Forms :: Update Two Tables From One Form

May 22, 2015

I wrote a database for my daughter's dance school. There are two tables, one for personal details, the other for exam results. The data is separated this way because when I was given it all, I got it from two people in an Excel file.

When I programmed it, I had the Primary Key in the Master table auto-generated (an Integer) which I also used as the Primary Key in the ExamResults table. All the data manipulation is handled in code by Event Procedures.This is the code to update the Master Table when a new pupil's details has been entered and the 'Submit' button on the form clicked:

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click()
On Error GoTo btnSubmit_Error
Dim curDatabase As Database
Dim rstNameAddress As Recordset


The woman who uses it told me the other day that she can't update the exam results for any pupil she has put into the database since I gave it her - records of pupils entered by me are OK.When I checked the code I realised that when a new record is created, there isn't a corresponding one in ExamResults. when is the Primary Key first generated and how do I program the form to update the new pupil's details in the ExamResults form when the Master table is first written to?

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Forms :: Unbound Form To Update Two Tables

Jul 31, 2015

I have two tables that I want to update from data in an unbound form. How do I capture the ID of the new record created in table 1 in order to write it to a field in the new record being created in table 2.

Table 1
f3 and so on

Table 2
Table 1 id
F3 and so on

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Forms :: Create Form To Update Multiple Tables At Once

Jan 9, 2015

I'm working to create a staffing database that houses changes to staffing week over week.

I have one primary table, the "empMaster" table, that stores the employee's name, contact information, etc. I have other individual tables for noting which employee reports to which manager, what their business title is, what group they're in, their training history, etc.

Once I've populated the empMaster table with employee information, I want a form that allows me to update each of the other tables IF there as a change. Some weeks will have a manager change, some only a business title change, some a group change, some a training change, some all of the above. The problem I run into is that I will sometimes process hundreds of changes a week, sometimes only 10-20 so I almost have to use datasheet view for mass edits. I'm relatively new to Access and I'm having a hard time getting my form to allow this level of flexibility and to update all fields needed.

When I build a form that includes more than two tables (let's say I want to update a Manager and a Business Title), the form will not work and populates nothing. I believe it's because Access wants there to be an existing record to match to across all three tables and there will not always be.

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Forms :: Create Form That Will Update Multiple Tables?

Jan 31, 2014

How do you create a form that is not tied to one single record source? In other words, I want to be able to select the record source that it updates. I have a bunch of tables that have the same data structure but are separated due to geographical nature among other reasons. Is there a way to do this?

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Forms :: Update Multiple Tables From A Single Form / Page?

Jun 27, 2013

My database allows you to log issues (see attached)

An issue will belong to the project, the project may have multiple test plans.

The issue will also be the primary responsibility of a company, and that company may have multiple contacts (people)

Now, i could create a form over the top of each table but then if someone wanted to add a new project, testplans for that project, suppliers (companies) for that project AND new contacts for those companies, they are going to end up going through loads, and loads of forms.

So my question is, what approach would you recommend to create a control panel where they could add these items with the fewest number of page switches possible? (preferably none.

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Forms :: Update Form / Query Without Updating Underlying Tables To Query

Jul 23, 2015

I have a form which will be used as the basis to print a label.

It is bound to a query and when I open the form I pass over a 'where' condition to return 1 record. I then use the query to produce a report/label.

What I want to do is to update the form/query without updating the underlying tables to the query.

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Update Multiple Forms/tables

Apr 7, 2006

I would like to create a text box where I can input todays date, then I want to be able to select the tables I want to update with that information.
So if I input todays date I can then update my Stock, Sales and Control tables with todays date. Tomorrow I would only like to update the Control and Tape tables with it as its the weekend.
I been playing around with 'new date for next record' scenario but the problem is that on the weekend we would not input any data into some of the tables.
Hope I've explained myself clear enough.



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Query Based Forms Won't Update Tables!

Dec 6, 2005

I have a form which is based on a select query that brings together 2 related (one to many)tables. When I keyin data to the form it does not update the corresponing table.

Is it possible for a table to be updated in such a way, or do I have to create a form based solely on the table(s) without using a query?

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Update Two Tables With One Form?

Aug 27, 2004

I have two tables "Clients" and "F/S tracking". The one commone field between
the two is "Client Name". What I want to do is have one form that is used for data
entry, that will update both tables with the "Client Name".

