I have a combobox which lets you select from a list of pseudonyms. Each pseud belongs to an author; authors can have multiple pseudonyms and exactly one main pseudonym. This is the table structure (picture of relationships attached below):
The combobox list shows all the pseudonyms and then stores the corresponding AuthorID. At the moment, the pseudonym displayed in the combobox (once a selection has been made) is simply the first alphabetically for that particular author: for instance, if a story has AuthorID = 5, and Author 5 goes by anon, anonymous, and unknown, the combobox for that story will display "anon".
How can I make the main pseudonym (tblAuthor.MainPseudID = tblPseud.PseudID) be displayed instead?
Control source is tblStory.AuthorID
Row source:
Code: SELECT tblPseud.AuthorID, tblPseud.Pseud, tblAuthor.MainPseudID FROM (tblAuthor LEFT JOIN tblPseud ON tblAuthor.AuthorID = tblPseud.AuthorID) LEFT JOIN tblStory ON tblAuthor.AuthorID = tblStory.AuthorID ORDER BY tblPseud.Pseud;
I am trying to prevent any foolish behavior from taking place upon a form. I have textboxes and comboboxes that users need to input data into or make selections within.
I came up with a method to prevent Paste as follows:
Code: Private Sub ComboBox_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Call PurgeClipBoard() End Sub
However if I remove the MsgBox logic then the Cut is not prevented.
Note you need to include the Declares for those api functions if you use them.
I have a form "Clientfrm" with a field, "ClientID".
I have another form, "HomePage", with an unbound combobox with rowsource "ClientID" from Clientfrm. Along with that, I have an Open Form button that pops up "Clientfrm" to display existing data if an existing ClientID is typed.
SITUATION: A nonexistant ClientID is typed into "HomePage", a blank "Clientfrm" pops up with the field "ClientID" blank on the Clientfrm. Once filled out and closed, I am back to the "Homepage" to enter another "ClientID". However, the combobox does not display the new "ClientID" until the "Homepage" is closed and reopened. How do I fix this?
I tried the Me.ClientID.Requery on the On change event of the combobox of the "Homepage", but that is not working. What should I do? SHould I instead put that code in on change event in the "ClientID" field in the "Clientfrm?"
I have a form with subforms, where the main form's source is a table called tblCharts. Within this table there is a field called ID that is autonumbered.
So I created a combo box that's row source is a query that selects the ID field from table charts and two other descriptive fields to make navigation easier. Limit List is set to yes.
The problem comes up with code that I've used multiple times, but not with an autonumber. The code typicallly looks like this when I'm searching on a text field.
Code: Sub cboPatientSelection_AfterUpdate () Dim rs As DAO.Recordset If Not IsNull(Me.cboPatientSelection) Then If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
[Code] ....
This worked at first but then 3070 runtime error came up, the form started messing up. So I made this code
Code: Sub cboPatientSelection_AfterUpdate () Dim rs As DAO.Recordset If Not IsNull(Me.cboPatientSelection) Then If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
This code worked at first, so I decided to make a copy of my form called Copy Of frmCharts. After this the code stopped working on the initial frmCharts but now works on the copy.
I also received other errors besides 2070. I know what error 3070 is but I can't figure out why it's not working on this form. I closed and opened the form a few times and it happened to start working. Very frustrating when I'm trying to make the system reliable for others to use
The code only seems to do this when I enter design view then switch back to form view.
I have an unbound listbox in my details section of my form and it will display items from the database that I have selected. There are 19 in all. If I double click the row, the edit form pops up. If I right click I can sort the columns. I want to have a single click that allows the user to open the attachment in that list. I am not sure how to code this.
I'm relatively new to Access 2010. I have an excel spreadsheet that I've converted into an access table for the purposes of creating a user friendly form for the end user to search for relevant criteria to retrieve a list of records that fit the requests. There are two main search functions: unbound keyword search (90+ keywords), and either a series of checkboxes or one list box that lists specific countries/regions matched in a column (columns, as I will get to shortly). The region selection is bound by a selection of 15 countries.
The key is each record can correspond to more than one country. This, one record can have "Belgium, Germany, brazil" and the next record can just have "brazil". Thus if someone selects brazil, the query must retrieve the Belgium Germany brazil record in addition to the record that covers just brazil. I've tried to do this with a concatenated column that list all countries and a text box search, I've tried to do this with individual checkbox columns for each country with checkboxes in the search form...and I can't get it to work. I don't fully understand the criteria to set for checkboxes or list boxes. What would be the best way to build this form, an how?
i have a form contains unbound listbox , that accumulates values of a field in that form "SalName" , when i move between records of this form i want the value that is in the current record is distinguished in the Listbox ( only where the SalID=SalID).distinguish by A special colour ,Font,undeline.
why =listboxname.column(0) in the control source of a textbox will give me the value "#name?" ? I've used it successfully on another form..but for some reason its not working for me.
I have an unbound combo box that looks up a list of numbers through a query but on the drop down list it does not go all the way down to the bottom of the numbers. For instance the combo box will only go down to the number 27453 but I know there are more numbers than that in the table. I can even type in a number and get the info but it still doesn't show up in the list...
I have a form with 1 unbound listbox as drop down list (entypolst), an unbound text box(entypotxt) and a command button. The list box reads items from a table. I want to change a value (text) on listbox, input a text on textbox so pressing the button add a new record in a table (Table1 fields Category,Product) showing in my form as subform (SFTable1) in datasheet view. For that reason a made the following code:
Code: Private Sub AddBtn_Click() Dim ans As Integer Dim strSQL As String Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim ctl As Control
I take the error msg for 0 items selected in listbox and exit the sub.
