Forms :: Update And Save Button Code Is Getting Error
Aug 24, 2014
Private Sub Save_Click()
If IsNull(cboEmpName) Then
MsgBox "Please Select Employee Name"
End If
If Me.txtNoofDaysWorked.Value = "0" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter No of Worked Days"
I have created command buttons to enter event registration information after biographical information has been completed. When I click on the button I get the following error message:
"Microsoft Office Access cannot find the field '|' referred to in your expression."
This is the On Click code that I have in there. Can anyone spot the error of my ways?
Private Sub RegisterButton_Click() On Error GoTo Err_RegisterButton_Click If IsNull(Me![AttendeeID]) Then MsgBox "Enter attendee information before registering for an event." Else DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70 DoCmd.OpenForm "Registration", , , "[Registration]![RegistrationID]=Forms![Attendees]![Attendees Subform].form![RegistrationID]" End If
Exit_RegisterButton_Click: Exit Sub
Err_RegisterButton_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_RegisterButton_Click End Sub
I have a form named CORRES_TYP with 3 text boxes and a list box. I also have a separate table with 3 field from where the information I put in the form was saved.
In my form whenever I put information on the textbox at hit add record button, these information are saved in my table and will reflect on the listbox on my form below the textboxes. Also if I select a record in the Listbox the record I selected will apprear on the corresponding textbox in the same form.
My problem is that I have been trying to create a command button that will save and change the existing record everytime I select an item in the list box and modify the information through the textbox. Here are some infromation about my table and form:
Table name = CORRES_TYP Field 1 = CODE (Primary key, No Duplicates) Field 2 = DESCRIPTION Field 3 = FOLDER
Form name = CORRES_TYP Textbox 1 = CODE Textbox 2 = DESCRIPTION Textbox 3 = FOLDER Listbox name = LIST14
I have a form full of cascading unbound combo boxes which allows me to assign companies and people to a project.I have a save button which writes the selected values to a table.To view the assignments when the record is later viewed I have placed a bound field behind the combo box.
Text0 = Textfield for ID Text2 = Textfield for LName Text3 = Textfield for FName
btnRet = Button for retrieve when ID is entered in Text0 btnUpdate = Button for saving the changes made in the textfields.
How can I search the ID from the Table I made? And when it was matched, get the details of that ID unto the designated text fields. It was like retrieving the data from the table with the ID typed in the text field from the form I made.
Then when it was retrieved, I can edit the fields and when I hit the Update button, the edited fields will replaced the original data.
Also after it was updated, a new record will be added in the history table that the ID was edited. Is is possible?
For now, i want to know how to retrieve the data with the ID and edit and save it after and update the table. Does it applies with the codes with the retrieve button and update button?
I've been working on a database for work for the last few weeks and this forum has been a Godsend many times over, but now I have a problem that I can't find any reference to.
Using Access 2003, I have a form that uses 3 cascading combo boxes in the header to find a unique record, and a command button that brings up the rest of the record into unbound fields in the body of the form.
It works fine for finding records, but whenever I enter/change data on it, the record doesn't save. The navigation buttons at the bottom don't work - the Next/Previous record buttons are disabled, and the First/Last Record buttons do nothing.
Navigation buttons are enabled/activated in the properties.
I tried getting around this by creating a Save Record command button - first using the wizard, then using VBA code DoCmd.RunCommand acSaveRecord as advised by [missinglinq;696351], but this still doesn't save the changes.
I am creating a form that has a bunch of yes/no box for daily task. Is there a way for access to record which user selects yes/no.
For example
yes/no box1 - user 1 completed this task yes/no box2 - user 2 completed this task and so on
So when i look back i can see which user complete which task. I did a bit of research and saw that i can save a user that update a record. But since this is a daily task, each new record will be a new day.
I am working on a web database with a form which is bound to an underlying web table where the submissions occur.My challenge is that the fields on the form get submitted to the table even before the submit button is clicked regardless of whether the form was completely filled.
My request is that I want the form to only submit to the submission table only when the submit button is clicked.When I searched on the net, the only solutions I got are VBA written code but my web database cannot use VBA code.
VBA code:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private blnGood As Boolean Private Sub cmdSave_Click() blnGood = True Call DoCmd.RunCommand(acCmdSaveRecord) blnGood = False End Sub
My database was working fine. Now, if I have to save or edit a record, I get a message Run time error 2107. The value you entered does not meet the validation rule defined for the field or control. I am able to enter and edit new records in the table. I did not change any validation in form. Then it goes to debug mode and highlighted this code (me.recordsource=Listsql - is highlighted)
Private Sub ListSearch_Click() Dim dBS As Database Dim Rst As Recordset Dim Listsql As String Set dBS = CurrentDb() Listsql = "Select * from MasterData where employeeid ='" & [Forms]![MASTERFORM]![ListSearch] & "'"
I have a userform that pops up when I am implementing a VBA subroutine. The nature of the form is simply to update the user what progress through the operation the code is using a label called lblProgressText.
So, I have a form called frmProgress and in my loop I use:
The lblProgressText control just wont update (but earlier today it was so maybe I have broken something).Btw, all this code is run from a Module, not in the form object.
I need to create a message box or a form or something to flash on the screen to tell the user that a piece of "Update" code is running. the update code will be updated reports from marketing returns, but the 3 branches who use the information are separate so I am creating an update form to download and update the table.
The code for the update is already working, but can take a while, so I thought a message or splash screen would be useful as the update runs on start up.
It would have another use, I have a report which is made mainly of calculated fields on an onPrint event and also takes a while to work it out, so a similar screen would be more useful than my current spinning circle and blank screen.