Is that possible? and if so how? I have had no luck with it yet.


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Update Two Tables From One Form

Oct 5, 2005

I am in the process of developing a program for work. I am stuck on a form that I have developed to enter information on an injury report.

This is what I would like to do but stuck on how to get it completed. I have attached a stripped down version of my DB.

Injuries are entered in the "frmAccidentInvestigations." Once you have entered the employees information the form would automatically check to see if this employee is already in the "tblPersonnel." If the employee is already entered into the tblPersonnel you would continue with entering the information without any further prompts. This information is saved in the tblAccident.

If you are adding a new employee that is not in the "tblPersonnel" then a pop up window would open asking if you would like to add this record. If you hit "yes" it automatically saves the employee information into the "tblPersonnel" and the tblAccidents. This would allow you to check to see if you may have made a typo in the record. If you hit "No" then it continues with the Accident report.

The tblAccidents is filled with all of the injuries and you may have multiple records (Primary Key is the associate#). The tblPersonnel contains all of the information for employees and there are no duplicate records.

I have removed the information on the injury report to reduce the size of the attachment. The original DB has approximately 30 text boxes that you would have to enter information into.

Well this is one of my last bugs that I need to finish my DB and would appreciate any help you might provide.

Thanks in advance.

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Help Please.. How To Update One Column In Many Tables From One Form

Jul 26, 2007

I was just assigned this database task couple weeeks ago, I know VERY LITTLE. I have all my tables and forms set up. My company builds custom cars....very few per year. I have dozens of tables for all the different componetns of the car....and each table has the same column "Unit" in it. I have a form that when a new car is began being built, the the first thing it does is ask the user to type in the Unit for the new car, but that only puts it in the one table i referenced when creating this form. I want/need this Unit information to be placed in every single table (20+) that has the column "Unit" in it. How can i do this, any information is greatly getting so frusturated, i feel like i've learned a lot in the past 2 weeks since starting but i stil really know hardly anything.

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Update Form Based On Multiple Tables

Feb 9, 2006

My db has several tables tb1, tb2 tb3 tb4 ..... I have link tb1 to tb2 (tb1Id to tb2)and linked tb2 to tb3 and tb4 (tb2Id to tb3 and tb4)
I have created a form with several field from tb1 and tb2 and a single field for tb3 and tb4. All of the fields except one for tb1 are use to make a decision based on what they display. The only field that is updated on the form is a date conversion field from tb1. once you update this field it will auto populate a date field on tb1 with current date. you then have a choice of 4 commands to activate based on what is displayed form the rest of the form.

my problem none of the fields can be updated. can any one help

qry the form is based on

tb1 [Name]
tb1 [ID]
tb1 [date conversion] 'this is the only field that is manualy updated
tb1 [date] 'updated base on date conversion field being updated
tb2 [field]
tb3 [Yes/no]
tb4 [yes/no]

based on what is displayed on the form you have 4 choices of cmd buttons.

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Queries :: Update Multiple Tables From One Form

Feb 10, 2014

I have 2 main tables. One with Data that I get from an outside source and cannot be changed. The other is one that needs to be updated as needed. I have a few look up tables so I can identify the codes with the descriptions. In 2003 I was able to make a big query and link my forms to the query to make modifications. I am not able to edit any information in the 2010 query. The people want it to work the way it did in the past but I am not skilled enough in access to do that. Is there an easy way to use a query when updating the form? I used to be able to edit the query itself and it would feed back into the existing tables.

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Update Tables From Combo Boxes In A Form

Aug 24, 2011

Ok So I've created a Database to track phone calls coming into a call center.
(Originally created in Open Office, but then we switched to Access)

I've got a form that has buttons to run multiple reports.

The Reports pull data from a table based off dates found in another table
(Something I used in Open Office)

Table 1 has all the phone calls

Table 2 has a From date and a to date

The report pulls the phone calls in table 1 between the dates in table 2. In open office I used Subforms (Which were seemless) and combo boxes to update the dates in Table 2 before running the report.

Is there an easier way to accomplish this in Access? If so How? If Not, is there a way to make a seemless subform in Access?

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Forms :: Update Record Based On Combo Box Choice And Related Tables?

Jun 3, 2014

In my database I have a table that keeps track of a package of items. The package is assigned a package type (counter display, end cap, half pallet, full pallet for example). The record of the association of the package and it's type is held in the main table.