I have a combobox with a value list as the control source. I have a user who clicks the drop-down, but there are no options. Every other user is able to view these options, and this user has no problem with any other combobox with a value list.
With some other data, i have a field called "Local". (combobox)
In that "Local" field i must select the place where the checklist is made.
So, i have 20 places to do checklists, and when i select one place and save the check list, i need that "local" is disable from my combobox list so i dont accidentally repeat it.
My combobox is based in a table query.
I must do 2 checklists per day for each those 20 places...
And i cant figure out how to remove those items after use them at the morning... and have them available again in the afternoon.
My combobox is not working correctly. When I select one of the dropdown items in the combobox it always defaults to the 1st item on the list. I want to be able to select any of the dropdown items on the list.
I have a basic form linked with a subform inside of it. The main form has a list of customers in a combobox and the subform lists all the things they have ordered from us. This all works perfectly fine, I can add data to the list of things ordered and it's ok.
I decided instead of using a whole extra form to add customers I'd just have a not in list event and allow users to add customers through there, bit more intuitive and cut down on forms.
It works to certain extent except one small problem, if I add a customer I have to close and reopen the form to be able to add/remove data from them in the subform. If I leave the form open and try to enter in data in the subform immediately it just shows whatever customer I had last on the combobox and adds it to the last customer as well.
It works perfectly fine if I reopen it so I thought it was some kind of query or update snafu but all the VBA code examples I found don't seem to do anything. Not exactly sure where to go from here.
PHP Code:
Private Sub cboDept_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer) Dim oRS As DAO.Recordset, i As Integer, sMsg As String Dim oRSClone As DAO.Recordset Response = acDataErrContinue If MsgBox("Add dept?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Set oRS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblDepartments", dbOpenDynaset)
I have a database that is used to generate quotations. I have a form that I want to use to Re-Quote something. By Re-Quote, I mean I want the employee to be able to go in and search for the Part desired for Re-Quoting and create a new quotation with all of the information from that part and have the ability to change any of the information as needed. The Form is unbound, and has tab control with three tabs. I would like to search by three different categories "QuotationNumber", "Customer", Or "PartNumber". How do I have the combobox filter the list box below based on what is being typed in the combobox?
I have a data base with names, email IDs, phone numbers of 5 types(example quality, security, IT,finance etc) of person from ten different project teams. I created a basic form for the end user to enter values and created fields for each of the person's name, email ID etc based on the personal type( liek quality, IT, finance etc) on each team. The background table contains records of almost 200 people now.
All of these people will be trained for one task and some will be trained for multiple tasks. I know how to make the combo box allow multiple values/selections but, i cannot list out all 200 personal names in the combobox's rowsource/value list. Is it possible to combine all different name fields and list out all personal(of one team), so that the end user can just select multiple names for that team who have been trained and so on. i need to set the rowsource of the combobox to the values of all personal from one team so the team leader can just go select who has been trained and who has not.
I have a combo box that looks at a table with an SQL statement. In the form, the combo box shows the headers of the resulting table. Is there any way that the user can click on any header (let's say 'LastName' or 'Date' ) so the drop down list would be sorted by that header that the user clicks on??
This is a stupid problem, but I just can't seem to figure it out (some days I am smarter than others).
I have a form with three unbound comboboxs that are synchornized so that what you select in the first combobox changes your options in the 2nd and 3rd boxs. My problem is that I want to record the selections made in the unbound comboboxes in the table attached to the form, but cannot seem to make it work. Help!! :confused:
I would like to have a form with a combo box open and then when a company is clicked on i would like for my report to open showng all those listings. I have the query and the report and the form but how do i get them to all work together they are not playing nice.
Currently I am creating a form in Access 2003. I have a table that I has 7 column headings, events, location, date, time notes, classs, and region. I need to know how to sort these columns by clicking on a button that will be assigned to that column or by clicking the column header? This needs to be able to sort it in ascending order based on any one of the columns? An example of this would be similar to an e-mail account, where you can either click on the subject header to reorder based on the subject, or click on the date header to reorder based on the date.
I am designing a nomination form (web database so no vba macros can be used).
The form has 3 combo boxes: cboStaffName, cboLevel, cboNominee.
The form is bound to the tblSubmit table where the submissions are populated.
I used a select statement:SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List; to populate the combo box for the Staff Name selection.
This is the select statement to populate the job level combobox:
SELECT Staff_List.Level, Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Staff_Name)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboStaffName]));
The select statement to populate the combobox for the nominee combobox:
SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Level)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboLevel]));
The problem is that the staff_name in the first combobox is still found in the nominee combobox which should not be because a staff cannot nominate self. There is a field in the Staff_List called YesNo that should be activated for each staff that is selected so that the select statement on the nominee combobox can be updated accordingly to remove items with the field "Active"
How to get the checkbox selected for each corresponding staff.
I would like to select a record from my combobox dropdown list and have that record populate in my subform. Currently, I am only able to select the 1st record at the top of the dropdown list to appear in my subform. But I would like to select any record from the dropdown list and have it populate my subform.
Ok Second issue: I have a list of companies that each offer 5 different programs. Eash Listing in the query (My report is built on this) has both a column for the definition and a colum with a number idenitfying the amount of people in the program.
What I need is to HIRE someone, but maybe I can do this:
I want to list each company and all 5 programs associated with that company; easy and its done.
Then I want to have a summary at the bottom of the report that goes to each company, takes the 5 programs for maybe 1, maybe 3 or maybe 92 companies, and lists them in order. Order = the top 5 programs for all the different companies. See and it gets complicated because sometimes, a program can be the largest for every company in the report, and then the second program for each company is different for each each company. So I need to arrange the programs in an order. then sort them by size, and them only show the top 5.
PLEASE, if you got through this far of my irrational and illogical brain then maybe you can help