Forms :: Templates For Users To Open Reports?
Apr 3, 2013
I want to make a simple FrontEnd for my database for users to open reports to print them. I don't want them to mess with the linked tables or queries feeding into those reports. I want the front end to display a list of every report in the database that they can load up and use.
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May 21, 2007
I've created a database which works fine and i've tested it extensively on my machine. It is saved on a network drive which other users have access to. I've added a simple security log-in procedure (which I picked up from a sample posted on here) which only determines what buttons the different users can see on the switchboard which takes them to the different areas of the database. The problem I now have is some of the forms aren't opening.
Other Users who try and go into the forms that they have access to - even some of the generic ones cant open the actual forms as it crashes and comes up with the generic error message - "Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close".
I cant understand why this is happening. The security measures are only linked to the main switchboard and it works fine as it opens up all the other relevant switchboards as required. It's just certain forms on the other switchboards that refuse to open. I hope I have described my problem adequately and someone has encountered it somewhere or knows what I'm talking about and can help. Please let me know if you need further clarification.
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Jun 16, 2014
I'VE objects in ACC2003 as per following :
Form name : INVOICECreate
Query Name : db_InvoiceSet
Reports :
1st Report : Report_Inv1
2nd Report : Report_Inv2
3rd Report : Report_Inv3
All Reports based on Single db_InvoiceSet due to some cross and different manipulation of data for different office department
So, I need is:
Open All Reports in Print Preview Mode with Single Click of Button in Form INVOICECreate
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Oct 18, 2014
I am trying to add a feature in my database dashboard that shows a list of hyperlinks that are the most frequently used forms and reports based upon the user. I can figure out how to capture the event each time the form or report is opened and update a record to increase the count, and build a recordset that will query the table filtering by user and order by frequency...
However, I am stuck on building the hyperlinks that will point to the correct form or reports dynamically.
Specifically, I am not able to update the subaddress using VBA. I get an error that the hyperlink cannot follow to the new form...
Here is my code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strUser As String
Dim strApp As String
strUser = Environ("username")
strApp = "frmTest1"
Me.txtUser = strUser
Me.txtLink3 = strApp
Me.txtLink1 = strApp
Me.hypTest.Hyperlink.SubAddress = strApp
End Sub
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Feb 25, 2008
I have two databases that have been split, and both back ends are in a shared folder on the server that only a few people have authorization to access. One of the front ends is accessed off another shared folder, and the other is saved to each person's desktop. They have been up and running for months, and I've had no problems with users not being able to access data from the back end.
The other day, I requested access to this protected folder for four people, which was granted. But, since the time it was granted, neither database will open unless the user has authorization to access the protected folder. They get an error that says the database is already opened exclusively or they don't have authorization to view its data.
I've created another test db and split it into the same folder, but my users are getting the same error.
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
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Jun 29, 2006
I am looking for help related to the “You do not have exclusive access to the database at this time. If you proceed to make changes, you may not be able to save them later.” message when trying to change the design. I have done a lot of reading on this forum as well as googled the subject but have not found anything regarding my specific question. I find that there’s a whole lot of information regarding workgroup security and how to set up and troubleshoot. However, my needs are a bit more simple – I think :) We have a database that is shared among 5-6 users during a couple months out of the year. There are no log-on id’s required and everyone just opens the file and works as needed. Everything works fine; we have no problems with users changing or doing more than they are supposed to. Therefore, I don’t want to break anything by complicating matters…it works and we’re happy with it. The only annoyance is that during these couple months, someone has to make occasional changes to the database in design mode. Of course, we need everyone else out of the database so he can have exclusive access. This entails calling and/or running around asking those people to close the file and sometimes physically checking computers left unattended with the file open. So my question is: Is there any way to find out what users or workstations have the file open? This would make it so much simpler. All the users are on a Windows Server 2003 network and the files reside on a server. Perhaps this is more of a Windows question; I couldn’t think where else to post it! If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
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Jul 24, 2006
Greetings. When I create an Access database on my company's "secure" server (through a PIX box), I get this message in a dialog box when I try to open the database again: "Open File - Security Warning. Do you want to open this file?" It then gives the file Name, Publisher (unknown publisher), Type (Microsoft Office Access Application), and From (the file path and name). The bottom of the dialog box has this message: "While files from the Internet can be useful, this file type can potentially harm your computer. If you do not trust the source, do not open this software." When I click on the "Open" command button, the file opens just fine.
There are a couple of things going on here:
1) When I open this same database or any other Access database on another of my company's servers that is not protected by a PIX box, I do not get this dialog box.