Each of these package types is either a case or a pallet (counter display and end cap are cases and half and full pallets are pallets) This relationship is kept in another table (we will call it description table).

Now, based on the type of package and therefore it being a case or pallet a UPC and a GTIN number are assigned. The GTIN number is different if it is a case or is a pallet. I have a table that stores all of the UPC and GTIN numbers available in 3 columns, one for UPC, one for GTIN Case and one for GTIN Pallet (the UPC is a standard 12 digit and the GTINs are 14 digit -with the first 2 different to designate pallet or case. and all are based on the check digit formula necessary)

The user assigns the UPC and correct GTIN number by clicking a button which applies the next available UPC code to the package and determines if the description of the type (case or pallet) and inserts correct GTIN number into that field. I actually have all of this functioning correctly.

Now the problem. If a user changes the package type, and therefore changes the description, I need to add code to the update event of the combo box that gives the choices for package type that does the following:

Check to see if the original package type was a case or pallet (it's description) and if by changing the package type it is now changed to the other, update the record in the main table to the correct GTIN number based on the existing UPC Code.

OR as I write this, maybe the code could simply update the main table with the correct GTIN code based on the new description and the existing UPC code. This was I would not need to check for a change just do the update every time.

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Entering Data In A Form - Update Autonumber On Two Tables?

Jul 19, 2006


My first post is on something that is troubling me. I have a Form acting as the display and entry point for data for a contact list, which is composed of two Tables as follows:

Contact - (text fields including: first name, last name, phone number home, phone number work, etc)

Industry Role - (yes/no tick boxes including: film, photographer, audio engineer, producer, reporter, etc)

The two Tables have a one to one relationship based on the URN field which is an autonumber. My problem is that when someone enters say a name, and then ticks a box, the autonumber will add two entries because it seems to see the first table then the second tables as sequential, and not the same thing. How do i go about making a form that can enter new records the same autonumber for two connected Tables?

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Tables :: Converting Form Into Table - Where To Keep Previous Info After Update

Apr 24, 2013

I have a form that I need to turn into a table. The table will be updated each day with new information but I dont know what to do to keep the previous days info. I have attached the form ....

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How To Create A Form That Can Update Data Linked To Multiple Tables

Jul 30, 2012

I'm using Access and Excel 2007.... I know how to import an Excel spreadsheet as a table.

I have several supplier price lists in Excel. I want to keep my vendor price lists up to date.

When one of my vendors tell me that a price has changed on a particular item, I figure that I could have a form that I could use to enter the changes.

I believe the form would look like:

Field: "Vendor" (drop down list to choose from. Name of the Supplier price lists) Required.
Field: "OEM" (Key Field found in each table) Required.
Field: "Brand" (Field found in each table) Not required.
Field: "Price" (Field found in each table) Required.

OEM would be the unique key field.

If I enter the Vendor name and then the OEM number it would show if there is already that number in the Vendor price list and I could make changes. Or I could enter new data in that vendor price list.

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Access 2010 - Getting Form To Show Update Data To A Table When Two Tables Referenced

Jun 27, 2012

I have a form with two tables referenced. I am using the form only to update one of the tables. I am using the other table to pull a reference field. When I add my second table using the query builder, it makes it to where I can't edit/add in my form. I assume its because of the SQL insert statement, but I don't see this statement and can't find where it is to edit it. How to have the form only update one of the tables, while just using the second table as a reference for a field?

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Forms :: Pre-populate Popup Form After Update To Another Form

Aug 27, 2013

I have two tables - Interviews & Placements.these tables have multiple foreign keys which pull information from other tables (CandidateID,ClientID etc). I have designed queries and forms (datasheet view) which display all the values that I need, For example:

The interview form shows the following fields:
CandidateName;Company;consultant;1stInterviewDate; 2ndInterviewDate;Offer;Accepted

the placements form shows the following fields:
PlacedCandidate;Company;Consultant;PlacementDate;F ee;

This query "qry_Interviews" populates these forms using the foreign keys:

CandidateID from candidates table
CompanyID from companies table
consultant from consultants table

Ideally what I'd like to happen, is when the "accepted" field is updated on the interviews form, the placements form opens as a pop up and is auto populated with the values (CandidateName;Company & consultant).So far I have tried setting the value directly, i.e on the "on Open" event of the Placements form I entered:

Me.Txtcontactname = Forms!ISISnavigationMain!navigationSubform.Form!DS .Name

This does not work. Should I be populating the placements form with the actual Foreign key values rather than the resolved names? Ideally I'd want the pop up placements form to display the actual names rather than just ID numbers.

