forms!HiddenColors!Command That way if i want to ever change the color scheme of the db, I can change it in one place rather than hunt lines of code.

I have played around but with no success. Technewonline is a website that specializes in introducing the latest technologies such as Best Tablet Android Have Price Under $200 and Best tablet of Apple in 2014 and The Best Midrange Smart Phone In 2014 and Top Best Ultrabook Of 2014 and The Best Phones 4G Valued At Under 300 USD is also a website for sharing your tips about computers, mobile phones and tablets, products are available from leading supermarkets will surely satisfy you.

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Forms :: Storing Multiple Values

Apr 29, 2014

In my database (attached), I need to be able to store multiple notes for tasks performed in various cities -- each note has a small description (more on that at the bottom of this post). For the "San Antonio, TX" task, notes "Heartbleed" and "BAT Scan" apply. From what I understand, this is a many-to-many relationship which will require the use of a junction box. My structure is like this:

TaskID (PK - autonumber)

NotesID (PK - autonumber)

TaskID (FK from tbTasks)
NotesID ( FK from tbNotes)

My mainform (fmTasks) is based off the tbTasks table; my subform (subfmTaskNotes -- continous form) is based off the jcttbTaskNotes junction table. The Master/Child link for the subform control is TaskID. In the subform I have a combo box bound to the NotesID field in the junction table that allows me to choose a note.

My problem: I also have a "Details" text box in the subform that I want to be populated with the description of the Note selected in the combobox mentioned above. For example: if I choose the "Heartbleed" note, then I want that "Details" field to be populated with "Mitigate vulnerability associated with CVE-2014-0160". I assume it has to be somehow tied to the "Details" field of the tbNotes table, but how to implement that. How do I get the Details text box to display the details for each note?

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Forms :: Storing Numbers And Not Text

Apr 24, 2014

I have a table with an auto number primary key field, and then several other fields, Address, Unit, Owner. I created a form with a combo box that looks up the Address from another table and populates the three fields when you click a record. I have it set to store the first value, (Address) in the table.

When I open the table, it appears as the primary key number, and not the address. It's very frustrating, as this happens a lot to me. What am I doing wrong? and how can I store the value I want, (Address) and not the primary key number?

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Forms :: Subform Storing Duplicate Values

Jan 20, 2015

I am fairly new to using access and am currently creating a database for a small bakery. They have new legislation whereby they have to list all their product ingredients and any allergens in the ingredients must be shown in bold.

So far I have 3 tables as follows:

Products (*ProductID, ProductName, Photo)
Ingredients (*IngredientID, Ingredient, Allergen)
Product_Ingredients (ProductID, IngredientID)

I have 2 forms set up:

one to input ingredients and a checkbox if it is an allergen

The other has a main form and subform to get ProductName, Photo and then a combo box in the subform to add ingredients.

Everything appears to be working ok but I have an issue with my subform. The combo box has no duplicates and lists the ingredients in alphabetical order as I require. However, if I view the subform separately from the main form I see that it is storing all the ingredients selected for each product. Therefore it is storing a lot of duplicate information.

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Forms :: Storing Calculated Control Of A Subform

Jul 5, 2015

Eventhough i know calculated control are for queries, I still need to store a calculated value of a sum. I have a form with customers, dates, locations. That form has a subform that contains the services done and materials used. This subform is in datasheet view. In the footer i have a control with =Sum([Price]).

So I need the value of this control to be stored in the table the main form is based on. I did an unbound control in the main form where the =Me!Subform.Form!.Textx will bring the value "over" Then for the on focus event the vba code Me.Total=Me.Textx stores the value. That is fine. The same works with a command button with the same vba code.

However i am asking if there is a more automatic way to get the value over without the unbound control/command button.

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Forms :: Accounting Program - Storing Calculated Value

Aug 5, 2013

I am trying to create an accounting program on access and i got stuck on the final touches

I'll explain my situation in brief. I created two tables

/1 for the invoices (invoice number, client name, total)
/1 for the orders (order id, invoice number, subtotal)

And I made a relationship between those two and everything worked out well. I created a form/subform and put a text box in the subform to calculate the sum which worked correctly. And I exported the value of the sum to the main form and it's great.

The problem is that how can i make the Total field that belongs to the table invoice have a default value as same as the Expression (sum) so that the sum is stored with the invoice record.

i attached the picture in the attachments

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Forms :: Storing Value In Another Text Box Populated From A Combo Box In A Form

Feb 3, 2014

How does one store the value derived from a combo box to another text box in a form?E.g. Supplier name is a combo box. The combo box has 2 columns, supplier and supplier ID.the supplier name stores the supplier in its own text box.When you select the supplier, the supplierID appears in another text box.I need to store this supplier ID.The control source is =[suppliername].[column](1) When I look up the table, the supplier is captured in the supplier name but the supplierID is not captured in the supplier ID field.

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Forms :: Storing Small Icons In A Table For Use In Continuous Form

Nov 29, 2013

I searched without success for a solution to show small pictures (icons) in a table field to show up in a continous form.