2) When two users try to access an MS Access database on the "secure" server, the first user will get in, but the second user will not. The second user will not get ANY warning messages -- nothing happens. This occurs if the second user tries to open the database by either double-clicking on a shortcut on the desktop or by double-clicking on the file name in Windows Explorer. Note that the second user CAN access the same file if s/he starts up MS Access from scratch, and then chooses FILE>OPEN from the main menu.
My goal is to be able to let multiple users access the MS Access databases on the secure server by either double-clicking on the shortcut icon or by double-clicking on the file name in Windows Explorer.
I thought perhaps that the "unknown publisher" issue might be part of the problem on the secure server. So I created a certificate using the utility "SELFCERT", went into the database, went into Visual Basic (Ctrl-G), went into TOOLS>DIGITAL SIGNATURE and assigned the digital signature, and re-saved the file. I then exited the file, went back in, and the dialog box still pops up saying the file's publisher is "unknown publisher"! If I go back into Visual Basic, the database is clearly marked as digitially signed by me. I don't know why the initial dialog box is still showing that the file is not digitally signed.
If anyone has any thoughts about these issues (multiple users not being able to access the same Access database, and why my file is saying it is still not digitally signed), I would appreciate your input. FYI, I am on a Windows XP workstation and our company users Windows Servers.
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May 1, 2014
I'm wondering if there's any way to find out who has a database open.
I've saved the file as an ACCDE for the users and kept the ACCDB file as my working file. Whenever I make changes to the db I need to save a new ACCDE file on top of the existing one. In order to do that, I need to ensure no one has the db open. Half the time I need to track down 1 of 15 people to find out who it is that has it open so I can kick them out and save.
I don't have any login features, but could use the POD # that each cubicle has associated to their computer if Access allows that...
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Sep 21, 2014
I have a report based on a query that has data for many dates. At the moment I have put a specific date in the criteria of the query so that I could build the report format. So it now displays all the data for the date i have in the criteria section. I will need to run this report several times per week so the specified date (and corresponding data in the report) will need to be changed to a new date when I open the report i.e. when I open my report I want to show data in the report only for a specified date.
Can I create a date parameter box open up when I open the report? Can I create a form with a button that when I click will open the report displaying data for that date? What would be the best way?I also need to display the specified date on the report.
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Oct 19, 2005
Hello everyone,
I just surfed in from google :)
I'm on a bit of an access learning curve and would like a little assistance if possible?
I created an access database for my uncle a year ago to deal with orders and delivery notes etc...
now he wants me to upgrade it a little, but i have no idea how..
What i want to do is:-
the database is quite simple in thought, really all i require is:
customer form (to add new customers)
products form (to add new products and change stock levels etc)
Create order form
Job sheet form (same data as create order but formated nicer)
delivery note (again same data as create order but formated nicer)
Currently when creating an order customers and products are entered manually which is very time consuming and prone to human error.
i would love to have a form that you can select customers & products from a dropdown list.
in the future i would like the stock levels to change as orders are raised but won't look into that till i've had a long read of some books
would anyone care to offer some advise? or link to a template?
many thanks
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Mar 26, 2008
Hello all,
I have an assignment that needs Access 2002 but I have Access 2007. The template I need is called the Mailing List Template. Is that available for Access 2007 or do I have to get a computer that has Access 2002?
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Jun 14, 2005
How can I separate my application so the users can still use queries and reports on a db? I don't want them touching the tables or application directly so it looks like I need a way to create a separate application or something along those lines that is linked to the tables that the users want to query. Any suggestions?
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Jan 23, 2008
Check around and can't find anything useful, more of a case of can't see the woods for the trees really :p but here we go:
I doing a very simple form which I want to output to HTML (directly), it work fine and is ideal for what I need but I want to use a template to alter the colours and add a meta refresh tag but I cant get it working.
Help file next to useless so I wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction - Is it a css file ? or can I use a html file ? I've tried with both but still no joy :(
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Aug 19, 2014
I have a continuous form that displays a list of invoices (frmInvoiceList) based on an adjustable filter contained within the form. I have the filters working the way that I want them through VBa and I have a button on each record to open a report (rptInvoice). Inside that report, I have some controls to "print", "email", and "export to PDF". Again all that works just the way I want. The Form and the Report are based on a different query and each has an InvoiceID field to link.
What I am trying to do is put the Print, Email, and Export buttons on the main form which would perform the appropriate action for all the records that are displayed on the form. I've been able to get the Print function to work to a degree. It will print all the records, but it changes the background colors based on the alternating records. When I go to Email or Export, it creates a single file with multiple pages and each page is a new record, again with the alternating background colors.
Ideally, I would like to have a separate file exported for each record that can be renamed and archived separately. I'm not so concerned with the email function but if it would be possible to generate a separate report for each invoice, then pull the appropriate email address for the record, that would be really nice.
