Forms :: Task Storage Database - Form With Multiple Items And Submit Button
Oct 6, 2014
I have this database with the purpose to storage all the tasks that are done in my team. I have a table named Tasks with all their fields. Now, I would like to set a more user friendly way for clients to update this table. I have created another table with a list of most common tasks, so when a client wants to add their tasks list they can choose one of this tasks and add it to the list. I had created a form with multiple items that contains the common tasks and next to each task a button that adds the information they choose into the table "Tasks". This works just fine. However, I would like to add a single button at the top to add all the tasks instead of having to choose one after one.
The "Add All tasks" button has this code:
Private Sub Command79_Click()
Dim valSelect As Variant, MyDB As DAO.Database, MyRS As DAO.Recordset
Set MyDB = CurrentDb()
Set MyRS = MyDB.OpenRecordset("Tasks", dbOpenDynaset)
I have a form which is used in the Data Entry mode. I have a button on it called SUBMIT which closes the form. Of course in actual fact, as soon as data is entered on the form, it goes into the relevant tables, even if the form is closed without using the SUBMIT button.
I want the SUBMIT button to actually work like a submit button, so that no data entered in the form is actually entered into the underlying queries or tables UNLESS the SUBMIT button is clicked. Is it possible to do this?
Alternatively, if there could be a MACRO or something so that if the form is closed in any other way, the data just entered is deleted.
There are 3 drop down button that should filter category of items in a database:
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Whatever users choose in category 1, it will filter the items in Category 2. whatever users choose in category 2, it will filter the items in category 3. users can choose 1 to 2 categories or sometimes the 3 categories. the items will show in a subform. the subform are getting the items from a query. the dropdown button gets its value from a Table.
My challenge is that, i want to get the number of items in Category 1 once users chose it. if they choose something in Category 2 the number of items will change also. there will be 3 textbox for Category 1 COUNT, Category 2 COUNT, and Category 3 COUNT.
as of now, what im getting is only the filtering of Category 1 and Category 1 COUNT.
I have been creating an inventory control system for my small business. I am looking for a code that will generate to another form. So for example if I take out 4 aprons from the first row by hitting the '-1' button 4 times leaving 46 in total how do I generate the information from one form to another by hitting that submit button.
My other form shows Product ID, Date Taken, Product Description, Employee who has taken it, Amount Taken, and Total left in inventory. I need the correct information to show accordingly in the Inventory control form.
frmPayments (Bound to tblPayments) - Main Form for payment entry. frmInvoice Sub (Bound to tblInvoice) - Sub form to display not paid invoices.
What i need is a Command button , lets named it "Commit", to perform a few tasks :
1. When click, prompt message asking whether to Save current payment record when all relevant input is completed during data entry.
2. If Answer is "Yes", then it will compare the "Invoice No" on the Main Form with the "Invoice No" of the Sub
Form , and if found to match, then put a tick in the "Yes/No" field of Invoice Table (tblInvoice) against the matching "Invoice No" of Main Form. This is to record payments made to this particular Invoice in Invoice Table.
3. Proceed to save current record, Refresh Main Form to be ready for a new data entry.
4.If Answer is "No", discard all current entries in the Main Form, Refresh to be ready for a new data entry.
I have a table with inventory items, a separate table with storage charges per day (ex .03, .04, .05 per day/per item)
I have created some queries where I take the items & # of days they have been in storage and when I try and create an expression for storage charges based upon QTY & # of days I am getting results like it is multiplying whole numbers and not very small increments like .03
I have checked the math, and its not multiplying by 3 instead of .03... I cant quite figure out how it is coming up with the numbers.
Again, the pricing is coming from a lookup wizard to another table. It seems like it should be a very straight forward expression but I cannot get it to work. Does the figures being from a lookup have any issues?
trying to enable database users to filter records based on column names which i have in a combobox. They enter the required value in a textbox and click the "Find" button.The code (linked to button click event) is not throwing any errors but the records are not being filtered.
I wish to change the backcolor of a field on a current record being dispalyed in a 'multiple items' form. However when using me.A.backcolor = makes refrence to all fields called A on the 'multiple items' form and therefore all fields change colour not just the current record.
Hey all, I'm in a pickle and hopefully you guys could help me out. My users are old and scared. They require things made in a familiar fashion which slows people in the know, but it's what makes them work well.My most recent request from them requires me to make a "Submit" button for one of the forms that way they "know" the data is in the table. However, I know of no way to hold data cached until a button is pressed.Is there a way to do such a thing? Cache data until a button is pressed? To the best of my very limited knowledge, data entry takes effect immediately.
I currently have a form with textboxes and 2 combo boxes. I have a submit button at the bottom of the page and would like this to take all the infomation from the form and add to a master table.
I was hoping to be able to create a pop up message to say "This item has been added to the database"
I currently have a form with textboxes and 2 combo boxes. I have a submit button at the bottom of the page and would like this to take all the infomation from the form and add to a master table.
I was hoping to be able to create a pop up message to say "This item has been added to the database"
i am busy with creating a access storage database and need to calculate the number of days a vehicle is in storage, i have a [date in] field and a [date out] field. i need to calculate if [date out] is empty to use today otherwise [date out] - [date in]
How can I put search button on the navigation form to search all form in my database? I have eight form I would like to be able to search to be able to pull all information for one student worker.
I have a form with a listbox in which users should be able to move the items up and down. The listbox has 4 columns and multiple selection is enabled.
For a NON multiselect box I have it working, and also for a multiple selection box but in that case it works only for one row at a time.
