Forms :: Unselecting Tick Box When Combo Box Value Has Changed

Oct 28, 2014

I have a form with a combo list and a check box.

The combo list has values 1-4, the default is 1.

By default the checked box is ticked

I want that if a user changes the combo value from 1 to 2,3 or 4 then the check box changes from true to false.

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Field Is Changed To A Text Box Instead Of A Combo Box

Feb 21, 2012

I understand the problems that can be brought upon ones self by creating the table with lookup fields, But if the table was orginally designed with them and then the Field is then changed to a Text box instead of a Combo box will the inherent problems associated with the lookup within a table disappear?

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Modules & VBA :: If Combo Value Changed Make Checkbox True

Feb 20, 2014

I have combo box call "supervisor" and check box call "supervisorchange" basically want to make supervisor change to true if combo box is change which I have made code you can see below it work's

Private Sub Supervisor_Change()
If Me.Supervisor = "" Then
Me.SupervisorChange = False
Me.SupervisorChange = True
End If
End Sub

right now my problem, prob easy fix for you access experts

If the supervisor combo box is empty and user inputs a supervisor I would like the supervisor change check box not to change to true

only if the user changes it after the first input I would like the supervisor change check box to become true

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Forms :: Clear Tick Box Value When Open?

Aug 18, 2014

Im doing an attendance in Access database , i have a Staff table and AttendanceMain table for keep all the staff attendance ...

I also created a query to append the data into AttendanceMain table ... the problem is , I always reuse the staff name , so i created a Staff form , but everytime i open the staff form the previous record still there , anyway to clear the "Tick Box" in staff table and without affecting the name ?(Name also is a record in row by row)

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Modules & VBA :: How To Prevent ListBox From Unselecting Items After Right Click

Aug 12, 2013

i have a form that there is a list box inside that. after selection of items (usually 20 items) and right click the mouse on items it should open another pop up form,the problem is after right click selected items will be unselected except one item that there is mouse on that. how can i prevent list box from deselecting items after right click .

the code for mouse right click is like below:

Private Sub ItemList_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim udtPos As POINTAPI
Dim frm As Access.Form
If Button = RIGHTBUTTON Then
Set mp = New [*clsMousePosition]
GetCursorPos udtPos
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmshortcut"
DoCmd.MoveSize udtPos.x * mp.TwipsPerPixelX, udtPos.y * mp.TwipsPerPixelY
Forms!frmshortcut!txtparameter = Me.ItemList.Value
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Tick In Check Box On Master Form?

Dec 8, 2014

I have a form with a sub form... I want to know if the following is possible...

If I have a check box on Master Form and make it there is a tick in it, can I make a check box on the sub form do the same i.e.

Master form ticked = sub form record ticked and visa versa

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Forms :: Expression Builder Tick Box DLookUp

Jun 4, 2013

1. I have a table called "CONTRACT NAMES AND NUMBERS" with a field called "REDUCED_USERS", this field is a checkbox (Yes/No in the table). This table houses all of the customers with their id numbers and basic info.

2. I have another table called "REQUESTS" which houses their orders. This also has a field called "REDUCED_USERS".

In my form "Amendment Request Tracking" I have tried to do a DLookUp in Expression Builder to check the box, per order, if the customer has reduced users in the "CONTRACT NAMES AND NUMBERS".

I have tried many variations and have just realised that this is probably because it is a yes/no field so may struggle with what to populate with (currenly nothing!).

My most recent variation of expression is (where NAD_NUMBER is the common field in both Tables and Form with relevant relationship):


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Forms :: Access 2003 VBA / Unable To Tick Labels Property Of Axis Class

Dec 3, 2013

I have the following code:

Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0%"

I continually receive a runtime error 1004 " unable to get tick labels property of the axis class"

if I remove this code, then I error on the following code:

Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
If FrmGraphObj.SeriesCollection(2).HasDataLabels Then

also a runtime 1004: "unable to get the seriescollection property of the chart class" on the last line above

searched this forum and found:

If your chart is in a form (or report), you have to:

1) refer to the form (or report) name (Form_Charts)

2) refer to the name of the object frame holding your chart (.Graph1)

3) refer to the object within the frame (.Object)

4) refer to the application that created the object (.Application)

5) refer to the actual chart itself (.Chart)

6) refer to the axes collection and select the axis you want to reference - in this case the category, or X-axis (.Axes(xlCategory))

I made the assumption, that I would just replace xlCategory with xlValue for the Y-axis. So I'm back to:

Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Graph
With FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue)
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0%"
End With

Same error....

