Forms :: Tick In Check Box On Master Form?

Dec 8, 2014

I have a form with a sub form... I want to know if the following is possible...

If I have a check box on Master Form and make it there is a tick in it, can I make a check box on the sub form do the same i.e.

Master form ticked = sub form record ticked and visa versa

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Forms :: M2M / Master Child Form Design - Trigger Event?

Oct 14, 2013

How to structure some MS Access 2007 Forms for the following scenario.

My table structure is as follows:

ID (pk)

ID (pk)

ProductID (fk)
TagID (fk)

I want to have a main form that allows me to search for and displays a list of all products (and the dozen or so attributes for each product) that meet that criteria (I'm thinking a continuous form view of products).

So far so good. No problems.

Now I want a "tagging" form to the right of my continuous forms product list that is linked to the product which currently has focus. The tag panel should always show a complete list of all Tags. I want a checkbox next to each tag that I can switch on and off whether that tag applies to the currently selected Product. I also want to be able to add tags on the fly (without leaving the main form).

I think I have three forms in play :

Main Form
Product Form (subform to Main) my product search criteria is probably on this form header.
Tag Form (also subform to Main)

But with this approach I'm have trouble linking the two sub forms to each other. Actually, I'm having huge trouble figuring out how to display the list of all tags with a check box that when checked on and off creates / deletes a record in the ProductTag table and I really want Access to do as much of the CRUD as possible. I would prefer to avoid writing screeds of SQL INSERTS/DELETES on events. Am I asking too much of Access?

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Forms :: Subform To Get Values From Main Form Into Master Table

Jul 15, 2013

I have a form, a subform and a master unique table. I need the unique table to updated in the following manner: Form has certain fields that need to be assigned to every record created in the subform[id] and [info1] Subform has a unique [caseid], and contains further [info2] but needs to be bound into [id] in the main form. Example of the master unique table:

id info1 caseid info2
1 aaa 1001 asd
1 aaa 1002 dfg
2 bbb 1003 fff
3 ccc 1004 ffg
3 ccc 1005 ggh

I've managed to accomplish this with a linked table&subform structure, but the master unique table looks like crap because it collapses the subform values into sub-records in the master table when the [id] is similar. The data is in the rigth place, i just want it not to be collapsed/expanded, but every unique recors shows in the table in the regular format

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Forms :: Make Image Appear In Form When There Is Check In Check Box From Table?

Jun 26, 2014

how can i make a image appear in my form when there is a check in the check box from the table?

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Forms :: Clear Tick Box Value When Open?

Aug 18, 2014

Im doing an attendance in Access database , i have a Staff table and AttendanceMain table for keep all the staff attendance ...

I also created a query to append the data into AttendanceMain table ... the problem is , I always reuse the staff name , so i created a Staff form , but everytime i open the staff form the previous record still there , anyway to clear the "Tick Box" in staff table and without affecting the name ?(Name also is a record in row by row)

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Forms :: Unselecting Tick Box When Combo Box Value Has Changed

Oct 28, 2014

I have a form with a combo list and a check box.

The combo list has values 1-4, the default is 1.

By default the checked box is ticked

I want that if a user changes the combo value from 1 to 2,3 or 4 then the check box changes from true to false.

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Forms :: Expression Builder Tick Box DLookUp

Jun 4, 2013

1. I have a table called "CONTRACT NAMES AND NUMBERS" with a field called "REDUCED_USERS", this field is a checkbox (Yes/No in the table). This table houses all of the customers with their id numbers and basic info.

2. I have another table called "REQUESTS" which houses their orders. This also has a field called "REDUCED_USERS".

In my form "Amendment Request Tracking" I have tried to do a DLookUp in Expression Builder to check the box, per order, if the customer has reduced users in the "CONTRACT NAMES AND NUMBERS".

I have tried many variations and have just realised that this is probably because it is a yes/no field so may struggle with what to populate with (currenly nothing!).

My most recent variation of expression is (where NAD_NUMBER is the common field in both Tables and Form with relevant relationship):


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Dates And Tick Boxes In A Form

Jun 2, 2006


I hope this is the right place to be posting this...

I've set up a database about unemployed people and it has a field called "Start Date of Employment", where a date is manually entered by the user.

Further down, there are two tick boxes - one called "13 weeks", and one called "26 weeks".

Now, what I'd like to happen, is that the database looks at the "Start Date of Employment", and then if 13 weeks have passed, it puts a tick in the 13 weeks box. Then when 26 weeks have passed, it puts a tick in that box also.

I'm assuming that this is possible, but I have no idea how.

Can anybody help?