For a NON multiselect listbox:
Code: cmdDown_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim t1 As String, t2 As String, t3 As String, t4 As String i = selectie.ListIndex t1 = Nz(selectie.Column(0, i)) t2 = Nz(selectie.Column(1, i))
[Code] ....
You can select an item and then press "Down" as many times as you want to put the items as "down" in the list as you want it to be.
Multiselect listbox
This code also works for a multipleselection listbox when one item is selected, however, after you press "down" the item is still selected (highlighted) as the code reselects is (last line) BUT the value of selectie.listindex apparently is set to "-1".
Pressing "Down" again generates an error (i = -1). I can evade the error by adding "if selectie.listindex <=0 then exit sub", but that doens't fix the problem that the only way I can manage to reset the listindex to the new "position" of the item is to click on it again and THEN press "Down".
To fix this and be able to press "down" multiple times listindex should be set to the new value.
Adding a "me.selectie.listindex = i -1" doens't work (error), it seems like this value is readonly.
I can't find a way to "simulate" a mousepressed selection and really set the listindex.
The other problem is of course that this code doens't support moving multiple items at once: listindex points to the last selected item, but only one.
So, I tried another piece of code to move multiple items, not using listindex (since that resets to -1), but I run into another problem
Code: Private Sub cmdDown_Click() Dim var As Variant Dim i As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim t1 As String, t2 As String, t3 As String, t4 As String n = Me.selectie.ItemsSelected.Count
[Code] ....
The problem with this is: I can select multiple items and press "Down", but the problem now is that the selection is lost as soon as the code removes the first item, and the 2nd loop skips the if selected(i) = true (nothing is selected anymore). The me.selectie.selected(i+1) = true doens't work since that would only reselect the first item after moving it.
The code "forgets" which items were selected and moves only one item...So I guess I need to put the indexnumbers in memory while moving the items.
I have been searching a lot, but can only find VB-solutions. In VB it's a lot simpeler using f.e. the .list property of a listbox, which is not available in MSAccess
The solution I'm thinking about is:
- set an array with the numbers of selected items - put indexnumbers of the selected items in the array (f.e. 3 and 4) - move items based on the indexnumers in the array - when moving an item update the indexnumber in the array (3>4, 4>5) - after moving all items reset the selection based on the array
It occurred to me then if I'm going to use an array anyway, I might as well load all items in an array, do the "resorting" and the reload the items in the list from the array. Might be more straightforward?
Btw...It seems VB has a simple solution to moving items: listbox.list(i) = listbox.list(i+1) or something like that moves an item. Even Excel seems to have this property but not MS Access!
I have what should be a really simple database to build. In table tbl1PlanHdr is the header item. Many items in tbl2MaintItem will then be allocated to each header. MaintItems items will be allocated to more than one Header.
I want to set up a form that has the tbl1PlanHdr as the main part of the form and tbl2MaintItem as the subform. Possibly as a datasheet, or continuous form.
I need the ability to update items in the subform back to the orginal table.
I have a relationship of one to many from the tbl1PlanHdr to tbl2MaintItem using the primary key in tbl1PlanHdr.
But should this be a one to many from tbl2MaintItem to tbl1PlanHdr
The end result required is to be able to get a data dump of all the tbl1PlanHdr items with the corresponding tbl2MaintItems items.
Now I have a combo box "cbo_items" and a text box "txt_selectedItems", I want to populate text field with items selected from the combo box, every time i select an item it appears in text box and to be separated with comma, so text box appears like this ( item1, item2, item3), and after finishing the whole thing the result appears in lable "lbl_result" as "total items selected: 3 items".
I have a main form (Parent) along with a subform(Children). I want to have a button that generates a report with the Parent information as a header and the items in the subform as details. In addition, I want the report to show only the children that were recently added not all of the children.
I have a form with a combo box named 'Venue'. The combo box values comes from a Table with a list of about 200 countries. As of now a user is able to select only one country. However, I want users to be able to select more than one country.
I want a good describe about how to create database for supermarket specially how to build a form for selling item, what is a structure of tables ........
I have been trying to modify a sample database to suit what I want to do but I am getting stuck on the very first part cascading combo boxes i want to open a form and add multiple items to a table - first i want to select, from a combo box a department - then select a supplier from all the suppliers/manufacturers related to that department then select a stock item based on the description from all the items available from that supplier
I have attached the database I am using to modify and my database.
I am working on a form and I only want the information to be inserted into the database if the user clicks the button at the bottom. In other words, if the user is filling out the form and then closes the form, I do not want that record saved.
I have done multiple tutorials to get the fundamentals behind me, but seem to have a few issues on the best ways of setting out what I have in mind.So the set out I have used is creating a table called tblProjects - this will be the area where all new projects are added as they come in including details such as a ProjectID ProjectNumber ProjectDescrition Client Name etc. For costing purposes we also have task numbers that need to sit under an individual Project Number EG.
ProjecNumber: 13001
So the plan was to create another table called tblJobTasks..How then does one go about linking the project number to the job tasks... and following on I suppose where I want to get to with this is on a form having a drop down that selects the job number then another drop down that has a list of tasks specified to that particular job so when the girls are doing the data entry from a time sheet she only sees the list of tasks associated with the particular job selected in the first place..
I have a form, that has some text fields and a couple calendars for the user to select the dates from.
What I would like to happen is, after the user enteres the data, and they hit submit. I want the form to go back to a new entry, but it's not quite doing this.
The data they type in dissapears after submit, but the calendars seem to hold whatever date they used. And when they try and enter another entry, they can't select the same date as before. They have to hit a different date first, before it allows them to re-enter the same day.
Anyone know why? Is there a way to make the form refresh, or reload after they hit submit? So it will allow them to enter something for the same day?