I have a form listing out a bunch of clients. There is a button associated with each client that pulls open a new form with additional client information. There is information that is calculated on the backend and stored in the database when a user is inserted or different fields updated (i.e. there are reports that are due different time frames after the clients admission date. I automatically populate the database with those dates once the clients admission date is updated).
The problem I am having is that when I enter a new client or update a current client with new information and then click the button to go to their details page, those auto-populated dates are not populated. I am calling a subroutine that is within a module when the button is clicked. The subroutine works fine at other instances throughout the application so I know there is no issue with the code. I even call it if they click the close button, but before the information is auto-populated, I had to run a Me.Requery on the close button. I think this is because the records are not actually being updated in the database. I even have a DoCmd.Save acForms, "Clients" command before running the Call updateDatabase subroutine, but that doesn't do the trick. I can't run the Me.Requery after the click of the details button because when I do that it always opens the details form to the first ORDER BY record. I think that I need to update the selected record and re-call it in order for this to work.
So, I have a form [frmmembers] which will enable the table [tblmembers] to be updated when a button is pressed. When the button is pressed, it will enable the fields "First Name", "Last Name", and "Password" to be updated.
At the moment, the data changes without pressing the button (as soon as it is entered into the text boxes on the form), which means that a password could be accidentally changed and could prevent the user being able to enter the system (which requires their personal MemberID and Password).
Is there a way of making it so that the data inserted into the text boxes on the form will only change the data in the table after the update button is pressed?
I am attempting to create a form (Access 2013) that will include buttons to open the hyperlink menu to add a hyperlink into a table. It works if you click "Ok" without issue, however, if you click "Cancel" or click on the "X" I get a "Run-time error '2501' - The RunCommand action was cancelled". This is obviously referring to the RunCommand in the VBA code. The code does not reference the cancel or close option of the hyperlink editing box. I don't know how to correct this error.
Private Sub Command9_Click() Me.[Hyperlink].SetFocus DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdInsertHyperlink Command9_Click_Exit: Exit Sub
Also, is there a way to get the hyperlink to populate as the full network path and not the drive letter?
I want to be able to update a date field in my form with a command button based off the date the person picks off a combo box in my header... is this possible?
I was trying from a button on my form that will go to and bring up the desktop. I want it so I can put this database on anyone's computer and the button will work.
I am using this and it works but only on my computer.
Application.FollowHyperlink "C:UsersBryanDesktop"
I also tried this
Application.FollowHyperlink "C:Show Desktop.scf" And Application.FollowHyperlink "C:WINDOWSSystemShow Desktop.scf"
Both gives Runtime error 490 cannot open specified file.
I have a program that has a "GC" Button that I click on which takes me to a General Contractor Form. It works perfectly unless the Firm has an apostrophe in it's name. For example "D'Agostino". (refer to attached DAgostino1.jpg). When I click on the GC button, I get the attached Syntax error, (Syntax on DAgostiono.jpg).
The third attachment (GC Firm Button Code.jpg) shows the VBC for this button.
Is it possible to use a command button (update) to update matching records in a form (Test)? I have a file (april.xlsx) in which the first column Cytogenetics ID (14-xxxx) is a unique identifier that matches a record in the database. The next column Result (NL-F, NL-M, F-VUS, M-VUS, A-M, A-F) and the date column next to it are what need to be updated in that record. In the database there is a field called Result that needs to be updated with the text from column 2:
NL-F and NL-M = Normal VUS-F and VUS-M = Variant of Unknown Sig. A-M and A-F = Abnormal
There is also a Final TAT Date field in the database that needs to be updated with column 3 in the spreadsheet (Final TAT Date).So basically when there is a match with column 1 in april.txt to a record in the database, the Result field in the database is updated with column 2 of april.txt and the Final TAT Date field in the database is updated with column 3 of april.txt.
Cytogenetics ID Result Final TAT Date 14-0390 Normal 4/11/2014 14-0396 Variant of Unknown Sig 4/18/2014
I have 6 text box on the form which are unbound. Now we enter the entry in these boxes then I have update button on the form to update the record in table. all fields should be clear after update the records in table so I can enter the new entry.
I am using ms access 2007. Is there any liberary to add?
I have a form which uses a list box to select which record to display. The code is all generated by Access during form design. It is a method I have used numerous times inthe past in various database without problem (even in the current database I am developing).But for some reason on this one form I get the following error;-
"The expression After Update you entered as the property setting produced the ollowing error; A problem occurred while database was communication with OLE Server or Active X Control".
How it works: You search for a User, and then you search for a Serial.Now, what if I want to edit the table? (inside the subform, the results). I added an openRecordSet, and Parameters, but I still get the error saying that Recordset cannot be updated.Why? I opened and sent parameters but still fails.
Hey all I have added a yes no button to my save button, so users have the option to save the record or not. so the save yes works fine, but it is the save no I am having probelms with. I would like to click no, and have the changed not saved, clear that out and go back to the first record again kind of like undo. Thanks! Here is my current code: On Error GoTo Err_savebtn_Click PIN.SetFocus 'enable buttons insbtn.Enabled = True Command31.Enabled = True Command63.Enabled = True
'Save the current record Dim Answer As String Let Answer = MsgBox("Would you like to save your changes?", vbYesNo, "Save record Confirmation") If Answer = vbYes Then DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70 exitedit Else exitedit Call firstbtn_Click End If Exit_savebtn_Click: Exit Sub
Relatively new to databases. I have designed a few using tables, forms. reports etc and have a switchboard open up on start up. When entering details in the switchboard form I need to press enter to save the record. I noticed that on some databases there is a button which you press to save the record. Pardon me for being pretty dumb but how do I add this to my forms.
Is it possible to create a save button or don't add button? In case the user enters partial data and decides exit the form they can hit a "Don't Save" button so it does not update the table with partial data.