Purpose is:
a communication log table has comm codes such as
- mail out
- mail in
- tel call in
- tel call out

the comm log table has the fields
CustomerID, datetime, CommCode

The CommCode table hast the fields
CommID, CommCode, Icon

The form (subfrm) should show in continous form mode to each customer..Datetime, (commCode), and to visualize the Commcode the small image (icon) presented by an envelope with an arrow right, an envelope with an arrow left, etc.

I cannot find a solution for storing those little images and retrieving them from an OLE-Field.All my other pictures I do not have stored in the tables, but only the image path, but for that I would prefer to store them directly into a table field as they do not blow up the database.

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Where Did All The Colors Come From?

Nov 24, 2005

When I opened my database today, all the tables had turned blue??

Does that signafies anything? How can I reset the table in plain white??

Any help is appreciated!

an absolsute access beginner!

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Feb 15, 2005

Anyone know how to convert a color code from something like:


To something that Access will recognize?


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Row Background Colors

Feb 13, 2007

I have a subform that returns a bunch of records. Each of the records returned has a LANE_ID, so in this example, there are 10 records returned, 5 with LANE_ID = 11111and 5 with LANE_ID = 22222. Is it possible to alternate the backgrond color for each of these groupings?

I have found examples of how to change the color of alternate rows, but I can't find anything that would tell me if what I want to do is possible.

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List Box With Colors

Aug 8, 2005

How I can do a form whit a list box whit different colors for each record ?

Thank you

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Combo Box Colors

Dec 22, 2005

Hi, All...

Can someone tell me how to change the color (back and fore) within a combo box? I have set both in the properties window and it works fine but, as you scroll through the list within the box, the colors of the active line (back and fore) change to something completely different.

Any assist would be greatly appreciated!

Thanx ;<)

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Back Ground Colors

May 3, 2006

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to translate the background colors used in Access to RGB?

Thank you.

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Dressing Up A Form - Colors

Jan 13, 2006

I built a really good database and now I want to dress it up a bit. Does anyone know how to change the color of a command button ? (access 2003)

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Hex Coding For Colors? At Work/need Sol'n

Sep 16, 2004

reading code behind form and came across:

&HFHEFEF, and &HFFEFFE and the like relating to certain colors: where is this magical "chart/table" of equivalents? Need soon..thanks..teball20 (teddy)

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Alternating Colors In Form

Oct 6, 2004

Is there a way to have alternating colors in a form?

I would like every record to alternate between Grey and White.


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How To Get First Form To Change Colors

May 22, 2013

A couple of days ago I was looking to change a form button color in a new database I was working on, I could not. I changed the Back Color to #22B14C but it stayed the same grey color. I could not make the change in that form in that database.

Then I went into a different database that I built and I noticed that the Command Buttons within the form was blue, I changed it to #22B14C and it turned green. What the difference is. I copied the button to the first stated database and in that form and the color stayed to grey even though the Back Color was set at #22B14C. I noticed that the database that the form that I could change the color had Hover and Press color options whereas the first database does not. I copied the form that I could change the button colors to the first database and I could change the colors but they had changed from the second database to the first, I could change the colors but the Hover and Press options were gone.

how I get the first form to change colors and what is the difference between the two databases?

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Web App - Product With Multiple Colors

Jun 25, 2014

I was creating a access web app for my company and want to create a data for its product. Each product will have multiple colors and different material are used for each color. The number of colorways for a product varies.

We want to be able to select a product and a lookup field will appears for us to choose its colorway.

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Forms :: Storing File Location And Opening File From A Form

Dec 5, 2014

i had a database that allowed me from a form to store a file location for a record on a form, so i any time i could access the record, and then open the file, usually a pdf, it wasnt stored as a hyperlink, but as long text

i made the mistake of not copying the files for safe keeping when i got a permanent position..i am now back self employed, i need to recreate the database.

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Changing Colors With Check Boxes

Feb 21, 2005

I have a simple form with 3 check boxes. I want to write a vb code that will change the color of a box if a box is selected.

Table Name: tbl_main
Form Name: frm_color
Field Names: [check_red] [check_blue] [check_yellow]
Box Names: 'box_red' 'box_blue' 'box_yellow' (all currently translucent)

If someone checks the [check_red] field I want the 'box_red' to go from translucent background to a red background, and when unchecked to go back to translucent. Same with the Blue & Yellow boxes.

I have made a simple database and attached it for an example. Thank you all.

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Changing Colors In A Field Automatically

Mar 15, 2005

Hi everyone,

The problem I'm having is I need to have the background of a field change color depending on what's contained within the field. There's only three possible entries in the field: active, inactive, and a blank entry. I need it to show green if the field contains "active", red if the field is "inactive" or is blank (I also want the blank fields to show inactive, but that's niether here or there right now.)

I've been trying to get it to work with an if then statement, and setoption to change the background. I've had no luck with any of it, though.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Changing Colors For Each Line In Form

Sep 3, 2004

Is there any way to change the color of a field based on the value of a field.

I know how to do this for a single form but I need to do it for a Continuous Form
(each line may be a different value and have a different color.)

Is there some event that happens before each line displays???


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