Looked in the Microsoft Graph Visual Basic Reference and it indicated:

"Tick-mark label text for the value axis is calculated based on the MajorUnit, MinimumScale, and MaximumScale properties of the value axis. To change the tick-mark label text for the value axis, you must change the values of these properties."

I reset my code to call these 2 functions prior to changing the number format.....

Public Sub txtMaxPercent_AfterUpdate()
Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = txtMaxPercent
End Sub
Public Sub txtMinPercent_AfterUpdate()
Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = txtMinPercent
End Sub

now I am receiving error 1004 again, this time it states "Unable to set the minimumscale property of the axis class" erroring on this line....

FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = txtMinPercent
debug.Print me.txtMinPercent

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Calculating Using Forms...can It Be Changed?

Jan 2, 2006

If in a form i have a box that calculates something i cant change there a way around it?

for example on a sales invoice consider the following fields..

sales total

sales tax

grand total

grand total=sales total + sales tax...

but what if i want to change it?? not the formula.. but just to overright it?

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Forms :: Record Cannot Be Delete Or Changed

Aug 7, 2015

I have a "Search" form that I am using to search through a query in a list box of all of my Customers. Once the record that I am wanting to view comes up I highlight it and click a "View" button to bring up another form with the customers full record. When this form is open I am able to update the customer information and add User's to it if necessary.

My problem comes after I click on my save and close button that takes me back to me search form. I want to close the search form and the error I get is "The record cannot be deleted or changed because table "tblUserProfile" includes related records." I click OK and get a SECOND error stating "You can't save this record at this time. MS Access may have encountered an error while trying to save a record. If you close this object now, the data changes you made will be lost. Do you want to close the database object anyway?"I have already made my changes and saved them in the form with the customer record so am not sure why I am getting an error when trying to close the Search form.

I am using an embedded macro on the view button. OpenForm with a Where condition [tblCustomerRecord]![Profile ID]=[Forms]![frmSearchCustomer]![Profile ID]

I have the listbox bound to the Profile ID. I have not been able to get the view button on the form to work without this step.Is there a better way to view a specific record from my listbox results?

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Forms :: Why To Undo Edits After Changed Records In A Form

Jul 22, 2013

I thought "Undo" was only available while in the current record.Here were my steps:

1 - Loaded form that shows 1 record per form page.
2 - Edited a record
3 - Moved to another record with status bar nav arrow
4 - Verified my edit was in the underlying table
5 - Moved back to the original record, again using status bar nav arrow
6 - Clicked my "undo" control and the original data appeared in the form
7 - Moved to another record
8 - Verified my original data was now back in the underlying table

My undo control has this vba on click:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo

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Forms :: Preventing Data To Change When Text Box Value Is Changed

Apr 24, 2013

A form displays information on a construction site in various text boxes. I want to enable the user to change this information but not until a save button is pressed.

Now I have the problem that as soon as I change the value of a text box, the data in the database is updated.

Is there a way to prevent these updates but still get the text fields to be linked to the attributes of a table?

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Forms :: Background Color On Subforms Can Be Changed To Transparent?

May 1, 2013

Does the background color on subforms can be changed to transparent?I have a form which contains 4 subforms. The main form has a picture that likes up with the 4 subforms, but when i go to make the sub form background color transparent it is greyed out.

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Forms :: Capture When Record Has Created And Data On A Form Changed

Mar 28, 2013

I need to know when:

* a new record has been created
* data on a record has been changed

Does the On Dirty event capture this, or can I just use the forms On Change event?

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Forms :: How To Make Hidden Fields Permanently Appear When Another Field Is Changed

Jan 14, 2015

i have a form that shows payments (checks) that have been issued. sometimes those checks need to be voided and i want 2 fields (Updated By and Updated Date) to pop up when the payment distribution field is changed to a void status.

payment distribution: "I" for issued and "V" for void

i've gotten the On Change Event to work with VBA when the payment distribution changes from "I" to "V" and the 2 new fields pop up but if i exit the form and go back in to look at that record, the fields are gone. Is there a way to make the fields permanently if the payment is "V" on the form?

this is what i have so far for the On Change Event:

If [payment distribution] = "V" Then
me.cmbo_UpdatedBy = True
me.txt_UpdatedDate = True
me.cmbo_UpdatedBy = False
me.txt_UpdatedDate = False
End If
End Sub

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Tick Box Problem

Feb 13, 2006

I've set a up a tick box to choose the option to have an extension on a booking. If it is ticked, then i want it to add an extra £5 to the final cost, BUT, it can ONLY be ticked, if the Day of week is a Friday or a Saturday, AND if the time period is an evening.

