Forms :: Subform Only Shows First Match

Nov 30, 2013

It's been a while since I last used Access but now I need to be reminded how to populate a sub-form with all rows for a query (Access 2013).

- Do I need to establish a relationship between Table A (main form) and Table B (sub-form)?
- What sub-form properties need to be set to display all retrieived rows from the main form query (select where Table A PK = Table B PK)?

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Form Shows Similar Match In 1 Table - Alter Another Table?

Dec 16, 2014

I have two tables (Access 2010). One with a list of names (List1) and another with a very similar list of names (List2), but they differ in very small ways. For example, List1 might have John Smith, and List2 would have Smith, John L.; and Smith, John. List2 also has a unique ID associated with these names that I need to append to List1.

I need to design a form that will allow me to look up names in List1, and have it return all names that are similar in List2. I then need to be able to choose with record in List2 matches with the List1 entry (based on a few other columns in List2, such as birth date) and have the form add that unique ID to the List1 record.

PS: I am using Access 2010

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Forms :: Subform Always Shows First Record Based On Date

Jul 14, 2013

So, let's say I have a table named FLOWER_SHIPPING that has field:

Date [Date]
Flower_name [Short Text]
Amount [Long Integer]
Sender [Short Text]
Address [Long Text]

Then I created a form named MAINF with FLOWER_SHIPPING as its RecordSource. The form only has one TextBox: Date.

Then in MAINF, I created a subform named SUBF with FLOWER_SHIPPING as its RecordSource, in Datasheet View. It shows all fields in FLoWER_SHIPPING as it is.

The link between MAINF and SUBF is Date.

I want SUBF to only show record based on the Date chosen in Date TextBox in MAINF. So far, yes it did what I want. But with problems:

1) [SOLVED] SUBF does show record based on the Date I've chosen in MAINF's TextBox Date, but it ALWAYS ALSO shows the first record on the FLOWER_SHIPPING table. And the date in the first record always changed into the Date I just input in the TextBox Date in the MAINF. Automatically.

Example: I chose 6/22/2013, and there are 2 records with that date. the SUBF will show 3 records: those 2 records + the first row of FLOWER_SHIPPING with its Date automatically set to 6/22/2013.

2) When I chose a date in MAINF, I have to click everywhere in the SUBF so that it will refresh its content. Can I have it refresh automatically everytime after a date chosen?

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Forms :: When Subform Have No Records Then Total Field On Main Form Shows Error

Sep 1, 2013

In my database main form with subform. subform have query as of one of field in subform shown on main form. all is ok and show total correctly but when subform have no records then total field on main form shows #error. How to convert this value either into null string or zero(0).

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Forms :: How To Make Column Width On A Subform Match Property Settings

Mar 19, 2015

I've set the column widths properly on the subform, but the down arrow on the list box is still outside of the selection area. It may have something to do with lookups or concatenations, but I'm not finding that so in what I can think of to trace down.

I exaggerated the width of the list box to show where the down arrow actually shows itself.

See the form "frm_Class_Skills_Update" in the attached database. I need it to be visible when the list box is about 1.25" more narrow.

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Forms :: Subform Shows In Design Mode But Not In Form Mode?

Sep 22, 2014

I have several subform tabs and one that I have updated no longer shows up when I run the form on Form mode. The tab is there but no content or details of the subform

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Subform Shows Up SOMETIMES...what Is Up?

Jan 18, 2006

I have 2 cascading combo boxes which control what appears in my subform (AuditYear,Company).

Once I select both, sometimes the subform info shows up and a while later I try again, and it doesn't. Then I try some other AuditYear + Company, then THAT shows up...then I try again, it doesn't.

Any ideas?

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Subform Shows #DELETED

Jun 14, 2005

I have a textbox on a Subform which is updated when a record is double clicked in another Subform. This works fine until i move the mouse over the updated subform. Then the updated entry is replaced with #Deleted. The data is still in the table that gives the subform its value.
Also another form running has the same subform and it and the updated value is shown perfectly in this one.
Anyone know why this may be happening?

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Subform Shows A Number, Not Text...

Dec 8, 2006

It's my understanding of general database practice that an Autonumber field should be used as a primary key in normalisation tables. I realise my understanding could be wrong, and I'm quite happy to change that practice if need be.

I have my normalisation tables. For the most part these consist of an Autonumber field ([UID]) as the primary key, then an indexed, no duplicates text field with the normalisation data. For this case, we'll say it's a list of departments ([DepartmentID]).

I have a form for entering users. Again, the PK is an autonumber field. I used a wizard to create a combo box. I selected the fact that I want to store the value in [DepartmentID], NOT [UID].

This works fine, I can add my users and the combo boxes work, although I had to change the bound column to 2, as 1 is selected by default although it is [UID].

I then created a subform based on a query of all users. This subform is not bound to the main form in any way, it simply shows the result of the query.

