Forms :: Text Box Validation Based On A Query

Mar 5, 2014

I have a textbox on a subform to allow a delivery qty to be entered (to allow me to cater for part deliveries). I have a query which totals up the values of this field (so that I have a total of all the deliveries for this record) and compares that value against another field (to check that the total deliveries I have entered do not total more than the ordered qty). I am using this query within the "Validation Rule" of the textbox. My problem is that when I enter the values for the first time this works fine because the figures are not yet part of the query and therefore the check works fine, however if I try to modify a figure I've already entered it triggers the validation each time because it tries to add the new value to the query total.

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Forms :: Validation Based On Yes / No Selection

May 8, 2013

I inquired on this original thread [URL] .... to hide/show fields based on two Yes/No dropdowns.

If "OtherUnivEmployeesInvolved" = "Yes":
The fields
"OtherUnivEmployeeFullName3" are shown.

If "OtherUnivEmployeesInvolved" = "No": These 3 fields are hidden.

If "OutsideRepresentVendor" = "Yes":
The fields
"OutsideCompanyZip" are shown.

If "OutsideRepresentVendor" = "No": These 7 fields are hidden.

I have this basic validation code when a user hits the save button:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If ctrl.Tag <> "skip" Then

[Code] .....

Within "1." - If yes is selected, I only need "OtherUnivEmployeeFullName1" required.

Usually skipping FullName2 and FullName3 would be easy using the ctrl.tag "skip" but I am already using the control to show hide these fields so how to do that.

Within "2." - If yes is selected, I need all 7 fields required.

So I need to figure out how to require fields based on those Yes/No selections because right now the form is checking every field regardless of the yes/no selections. I would also need to skip "OtherUnivEmployeeFullName2" and "OtherUnivEmployeeFullName3" everytime.

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Forms :: Creating Two Text Boxes - Validation Value In Form?

Dec 18, 2013

I have little bit problem in access here, if i want to create two textbox... first textbox for time and second textbox for unit. When I type (time) in first textbox, second textbox will appear automatically the unit number...



1<time<=60 ------- 1 unit
60<time<=120 ------ 2 unit
120 < time <= 180 ------- 3 unit

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Forms :: Text Box Data Validation Against A Field In Another Table?

Jun 15, 2013

I am working on a form that registers new training attendees. One of the fields in my form asks for dealer number.

I have a separate table where all the dealer information is stored. One of the fields is a Customer Number field

I want to ensure that entries in the Dealer Number textbox on my New Registration form matches a valid Customer Number in the Dealer Database Table

I would like this verification to occur either upon a Click event with a button or on an After Update event.

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Forms :: Validation Rule In Access Form On Unbound Text

Jan 8, 2015

Is there a way to add a validation rule in an access form on an unbound text box. This box is currently doing a calculation of others. If the figure is not between 0 And 0.3125 then I do not want the user to be able to move on. For some reason if I enter "Between 0 And 0.3125" in the validation rule it doesn't seem to do anything. I can only assume its because its an unbound text box. Data attached please see Frm_Input and text box total standard hours.

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Forms :: Text Box Based Off Another Text Box

Apr 11, 2014

Is it possible to have the value in a text box be set automatically based on the value in another textbox?For example, Textbox Gender is Male, so Textbox Reference is Male.


IFF Me.Gender = "Male" Then
Me.Reference = "Male" And
Me.ID = "ea13-02c"
Else If
Me.Gender = "Female"
Me.Reference = "Female" And
Me.ID = "ea13-01c"
End If

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Forms :: Text Box Value Based On Two Other Textboxes

Oct 12, 2014

I have three textboxes , textbox 1,textbox 2, and textbox 3, I can change the value of textbox 3 based on the date of textbox 2 by using

if me. textbox2 < date then
me. textbox 3 ="expired"
end if

but I need it to look at textbox 1 as well and only change textbox 3 to "expired" if both conditions are true. example

if textbox 1 = "abs" and
textbox 2 < date
then textbox 3 = "expired".
end if

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Forms :: Text Box Value Based On ListBox

Apr 28, 2015

I have 2 form ( Form A & Form B )

Form A contend Contain ListBox
Form B contend Contain bound Text box

I need to know how when double click ListBox at Form A passing value of listbox.Column(0) to bound Text box at Form B.

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Forms :: Text Box Based On Combo Box Selection

Dec 31, 2014

I am trying to auto populate the text boxes in the form based on drop down from the combo box. As you can see in the form Frm_Input, this works fine for FL, but for some reason it will not populate for Skill, Role, FLM and Location. The table it is linking to is Tbl_Names. Why as I have changed the column source?