Is there a way of making it, so that if the day of week is equal to friday or saturday, AND time period is equal to evening, the tick box becomes active, or visable, and if it is any other time period and day of week, it cannot?


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Tick Box Manipulation

Mar 17, 2008

This is probably very simple but still beyond me.

I have a table that stores text in a number of different languages. Each entry has a unique ID number. Each language version of the same text shares the ID number.
I have a column of tick boxes that show where this text is used.
1.0 English_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=n tickcol3=y
1.0 French_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=n tickcol3=y
1.0 Spanish_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=n tickcol3=y
2.0 English_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=y tickcol3=y
2.0 French_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=y tickcol3=y
2.0 Spanish_text_record_1 tickcol1=y tickcol2=y tickcol3=y

I am trying to set the tick boxes so that, if I tick one in an ID range, all the rest tick on as well. ie if I tick record 1.0 English tick_col_2, then the French and spanish will be ticked as well.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


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Tick Box Code When Value = ###

Dec 6, 2006


what would the code be if i wanted a tick box called 'paid?' to be true once a field on my form called 'amount outstanding' = £0?


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Tick Boxes

Apr 23, 2008

I currently have a form which contains a column of tick boxes, when a box is ticked the database automatically enters the date and the name of the person logged on. It all works fine except that if i tick say row 1 then the date/name appears as it should, but at the same time random (or so it seems) boxes have ticks appear, although there is no data added to the names/date fields, just the ticks appearing .
Not sure why !!!

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Recordset Filter With Tick Box Yes/no

Nov 15, 2005

Hi There

Im Trying To Find A Solution To My Problem About Searching Records Through A Recordset Filter. I Have Performed The Follwing Code To Filter My Records From The Combo Box However In My Database I Have Several Yes/no Fields That I Would Like To Filter Out As Apart Of A Recordset.

Code is

Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT * FROM [qry Landuse Survey 2005] WHERE [STREET] = '" & Me![Combo255] & "'"
Me.RecordSource = sql

Does Anyone Know How I can use the same principle for Yes/no Field Types?

Comments Much Appreciated!

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Searching Yes/No Tick Boxes

Jun 21, 2006

Hi everyone

Is it possible to create a query that prompts the user to enter the search criteria (i can do that bit) to search whether a yes/no tick box has been ticked or not. What does the user enter into the criteria box to find this?? I have tried entering null, not null, true, false, yes and no but none of them seem to work. Is this because the criteria you enter is taken as a text string and therefore will not find a tick/no tick??

Youngest Data Manager in England ;)

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Tick Box Doesn't Appear Enabled.

Jun 23, 2005

Have a number of tick boxes on different forms. When the form is opened the tick box appears to be greyed out however it is enabled. Is there any way that these tick boxes can appear enabled???

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Can You Have Coloured Tick-boxes?

Nov 8, 2006


Does anyone know if it's possible to colour a tick-box: e.g. the border, the background or the font-colour? I'm trying to put a red tick-box on my form (to differentiate one vital one from several others), but I can't seem to find a way. I have changed the border to red (255) and tried various options like flat, sunken etc. but it only seems to work with shadowed - and to be honest that looks terrible.

I've fudged it a bit by putting a coloured box on the form and overlaying the tick-box, but I would have thought there was a better way.


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Please Help...tick Checkbox Before Proceeding To Next Record

Jul 5, 2007

Apologies as I've already asked this question in the forms section of the forum but the responses were a bit on the light side...I'm now getting desperate having spent much of the day trying other sources such as google (even the advanced searches as advised in a different thread)...somebody help please...

I'm just want to make sure that my IT illerate users have to tick a checkbox before they can view the next record with a message box appearing to ask them to tick it if they haven't.

I've seen a few threads on much more complex scenarios but have failed to plagiarise anything, it must be pretty basic to do right?!?

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Code To Tick Box On All Records In Table

Jan 29, 2008

I need the code that will tick the box in all records in a table



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Tick Checkbox If Database Is True

Dec 3, 2006

in my web page, i would like to user to see a ticked checkbox should the database = True however, i cannot seems to be getting it. Would anybody be able to help me out?

strSQL = "SELECT DeptHeadA FROM Employee WHERE EmpId = '" & strEmpId & "'"
nRecDHA = GetRecordset(strSQL, arrDHA)

if arrDHA(0,i) = True then
arrDHA(0,i) = "Checked"
arrDHA(0,i) = ""
end if

<TD valign=top width="27%"><font size="2"><b>Department Head Alternate (1st) :</b></font></TD>
<td width="72%">
<input type="checkbox" name="DeptHeadA" value="<%=arrDHA(0,i)%>"></td>

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