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Forms :: Highlight To Update Form?

Oct 25, 2013

I have a form that I need to update whenever a chosen business name changes. This is tied to a search function that updates/changes the business name, and this works fine. What I now need it to do is when the name is clicked on the table (which updates the respective business name) I need everything else to update with it.

I have tried refreshing the business name, the form, even the records themselves with onClick and onChange functions, but it still doesn't work.

Re-reading this I realize it doesn't make much sense, but hopefully the attached database will clear things up. When you type in the info in the search box, all the stuff in the right corner changes accordingly. If you click and highlight anything in the box in the center instead of using the search function, the business name at the bottom changes but everything in the right corner remains unchanged.

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Forms :: Update A Table Using A Form

Jun 17, 2013

I'm a relative beginner at VBA and I'm trying to use a form to update a table. The form is used to get an agent name, start and end date. When they hit the "update" button, I want to go to the table, select all records where the agent name (called Fullname in the table) matches and the field called "event_date" is between the start and end dates. I have the below code, which isn't working.

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Table)
Do While rst.EOF = False
If rst.Fields("Fullname").Value = Me.Agent And Me.StartDate <= rst.Fields("event_date") And rst.Fields("event_date") <= Me.EndDate Then
rst.Fields("CompleteDate").Value = DATE
rst.Fields("Comments").Value = "Autofilled"
End If

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Forms :: Update A Form Field Using VBA?

Jun 21, 2013

I just figured out how to pass a value from one form to another. Now I need the second form to Update that field so that other code will run the AfterUpdate Sub:

Private Sub cboAssetNumber_AfterUpdate()Me.txtCompressorID.Val ue = cboAssetNumber.Column(1)Me.txtArea.Value = cboAssetNumber.Column(2)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.cboAssetNumber = Forms!BarcodeNavigationF!cboAssetNumber
End Sub

I think the command is .update but I'm not sure where it should go or how to use it in this situation.

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Forms :: Update Combo Box For Entry In Another Form?

Feb 3, 2014

I can't work out how to update the selections available in a combo box as follows: I use a combo box in a main form to select a record (yacht) If it's a new yacht then I use an event linked to a button to call another form to add the new Yacht On exiting the Yacht Maintenance form I return to the main form The combo box in the main form doesn't list the yacht i just added unless I exit and re-load the form

I'm not sure of the best way to refresh the combo box selections or main form without exiting.

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Forms :: Update Values In A Table At Once From A Form

Feb 28, 2015

I'm making a very basic sales system for my school project and I'm currently working on the stock management part, as I said it's very basic.

My task -When the user receives a stock delivery they need to update the stock numbers. the value they need to update is the StockNumber value in the Products table. to so this I want to make a form that displays all the product names in a table with a textbox or cell next to it in which the user can enter the amount of that item that has been delivered. And at the bottom of the form there is a button which will add all these new values to the existing values.

1. There is no set number of products, the user is able to add new ones, this is preventing me from just making a separate textbox for each existing product

2. I have attached a jpeg I made in paint to illustrate how I want to the form to work as well as my system as it currently stands, there are a few unused forms and queries.

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Forms :: Creating Form To Update Table

Apr 23, 2015

I've got two tables - one that works like a cypher and one with all my records.

I have 2 queries. One that is a simple query that extracts data that is not so user-friendly and puts it into a user-friendly format. The Other query is for any records that the first query excludes because the new combination of data (lets just call it a code) is not in the cypher table, but needs to be added.

How do a create a form that will show the records in the 'excluded records' query and allow me to select from a drop-down list a specific set of categories to update the cypher table ?

Example :

Record Table: Cypher Table:

Ford Focus = Sedan
Ford F-150 = Truck
Ford Freestyle = Wagon
Ford Escape = SUV

Now a new model comes in, a Ford Edge which is an SUV but is not in my cypher table.

I have the query to pull in the excluded Ford Edge, but I want a form to show "Ford Edge" in the first column and be able to select from a drop-down list "SUV", and either automatically update my cypher table or require me to press a button to update the table (whichever is easier).

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