When entering users, upon saving a record, the form is updated and the new user shown in the subform. Great, apart from "txtDepartment" in the subform showing [UID], and not [DepartmentID] as stipulated.

I have a horrible feeling this is to do with [UID] being my PK, but I'd like someone to tell me I'm wrong. I can quite happily remove the autonumber field [UID] and make the unique [DepartmentID] field the PK, but this just doesn't seem "correct" to me.

Should I do this? Should I have an autonumber field as the PK?

I realise this is more a design theory question than a form problem as such, but anything that clarifies my understanding of correct design practice will help.

EDIT:- I'd also like to say that I did it this way to get away from using the "LOOKUP" field type at table design time, specifically to avoid this very problem of numbers showing up when I want the text there!

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Subform Shows Actual Record, No List Of 3 Last Added Records

Mar 13, 2006

Hi There,

I have got this form, consisting of 1 form (that needs to add a new record to a table everytime) and 1 subform, that needs to show the last three records of the table.

My problem is that I cannot get it right, now both forms (form and subform) are showing the details on just one record. If I open my subform it shows me all the records of a table, but in as soon as I view the form as a subform I shows me only one record.

Any help is welcome, I attached my db, just in case....

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Toggling Linked Subform Shows Parameter Entry Window Twice?

Mar 9, 2014

I have two subforms in a main form. book_sub and book order subform. there are various subforms which i toggle in book order subform window by changing their properties with command button on main form. here is the code -

private sub billq_click()
Me.BOOK_SUB.SourceObject = "BILLQ"
Me.BOOK_SUB.LinkChildFields = "[order ID]"
private sub stock_click()
Me.BOOK_SUB.SourceObject = "stock"
Me.BOOK_SUB.LinkChildFields = "[BOOKCODE]"

Now the problem is when i change billq to stock it shows parameter entry window with caption [order id] twice. after clicking ok it does toggle the form to stock. then when i click button for billq again it shows the same thing.

the code works fine except showing parameter entry window twice with every toggle.

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Date Filter That Shows All Values If Left Blank

Mar 2, 2015

I am a bit of a novice when it comes to Access, but have managed to create a form with a subform embedded and various filters to show different data within the subform, including a date range filter. The code I have used for these filters is as follows:

Private Sub Command40_Click()
Dim strCriteria As String

strCriteria = createCriteria("[Introductions].Town", "List78")
strCriteria = strCriteria & " and " & createCriteria("[Introductions].Ownership", "List52")
strCriteria = strCriteria & " and " & createCriteria("[Introductions].Company", "List54")

[Code] ....

This all works fine, but I'm wondering what I need to add to this code to make it so that if the date boxes are left blank, records from all dates are displayed. At the moment I have to enter dates in order for it to work properly.

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General :: Subform Query Filter Do Nothing If Not Exact Match

May 28, 2014

there are certain txt boxes that once filled out, will filter a subform of a table of 1000's of records to give them a number to use on the form around 200 of the records have a depot in the "depot" field on the table, when they input a depot, it filters to them 200 fine if a depot is there,

what i want is, when they input the depot, if its there, filter it, if its not, to do nothing, as they could still get a unique number if the depot isnt in the list what happens now is, if the depot isnt in the list, it displays no records

Field : Fld_Depot
Table : Tbl_Agreement_Summary
Show : False
Criteria : Like "*" & SearchForText([Forms]![Frm_New_Accounts]![Fld_Depot]) & "*"
Or : Is Null

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Forms :: Drop Down Shows Both Columns When Selected

Jun 29, 2015

I've got a form with a drop down combo box with two columns. When you hit the down arrow it shows both columns, but when you click a choice, it only shows the data in the first column. How do I make it show both columns after it has been chosen? First col is First Name, second col is Last Name.

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Forms :: Disable Ribbon Randomly Shows Up

Jun 25, 2013

I have disabled the Ribbon using XML code in the USysRibbon table. Everything has worked fine, except that now when I click on two different tabs that exist on my form, the Form Tools Ribbon pops up with options to go to Layout, Design View, etc., and other options, too.

I have two subforms on this tab, but neither one has a Ribbon Name set (I didn't even know how to do that when I made them) where to look to see why this is happening. The Ribbon does not show at all on the other tabs like it is supposed to. It only shows when I click on my 3rd and 4th tabs, and then it disappears again when I click on other tabs.

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Forms :: Pivot Legend Only Shows First Two Letters Of The Word?

Dec 15, 2013

I have a query that pulls information from a combo box in my form, now I've made a pivot form to report the outputs, however my legend will only display the first two letters of word... I need to show the entire word.

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Forms :: Cannot Open Next Form Which Shows Detail Of Items

Jul 31, 2013

I have a bound form which shows list of items in the stock. When i click on a button it should open another form which shows the details of item which we choose from the first form.the code which i have in click event of the form is :

Dim strCrit As String
strCrit = "PkID=" & Me.RadStocks
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmIssueRadItems", , , strCrit

It works sometimes but most of the time it gives error saying " syntax error(missing operator) in query expression 'PkID=Airmux 200E DC".