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Forms :: Subform Visibility Based On Text Box Value

Jan 2, 2015

I am trying to get a subform to be hidden when the value of a textbox (txtAllocationID) is empty but when a ID number appears I would like it to become visible again.This is what I have tried so far but doesn't seem to work:

Private Sub txtAllocationID_AfterUpdate()
If Me.txtAllocationID.Value >= 0 Then
Me.frmStockAllocated.Visible = True
Me.frmStockAllocated.Visible = False
End If

End Sub

My allocation ID is a primary key so all auto number generated and only an integer.

Scenario: When I enter a stock ID of 121 and search I want the subform to remain hidden as there is no Allocation ID related to that Stock ID (see attachment tblAllocated). If I was to enter a stock ID of 122 I want the subform to become visible as the stock ID has a relation with the Allocation ID 6 and therefore the textbox txtAllocation ID would display '6' in it.

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Forms :: Populating Combo Box Based On Text Box

Nov 19, 2013

I have a text box that displays a name of a law from one table, based on that law name I want to populate a combo box with different options on how to comply with that law that come from a different table. The compliance options I need to pull in are different for each law. Finally I would like to have the selected option saved in the table the laws are coming from.

I have tried using a rowsource query [Form]![form1]![Law] for the combo box of law options but keep getting errors.

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Forms :: Filter Subform Based On Text Box

May 23, 2013

I have researched but couldn't find any working filter criteria for subform criteria.i have used the code, searching the web but still no luck.I have attached the picture and sample northwind database (accdb). I just want to filter customers in Orders navigation using text criteria.

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Forms :: Formatting Text In Report Based On Yes / No Field

Jul 25, 2014

I am having problem on formatting text on a report based on a Yes/No field using Conditional Rules Manager in Access 2010. When adding a rule [field name] = Yes the font color does not change. I have tried setting the expression to [field name] = True and still does not change the color. Adding a Yes or True in query works OK.

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Forms :: Getting Data From Table Based On Text Boxes

May 3, 2014

my problem seems to be very familiar to the one in this thread :


Basically I have a list of tables in one combo box. I want the user to select which table. ( The tables are stock information, each table for each different day of the stockmarket)

Then they select the Stock they want to look at. ( These are the same in all the tables obviously, so it is the same in the drop down box)

NOW, the bit i'm struggling with. Is for a textbox below to show the value found IN the table name selected, with the stock selected. How would i do this in SQL, or VBA with SQL.

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Forms :: Color Text Field Based On Value Of Combo Box

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table named ColorValues with the following three fields:

- ID
- MunsellCode
- RGBValue

30 fields from another table called Color_Analysis are linked to the above with one to many relationships (I've already thought of other ways to normalize data, but this is the most efficient, so no need to go into this topic).

Now, I've constructed a form for Color_Analysis and all 30 fields recording color are included as combo boxes bounded on the ID in ColorValues and displaying the MunsellCode for the user. I've also created unbounded text fields next to the combo boxes and want to use them to display the color that the user selected in the ComboBox. The question is how do I do this?

Essentially I need a piece of code that picks up the value of the combo box (this is essentially the ID in ColorValues), looks up that value in the ID column of the ColorValues table and uses the corresponding RGBValue of the same table as the .BackColor for the unbounded text field.

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Forms :: Requery Text Box Based On Check Box Selected

Sep 10, 2014

Is it possible to have a query that will requery value of a check box based on which check box is selected? I have a form that has 5 check boxes and a text field for populating a unit price. When someone clicks a specific check box, the text field should display the unit price. I know how to accomplish this using a combo box and don't want to change the form to setup for a combo box, but rather use what everyone is currently used to. I want to add the check box is from 1 table linked to a form and the unit price is from another table not linked to a form. Both tables have 2 fields in each that will relate.

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Forms :: Populate Text Box From Table Based On Combo Box Value

Apr 17, 2015

I am trying to populate the text boxes in a form with data from a table based on the selection a user has made in a combobox. I am trying to do this through a DLOOKUP in the text boxes Control Source using the following:

=DLookUp("[upMobile]","tblRepName","[tblRepName].[repContactMobile] = " & Str([upRepName].[Text]))

in the form when viewing the data.

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Query Based On The Text You Click?

Jun 12, 2007


I'm trying to set-up a database that will allow the user to navigate around by clicking but having a bit of trouble.

I was wondering if there is anyway to capture the text that you click (if you make it a hyperlink or something) so that you can use it as the parameter in a query or something?

Any help would be absolutely fantastic.


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Forms :: Auto Populate Text Boxes Based On Value From Combo Box

May 16, 2013

I have a form called frmPO based on a table called tblPO One of the fields in tblPO is linked to the field idAddress in the table tblAddresses

The following fields exist in both tblAddresses and tblPO

The form contains controls for these fields on tblPO. I would like to give the user the choice to either enter a shipping address manually, or selecting a preregistered address from tblAdresses. For this I would like a combo box showing the values of idAddress. I f a user selects a preregistered shipping address, I would like the form to fill the rest of the fields based on the value of this control.