I've tried some "for" and "do" loops that I found through some Googling but none of the samples ended up working like I wanted.
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Mar 23, 2014
I cannot create a db from a template in 2007, either from a local one, installed with the program, or downloaded. The online ones download with no problems, but as soon as I click on "create", I get the message: [QUOTE] "Template 'xxxxxxxx.accdt' could not be instantiated." it goes further to say "The table 'xxxxxxx' could not be read from the template file. The object may be in an unrecognized format or contain invalid data." [UNQUOTE]. I have read through everything I can find on here, and searched the internet repeatedly. Some places say that certain .dll files are not registered, but after downloading these files, I am unable to get them to register. I have uninstalled and re-installed the entire Office suite, and run the Repair tool 3 times, but to no avail. The files are stored in, and downloaded to, a Trusted location. Templates from 2003 will work, but not 2007. I'm at my wits end now.
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Mar 30, 2014
I have four forms named [Information Form], [Evidence Form], [Subject Form], and [Vehicle Form]. The Final Form is a Tabbed Form named [New Incident]. The tabbed form has four tabs, with each tab displaying one of the forms above. I also have a Print Command Button named [Print All] underneath the tabbed portion of the [New Incident] form.
Also, All of the four forms are set to data entry - yes, so that on open they will be clean and read for new record entry. I need the [Print All] button to do, just that, print everything that has or has not just been entered into the four forms, even if some are printed blank because they were not necessary for this particular report. One thin of note is that each form on the tab has a field for the "Incident Number" which will be the same for all four forms.
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Aug 29, 2014
I am working on a dataBase and I need to have it check if a set of tables exist based on the data of another table and if any do not exist create the table(s) based on a template. the caviat is that the data in one table are both names of tables and field in another.
Table1 has fields named 'first name' and 'last name'; the data in that field is for example Peter Adams, John Smith. I need to check on start that the tables named PAdams, JSmith.and so on exist, if not create them from a table template with fields 'vacation', 'personal', 'sick, etc. also i need to check on startup that a table named Department exist; if not, create it with fields named PAdams, JSmith and so on.... is that possible?
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May 12, 2005
I have a dilema on my hands as I can't seem to figure out the best way to accomplish this. I created a database to handle all of our letters for my department in the company. The problem I am having is that we have 26 people who could possible access the database at the same time. The letters are created using a form. (not a problem with multi-users) When someone wants to print the letter the do a search either by "Letter Date", "Provider Name", "Provider Number", or "Group Name". I set it up so either one of these search queries append data into one table called "Letter Report Information" all 38 letters get there data from this 1 table. The problem I am having is that if John and Mary try to pull different/same letters at the same time or while one is viewing their letters the data is getting pushed onto the others Letter.
Mary goes to print her Welcome letter
John also goes to print his Denial letter at the same time
When John's letters show up.. the Denial letter shows up with his data, but also with Mary's Welcome letter data.
What can I do or what kind of query can i use to avoid this problem as it is becoming a very prominent issue? ::Please Help::
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May 25, 2005
I am working on stream lining reports for my application, so that I don't have a huge maze of menus.
I am open to any ideas of how to best set this up. Right now I have a report menu with about 8 command buttons. Some take them to a criteria form for that report, others straight to the report, and others to another menu with a whole other set of buttons for more reports.
I have looked at organizing the "categories" of reports that I have.
I see that I have Candidate reports and Hire reports. This is because this application is for people who apply for a job. Once the information is entered on the entry side, there are a number of things to report on.
One idea is to make a statistics report menu for all of the summary reports. These are counts of candidates under certain groups, like what office they applied to, what departmen, or what date they applied. Then these counts exist for hires as well, and what they were hired to, and what date they started.
I also have detail reports showing the people information as candidates or hires, grouped by these such factors.
If anyone can help me to organize the best method for making these reports available to the user, I would really appreciate it.
One thought would be a form with 2 combo boxes and a preview button.
I am thinking that this could work for the statistic report menu. My database is normalized, so I can't use their names in the combos. I would want to have 1 combo for choosing candidate or hire, as that report that they want. Then the next combo would be the factor to report them on. Office, department, application source, etc
I have summary report for candidates and for hires. parallel reports, but one for (ie) all candidates by the office that they applied to. Then I would have one for all hired candidates (were hired) by the office that they were hired to. Same with department, and many others.
If anyone can help me to either how best to do this process, whether my thought is a good way to go, or if there is a better set up that I should try. I am open to anything here!
Thanks. :D
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Mar 28, 2014
My database is slowly coming together. For the final part of this phase i would like to create a shortcut on each users desktop which runs a summary report of information within my database.