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Forms :: ListBox With CheckBoxes Shows A New Record Checkbox?

Dec 16, 2013

I have a listbox with checkbox's based on a table.

The listbox reflects everything great, except it shows an extra checkbox at the end of the list that does nothing.

I think this is the "next record" from the table, but I don't want this to show. How do I hide or get ride of this extra checkbox?

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Forms :: Created A Form With Combo Box Which Shows Certain Fields Selected

Feb 18, 2014

I have created a form with combo box which shows certain fields I selected. By clicking that I want to open a NEW form which has all the fields so that I can edit the record.

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Forms :: Totals Query That Shows Results In A Chart - No Parameter Selected

Dec 12, 2014

I have a totals query that shows results in a chart. It takes a parameter to limit results, by a combobox in a form.

Parameter in the query includes the OR "*" expression, in case someone wants to get the results unfiltered.

The Combobox in the form, has an AfteUpdate event that opens the chart (form) every time its value changes, by the [DoCmd.OpenForm "ChartForm" , acNormal] expression.

I don't know how to make it open the ChartForm when no parameter is selected in the combobox.

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Forms :: Check Box In A Form Which Shows Data From A Table In Tabular Layout

May 12, 2013

I have made an unbound check box, named "myckeck" in a form which shows data from a table in tabular layout.

1- When I check one check box, all check boxes are checked. How can I solve that? I mean I want to check or clear check boxes independently.

2- I made a text box, named "jobdate" to sow todays date automatically upon checking a check box.

Private sub mycheck_afterupdate()
jobdate = date

But this is not working and checking a check box does not make anything to happen.

3- Then I made this expression in the default value of "jobdate" properties:

iif( mycheck = true, date(), null)

This not working either.

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Forms :: Form That Shows 100 Records At A Time - Filter / Sort Data Source Entirely

Oct 20, 2014

The recordsource is a query with over 6,000 records. The form currently lists the records in datasheet format with header and footer for things like buttons and filtering. The client wants to be able to go from page to page of the souce query, showing 100 records on the form at a time.

But at the same time, they should be able to filter or sort the data source in it's entirety. The person who created the form came up with what seems like an awful solution to the problem. It seems to use a random number generator to determine how many records to portray at a time. I see this in the code as well as in operation, because the number of records on page to page varies. It doesn't even start out at 100! Worse yet, using a sort on the page only sorts the records that are visible.

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Forms :: SQL To Add New Record Form One Table To Match Another

Mar 3, 2014

I have a form that I need to add a new record using embedded SQL rather than just binding the form and using an automatic new record. My form will display the needed random number in a textbox and that needs to be my new record number. So I need first to check to see if that number already exists as a record number then add it if it does not and either way insert or update a set of additional fields. Something like:

DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT * FROM tblExceptions WHERE ReconciliationID = " & Me.txtReconciliationID
Psuedocode: IF Record Exists UPDATE Field1 and FIELD2
Else Create record and insert VALUES into Field1 and FIELD2
End If

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Forms :: Reformat A Field To Match External Data

May 29, 2013

I am attempting to use some external data to populate fields in my DB. I would like to reformat the ProductID in my DB to match a ProductName coming into my DB. We have many products that have 2 pieces. If the product does have two pieces, the external database has two ProductNames that look like this:


I would like my database to be able to pull information for each of these 2 part products (they will be displayed as one product in our DB, never to be seperated). I have a form that gives the exact measurements of the first piece by using the ProductName and matching my ProductID (0000967). I would now like to write a little VBA to populate some fields on the forms that are pulled from 2000967.

something like:
Forms!Product!txtField2 = DLookup("[FieldName]", "TableName", "[ProductName] = Forms!Product!ProductID")

The issue is that I need to only get the trailing 6 digits of my ProductID and add a 2 at the beginning. Is there a quick Format syntax I could use to accomplish this?

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Forms :: Data Types Match And In Order But Getting Syntax Error

May 9, 2015

The Data Types match and they are in order. I get a syntax error.

PHP Code:
      strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblHour (Hours, WorkDate, SickDay, SickDte) VALUES (" _
   Me.AbsenceHrsID & ",#" & Format(Me.AbsenceDteTo, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#,True,#" _
   Format(Me.AbsenceDteTo, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#)"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError 

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Forms :: Create A Form Which Allow Specific Users To Book A Seat At Football Match

Apr 4, 2014

I'm currently trying to create a form which allows the specific users to book a seat at a football match.

I've created all the relevant tables, but I'm struggling on how to interpret the data into them to make the form work. I am new to this sort of design, this design is currently for my university dissertation and I am struggling to get it completed in time.

I have attached my document below to show how far i have come.

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