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Forms :: Access 2003 VBA / Unable To Tick Labels Property Of Axis Class

Dec 3, 2013

I have the following code:

Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0%"

I continually receive a runtime error 1004 " unable to get tick labels property of the axis class"

if I remove this code, then I error on the following code:

Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
If FrmGraphObj.SeriesCollection(2).HasDataLabels Then

also a runtime 1004: "unable to get the seriescollection property of the chart class" on the last line above

searched this forum and found:

If your chart is in a form (or report), you have to:

1) refer to the form (or report) name (Form_Charts)

2) refer to the name of the object frame holding your chart (.Graph1)

3) refer to the object within the frame (.Object)

4) refer to the application that created the object (.Application)

5) refer to the actual chart itself (.Chart)

6) refer to the axes collection and select the axis you want to reference - in this case the category, or X-axis (.Axes(xlCategory))

I made the assumption, that I would just replace xlCategory with xlValue for the Y-axis. So I'm back to:

Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Graph
With FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue)
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0%"
End With

Same error....

Looked in the Microsoft Graph Visual Basic Reference and it indicated:

"Tick-mark label text for the value axis is calculated based on the MajorUnit, MinimumScale, and MaximumScale properties of the value axis. To change the tick-mark label text for the value axis, you must change the values of these properties."

I reset my code to call these 2 functions prior to changing the number format.....

Public Sub txtMaxPercent_AfterUpdate()
Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = txtMaxPercent
End Sub
Public Sub txtMinPercent_AfterUpdate()
Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = txtMinPercent
End Sub

now I am receiving error 1004 again, this time it states "Unable to set the minimumscale property of the axis class" erroring on this line....

FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = txtMinPercent
debug.Print me.txtMinPercent

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Forms :: Subforms Master / Child Link

Apr 9, 2015

I am building a user creation form. I have built it with 3 subforms

Subform 1 is voor general information about the user.
Subform 2 is some more specific information about the user
Subform 3 is more info about the same user.

Now when I create a user (record) in subform 1 it gets the primary key lets say 14. Then when i add information in subform 2. I want it to grab the Primary key 14 from subform 1. So that the information which is inputted in subform 2 will be related to information from subform 1. I get it working if I make a Main form and then put subform 2 and 3 in a subform and then let them grab the primary key from the main form. But how does this work with 3 subforms and no mainform.

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Tab Style Master Form - Navigation Buttons For Each Subform Within Form

Jan 26, 2015

I have created a master form, which is a tab style. I have five additional forms that I want to use as sub-forms within each tab. I also want to include master navigation buttons that will work for each sub-form in unison. In other words if I navigate to record 10 on tab 1 and switch to tab 2, I want the new tab to show the information related to record 10. It would appear that I need to link them together in some fashion.

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How To Set Up This Kind Of Master And Sub Form?

Jun 14, 2005

There are total three tables tblInternal, tblExternal, tblCourses. Table
tblInternal and tblCourses is one to many relationship by reference foreign
key InternalID from tblCourses to tblInternal. If I just use these two table
to set up Master form and subform in ACCESS, you can in subform Field Linker
window of subform property Data tab select primary and foreign key to
generate link between Master and subform. So if you select user name from
tblInternal in Master form ComboBox, you can see the detailed information the
user relates to.

Same relation between tblExternal and tblCourses.

Now I want to merger tblInternal, tblExternal to list user name in ComboBox
by Union statement. But in SubForm Field Linked window I just see one primary
key from one of these two tables instead of two primary keys from each table.

How to solve this issue?

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Forms :: Check If Form Exists

Sep 9, 2014

I have the following vba to check if a table exists, but I can not find on the net how to check if a form exists, I tried to modify this script but there does not seem to be a formdef


Sub table_Exists()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tbl As TableDef
Dim dbsExist As Object
Dim tablename As String
tablename = "Table2" ' Your Table Name
Dim exists As String


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Forms :: How To Check For TOP Property Of Form

May 25, 2015

I've saved a form to an text file to investigate a corrupted form issue. The output text file has below extracted text. I am wondering where I can find the TOP, RIGHT BOTTOM property of the form in design time? I could see some properties such as GridX, GridY, but not sure where are TOP property.

Version =20
VersionRequired =20
Checksum =-1566200859
Begin Form
RecordSelectors = NotDefault

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Check Box On Continuous Form

Mar 25, 2014

I have a continuous form in my database that depending on the criteria used will display any number of records. Each record has a check box so the user can select a record for printing. Quite often the user wants to select all of the checkboxes.

Is there a way to do that in vba off of a command button.

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Close Master Form From Subform??

May 13, 2005


I have a form with a subform. In the subform (based on a different form) I need a button to close the master form. In the subform I need to find out what the master form is so I can close it. Since I use the same subform in multiple forms I can't really hard code the name of the master form.

Can someone help me?

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Sub Form Displays Master Record

Sep 26, 2006

Hello I have a small problem that seems weird. I have a form which displays a subform with all correspondending jobs for one individual. The problem is the sub form displays the main form information with the other jobs. Im trying to stop the subform from displaying the current mainform's job information. So it won't look like there are more then 1 of the same jobs to other individuals. Can someone help me with the correct method to stopping this. Thanking you in advance,

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Forms :: Unable To Update Check Box On Form?