I have criteria set so upon opening the report the user is asked for which address they wish to see information from which works great. But I do not want users to have access to the database, I just want them to be able to click a shortcut, be asked what address they are looking for and for the report to ping up in a 'Print Preview' type layout so information can be seen and displayed but not altered. All users have the access program.
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Oct 25, 2013
I wanted to print multiple reports using for loop but I am not sure how to start with.
This is basically my idea:
1. Create a hidden indicator, I name it txtHidden.
2. I have one table, there are one column for "report name".
3. I have one query, filtered the "report name" column according to txtHidden, criteria written in the design view.
4. Using For loop, browse through all the existing report.
5. Every loop, txtHidden will equals to every reportItem.Name. Query will run.
6. If Query is no result, dont open report, if query returns some result, open the report.
I wanted to code something as below, but I dont know what to put in the [Dont know what to type] field...
For Each [Dont know what to type] In Access.Reports
[Forms]![frmStartup]![txtHidden] =[ Dont know what to type] .Name
If DCount("*", "ReportQuery", "") > 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenReport [Forms]![frmStartup]![txtHidden], acViewPreview
End If
Can ignore the query part. It is working fine.
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Dec 10, 2007
Hi everyone
I am just about to start a database project for the company. The last one I wrote was over 10 years ago in Borland's ObjectPAL and has served us well.
After doing quite some research I have decided (well... almost) to use Access as the basis for the new project as I need the most efficient and 'slick' solution in the speediest time-frame (don't we all!).
The downloadable Templates from MS seem actually quite good as a starting point, but we would need to 'glue' them together to prevent replication of clients, prospects, employees etc.
Has anyone had any success with doing this? For example, we would need to integrate Marketing Projects; Customer Service; Sales Pipleine plus our own custome stuff besides modifying these standard templates.
Looking forward to your replies
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Sep 13, 2013
I'm trying to make a simple program to automate timesheet templates. Each of our staff members work on a 4 weekly basis (week 1, week 2, week 3 and week 4). I currently use a word document with the template in and copy and paste it into the timesheet. The timesheets run from the 23rd of one month until the 22nd of the month after. The issue is the four weekly template doesn't fit the same every month so I am after an automated process.
I'm thinking of having forms to select a staff member and change their hours on the template, if you will, and then a button to create new timesheets where admin staff would just need to add the first date (ie 23/09/2013) and the timesheet would be made for each staff member and auto filled with the four week template.
My main issue is I'm not sure how to link the dates to the weeks in a table. I have attached a word template of my own hours.
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Sep 18, 2013
I have a report that is opened via a Form that lets the user choose a date to filter the report. The report opens in Print Preview mode.
What I'm attempting is to give the user an easy way to export the report once they've verified the report is accurate.
One way I've tried to do this was to use the OnClose event to execute a vbYesNo MsgBox giving them the option to export. The problem here is that I can't do the export while the report is closing.
Run-time Error '2585': This action can't be carried out while processing a form or report event.
I tried to move my MsgBox to the OnUnload so that could cancel the Unload, but was met with the same results.
Private Sub Report_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim Response
Response = msgbox("Do you want to save a copy of this log?", vbYesNo, "Export to PDF")
If Response = vbYes Then
Cancel = True
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptWatchLog", acFormatPDF
End If
End Sub
Some research indicates perhaps the DoCmd.OutputTo is happening to quickly. Would including some type of pause in the code execution between the Cancel = True and the DoCmd solve my problem? Though frankly, even if it did it doesn't feel very elegant. I also recognize that I'd need to reinitiate the Unload>Deactivate>Close process after the export completed.
I initially began by having an Export Command Button on the form they use the choose a date, but was unable to have the exported report honor the user supplied filter from that form.
Here is the code from that form that is applying the filter:
'Open Watch Log Report with chosen date as filter
Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
'use date even though it's not saved anywhere
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
[Code] .....
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May 21, 2005
I'm using Access 97 and have merged the 'Event Managment' & 'Contact' templates. I thought that I would need to make 'Contacts' and 'Attendees' as the same table.
My knowledge is limited and attempts to change to 'AttendeeID' means I lose the ability to log 'Calls' to people.
Is there a simple way of combining the functionality of both databases given my limited ability in using access?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
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Apr 17, 2015
I have a lot of reports I have created. A lot of them are the same report but with different criteria. Right now I just have a report form, which displays all of the reports with buttons and the user chooses the desired report, clicks, and bam. In an attempt to make this look nicer and cleaner, is there a way to use a couple of drop down menus to open the reports. For example, can I group them by the main report category, have a drop down, click on a desired report and it opens from there??
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