My understanding is that I should set a BeforeUpdate event to set the values of the different controls, unfortunately my command of VBA amounts to 0.

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Forms :: Hide / Show Text Boxes Based On Search

Aug 2, 2014

I have a form (employee info) that requires the user to do a search to find the employee before then editing anything that needs to be edited.

I have a search box that will find the relevant record without any problem, however what I am looking to do is hide text boxes on the form and have them appear only once the search has found the matching record.

If no matching record is found, I would then like a message box that states 'No matching employee, would you like to add an employee' and when the user clicks OK, it then reveals the same hidden text boxes and sets focus to the first one of the bunch.

Now, I have used the 'me.textboxname.visible = True (or False) elsewhere, however, I am not sure how to trigger that after a search.

I assume I am looking at an If statement, but I am not sure how to construct it, hence turning to the experts.

Private Sub txtEmployeeSearch_AfterUpdate()
If txtEmployee = DLookup("EmployeeNumber", "tblEmployeeInfo") Then
Me.txtboxname.Visible = True
Me.txtboxname2.Visible = True
DoCmd.GoToControl "txtboxname"
MsgBox "Employee Not Found", vbYesNo
End If
End Sub

I know that there is a massive gap where I have put <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< - but I am stumped as to what to put in there?

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Text Boxes Based On Yes / No Field

Jan 8, 2015

I am trying to get the text in a couple text boxes to turn green if a certain Yes/No field is left blank.

I know the conditional formatting is working, because condition 1 and 3 are working fine (those expressions are referencing text fields).

I would like to have Condition 2 look at [DM_Approval] from the bound query and if it is unchecked, execute the conditional formatting.

I've tried all kinds of statements, but i'm starting to think that the expressions in the conditional formatting window just won't work when referencing a yes/no field.

Specifically (at the very least) i know i tried [DM_Approval]=False, [DM_Approval]=No, [DM_Approval]=0, and [DM_Approval] is null.

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Forms :: Auto Populate A Text Box Based On Selection Of A Combo Box

May 24, 2013

I have two tables: tblWeightTickets and tblWasteType.

I want to create a form: frmWeightTickets, where a user can enter information and the data is stored in tblWeightTickets.

There are two fields in particular that I am working on ... "WasteType" and "Rate".

On the form, I want "WasteType" to be a combobox "cboWasteType" and when I select a type of waste I want the "Rate" textbox on the same form to auto populate with the rate amount for that particular type of waste (i.e. recycling, garbage, etc).

The Rate amount is located in the table: tblWasteType under the field name "Rate". How can I do this and at the same time store the information in the tblWeightTickets? I already have the combo box loaded with the types of waste - I just need it to populate the rate text box and store it in the Weight Tickets table.

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Forms :: Sort Values / Text Based On Active Field

Feb 5, 2014

In a form is there a way to change sort order based on which field is active?

I'm using a Split Form which gives me the ability to sort by clicking on the header name ans selecting sort. This slowing things done since my workload is heavy.

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Forms :: Update Text Box Based On Input Of Date Control?

Feb 10, 2014

Can you update a text box on a form based on input of a date control? Here is what I have. I have several date controls on my form, and I want to update a status textbox based on which of these date boxes is filled out, but I need the status to be filled into the table as well. Do I update the field on the table, and then requery the text box? Is there some other method for accomplishing this?

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Forms :: Populating Text Box Based On Combo Box - Separate Form

Aug 14, 2015

The main issue I'm having is trying to populate a text box based on a combo box selection. I've found threads on that - the twist that is throwing me for a loop is that I'm dealing with two different forms.

I have a main/welcome form with two combo boxes on it. Based on the user's selections in these two combo boxes, two different forms are opened for data entry. For instance, box 1 has A, B, C and box 2 has x, y, z. If a user chooses B and z, then form B and form z are opened. What I want is for a text box to be populated on one of the opened forms, not the same (main/welcome) form. In other words, when B and z are chosen, I would like there to be a textbox autofilled with "z" on form z.

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Forms :: Checkbox Based On Status - Updating A Text Field

Mar 8, 2013

My database has a text field "Status" where the text is either, A, W, C. There is a form to update this field; currently it uses a standard Access created text field. The users want a checkbox which will show up as checked when the status is W, if the status is anything else, the checkbox will be blank. If the user clicks the checkbox within the form the status will be changed to W.

If [table.status] = 'W'
then checkbox = 0
checkbox = -1

and then somewhere on the update it would be

if checkbox = -1 then [table.status] = R

Except that Access doesn't think the way I do.

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