Oct 1, 2014

I have a form which is based on a query which selects information from three different tables. All fields apart from one are locked, all are enabled. The table the field I wish to update is native to the current DB i.e. is not a linked table.

when I activate the form and try to click on the Check box, which is not locked, I get a beep but it does not change state.

I am using Access 2007 on win7 Pro.

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Make The Subform Required In The Master Form

Mar 6, 2006


I have 2 forms, a master and a subform.
In the subform form there are some required fields. In the table behind the subform I choose the property of these fields to be required.
but in the master form, when I start enter the information I can go to the next record without even touching the subform.

How Can I make the subform required in the master form?


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Forms :: Unlock Different Fields On Form When Check Couple Is On?

Jun 22, 2013

On mij registration form I have the option to fill in the name and day of birth, email and GSM number of the partner off the main contact.

But to keep the form nice and clear, I only want to make the fields acceseble when the checkbox from [couple] is checkt OK.

How to make the fields and the Box around it Light Gray, so its very clear it issn't clickable.

The main coller is white BG and Green strokes. (see attachment) When the field [paar] 1 (couple in englisch) is OK then the fields in de eclips 2 are available And I want the collors of the stroke 25% black and de fields disabled.

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Forms :: Adding Multiple Check Boxes In A Form

Sep 15, 2014

I have a form named Member, this form has field named hobbies, this field has multiple values selection i.e. a user could select football, cricket, listening to music and etc. these values are stored in another table and i have looked up the values in my form named member, i know access has multiple value option in combo box while we look up values from another table, but i don't want that the check boxes appear in combo box, they should be listed right in form so that i can see them without going inside the combo box and at the same time the values of these populated check boxes should be stored in a single field.

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Forms :: Spell Check On Form Not Working Like Access Says?

Jun 28, 2013

If you look at the attachment in access settings it says it is set how to auto correct and "INDICATE SPELLING".

in my forms/tables/queries... it will not bring up spelling mistakes or the sort.

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Forms :: Check Box Within A Form Ticked Or Not Dependent On Another Value Within A Field?

May 10, 2013

I there a way to determine whether or not my checkbox within a form is ticked or not dependent on another value within a field?

I have a field called 'DaysRemaining' and another check box field called 'Expired'. I want the expired checkbox to be ticked if the value within 'DaysRemaining' is '<0' and unticked if '>=0'. Is there a way i can do this within the control source of my check box?

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Forms :: Data Input To Check And Open Second Form

May 15, 2013

I have a form called frmStartTimeEntry where a user inputs data using a barcode scanner. In this form there is a field called Part_No where after a value is inserted, I'd like the form to check if table_lines_per_part includes this part. If not found, then I'd like the form to open another form called frmLinesPerPart where the form would pull the same Part_No inserted in the previous form to fill in the Part_No field (which is hidden) and then the user would type in a qty for the LinesPerOrder. A user would then click a button btnOk to append this new record to table_lines_per_part and be returned to the frmStartTimeEntry to continue filling out the rest of the form.

This is the idea I have but I don't know how to code the part where the form checks after update if the part_no exists in the other table, nor how to capture the part_no to the other form and then append both the part_no and the lines per part to the other table.

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Forms :: Date Ranges - Using Child / Master Fields For Creating Filter

Oct 7, 2013

I have a form which I am using child/master fields to create a filter (see attached pic)

For the date ranges I need these to be

>= Start Date and <= Actual Finish Date

How can I set the criteria for these two fields, so that when someone picks a date it knows it's from or before the date entered.

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Forms :: Navigation Combobox Ignoring Subform Master-child Relationship?

Jun 17, 2015

I have a form, frmProjects, with a continuous subform, sfrPeopleOnThisProject. They have a master-child relationship. The form shows one Project record at a time, while the subform shows all the People records for that project. This works as expected - the correct records show up in the subform as you move through the form records.

To make it easier to glance through the list of subform records (as they can sometimes be quite long), I've added a navigation combobox to the header of the subform. If I understand correctly, as the combobox is within the subform, it should obey the master-child relationship: it should only show the subform records associated with the main form's current record. It does not. Instead, the combo box collects *all* of the records from the table that the subform is based on. So, choose the record for Project 1 in the main form. Up pops the 2 people on Project 1, but the combo box lists both the 2 people on Project 1 and the 3 people on Project 2.

The row source for the subform combo box is:

SELECT tblPersonOnProject.PersonOnProjectID, tblPerson.Fullname FROM tblPersonOnProject INNER JOIN tblPerson ON tblPersonOnProject.PersonFK=tblPerson.PersonID ORDER BY Fullname;

I can make the combo box perform as required by adding "WHERE Project=Forms!frmProject!ProjectID" to the row source and placing a hidden textbox on the main form for ProjectID (the autogenerated primary key) to sit. Have I misunderstood the point of the master-child relationship in the subform? This hidden textbox thing can't be correct.

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